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PURVA SRIVASTAVA MODULE 3 Analysing and Contextualising Language 2/12/2010

1 Form Function Practice

He smokes at least 40 cigarettes a day! Present Simple Its used to describe a habit.

Give pictures to students of different people who do different actions at different times. They have to make sentences like, He eats chocolate cereal for breakfast. Give them a find someone who... questionnaire wherein they have to conduct a survey in the class looking for someone who...eats at MacDonalds, likes tea etc. Fill in blanks with the correct form of the verb in Present Simple.(Elementary)

2 Form Function Practice

Im meeting Lisa at Neachtains later. Present Continuous(future) Used to describe a fixed plan. Give a handout that has someones next week diary entry for his plans and arrangements. Give questions like, What is he doing on Monday/Sunday? Now students need to make their own diary entry writing their plans for this week. Making sentences like, On Monday Im playing tennis. A friend is planning a holiday and the students need to ask questions from their partner using the words given in brackets in present continuous. The partner then answers these questions using the same tense. e.g.(where go) Where are you going?

3 Form Function Practice

I lived in London for ten years. Simple past Used to describe a completed past action Fill in the gaps to complete a story using verbs given at the bottom in the past tense. Then the students are given another set of words in present simple which they have to change into past simple to make a story. They have to use every verb given to make the story. Ask students to imagine that they went on a holiday to their dream destination last week. In pairs then they ask and answer questions about i.e. Where did you go? I went to Paris. They can even talk about their home country.

4 Form Function Practice

Ive been to France six times. Present Perfect Used to describe an experience Concept Check: Teacher draws a time line on the board and the students need to show present perfect on the time line. Students need to fill in the blanks using the right tense. Can be done comparing present perfect to simple past, wherein the students read the sentence and decide which tense should be used. Students conduct a survey in the classroom asking questions that they have on their handout or that they have written by themselves, e.g. Have you ever driven a tractor?

5 Form Function

What would you lie to drink? Ill have an orange juice please. Simple Future Used to describe a decision made at the time of speaking


Give different scenarios to students and ask them to make a decision at the time of speaking ,e.g. The students is just about ready to go for a party and the mother asks him,/her to clean the room first. The students replies by making decisions at the time that hes speaking saying, eg. Ill do that as soon as I come back, or Ill clean my room and Ill also help you with cooking tomorrow. Tell the students that you are having a party at home and that all of them are invited. But theres no food at home. So they decide what they will brig with them and make sentences like , e.g. Ill bring crisps. Conduct a role-play in a restaurant. One students acts as waiter and the others act as customers. The waiter asks the customers for their order and the customers reply saying, Well have .......for starters and ..... well have .... for the mains.

6 Form Function Practice

When we arrived at the party John had already gone home. Past Perfect Used to describe an action that happened before another past action Concept check: Draw a time line on the board and the students need to mark past perfect on it. Give some notes to students and a verb in bracket for a few sentences, e.g. 1.burglars escape/the police arrived(when). Ask them to use the notes and the verb in brackets to make a correct sentence. They must remember that the action that happened first goes in the past perfect. Give students sentences using both past perfect and present perfect. They need to decide. And write whether each sentence is in present or past perfect.

If I have time later, Ill give you a hand with the gardening.

Form Function

First Conditional Used to describe a real possibility depending on certain other conditions being fulfilled. fulfilled. Give students incomplete sentences which they have to complete using the first conditional, e.g. If I find your passport............................................................... Give students pictures and ask them to construct sentences using pictures, e.g. If he cleans the house, his mother will................. Give students jumbled sentences and ask them to match the sentences with their correct beginning or ending.


8 Form Function Practice

Shes always borrowing my car without asking. Present Continuous(+always) Used to describe an ongoing irritating habit. Ask students to write any three habits of themselves that their parents/friends find irritating.

Give fill in to the students and they have to use the correct form of the verb comparing it with simple present simple. Give a set of pictures to Student A and another set to Student B. Ask them to imagine the people on their pictures to be their neighbours. They have to describe the picture by telling the class what irritating habit do their neighbours have, e.g. The couple in apartment 1A is always cooking late at night.

9 Form Function Practice

I found this old coin the other day when I was digging in the garden. Past Continuous Used to describe a longer ongoing action that was interrupted by a shorter action in the past Give a set of pictures to the students with a beginning which they have to complete using the past continuous e.g. It started to rain when .......... Give an account of a persons diary of actions that he did yesterday along with the time that he was doing them and then ask questions like, What was he doing at half past six. Draw a timeline on the board and ask students to draw past continuous on it.

10 Form Function Practice

This time next year, well be living in Italy. Future Continuous Used to describe an ongoing action happening at a particular time in the future. ttttttehthtfffffffffffuufuture. Ask students to write any two sentences about what they will be doing in one, five and ten years time. Give fill ins wherein the students will change the verb in present simple(expressing routine) to future continuous expressing an action theyll be doing at a certain time in the future. They will also make the required changes to the expressions used for routine in present simple, e.g. changing everyday to tomorrow, next week etc. E.g. I play tennis at 10 am everyday. Dictate a few sentences to the students using the future continuous and ask them to discuss in groups whether they agree with these, e.g. Men and women will be living on Mars in 20 years time.

11 Form Function Practice

If I were you, Id see a doctor about that. Second Conditional Used to give advice. Get the students into groups and they need to think of any problems that they have or that they have seen in agony aunt in the newspaper. They then have to caresses problems with the other team who will give advice making sentences like, If I were you, Id.......................................... Again the students need to think of imaginary diseases in groups and think of an advice theyd give based on the home remedies used in their country to cure it. Give them certain danger signs that can be found near certain sights, e.g. Near the swimming pool, an electric pole etc, and ask them to give advice to the person going near tit.

12 Form Function Practice

Look at those dark clouds! Its going to rain. Going to Used to describe a prediction with evidence Ask students to write questions guessing what they think their partner is going to do this weekend based on some evidence thay may know. Then they ask and answer questions in pairs. Students are given a set of pictures and they have to predict whats going to happen and mention the evidence. Students are given pictures of next weeks weather and they have to predict it giving evidence.

13 Form Function

Ill have finished the report by six oclock. Future Perfect Used to describe an action that will be completed by a specific time in the future. Ask students to share with the class any five things that theyll have done by Friday or they wont have done by lunch tomorrow or any three things that they wont have done by lunch time tomorrow. Draw a time line on the board and ask students to draw the future perfect on it(concept check) Give fill in to students wherein they have to change the bare infinitive in the brackets to future continuous or future perfect depending upon the sentence, e.g. 1.By the time we reach home, we (drive) .............more than five hundred miles. 2. I think, she (still cleaning)...............the house when we reach home


14 Form Function

Hes been working here for about six years. Present Perfect Continuous Used to describe an action that started in the past and is still ongoing.


Ask the students to share with their partner any three things that they have been doing since they arrived in that particular place. Give fill ins to the students wherein they need to compare present perfect continuous to present perfect simple and fill in the gaps. Give pictures to the students along with the time that the actions on the pictures started and they have to make sentences like, Hes been studying since ..................

15 Form Function Practice

The party was great. If Id had a camera, Id have taken a lot of photographs. Third Conditional Used to describe an event in the past that one would like to change Give students two sets of incomplete sentences which they need to complete matching either the beginning or the ending of one sentence to the other.

Give scenarios to the students and ask them to make sentences about what theyd have done if they had been in that situation, e.g. If Id got the interview call at 6 in the morning, Id have....................................

Make a sad face on a paper and ask students to write three scenarios and what theyd have done , e.g. If Id reached the bus stop on time, Id have .............................

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