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Sunnio s sawal... 1. History testifies that when Hadhrath Muhammadke (saaws) declared his Prophethood (saaws), the Quraysh1 subjected the Bani Hashim to a boycott. Hadhrath Abu Talib (as) took the tribe to an area called Shib Abi Talib where they remained for three years, suffering from immense hardship. Where were Hadhrath Abu Bakr and Hadhrath Umar during that period? They were in Makkah so why did they not help the Holy Prophet (saaws)? If they were unable to join the Prophet (saaws) at the Shib Abi Talib is there any evidence that they provided any type of support (food etc), breaching the agreement that the Quraysh boycott all food / business

transactions with Bani Hashim? 1. "the Quraysh gathered together to confer and decided to draw up a document in which they undertook not to marry women from Banu Hashim and the Banu al Muttalib, or to give them women in marriage, or to sell anything to them or buy anything from them. They drew up a written contract to that effect and solemnly pledged themselves to observe it. They then hung up the document in the interior of the Ka'bah to make it even more binding upon themselves. When Quraysh did this, the Banu Hashim and the Banu alMuttalib joined with 'Abu Talib, went with him to his valley and gathered round him there; but 'Abu Lahab 'Abd al Uzza b. 'Abd alMuttalib left the Banu Hashim and went with the Quraysh supporting them against 'Abu Talib. This state of affairs continued for two or three years, until the two clans were exhausted, since nothing reached any of them except what was sent secretly by those of the Quraysh who wished to maintain relations with them". (Taken from The History of al-Tabari, Volume 6 page 81 - Muhammad at Mecca, translated by W.Montgommery & M.V. MacDonald). 2. "These days were very hard with them and very often they had to feed on the leaves TALH or plantain" (taken from Siratun Nabi by Shibli Numani Vol 1 p 218, English translation by M. Tayyib Bakhsh Budayuni. 2. Hadhrath Fatima Zahra (sa) died 6 months after her father (saaws), Hadhrath Abu Bakr died two and a half years later and Hadhrath Umar in 24 Hijri. Despite their later deaths

how is it that they attained burial sites next to the Prophet (saaws) and not Hadhrath Fatima (as)? Did she request that she be buried away from her father? If so, why? Or did the Muslims prevent her burial? (see Sahih al Bukhari Arabic - English Vol 5 hadith number 546). 3. Amongst the companions Hadhrath Abu Bakr is viewed as the most superior on account of his closeness to the Holy Prophet (saaws). If this is indeed the case then why did the Holy Prophet (saaws) not select him to be his brother when he (saaws) divided the companions in to pairs on the Day of Brotherhood? Rather, the Prophet (saaws) chose Hadhrath Ali (as) saying "You are my brother in this world and the next", so on what basis is Hadhrath Abu Bakr closer? See The History of the Khalifahs who took the right way, by Jalaladeen Suyuti, English translation by Abdassamad Clarke p177, (Taha publishers) 4. The books of Ahlul' Sunnah are replete with traditions narrated by Hadhrath Ayesha, Abu Hurraira and Abdullah Ibne Umar. Their narration's; far exceed those relayed by Hadhrath Ali (as), Hadhrath Fatima (sa), Hadhrath Hassan (as) and Hadhrath Hussain (as). Why is this the case? When the Prophet (saaws) declared "I am the City of Knowledge and Ali is it's Gate", did Hadhrath Ali (as) benefit less from the company of the Prophet (saaws) than these individuals? 5. If Hadhrath Ali (as) had no differences with the first three Khalifa's why did he not participate in any battles that took place

