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Pharmacrystal (The Only Name of Success)


anti epeleptic drugs Dr.BHAISAB's New PC. D...deoxy barbiturates B...barbiturates H....hydantoin A.. aliphatic carb acids

PREANASTHETIC MEDICATION HOSANA this is a christian word. H-H2blockers O-opeoids S-sedatives-antianxiety A-anticholenergic N-neuroleptics A-antiemetics

I....iminostilbenes S....succinimides B....BZD's N.... newer drugs P....Phenyltriazines C... cyclic gaba analogues Therapeutic Index Formula


TILE TI = LD / ED anti epeleptic drugs Dr.BHAISAB's New PC. D...deoxy barbiturates B...barbiturates H....hydantoin A.. aliphatic carb acids I....iminostilbenes S....succinimides B....BZD's N.... newer drugs P....Phenyltriazines C... cyclic gaba analogues

Drugs causing Torsades de Pointes APACHE Amiodarone Procainamide Arsenium Cisapride Haloperidol Eritromycin Aspirin Side effect ASPIRIN Asthma Salicyalism Peptic ulcer disease/ Phosphorylation-oxidation uncoupling/ PPH/ Platelet disaggregation/ Premature closure of PDA Intestinal blood loss Reye's syndrome Idiosyncracy Noise (tinnitus)

Inhalation anesthetics SHINE: Sevoflurane Halothane Isoflurane Nitrous oxide Enflurane

Teratogenic drugs "Win TERATOgenic Warfarin Thalidomide


Epileptic drugs: phenytoin, valproate, carbamazepine Retinoid ACE inhibitor Third element: lithium OCP and other hormones (eg danazol) Gynaecomastia-causing drugs DISCOS: Digoxin Isoniazid Spironolactone Cimetidine Oestrogens Stilboestrol

Steroids: side effects BECLOMETHASONE: Buffalo hump Easy bruising Cataracts Larger appetite Obesity Moonface Euphoria Thin arms & legs Hypertension/ Hyperglycaemia Avascular necrosis of femoral head Skin thinning Osteoporosis Negative nitrogen balance Emotional liability

Antiparkinson Drugs SALAD Selegiline Anticholinenergics (trihexyphenidyl, benzhexol, ophenadrine) L-Dopa + peripheral decarboxylase inhibitor (carbidopa, benserazide) Amantadine Dopamine postsynaptic receptor agonists (bromocriptine, lisuride, pergolide) Metabolism Enzyme Inducers Randy's Black Car Goes Putt Putt and Smokes":


Rifampin Barbiturates Carbamazepine Grisoefulvin Phenytoin Phenobarb Smoking cigarettes

Zero Order Kinetic Drugs PEA Phenytoin Ethanol Aspirin cognosy The following are mucilagenous in nature.. leaf epidermis of senna seed epidermis of linseed seed endodermis of fenugreek bark of cinnamon algae of agar mesophyll of squill

collapsed parenchyma-NUXVOMICA collapsed trichomes-DIGITALIS layers of parechyma vch are collapsed-SEEDCOAT OF CARDAMOM

Some more chemical tests 1.Selivanoff's Test- Kenotic Carbohydrates 2.Kedde's Test-Cardiac glycosides 3.Raymond Test-Cardiac glycosides 4.Froth formation test- Saponin glycosides 5.Salkowski Test-Triterpenoids 6.may apple- podophyllum 7.indian hemp- cannabis 8.cayeenee pepper- capsicum 9.periwinkle- vinca 10.ndian saffron-turmeric's wart-hypericum(A.C.-hyperforin used as anti depressant) 12.mandukparni-brahmi

