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Project Proposal and Plan

Assignment 4, Project Management

Author 7/22/2012

Submitted By: Gaurav Kasabe, Roll No 51 Mohit Talwar, Roll No 77

[Type the abstract of the document here. The abstract is typically a short summary of the contents of the document. Type the abstract of the document here. The abstract is typically a short summary of the contents of the document.]

Details of the Organization: .......................................................................................................................... 4 Proof of Certification..................................................................................................................................... 4 A. Certifications ................................................................................................................................... 4 B. Organization Details.............................................................................................................................. 4 C. Financial Strength Details ..................................................................................................................... 5 Scope of the Project: ..................................................................................................................................... 5 Project Approach: ......................................................................................................................................... 7 Past experience: ............................................................................................................................................ 7 Solution Information ..................................................................................................................................... 7 Technical Documentation: ........................................................................................................................ 7 Software Documentation.......................................................................................................................... 8 Project Team: ................................................................................................................................................ 8 Timeline and Milestones: .............................................................................................................................. 9 Cost and Payment Schedules ........................................................................................................................ 9 Risk Assessment ............................................................................................................................................ 9 Terms of Agreement ................................................................................................................................... 10 Project Plan 1. Introduction ........................................................................................................................................... 11 1.1 Goal and Objectives: ......................................................................................................................... 11 1.2 General Requirements ...................................................................................................................... 11 1.3 Proposed Modules ............................................................................................................................ 11 2. Project Estimates .................................................................................................................................... 12 2.1 Estimation Techniques ...................................................................................................................... 12

2.2 Hardware Requirements ................................................................................................................... 13 2.3 Software Requirements .................................................................................................................... 14 4. Project Team Organization ..................................................................................................................... 15 5. Tracking and Control Mechanism ........................................................................................................... 16 5.1 Quality Assurance Mechanisms ........................................................................................................ 16 5.2 Change Management and Control .................................................................................................... 16

Details of the Organization:

Widget Company is headquartered in St.Louis, Missouri and has a loyal customer base throughout the Midwest. The Widget Company attributes its marketplace success to innovative procedures and customer responsiveness. Widget is an early adopter of technology innovations that have been thoroughly proven in the industry.

Proof of Certification
A. Certifications
CMMI Level 5 Company ISO 9001-14001

B. Organization Details

C. Financial Strength Details

Scope of the Project: Portal is a communications medium designed to

increase interaction between trading partners. Such portals enable suppliers to view in process invoices, enter invoices directly into the portal if desired and track their status throughout the payment process. The scope of the project is limited to all the employees and specific clients with certain privileges at various levels to access desired information. Different Modules to be covered and their functionalities are as follows. Module Name Login Module Function Providing Accessibility to users as per the role in the organization Auction Module Bulletin Board
Online auction to liquidate surplus goods easily. on-line interactive message board where participants conduct discussion on a set of topics by posting questions, comments and responses.

Directory of Companies

This is a listing of all registered associates of the B2B portal either by business category or by alphabetical order. An advanced search engine tool is incorporated in order to find a company based on data provided.

Content Management

To manage the learning documents, informative documents etc on a common organized platform

Transaction Module

To secure facilitate Transaction with various parties

Internal Messaging system

Elaborate Messaging System allows a participant of the B2B portal send and receive messages from other participants and the company.

Supplier Interaction Module

Providing various facilities for supplier uses

Client Interaction Module

Providing various facilities for client uses

Employee Module

Information Management system for Employee providing features like Dashboard etc.

Project Approach: Portals involves a strategic decision whether (1) to

implement and customize off-the-shelf systems related to proprietary processes, which means to stick to the homemade processes and systems or (2) to implement standardized technology giving industry-standards solutions that use XML standards to exchange data and messages, that supports standardized business processes. Mostly, decisions to implement one of the two alternatives are directed by a cost-benefit analysis. The implementation of alternative (2) is expected to lead to economies-of-scale in the business areas where standardized business processes could be implemented.

Past experience: As a part of Portal development, resources involved have

been successful in developing Portals for conglomerates involving huge number of suppliers, clients, third parties with complex requirements. We have experience of implementing portals in more than 30 companies from various sectors like Automobile, Constructions, eGov, HR etc.

Solution Information
Technical Documentation:
Hardware Web Server Application Server Database Reporting Engine Email/Messaging Server Specification Windows Server 2003, 8 GB RAM, 1 TB HDD Websphere Application Server Oracle 10 G Cognos 8 Business Intelligence SMTP Server, Microsoft Exchange Services

Portal Server Directory Services, Security, identity management, Audit, ETL, any other.

Windows Server 2003, 8 GB RAM, 1 TB HDD

Software Documentation Software Operating system Specification Windows Vista/7/8 OS Enterprise Edition on all operating system in Organization, 2 GB RAM, 120 GB HDD IDE XML Editor QTP Load-Runner QTP 8.0 Performance Testing Tools Visual Studio 8

Project Team: Project team details are as follows:

Timeline and Milestones: 24 Weeks

Time Requirement Analysis Design Stage Coding Testing UAT System Testing Production Testing Milestone 3 Weeks 5 Weeks 4 Weeks 3 Weeks 2 Weeks 2 Weeks 5 Weeks

Progress Report and Meetings

Weekly Progress report would be shared with the client detailing the progress made, issues faced, issues resolved, resolving issues and any clarification if required. During design phase, one resource would be working from client site and acting as single POC for both the parties.