during their reigns, particularly when Jihad against the Kuffar is deemed a major duty upon the Muslim? If he did not view it as necessary at that time, then why did he during his own Khilafath whilst in his fifties unsheathe his sword and participate in the battles of Jamal, Sifeen and Naharwan? 6. If (as is the usual allegation) the Shi'as were responsible for killing Imam Hussain (as) then why did the majority Ahlul'Sunnah not come to his aid? After all they were in the majority, there were millions of such individuals, what was their position at that time? 7. If Hadhrath Umar was correct when he denied the dying request of the Holy Prophet (saaws) on the premise that the 'Qur'an is sufficient for us' (Sahih al Bukhari Vol 7 hadith number 573) what will be the reward for accusing the Holy Prophet (saaws) of speaking nonsense? (See Sahih al-Bukhari Vol 5 number 716) 8. Allah (swt) sent 124,000 Prophet's to guide mankind. Is there any proof that on the deaths of any one of these Prophet's his companions failed to attend his funeral preferring to participate in the selection of his successor? If no such precedent exists then why did the Prophet (saaws)'s companions follow this approach? "the Sahaba viewed the appointment of the Imam as so important that they preferred it to attending the Prophet's funeral" taken from Sharh Fiqa Akbar, by Mulla Ali Qari, p 175 (publishers Muhammad Saeed and son, Qur'an Muhall, Karachi). 9. Of the 124,000 Prophets' that Allah (swt) sent, what

evidence is there that they left everything for their followers as Sadaqah (Charity)? If they did, then why did the Prophet (saaws)'s wives not give all their possessions to the Islamic State? After all, Ahl'ul Sunnah consider the wives to be Ahlul'bayt. Sadaqah is haram on the Ahlul'bayt, this being the case why did they hold on to their possessions? 10. We read in the Holy Qur'an "And whoever kills a believer intentionally, his recompense shall be hell, he shall abide therein and God's wrath (Ghazibullaho) shall be on him and his curse (lanato), and is prepared for him a great torment" (Surah Nisa, v 93) History testifies that during the battles of Sifeen and Jamal 70,800 Muslims lost their lives. What is the position of the killers here? Is this verse not applicable to them? If these individuals opposed the Khalifa of the time and were responsible for spreading fitnah (dissension) and murder, what will be their position on the Day of Judgement? 11. Allah (swt) tells us in the Holy Qur'an "And of the people of Madina are those who are bent on hypocrisy. You know them not, but we know them". (The Qur'an 9:101). The verse proves the existence of hypocrites during the lifetime of the Prophet (saaws). After the Prophet (saaws)'s death where did they go? Historians record the fact that two groups emerged following the Prophet (saaws)'s demise, Banu Hashim and their supporters, the State and their supporters. Which side did the hypocrites join? 12. Ahl'ul Sunnah have four principles of law the Qur'an, Sunnah, Ijtihad and Qiyas. Were any of these principles adopted by the

parties during their discussions about the Prophet's successor at the Saqifa? 13. If rejecting a Rightly Guided Khalifa is tantamount to apostasy and rebelling against any khalifa even Yazid ibn Mu'awiya will lead to such persons being raised as betrayers in the next world; what of those individuals who rebelled and fought the fourth rightly guided Khalifa? This was the verdict of Abdullah Ibn Umar in his defence of Yazid (See Sahih al Bukhari Arabic - English Volume 9 hadith number 127) 14. It is a basic principle of rationality that if two parties have a dispute both can be wrong, but both can not be right. Applying this to the battles of Jamal and Sifeen, will both the murderers and the murdered be in heaven, because both were right? 15. The Holy Prophet (saaws) had said "I swear by the one who controls my life that this man (Ali) and his Shi'a shall secure deliverance on the day of resurrection". Do any hadith exist in which the Prophet (saaws) had guaranteed paradise for Imams Abu Hanifa, Malik, Shafi, Hanbal and their followers? Tafsir Durr al Manthur, by al Hafidh Jalaladeen Suyuti in his commentary of verse 98:7 16. During her lifetime Hadhrath Ayesha was a severe critic of Hadhrath Uthman, to the point that she advocated his killing. How is it that following his murder, she chose to rebel against Imam Ali (as) on the premise that his killers should be apprehended? Why did she leave Makkah, portray Hadhrath Uthman as a victim and mobilise