Common ADRs


1.Grey Baby Syndrome- Chloramphenicol 2.Pin Point Pupil-Morphine 3Reyes Syndrome- Asprin 4.Urine Coloration- Rifampcin 5.Frontal Headache- Indomethacin 6.Captopril-Persistant dry cough 7.Bleomycin-Pulmonary fibrosis 8.Vancomycin- Red man syndrome 9.Nicotinic acid- Flush 10.Steven Johnsons syndrome- Allopurinol sulphonamides-kernicterus aminoglycosides-ototoxicity discolouration of teeth-tetracyclines doxorubucin & duanorubucin- cardiomyopathy. chloroquine- cardiotixicity doxycycline- esophageal ulceration vincristin & vinblastin- neuropathy cyclophosphamide- alopecia cimetidine & spironolactone- gynaecomastia

antidotes benzodiazepine-flumazenil paracetamol-N-acetylcysteine Morphine-naloxone nitrites-methylene blue organophosphurus compd.-DAM,PAM,Atropine Atropine-Physostigmine lead-BAL cyanide-edetate+amyl nitrite Urine Color Changes Orange- Rifampcin,Phenozopyridine,Doxorubicin,Warfarin Blue-Amitryptalline,Indomethacin Red/Brown-Food Dyes...Pink-Beet Root Golden Yellow-Excess of laxatives Neon Yellow- Excess of vitamin supplements MOA of some common drugs 1.Nalidixic Acid-Prevent DNA sysnthesis 2.Dapsone-Folic acid sysntheses inhibitor 3.Vinca alkaloid-Mitotic Spindle formation prevention 4.anthracycline-Intercalation of DNA 5.Methotraxate- Folic acid reductase inhibitor. 6.Warfarin-Vit k antagonist 7.Zidovudine- Inhibits the enzyme reverse tranascriptase ,preventing DNA replication


8.Metronidazole- disruption of helical structure of DNA 9.Tetracycline- Inhibits Protein smyntheses by acting on 30 S unit of ribosome 10.Erythromycin- Inhibits Protein smyntheses by acting on 50 S unit of ribosome 11.Chloroquine- Binds and alters properties of microbial and fungal DNA 12.Diazepam- GABA facilitator 13.Acetazolamide- Carbonic anhydrase inhibitor 14.Allopurinol- Xanthine oxidase inhibitor,inhibitor of uric acid 15.Fluconalzole- P450 enzyme 14a-demethylase Inhibitor 16.Salbutamol-Beta 2 receptor agonist 17.Tolnaftate- Inhibit squalene epoxidase which is necessray for ergosteral syns of fungal cell wall 18.Griesofulvin-inhibits fungal cell wall activity 19.Chloramphenicol-Inhibition of Protein syntheses 20.Levodopa- Replenish Brain deleted dopamine 1.Bavchi-Psoralea 2.Indian Tobacco-Lobelia 3.Kalmegh-Andrographis 4.Wild Saffron-colchicum 5.Devil's Dung-Asafoetia 6.Calabar Bean-Physostigma 7.Ma Huang- Ephedra 8.Rattle Snake root-Senega 9Chinese Cassia- Cinnamon 10.Panama Wood-Quillaria Bark 11.American wormseed-Chenopodium 12.Bishop's Flower-Visnaga 13.Fox Glove-Digitalis 14.Scammony Root-Ipomea 15.Betel Nut-Areca Nut 16.Bitter Apple-Colocynth 17.Vidang-Gurmar 18.Our Lady's Thistle-Catharanthus 19.Flaxseed-Linseed 20.Hippo-Ipecac 21.Indian Squill-Urgenia 22.Chaulmooggra Oil-Hydnocarpus 23.American Podophyllum-May apple 24.Salad Oil-Olive Oil 25.Bitter Wood-Quassia Alkaloids Dr. Pyarelal adore HMT Watch Dragondroff test Procalonic acid test


Ammonia Rinker Test Hagers test Mayors Test Tannic acid test Wagners test

Carbohydrates BOMBS Barfoeds Test Osazone Formation test Molisch Test Benedict Test Salvinoff Test Proteins HHH (a wrestler) MCBX (type of magnet) Heat test Hydrolysis test Hopkins-Cole Millons Test Cystine Test Biuret test Xanthoproteic test

Cardiac Glycosides Bengal like kolkatta knight riders Baljet test Legal test Killer killani test Keddes test Raymonds test

Tannins Very Good Female PG College Classes Vanillin HCL Test Gelatin test Ferric chloride test


Phenazone test Gold-beaters test Catechin test Chloroacetic acid test Anthraquinone Glycosides BUMP Borntragers tests UV Test Modified Borntragers Test Potassium hydroxide test Amino acids EVM has new polling strategies, still few says X- manual Voting was Correct Ehrlich reaction Van Slyke Millon reaction Hopkins-Cole reaction Ninhydrin Test Paulys Test Sagakuchi Test Sulfur Test Folin Coicalteaus Test Sullivan reaction Xanthoproteic reaction Cystine Test

