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Strtategic Management Question Bank

Chapter 1 ( Intro to Business policy)

1. Define the term Business Policy and explain the various steps required for the formulation of business policy of an organization? (Pg No 2, 16) 2. Business policies facilitate decision making Explain what factors you would consider while formulating different policies? (Pg No 26) 3. Define the term business policy and explain its significance in modern business world. (Pg No 12) 4. Describe the role played by the CEO and the corporate planning staff of the company in strategic mgt. (Pg No 19, 21)

Chapter 2 ( Intro to Strategy)

1. What are the TACTICS? How they are different from strategies? (Pg No 42) 2. Explain the SBU structure with its benefits and limitations. (Pg No 46)

Chapter 3 ( Mission and Objectives)

1. Objectives provide the foundation for strategic business decision Explain the role of objectives for a business with reference to the above statement. (Pg No 59) 2. Explain the meaning of Mission with suitable example. What are the chractristics of a good mision ststement. (Pg No 55)

Chapter 4 ( Strategic Mgt)

1. Define Strategic Mgtand bring out its imp in the mdern compatitive business world. (Pg No 73, 81) 2. What is S.M? Imp stages involved in S.M. (Pg No 74) 3. Define strategic Mgt. Explain in details the limitation of strategic Mgt. (Pg No 82)

Chapter 5 ( Environmental Scan)

1. Explain the imp technique of Environmental Scanning. (Pg No 114) 2. Discuss the meaning & significance of environmental analysis. (Pg No 92) 3. State and explain various external environmental forces that an organization should monitor while formulating its strtategy. (Pg No 98)

Chapter 6 ( Organizational Appraisal)

1. What is SWOT analysis? Discuss its imp. (Pg No 124)

Chapter 7 ( Corporate level strategies Part 1)

1. Explain the concept of stability strategy. Why do companies pursue stability strategy? (Pg No 136, 137) 2. What is stability strategy? In what circumstances you would prefer stability strategy? (Pg No 136, 137) 3. Explain the meaning & objective of divestment strategy. (Pg No 148) 4. What do you mean by stability strategy? Explain the approaches to stsbility strategy. (Pg No 136, 138) 5. What is expansion (growth) strategy? What are the reasons for the companies to go for expansion strategy? (Pg No 140) 6. Explain the meaning of turnaround strategy. How can turnaround strategy be followed? (Pg No 144,146)

7. What do you meant by retrenchment strategies? Discuss different types. (Pg No 134)

Chapter 8 ( Corporate level strategies Part 2)

1. Explain the concept of Diversification. Why do Companies adopt diversification strategies? (Pg No 152, 153) 2. Diversfication can help the PSUs for improving their performance. Comment. (Pg No 166) 3. Write a note on Contingency Strategy. (Pg no 162) 4. Write a note on Merger & Takeover. (Pg No 160) 5. Do you recommend Modernisation as a strategy for Indian business? Why? (Pg No 155, 156)

Chapter 9 ( Strategic Choice)

1. What is Portfolio Analysis? Explain GE Nine-Cell matrix with the help of suitable diagram. (Pg No 199, 183) 2. Discuss briefly the relevance of industry & competition analysis to strategic choice process. (Pg No 201) 3. Describe benefits of corporate Portfolio Analysis. (Pg No 200) 4. Explain technique of GE Business screen and SPACE. (Pg No 183,185) 5. What is meant by strategic choice? What are the subjective factor that influence strategy choice? (Pg No 172,198) 6. What is Corporate Potfolio Analysis? Explain with suitable diagram BCG matrix. (Pg No 199,182)

Chapter 10 ( Strategy Implementation)

1. Explain the steps invplved in Implementing a strategy. (Pg No 208) 2. What is resources allocation? What ae the dificulties (Problems) in allocation of resources. (Pg No 211,218) 3. Explain the concept of resource allocation. What factors needs to be considered while allocating th resources? (Pg No 211,214)

Chapter 11 ( Structural Implementation)

1. Descibe the relationship beween strategy & structure. Explain any one structural mechnism to implement strategy. (Pg No 225,231)

Chapter 12 ( Functional & Behavioral Implementation)

1. Discuss the role & imp of functional plans & policies in strategy implementation. (Pg no 241)

Chapter 13 ( Strategic Evaluation and Control)

1. Evaluate the technique for operational control. (Pg No 287) 2. Budgatory control is a tool for managerial planning anfd control. Explain this statement. (Pg No 289,290) 3. Explain the concept of strategic evaluation & control. Briefly explain the technique of strategic control (Pg No 272,285) 4. Briefly explain the nature of strategic evaluation. point out the barriers in strategic evaluation. (Pg No 272,278) 5. Discuss the process of strategic evaluation and control. (Pg No 281) 6. Discuss meaning and significance of strategy evaluation & control. (Pg No 273) 7. Define strategy evaluation & control. Distinguish between strategy control & operational control. (Pg No 284)

Chapter 14 ( Corporate Culture & Ethics)

1. Ethics and values are prerequsite for modern day business Justify with the help of practical example the imo of ethics and values. (Pg No 306) 2. Explain in brief the concept of corporate culture, personal values & business ethics. (Pg No 301,303)

Chapter 15 ( Management of change)

1. Mgt of change is a great challenge How would you manage the change in your company? (Pg No 316) 2. What is Organization change? Suggest measures to manage the change. (Pg No 327) 3. Describe the concept of organization change. Why is organization change ressisted? What measures you would suggest to overcome ressistance to change. (Pg no 322) (20 Maarks)

Chapter 16 (Global issues in S.M)

1. What are the marketing driving forces of globalisation? (Pg No 334) 2. Briefly describe the marketing strategic which can be adopted in overseas market. (Pg No 336) 3. Explain the features of globalisation and stste its impact of present global scenario on Indian economy.

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