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1. What is meant by the phrase the learner is an embodied spirit? All the progeny of God the Father are intelligences endowed with a spirit body that serves as a means of enabling the intelligence to progress in the acquisition of knowledge, intelligence and experience while living in the direct presence of our Heavenly Father. The spirit families of man as well as the family of man in the flesh are so constructed that obedience to the Law of Eternal Progression (elaborated above) while not effortless is a natural part of our existence. This spirit body is composed of a material so refined that the spirit body is an eternal body and incorruptible. It was necessary to acquire this body so that the intelligence that possessed it could exist in the presence of The Father and His Beloved Son and make progress in that sphere. There came a point in our life there that each of us could not progress further unless we took upon us a body of flesh and blood and came to Earth to experience mortality with all its joy, love, challenges, disappointments, etc. That is, life in the mortal sphere tests us against adversity in a way that cannot be accomplished in any other way. Thus, an embodied spirit is an intelligence that possesses both a spirit body and a mortal body of flesh and blood. Because the mortal body is made of the "dust of the earth", it is corruptible, I.e., sooner or later it will be no longer able to sustain life and it will, "crumble to its Mother Earth (Physical Death) and return to the dust as it decays, while the spirit goes back to God the Father and Jesus Christ where a partial judgment is rendered and that spirit, if righteous is sent to paradise and if not to Spirit prison to continue to make choices and progress. Thus a disembodied spirit is an intelligence which possesses a spirit body with no mortal body and therefore because of a of lack of a mortal body it cannot access anything in the physical world. Because of this, lacking a physical body results in the disembodied spirit having far fewer choices available compared to the embodied spirit. It is also much easier to repent of your sins when you are in possession of the physical body. However, both types of beings are capable of learning in the respective spheres in which they exist. The followers of Satan (one-third of Heavenly Father's spirit children) were cast out of heaven down to earth without mortal bodies; therefore they are all disembodied spirits. They will never have the opportunity to possess mortal bodies and their reward for not following God's Plan of Happiness from the beginning is that they will have no claim at all on salvation to any degree and therefore will be cast into Outer Darkness in the end. At present they exist all around us to tempt us and to try us which is part of the purpose of mortality, that is, to see if we will keep God's commandments while living away from His direct presence. 2. What are the powers/faculties of every learner? The powers of every learner are their Memory, Imagination, Intellect, Feeling, Emotion and Learner's Rational Will. The cognitive faculties of the learners included his or her five senses, his memory, his imagination, as well as his intellect. All of these faculties is related to the basic operation of the human brain and are necessary for the learning process. Through the learners five senses, the learners can be able to see, to hear, to taste and to smell. He or she can be able to grasp different information from his or her surrounding environment using these natural senses.

With the learners imagination, he or she can be able to form pictorial representation of material objects in his or her mind. This ability is an important factor in the learning process. The learners memory is one of the important factors in learning. With the use of the memory, the learner can recall or retain post mental actions in his or her mind. The memory serves as the storage of the prior knowledge of the learner. The learners intellect is also an important factor in learning. With the use of the learners intellect, he or she can be able to form concepts of ideas as he or she thinks as well make judgment from given information and reason out. The appetitive faculty of the learner that can also be considered as equipment in learning includes the feeling, the emotion as well as the learners rational will. Using the learners feelings as well as his or her emotions, he or she can be able to experience the pain or the joy, as well as the feelings of being happy, being sad or being angry to a particular subject or situation. With his or her feelings, he can be able to identify and experience the real feelings about a particular thing or situation. Using the learners rational will, he or she has the capacity to think and choose what he or she thinks to be desirable according to his or her own analysis. His or her rational will, will serve as a kind of guiding force or a main integrating force in his or her character.

3. In what ways are learners different from one another? Learners differ from the other learners in different aspects. It is very important for somebody to notice it especially for the one that will be going to teach. There are those learners that learn immediately while others find it hard to understand. Some learners need learning assistance and providing this assistance needs the knowledge about certain elements that varies from learners to learners. There are certain elements that distinguish the learner individually in the aspect of learning. These distinguishing elements are the individual ability, aptitude, interest, family and cultural background and the attitude. The learners have different abilities, they have different aptitude, they have different interest, they have different family and cultural background as well as different attitudes and these differences provide impact on individual learning process. Different learners differ from their ability in learning. The ability is one of the factors that will dictate an individuals failure or success in any particular activity. Since different people have different ability. They have different capacity in understanding or assimilating different information. They also have different observations and interpretations. With these differences, different individuals are classified into fast, average and slow learner or in high, moderate and slow achievers.

Learners also differ from their aptitude. The aptitude indicates an individuals natural capacity to learn a specific skill, thus it can be considered as an innate talent or an inborn gift. Learning to play a guitar is an example since not all have the skills of learning to play it. Interest is another distinguishing element among learners. Different people have their different things of interest. There are those people who show interest in the field of music, some others into sports and others are interested in some other things. This is also true in learning since learners have different fields of interest that distinguish them from the others. Another distinguishing element is the learners family and cultural background. The learners have their different personalities as well as behaviors. They come up in different upbringing practices which influenced their personalities. Attitude is also considered as a factor that distinguishes learners from each other. All the learners have their own and different way of thinking. Each of them differs on the way how the react in the same situation considering that they have different personal traits and characteristics. It is important to determine these distinguishing elements to be able to cater with the individual learning needs.

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