Important diagnostic tests 1.ELISA(Enzyme linked immunosorbant assay)-AIDS 2.Dick test- Scarlet Fever 3.Schultz Charlatan test-Scarlet fever 4.Shick Test- diphtheria 5.Montoux Test-Tubeculosis 6.Ducrey Test-Haemaphilia 7.Widal Test-Typhoid & Enteric fever 8.Cold Hemagglutination Test-Pneumonia 9.Coombs Test-Brucellosis 10.Gravidex Test-Pregnancy(HcG) 11.Western blot test-Confirmation of AIDS 12.Southern blot-Proteins


13.VDRL Test-Syphilis 14Weil Felix Test-Typhus fever 15.Paul Bunnel Test-Mononucleosis(Red cells as antigen) 16.Kahn Test-Syphilis 17.Radio Immunodiffusion-Influenza Virus 18.Ouchterlony-Small pox 19.Elek Test-Diptheria Bacilli 20.Tube Agglutination- Typhoid,Brucellosis & Typhus 21.Rose Water Test-Rheumatoid arthritis 22.Wassermann Test-Leprosy 23.Lepromine Test-Leprsoy 24.Pap Test or Papanicolaou Test or Cervix Smear Test -Cervix cancer 25.RIA(Radio Immuno Assay)-Pregnancy(HcG)

Important schedules Schedule A - Memorandunm to the Central Drugs Laboratory (Forms) Schedule B - Fees for test or Analaysis by the Central or State Drugs Laboratories Schedule C - Biological and Special Products Schedule D - Class of Drugs Schedule E - Poisonous Substances Under the Ayurvedic and Unani Systems of Medicines Schedule F - Provision Applicable to the Production of Bacterial Vaccines Schedule G - Labelling of Medicines (Rule 97) Schedule H - Prescription Drugs Schedule J - Diseases and Ailments which cannot be prevent or cure Schedule K - Extent and Conditons of Exemption (Class of Drugs) Schedule L Schedule M - Good Manufacturing Practices and Requirements of Premises, Plant and equipment for Pharmaceutical Products Schedule N - Minimum Requirement for the Efficient Running of a Pharmacy Schedule O - Standard for Disinfectant Fluid Schedule P - Life Period of Deugs


Schedule Q - List of Dyes, Colours and Pigments permitted to be used in Cosmetic and Soap Schedule R - Standards for Condoms Schedule S - Standards for Cosmetics Schedule T - Good Manufacturing Practices for Ayurvedic, Siddha and Unani Medicines Schedule U - Particulars to be Shown in Manufacturing Records Schedule V - Standards for Patent or Properitory Medicines Schedule W Generic medicines Schedule X List of drugs whose import,sales & labeling governed by special provisons Schedule Y - Requirement and Guidelines on Clinical Trials for Import and Manufacture of New Drugs Schedule 1 - List of processes generating hazardous wastes Schedule 2 - List of waste substances with concentration limits Schedule 3 - List of waste applicable only for imports and exports Schedule 4 - List of non-ferrous metal wastes for recycling & reprocessing Schedule 5 - Used oil specification for re-refining Schedule 6 - Hazardous wastes product Some important instruments used in Pharmaceutics 1.Accela cota- Tablet coating 2.Anderson Pippete- Partical size determination 3.Pycnometer- Specific gravity 4.Cascade Impactor- Classification Aerosols according to particle size 5.Tag Open Cup apparatus- Flash Point 6.IR Spectroscopy- Identification propellents 7.Rotatory Viscometers- Stability of foams 8.Rotosort- Newly filled capsule sorting machine 9.Coulter Counter- Particle Volume 10.Chilsonator- tablet Granulation