opposition from Basrah? Was this decision based on her desire to defend Hadhrath Uthman or was it motivated by her animosity towards Hadhrath Ali (as)? History records that she said the following about Hadhrath Uthman "Kill this old fool (Na'thal), for he is unbeliever", see History of Ibn Athir, v3, p206, Lisan alArab, v14, p141, al-Iqd alFarid, v4, p290 and Sharh Ibn Abi al-Hadid, v16, pp 220-223 17. If failing to believe in Hadhrath Ayesha is an act of Kufr what opinion should we hold with regards to her killer? Hadhrath Ayesha was killed by Mu'awiya (Tarikh al Islam, by Najeeb Abadi, Vol 2 p 44) 18. It is commonly conveyed that the companions were brave, generous, and knowledgeable and spent their time worshipping Allah (swt). If we want to determine their bravery, then let us delve in to history, how many kaffir's did the prominent companion Hadhrath Umar slay during the battles of Badr, Uhud, Khunduq, Khayber and Hunain? How many polytheists did he kill during his own Khilafath? If we wish to determine who is firm against the unbelievers it cannot be that individual who despite the Prophet (saaws)'s order refused to go the Kaffir's prior to the treaty of Hudaiybiya on the grounds that he had no support and instead suggested Hadhrath Uthman go on account of his relationship to the Ummaya clan. Al Faruq by Allamah Shibli Numani, Volume 1 page 66, English translation by Muhammad Saleem, (Ashraf Publishers) 19. The Saha Sittah has traditions in which the Holy Prophet (saaws) foretold the coming of twelve

khalifa's after him(1). Who are they? We assert that these are the twelve Imams from the Ahlul'bayt. Mulla Ali Qari whilst setting out the Hanafi interpretation of this hadith lists Yazid ibn Mu'awiya as the sixth Khalifa?(2) Was the Holy Prophet (saaws) really referring to such a man? When we also have a hadith that states 'He who dies without giving bayah to an Imam dies the death of one belonging to the days of jahiliyya'(3) then it is imperative that we identify and determine who these twelve khalifa's are. 1. "The affairs of the people will continue to be conducted as long as they are governed by 12 men, he then added from Quraish" (taken from Sahih Muslim, hadith number 4483, English translation by Abdul Hamid Siddiqui). 2. Sharh Fiqa Akbar, by Mulla Ali Qari, p 175 (publishers Muhummud Saeed and son, Qur'an Muhall, Karachi). 3. ibid, page 175 20. Can anyone change Allah (swt) laws? The Qur'an states quite categorically that no one has that right "And it is not for a believing man or woman that they should have any choice in a matter when Allah and his Messenger have decided a matter; and whoever disobeys Allah and his Messenger; surely strays off a manifest straying". With this verse in mind, why did Hadhrath Umar introduce Tarawih prayers in congregation, three divorce utterances in one sitting and the formula 'Prayer is better than Sleep' in the Fajr Adhan? What right did he have to substitute Allah (swt)'s orders in favour of his own? Al Faruq by Allamah Shibli Numani, Volume 2 page