Cost and Payment Schedules

Phase Advance Against submission of Bank Guarantee Completion of Design Phase Pre Go Live Go Live Successful Data Migration and 3 Months run in production Support for 5 Years Payment % 5% 5% 15% 20% 5% 50%

Risk Assessment
The purpose of this risk assessment is to identify potential risks that may appear during any stage of the project, the likelihood of that risk, and to offer mitigation strategies for these risks. This plan is updated through the development of a project to allow Madison Solutions to track risks throughout a project. In A short time frame Attrition Rate A short time frame can lead to reductions in quality when system development is rushed. Hasty work can lead to more problems down the road, costing time, money and more stress.

We plan to combat this problem by using a timeboxing strategy. Timeboxing sets a fixed deadline for the project and delivers the system by the deadline no matter what, even if functionality needs to be reduced. This reduces scope creep and provides a system within a relatively short timescale. Attrition rate has been the mail problem of IT companies. We keep around 20% of the Bench Strength. People on the bench are equally skilled and have the experience of working on multiple and varied projects.

Terms of Agreement
1. In consideration of the charges to be paid by the Client as specified in the Proposal, Company will provide the Services. Where the Proposal indicates that a functional specification will be written that specification will supersede the Proposal. Both Company and Client will agree, in writing, any material changes to the Software or Services. 2. Where the parties agree that there should be acceptance testing of the Software, then after installation of the Software, the Client shall deliver test data and results expected to be achieved and the Client shall accept the Software immediately after the Software has correctly processed the test data by achieving the expected results. The Software shall not be deemed to have incorrectly processed such test data by reason of any failure to provide any facility or function not specified in the Proposal or in any agreed functional specification. Repeat tests shall be undertaken at our discretion.

Project Plan

1. Introduction
1.1 Goal and Objectives: The main objective is to build a long lasting relationship with all suppliers to ensure strong communication and support in all areas of our business. The Supplier Portal enables the next generation of business partner collaboration by providing customized, partner-specific access, services, applications and tools all delivered securely to the end user's desktop through the public internet. 1.2 General Requirements Role-based access (functions and layout depend on role) Shared homepage or workspace Integrated security User configurable Administrator configurable Peer-to-peer functionality

1.3 Proposed Modules Auction Module Forum Internal Messaging system Bulletin Board Directory of Companies Content Management Supplier Interaction Module Client Interaction Module Employee Interaction Module

Transaction Module

2. Project Estimates
2.1 Estimation Techniques Assume that one has to deliver an end-to-end login module's functionality for an application. The time spent on the login functionality should include the corresponding time required for gathering the requirements, doing a requirement analysis, architecture inputs, form design, object/class design, implementing the business rules, data validation and storage, framework (i.e., code for login module's constants, enumerations, utilities), testing, debugging, deployment up to user acceptance, etc. Now, the estimator has to figure out how many man-hours it would take to complete the login module, keeping all these factors in mind. The sequence of work and dependencies should be considered as they do cause delays in completion. For example, form design should be done first (all the way up to acceptance by the customer), then object design (up to acceptance by the architect), followed by coding (for business rules, calculations, and data validations), internal testing, and user acceptance testing. A wise estimator would always take support from other people to understand the scope of work to do a given task.

Login Module Auction Module Bulletin Board Directory of Companies Content Management Internal Messaging system

1400 Hrs 500 Hrs 500 Hrs 500 Hrs 500 Hrs 500 Hrs

Supplier Interaction Module Client Interaction Module Transaction module Employee Module Total

1800 Hrs 1800 Hrs 2300 Hrs 1400 Hrs 11200 Hrs

2.2 Hardware Requirements

Hardware Web Server Application Server Database Reporting Engine Email/Messaging Server Portal Server Directory Services, Security, identity management, Audit, ETL, any other. Specification Windows Server 2003, 8 GB RAM, 1 TB HDD Websphere Application Server Oracle 10 G Cognos 8 Business Intelligence SMTP Server, Microsoft Exchange Services Windows Server 2003, 8 GB RAM, 1 TB HDD

2.3 Software Requirements Software Operating system Specification Windows Vista/7/8 OS Enterprise Edition on all operating system in Organization, 2 GB RAM, 120 GB HDD IDE XML Editor QTP Load-Runner QTP 8.0 Performance Testing Tools Visual Studio 8

3. Project Schedule Stage Planning Deliverables Quality Assurance Plan Project Plan Milestone Date 1/1/2013

Requirement Definition

Draft Requirement 2/1/2013 specification Draft Design Specification Project Test Plan Requirement Specification Milestone

Design (Functional and

Draft Training Plan



Program and Database specification Design spec Final Coding System testing Testing and Integration Plan, Results Maintenance plan Acceptance Test Report 6/1/2012


Integration and Testing


Installation and Acceptance


4. Project Team Organization

Project Manager

Technical Lead

Tech Architect

Software Engineer

Test Engineer/ Quality executive

5. Tracking and Control Mechanism

5.1 Quality Assurance Mechanisms Tight Change Management Extensive before implementation Design using Rapid Prototyping Close Contact with Clients, meeting every two weeks and regular email contacts 5.2 Change Management and Control For changes affect the user experiences we will have to notify all clients For changes that do not affect the user experiences we will notify a client representative Due the size of the team, internal control panel will be used. One member of the team suggests a change; it will need to be approved by the other two members Formal version numbering will be used. All version changes must be documented in a common document accessible to all team members before a new version number can be released. Version number will be structured as follows: <Major Release>.<Minor Release><Bug fix>

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