Test Orgsms for M.biological Assay of Antibiotics antibiotis - test organism Amikacin - Saccharomyces aureus Amphotericin B - Saccharomyces cerevisiae Bacitracin - Micrococcus luteus Bleomycin - Mycobacterium smegmatis Carbenicillin - Pseudomonas aeruginosa Doxycycline - Staphylococcus aureus Erythromycin - Micrococcus luteus Framycetin - Bacillus pumilus Bacillus subtilis Gentamicin - Staphylococcus epidermidis Kanamycin sulphate - Bacillus pumilus,Staphylococcus aureus Kanamycin B - Bacillus subtilis Neomycin - Staphylococcus epidermis Novobiocin - Staphylococcusepidermids Nystatin Saccharomyces Cerevisiae Oxytetracycline - Bacillus cereus var,mycoides,Staphylococcus aureus Polymyxin B - Bordetella bronchiseptica Rifampicin - Bacillus subtilis Streptomycin - Bacillus subtilis ,Klebsiella pnumoniae Tetracycline - Bacillus Cereus thanks to naga lakshmi vishwa bharathi college of pharmacy These are the dispersions in which one phase called as dispersed phase/ discontinuous phase/ internal phase is uniformly dispersed in the other phase called as dispersion medium/ continuous phase/ external phase. Internal phase External phase Type of system Solids Liquid Suspensions Liquids Liquid Emulsions Types of dispersions: Suspensions, Emulsions, Lotions, Liniments come under coarse dispersions Magmas and Gels come under fine dispersion. Type particle size Molecular dispersion

< 1.0 nm


Colloidal dispersion 1.0 nm 0.5 m Fine dispersions 0.5 m 10 m Coarse dispersion 10 m 50 m SUSPENSIONS Suspensions are solid-liquid biphasic liquid dosage forms; in which solid phase is uniformly dispersed as finely divided particles in the liquid phase with the help of a third agent called as suspending agent (acacia, tragacanth, surfactants etc.). In what cases suspensions are preferred? 1. A drug is soluble in water but it is chemically unstable in solution form and if it is stable in insoluble form then suspension is preferred E.g., Penicillin G is soluble in water but unstable in nature whereas procaine penicillin G is insoluble but stable in nature hence suspension form is preferred E.g., Calcium salt of Oxytetracycline HCl in suspension form instead of Oxytetracycline HCl in solution form 1. A drug is not soluble in water but unstable in other type of solvents hence suspension form in water is preferred. E.g., Steroid type of drugs: Corticosteroid injection (suspension form); Triamcinolone injection; Hydrocortisone eye drops 1. A drug whose taste is disagreeable when given in solution can be overcome by presenting it in the form of suspension E.g., Chloramphenicol is bitter in taste in its solution form whereas its ester form, Chloramphenicol palmitate is insoluble and hence preferred as suspension with an advantage of palatable taste E.g., Quinine tannate in place of quinine salt E.g., Paracetamol suspension is more palatable 1. In case of agents which required to be in insoluble form in GIT and meant to adsorb ingested toxins or poisoning substances E.g., Suspensions used in the emergency of poisoning conditions like Charcoal, Kaolin E.g., Suspensions like Kaolin, Magnesium trisilicate, Mg(OH)2 to neutralize excess acid 1. To have a protective coating layer over the applied area topically


E.g., Calamine lotion 1. To have prolonged action, administration of drug in suspension form is one option because of its delayed absorption E.g., Protamine zinc insulin injection, Procaine penicillin G injection, Tetanus toxoid injection, Cholera vaccine etc. 1. Drugs can be dispensed as powders with direction for reconstitution to obtain suspensions in order to avoid degradation of drug in long time contact with water E.g., Amoxycillin pediatric dry syrup 1. Drugs in suspension form show immediate action compared to tablets or capsules because of their large surface area E.g., Al(OH)3 gel and other antacid suspensions In formulation of suspensions where we need attention: 1. Sedimentation 2. Physical stability 3. Chemical stability 4. Preservation 5. Storage 6. Redispersibility 7. Dose uniformity Ideal properties of suspensions * It should be easily re-dispersible that means it should not form hard cake * It should be able to have uniform dose throughout the preparation upon shaking * It should have good flowability vs viscosity compromising the pourability * It should have palatable taste * It should be physically and chemically stable * In case of parenteral suspension it should have good syringeability and fine particle size * In case of topical suspensions they should be evenly spreadable Types of Suspension: * Flocculated Loose aggregates called as flocs are formed readily which are easily re-dispersible i.e., sedimentation rate is high as attraction forces