338, English translation by Muhammad Saleem, (A

The rank of Imamat is actually a reflection of Prophethood and the nature of the Imam has been found to be very close to the nature of the Prophet Al-Faruq, page 325 (Published by Maktaba Madina, Urdu Bazaar, Lahore) Imam Rabbani; Shaykh Ahmad Sarhandi while referring to the same rank of Imamate as Wilayah wrote: HAR - DIN - 5= SAWAL - AUR UNKE = 5 = JAWAB [ 9 DEC =2012 =] Q [1] = RASOOLE KHUDA S.A. NE ILM KE BARE ME KYA FARMAYA HAI ? ANS = rasoole khuda ne ilm ke bare me farmaya ki ='' al ilmo ilman va ilmul abdaan = yani ilm do kism ke hain - ek -ilme deen -doosra - ilme -jism q[2] - DUNIYA KI MEDICAL SCINCEME ISLAM KI KHIDMAT AUR MALOOMAT ? ANS '' al hawiul kabeer ''= duniya me ilme tib ka maakhaz is kitab ko samjha jata hai =ye un 9 = kitabon me se hai jiski bina par '' paris '' ki univercity ko san 1394 isvi me ek labrary banani padi [v durent -tarikhe tammaduun-77 zild/ page759 oprration ki taraqqi bhi islam ki den hai - behoshi ki dawa '' bazrul baz '' ke zariiye mareez ko behosh karna [ ref-islamo arab /page 637 - [16vi sadi me ibne rashood aur ibne saina ki kitabon ka translation hua english me jo itli aur france ki university me course me hai - medical scincepr abse bada aihsan islam ka hai q[3 ] = ILME MANTIQ [ LOGIC] = ARASTTOO KA TARJUMA KISNE KIYA ? ANS - ISKA TARJUMA '' HUNAIN BIN ISHAQ NE KIYA -VOHI TARJUMA BAKI HAI. Q[4 ] - ISLAMI KAHQEEM MOHMMED BIN ZAKRIYA NE KITNI KITAB LIKHI HAI ANS = 200 SE ZYADA KITAB AUR RISALA =VILDURENT KE MUTABIK LAJAWAB . Q [ 5 ] = MEDICAL STORE = SABSE= PEHLE -KISNE= KHOLI =TADAD - IZAD = ? ANS = medical store ki buniyad muslamano ne rakhi = musalmamano ne hi pehli baar dawaszi ke tareeke ijad kiye =naiyee nayee dawa banayee -akele bagdad me 60 dawa ki dukan thi [ ref- ispaniya - azmatey musim dar = page no =183 ] === HAMKO =MITA =SAKE = YE = ZAMANE = ME = DAM = NAHI ===== === HAMSE = HAI = KHUD = ZAMANA = '' ZAMANE ''SE = HAM = NAHI===== Allamah Shibli Numani stated:

The gist of the discussion is that Wilayah is the reflection of Prophethood Maktubaat, Volume 2 page 253 (Idarah Islamiyah. Lahore) (2) Imamate is an empire in terms of the vicegerency of Prophet [s], for the affairs that pertain to the world and religion Sharah Maqasid, Volume 5 page 232 Renowned Sunni scholar Mawardi (d. 450 AH) wrote: Imamate is prescribed to succeed Prophethood as a means of protecting the Deen, and managing the affairs of this world Al-Ahkam al Sultaniyyah page 10 (Ta-Ha publishers, London (3) The word Imam that has been used in quran

Al Baqarah:124
[2:124Albaqarah:124]And when his Lord tried Ibrahim with certain words, he fulfilled them. He said: Surely I will make you an Imam of men. Ibrahim said: And of my offspring? My covenant does not include the unjust, said He.

This verse guides mankind to identify the genuine leaders of the true faith as well as the impostors. It also helps to understand risalat and imamat.]

( Al Anbiya:73)
And We made them Imams who guided (people) by Our command, and We revealed to them the doing of good and the keeping up of prayer and the giving of the alms, and Us (alone) did they serve;


32:24--Al sajdah:24]And

We made of them Imams to guide by Our command when they were patient, and they were certain of Our communications.

The twelve Imams of the Ahl ul Bayt are the divinely commissioned leaders to guide mankind, and they are the custodians of the final word of Allah, with whom the Holy Prophet left the Quran (see hadith al thaqalayn) so that its meanings and application may not be corrupted by the hypocrites. The Imams mentioned in Sajdah: 24, like the prophets, are not separable from the scripture, as declared by the Holy Prophet in hadith al thaqalayn (see page 6). They are his Ahl ul Bayt. The Holy

Prophet said: dies without recognising the Imam of his age dies the death of a pagan."


This verse says that all human beings in groups shall be called with their respective Imams. The identity of the true Imams will be their inseparability with the scripture and the Holy Prophet- they will lead to eternal salvation

AlIsra or Bani Israeil:71

[17:71--Al Isra or bani Israil:71] (Remember)

read their book; and they shall not be dealt with a whit unjustly

the day when We will call every people with their Imam; then whoever is given his book in his right hand, these shall

for verse bani israeil:71 The book mentioned here is the record of deeds every individual will carry with him or her on the day of judgement. It will be visible to all. All human beings will appear with the guides (imams) they followed in their lives in the world. to give account of their deeds and faith. Blessed are they who follow the true guides (imams) of the Ahl ul Bayt, chosen by Allah and appointed by the Holy Prophet. The Holy Prophet said:

I am the Imam among you. After me, Ali will be your Imam. After him, his sons in his progeny will be your Imams. Whosoever remains attached with them shall be saved and shall obtain salvation. Those whodisassociate themselves from them shall go astray and will certainly be lost."

Al Yasin:12
Surely We give life to the dead, and We write down what they have sent before and their footprints, and We have recorded everything in a clear writing
[36:12Al Yasin:12]


verse Al yasin:12 On the day of judgement every individual, man or woman, will be brought to account for his or her deeds .

For Verse Yasin:12 Imam Muhammad bin Ali al Baqir said that when this verse was revealed, Abu Bakr and Umar asked the Holy Prophet: "Is imamum mubin the Tawrat given to Musa?" The answer was: "No". Again they asked: "Is it Injil, given to Isa?" The answer was: "No". Then they asked: "Is it the Holy Quran?" "No", was the answer. Then turning towards Ali ibn abi Talib, the Holy Prophet said: "Verily this is the Imam in whom Allah has deposited the knowledge of everything." Then, addressing the people present there, the Holy Prophet said: "O people, there is no branch of knowledge Allah did not teach me and I have not conveyed it to Ali. Verily Allah has given me wisdom and I have given it to Ali. I am the city of knowledgeand Ali is its gate."



qasas:41] And We made them Imams who call to the fire, and on the day of resurrection they shall not be assisted.

Nowhere in the Quran or in the traditions it is stated that they may also lead their followers to hell, but it is said that there are two types of Imams-"We appointed Imams, from among them, to guide (mankind) by our command (Sajdah: 24); and "We made them Imams who invite to the fire (Qasas: 41).

Those who opposed these Imams in their lifetime and installed themselves as the leaders or rulers without any divine authority shall be the leaders mentioned in Qasas: 41 who will lead their followers to hell because they opposed the book, the Holy Prophet and Allah.

On the day of resurrection the people will be divided in the following


(i) Those who are most excellent and nearest to Allah.

(ii) (iii)

Ashab ul maymanah-the followers of the book of Allah, the Holy Prophet and the Imams of his Ahl ul Bayt, the most excellent and nearest to Allah. Ashab ul mash-amah-the opponents of the first and the second groups.

Refer to the opening verses of al waqi-ah. In these Ayats the Prophets and the Imams give the Shahdat for their Ummat!!

they were not men of authority in the way of princes. They are the 12 Khalifas of Allah that followed the Holy Prophet (saws), after whom the Ithna Ashari Shia, or Twelver Shia, are named, and whose names adorn the Mosque of their father the Holy Prophet (saws) in Madina to this day. "The affairs of the people will continue to be conducted as long as they are governed by 12 men, he than added from Quraysh." Sahih Muslim, Hadith number 4478, English translation by Abdul Hamid Siddiqui Narrated By Jabir bin Samura: I heard the Prophet saying, "There will be TWELVE Muslim rulers (who will rule all the Islamic world)." He then said a sentence which I did not hear. My father said, "All of them (those rulers) will be from Quraish." Sahih Bukhari , Volume , Book 89. Judgments (Ahkaam) Hadith 329. Ahadith similar to that narrated above can also be found in Book 20. On Government. Hadith 4477. (Sahih Muslim) Book 20. On Government. Hadith 4478. (Sahih Muslim) Book 20. On Government. Hadith 4480. (Sahih Muslim) Book 20. On Government. Hadith 4481. (Sahih Muslim) Book 20. On Government. Hadith 4482. (Sahih Muslim) Book 31. The Promised Deliverer. Hadith 4266. (Abu Dawud) Book 31. The Promised Deliverer. Hadith 4267. (Abu Dawud) Please do write us the twelve Muslim rulers from Quraysh. And is it logical to have only twelve rulers over a period of fourteen hundred years?