are involved in formation of flocs. Due to formation of flocs their surface area decreases and bioavailability is assumed to be relatively less. Since the flocs may adhere to walls it gives unpleasant look whereas due to its high sedimentation rate gives clear supernatant layer. These suspensions represents secondary minimum in potential energy curves. * Deflocculated Particles exist as separate entities for longer period but once settled forms hard cake which may not be re-dispersed. So, sedimentation rate is slow that too particles settle independently and separately as they experience repulsive forces. Since particles exist as discrete their surface area is more and hence bioavailability can be assumed to be comparatively high. Since they are uniformly dispersed the overall appearance is pleasant whereas supernatant appears cloudy as sedimentation rate is slow. These suspensions represents primary minimum in potential energy curves. DIFFERENCES Flocculated Suspensions Loose aggregates called as flocs are formed Easily re-dispersible Sedimentation rate is high Attraction forces are involved in formation of flocs Bioavailability is assumed to be relatively less Unpleasant look Clear supernatant layer Represents secondary minimum in potential energy curves

Deflocculated suspensions Particles exist as separate entities but once se hard cake Cannot be re-dispersed Sedimentation rate is slow Experience repulsive forces Bioavailability can be assumed to be compara Overall appearance is pleasant Supernatant appears cloudy Represents primary minimum in potential en curves

SCHEDULES TO THE RULES A- Proforma for application for the licences, issues and renewal of licences, for sending memoranda under the Act. B- Rates of fee for test or analysis by the Central Drugs Laboratory or the Government analyst C- List of biological and other special products whose import, sale, distribution and mfg are governed by special provision. C1- List of other special products whose import, sale, distribution and mfg are governed by


special provision. D- List of drugs exempted from the provisions of import of drugs. E1- List of poisionous substances under the Ayurvedic (including Sidha) and Unani systems of medicine. F& F1- Provisions applicable to the production, testing, storage, packing and labeling of biological and other Special products. F2- Standards for surgical dressings. F3- Standards for sterilized umbilical tapes. FF- Standards of ophthalmic preparations. G- List of substances that are required to be used only under medical supervision and which are to be labeled accordingly. H- List of prescription drugs. J-Disease or ailments which a drug may not purport to prevent or cure. K- Drugs exempted from certain provision relating to manufacture of drugs. M- GMP requirement of factory premises, plants and equipment. M1- Requirement of factory premises etc.for manufacture of homoeopathic preparation. M2- Requirement of factory premises etc.for manufacture of cosmesitics. N - List of minimum equipment for efficient running of a pharmacy. O - Standard for disinfacant fluid. P- Life period of drug. Q- List of coals tar colors permitted to be used in cosmetics. R- Standard for mechanical contraceptive.S- Standard for cosmetics.


T- Requirement of factory premises and hygienic condition for Ayurvedic (including Sidha) and Unani drugs. U- Particulars to be shown in manufacturing, raw material and analytical records of drug. U1- Particulars to be shown in manufacturing, raw material and analytical records of cosmetics. V- Standard for patent or proprietary medicines. W- List of drug which is to be marketed under generic names only. X- List of drugs whose import, manufacture and sale, labeling and packaging are governed by special provision. Y- Requirement and guideline on clinical trials for import and manufacture of new drug.

1.Selivanoff's Test- Kenotic Carbohydrates 2.Kedde's Test-Cardiac glycosides 3.Raymond Test-Cardiac glycosides 4.Froth formation test- Saponin glycosides 5.Salkowski Test-Triterpenoids 6.Barford test- Carbohydrates 7.Molisch Test- Carbohydrates 8.Dragondroff's Test- Alkaloids 9.Mayer Test- Alkaloids 10.Wagner's Test- Alkaloids 11.Vitali Morin's Test- Alkaloids 12.Van Urk's Test- Ergot 13.Millon's Test- Protein 14.marquis test-opium 15.frohde's test-emetine 1.Baljet test- Cardiac glycosides 2.Born Trager test- Anthraquinone glycosides 3.Modified Born Trager test 4.Borex test- Aloes 5.Boudouin's test- Seasame oil 6.Bardfoed's test- Carbohydrates 7.Biuret test- Proteins


8.Curaploin's test- Aloes 9.Murexide test- Purines/xanthines 10.Carr price test- Vitamin A 11.Fiehe's test- Artificial ibvert sugar as adultrant in honey 12.Foam test- Saponin 13.Grignard reaction- Cyanogenetic glycosides 14.Gold beater skin test- Tannins 15.Hal phen's test- Cotton seed oil as adultrant 16.Haemolysis test- Saponins 17.Klung's test- Aloes 18.Keller killianin test- Desocy sugar in digitalis 19.Keris test- Rancidity of fats and oil 20.Legal test- Cardiac Glycosides 21.Lieberman burchard test- steroids 22.Ergotoxin Test- Ergot

otto testpesez test-cardiac glycoside shinoda test-flavanoids zak's test-for estimation of serum cholesterol

DRUGS AND ITS MOEITY Drug - analogue zidovudine -thymidineDidanosine-deoxyadenosineLamivudine-cytosineStavudinethymidineabacavir-guanosineGanciclovir-acyclic analogue of guanosinezalcitabinehomologue of cytosineFoscornet-pyrophosphateTribavirin-guanosineSulphonamidePABAmithotrixate & folate = pteridinStreptomycin = streptidinGentamycin = deoxy streptamineAztreonam = mono bactamCephalosporin = cepham Merapenam , imipenam = carbapenamClavulanic acid = OXAPENAMPencillin = penamEthacrynic acid = phenoxy acitic acidMetrindazole = 1,2,4 thiazolidinamiloride = pyrazin & guanidinSpiranolactone = thioacetic acid at 6th positionatorvastatins-pyrrolefluvastatins-indolecerivastatinspyridinerosuvastatins-pyrimidinefibrates-isobutyric acid derivativesaziritidineezetimibepyrazine-acipimoxacetazolamide-1,3,4-thiadiazolethiazide-1,2,4-thiadiazine


Drug - analogue zidovudine -thymidine Didanosine-deoxyadenosine Lamivudine-cytosine Stavudine-thymidine abacavir-guanosine Ganciclovir-acyclic analogue of guanosine zalcitabine-homologue of cytosine Foscornet-pyrophosphate Tribavirin-guanosine Sulphonamide- PABA mithotrixate & folate = pteridin Streptomycin = streptidin Gentamycin = deoxy streptamine Aztreonam = mono bactam Cephalosporin = cepham Merapenam , imipenam = carbapenam Clavulanic acid = OXAPENAM Pencillin = penam Ethacrynic acid = phenoxy acitic acid Metrindazole = 1,2,4 thiazolidin amiloride = pyrazin & guanidin Spiranolactone = thioacetic acid at 6th position atorvastatins-pyrrole fluvastatins-indole cerivastatins-pyridine rosuvastatins-pyrimidine fibrates-isobutyric acid derivatives aziritidine-ezetimibe pyrazine-acipimox acetazolamide-1,3,4-thiadiazole thiazide-1,2,4-thiadiazine

Most active enantiomers: Ephedrine-D(-) Warfarin-S(-) Ibuprofen-S(+) Propranolol-S(levo) Cycloserine-D(+)


Ethambutol-Dextro verapamil-(S) methacholine-(S)

1.Deadly Night Shade- Atropa Belladona 2.Bavchi- Psoralea 3.Calabar Bean- Physostigma 4-Fox Glove- Digitalis 5-Indian Tobbaco6-Rattle Snake-Senega 7-Ghritkumari/Kumari- Aloe vera 8-BitterApple-Colcynth 9-Kalmegh-Andrographis 10-Vidang-Gurmar 11-Flaxseed- Linseed 12-Devil's dung-Asafoetida 13-American Podophyllum- May apple 14-Scammony root- Ipomea 15-Wild Saffron-Colchicum 16-Our Lady's Thistle-Catharanthus 17-Salad Oil-OliveOil 18-Panama Wood- Quillaria Bark 19-Chinese Cassia- Cinnamon 20-Japanese Isinglass- Agar 21-Bishop's Flower- Visnaga 22-Black Mustard- Brassica Nigra 23-American Wormseeed-Chenopodium 24-Wild Yam-Dioscorea 25-Spanish fly-Cantahrides 26-Teel Oil- Sesame Oil 27-Grains of Paradise-Guinea Pepper 28-Rosin-Colophony 29-Chaulmoogra-Hydnocarpus 30-Cyamposis- Guarmgum 31-Hogweed-Punarnawa 32-Sacred Basil-Tulsi 33-Caltrops Fruit-Gokhru 34-Anticancer Plant-Campotheca