2:143 4:41 11:18 11:98Neither are these 12 princes the 12 founders of the 12 tribes of Israel, for they were from Ishmael (as)'s brother Ishaq (as), nor were they the 12 Arabs mentioned later on in the Bible, for

As a final point in this discussion it is worth considering the marvelous nature of the lineage of the Khalifas of Allah and its situation in our time. We mentioned earlier how the Imamat that was conferred upon Ibrahim Khalilluah was monumental in the history of the Imamat, incepting the beginning of the divide between the Khalifatullahs descended from Ishaq (as) and later those from the lineage of Ishmael (as), the Arabs. Mulla Ali Qari sets out who the 12 khalifas/Imams are: 1. Abu Bakr 2. Umar 3. Uthman 4. Ali 5. Mu'awiya 6. Yazid bin Mu'awiya 7. Abdul Malik bin Marwan 8. Walid bin Abdul Malik bin Marwan 9. Sulayman bin Abdul Malik bin Marwan 10. Umar bin Abdul Aziz 11. Yazid bin Abdul Malik bin Marwan 12. Hasham bin Abdul Malik bin Marwan; Sharra Fiqa Akbar, by Mulla Ali Qari, p 176 This was one route, now lets have a look at the other path - the path of the Ahlul Bayt e Muhammad (saww): 1. Imam 2. Imam 3. Imam 4. Imam 5. Imam 6. Imam 7. Imam 8. Imam 9. Imam 10. Imam 11. Imam 12. Imam Abul-Hasan Ali ibn e Abi Talib (al-Murtaza) (as) Abu Muhammad al-Hassan (al Mujtaba) (as) Abu Abdallah al-Hussain bin Ali (Sayyid al-Shuhada) (as) Abu Muhammad Ali bin al-Hussain (Zainul-'Abideen) (as) Abu Ja'far Muhammad bin Ali (al-Baqir) (as) Abu Abdallah Ja'far bin Muhammad (al-Sadiq) (as) Abu Ibrahim Musa bin Ja'far (al-Kazim) (as) Abu al-Hasan Ali bin Musa (al-Reza) (as) Abu Ja'far Muhammad bin Ali (Taqi al-Jawaad) (as) Abul-Hasan Ali bin Muhammad al-Hadi al-Naqi(as) Abu Muhammad al-Hasan bin Ali (al-Askari) (as) Abul-Qasim Muhammad bin al-Hasan (al-Mahdi) (as)

Imam Muhammad al-Baqir (a.s.) says: "We are the remnant of progeny. And that was the prayer of Ibrahim (a.s.) regarding us."

04 ...::: SaFeer-E-Aza SMS CLub:::.... Apni taqdeer jagatay hen tere matam se Khd ki raah pe jatey hen terey matam se Apne izh?r-e-aqeedat ka saleeqa ye hai Hum naya saal manatey hen teray matam se. 05 ...::: SaFeer-E-Aza SMS CLub:::.... Jab bhi ABBAS a.s k ALAM ki hawa aegi

Srf Thndk hi nhi khushboo e wafa aegi Aur tum shaheedo k Mazarat per jao to sahi Tum ko har Qabar se Matam ki sada aegi 06 ...::: SaFeer-E-Aza SMS CLub:::.... Atal Wadad Hai Apna Aay Sakhi Abbas a.s Ke Parcham Yeh Dunia Kia Hai Mahshar Ko Bhi Hum Baydar Kardain Gay Agar Shabir A.s Ka Matam Par Pabandi HO Jannat Mein Tu Phir Jannat Mein Bhi Jany Se Hum Inkar Kardain Gay 07 ...::: SaFeer-E-Aza SMS CLub:::.... Dekhi Jo Mri Nbz To kch Dair Soch kr, Kaghz Pe bemar-e-Ishq-e-SHABiR Lkh Dya, Qurban Q Na Jaoon ME Aise Tabeeb Pr, Nuskhy Me Js ne Matam-e-SHABIR Lkh Dya. 08 ...::: SaFeer-E-Aza SMS CLub:::.... Munkir-e-Haider Na Hamein josh dilao.. Behlool hi Rehne do Na Mukhtar banao.. Jis Ghar pe Alam ho wahan tum jatay nahi ho.. Jannat mein bhi Alam hai wahan ja k to dikhao.. Kaba pe Nishani hai mere MOLA ALI ki.. Gar Baap k ho Kabay ki diwar Girao.. Parhta hai Lahu Noha to Dil krta hai Matam.. Azadari pe pabandi Laga k to dikhao.! 09 ...::: SaFeer-E-Aza