35-Spurred Eye-ergot 36-Indian Oleander-Kaner 37-Medagascar Periwinkle-Vinca 38-Anant Mul- Tylophora 39-Okozerite-Shilajit 40-Indian Kino Tree- Pterocarpus 41-White Lead Wort-Chitrak 42-Rasna-Galanga 43-Yellow Oleander-Thevetia 44-Indian Pennywort- Brahmi 45-Febrifuge Plant-Kantkari 46-Bengal Quince-Bael 47-Fenugreek-Tulsi 48-Indian Gooseberry-Amla 49-Pricky Chaff Flower50-Love in mist- Kalijiri

fenugreek-methi gurmar- gymnema(not vidang) black night shade-s. nigrum yellow berry night shade-s.xanthocarpus wolfs bane root-aconite red cherrymad cherry-atropa belladona pucture vinea-chhota gokhru winter cherry-withania goat weed-artemisia

Adultrant 1-Buchu- Barsoma Cermulata 2-Pale Catechu- Acacia Catechu 3-Tragacanth- Sterculia Urens 4-Saffron- Corn silk


5-Digitalis- Verbascum Thaspus 6-Liquorice- Arbus Preecatorious 7-Cardamom- Orange seeds 8-Areca Nut- Sago palm nuts

Microscopy of some impotant drugs 1-Liquorice- Ulignified Septate fibre 2-Solanacoeus Plants- Anisocytic stomata 3-Rhubarb- Star spots 4-Squill- Ca oxide raphides 5-Cardamom- Clothing of glandular trichome 6-Quillaria- Thin membrane arillus 7-Digitalis- Rhytidomes & Glandular Trichomes 8-Atropa Belladona- Anisocytic Stomata 9-Verbascus Thapsus- Clusters of Ca Oxalate 10-Artemisia- T-Shaped Trichomes 11-Stromanium- Phloem Fibres 12-Nuxvomica Lignified trichomes 13-Fennel- Reticulate lignified trichomes 14-Coriander- Wavy sclerenchyma 15-Indian Dill- Lateral ridges with vascular bundle 16-Anise- Branched & unbranched vittae 17-Cinnamon- Absence of cork & cortex 18-Ginger- Non Lignified vessels & starch grains , Endodermis with no starch 19-Collapsed Endodermis 20-Caraway-Collapsed Parenchyma 21-Chenopodium-Epidermis with no trichomes 22-Chirata- Stomata on lower surface only with no trichomes 23-Cinchona - Large sclerenchymatous bast cells with Medullary ray.


24-Cinnamon- Parenchyma cells with starch. 25-Colchicum- Spiral Ducts, Parenchyma with starch 26- Coriander- Prismatic and aggregate crystals of calcium oxalate 27-Saffron- Trichome of stigma 28-Turmeric- Parenchyma with pasty starch 29-Digitalis- Glandular trichomes 30-Euclyptus- Crystal bearing fiber 31-Gentian- Large reticulate ducts 32-Liquorice- Parenchyma with crystals and starch 33-Hycyamus- Endosperm tissue with proteid granules and oil. 34-Ipecac- Parenchyma with raphides 35-Mentha- Trichomes, simple, showing cuticular markings (a medium sized trichome). 36-Pilocarpus- Aggregate crystals of calcium oxalate. 37-Podophyllum- Reticulate ducts and tracheids, Spiral duct, Aggregate crystals of calcium oxalate, Cork 38-Quassia- Medullary ray with starch, Large porous duct 39-Rheum- Parenchyma with starch, resin and crystals, Reticulate ducts. 40-Senega- Parenchyma with fat, Cork & Porous duct. 41-Senna- Bast of vascular bundles, Crystal bearing fibers from vascular tissue 42-Stromanium- Parenchyma cells of petiole 43-Strophanthus- Endosperm tissue, showing oil and crystals, Outer tissue with granular proteid matter and starch 44-Tobbaco- Parenchyma (collenchymatous) from midrib,Leaf parenchyma with chlorophyll. 45-Ginger- Parenchyma with starch and one cell with resin 46-Belladona- Tracheids and spiral duct, Leaf parenchyma cells with crystals,Bast Cells, Porous ducts & Crystal Sand

aminoglycoside : Highly toxic - neomycin Less toxic natilmycin

1.Deadly Night Shade- Atropa Belladona 2.Bavchi- Psoralea 3.Calabar Bean- Physostigma 4-Fox Glove- Digitalis 5-Indian Tobbaco6-Rattle Snake-Senega