SMS CLub:::.... (()) ||:':Ya''::':'''::"\ ||Abbas (A.S.) ||:':-":':-":':-":': || Aankhoon mei jagta hai sada Gham HUSSAIN(a.s) ka, Seenay mei Saans laita hai Matam HUSSAIN(a.s) ka. Matti mei mil gaye hain iraday yazeed k. Lehra raha hai aj b Parcham HUSSAIN(a.s) ka

10 ...::: SaFeer-E-Aza SMS CLub:::.... Zehan ki dewaar pe jab KARBALA likha gya Sajda-e-SHABBIR se Naam-e-KHUDA likha gya Kis qadar roya Madine me rida ka Paasbaan Jab ALI ki BETIYON ko be-rida likha gya Kaanpta hoga Wajod-e-Kainat. Jab HUSSAIN ibn-e-ALI be-aasra likha gya Dasht k medaan me jab pyaas ne matam kya Hurmila ka teer.., ASGHAR ka gala likha gya Ho gaye hon gy kharry tab ehtraaman PANJATAN Jab kbi ABBAS k aagay wafa likha gya...!

HAZRAT ALI (a.s) say kisi shaks nay sawal kia ke wo kon se cheaz hai jo.. 1 hy 2 nahi 2 hy 3 nahi 3 hy 4 nahi 4 hy 5 nahi 5 hy 6 nahi 6 hy 7 nahi 7 hy 8 nahi 8 hy 9 nahi 9 hy 10 nahi 10 hy 11 nahi 11 hy 12 nahi 12 hy 13 nahi HAZARAT ALI (a.s) ney muskaratey hoye jawab dia ... JO IK HAI 2 NAHI HOSAKA (ALLAH) JO 2 HAI 3 NAHI HOSAKTEY (HAZARAT ADAM OR BIBI HAWA) JO 3 HAY 4 NAHI HOSAKTE (BACHPAN, JAWANI, BURD'HAPA) JO 4 HAI 5 NAHI HOSAKTE (ASMANI KITABEY) JO 5 HAY 6 NAHI HOSAKTE (ULAL-E-AZAM PEGAMBAR) JO 6 HAI 7 NAHI HOSAKTE (ZAMEN KE TABKY) JO 7 HAY 8 NAHI HOSAKTEY (ASMAAN) JO 8 HAI 9 NAHI HOSAKTEY (JANNAT KE DARWAZAY) JO 9 HAI 10 NAHI HOSAKTEY (JANNAT KE NAHREY) JO 10 HIA 11 NAHI HOSAKTEY (JAHNUM KE TABKY) JO 11 HAI 12 NAHI HOSAKTE (HAZRAT YOUSUF A S KE BAHI) OR JO 12 HAI 13 NAHI HOSAKTE (HUM HAI 12 IMAM) ...

= HAZRAT IMAM HASAN - ILM KI-- MAMOOLI JHALAQ [ CHAPTER 2 -31 DEC 2011 = uske baad vo 10 cheezein aaisi hain jo ek-doosrey se sakht tar hain -vo ye hain==[1]= pathhar jo mamooli cheejon ko tad dalta hai =chura kar deta hai [2=pathhar se sakhtar loha hota hai jo isko bhi tod deta hai aur ise tarash deta hai . [[3= lohe se zyada aag hai jo ise narm bana deti hai

[4=aag se sakht -''pani '' hai =jo =aag ko bhuja deti hai [5= pani se zyada sakht abr [badal ] -hai jo isko utaye huye hai [6= abr -badal se zyada sakht hawa hai jo - abr -badal ko muntashir karti hai [7= hawa se zyada sakht vo farishta hai jo isko mehkum karta hai [8= us fareshte se sakhtar '' malkul -mout '' hai jo isko fana kar dega [9= malkul mout se sakht tar ''mout ' hai jo isko bhi fana kar degi [10 ''mout '' se zyada sakht huqme ilahi hai jouski '' marzi '' ke =tabe =hai


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