7-Ghritkumari/Kumari- Aloe vera 8-BitterApple-Colcynth 9-Kalmegh-Andrographis 10-Vidang-Gurmar 11-Flaxseed- Linseed 12-Devil's dung-Asafoetida 13-American Podophyllum- May apple 14-Scammony root- Ipomea 15-Wild Saffron-Colchicum 16-Our Lady's Thistle-Catharanthus 17-Salad Oil-OliveOil 18-Panama Wood- Quillaria Bark 19-Chinese Cassia- Cinnamon 20-Japanese Isinglass- Agar 21-Bishop's Flower- Visnaga 22-Black Mustard- Brassica Nigra 23-American Wormseeed-Chenopodium 24-Wild Yam-Dioscorea 25-Spanish fly-Cantahrides 26-Teel Oil- Sesame Oil 27-Grains of Paradise-Guinea Pepper 28-Rosin-Colophony 29-Chaulmoogra-Hydnocarpus 30-Cyamposis- Guarmgum 31-Hogweed-Punarnawa 32-Sacred Basil-Tulsi 33-Caltrops Fruit-Gokhru 34-Anticancer Plant-Campotheca 35-Spurred Eye-ergot 36-Indian Oleander-Kaner 37-Medagascar Periwinkle-Vinca 38-Anant Mul- Tylophora 39-Okozerite-Shilajit 40-Indian Kino Tree- Pterocarpus 41-White Lead Wort-Chitrak 42-Rasna-Galanga 43-Yellow Oleander-Thevetia 44-Indian Pennywort- Brahmi 45-Febrifuge Plant-Kantkari 46-Bengal Quince-Bael 47-Fenugreek-Tulsi


48-Indian Gooseberry-Amla 49-Pricky Chaff Flower50-Love in mist- Kalijiri

Pharmacrystal (The Only Name of Success )

INSULIN PREPARATIONS (A)Rapid-acting insulins 3 TO 5 HRS Humalog (insulin lispro) NovoLog (insulin aspart) Apidra (insulin glulisine) (B)Short-acting insulins 6 TO 8 HRS Humulin R (regular) Novolin R (regular) (C)Intermediate-acting insulins 14 TO 20 HRS NPH (Humulin AND Novolin N) Lente-(Humulin L) (D)Long-acting insulins MORE THEN 24 HRS Humulin U (ultralente) Lantus (insulin glargine) (E)Pre-mixed insulins Humalog Mix 75/25 (75% neutral protamine lispro, 25% lispro) Novolog Mix 70/30 (70% aspart protamine suspension, 30% aspart) REFERENCE: Wells, Barbara G.; DiPiro, Joseph T.; Schwinghammer, Terry L.; Hamilton,Cindy W. Title: Pharmacotherapy Handbook, 6th EditionCopyright 2006 McGraw-Hill


IMPORTANT ADVERSE EFFECTS OF SOME DRUGS!! 1.Grey Baby Syndrome- Chloramphenicol 2.Pin Point Pupil-Morphine 3.Reyes Syndrome- Asprin 4.Urine Coloration- Rifampcin 5.Frontal Headache- Indomethacin 6.Captopril-Persistant dry cough 7.Bleomycin-Pulmonary fibrosis 8.Vancomycin- Red man syndrome 9.Nicotinic acid- Flush 10.Steven Johnsons syndrome- Allopurinol 11.sulphonamides-kernicterus 12.aminoglycosides-ototoxicity 13.discolouration of teeth-tetracyclines 14.oxorubucin & duanorubucin- cardiomyopathy. 15.chloroquine- cardiotixicity 16.doxycycline- esophageal ulceration 17.vincristin & vinblastin- neuropathy 18.cyclophosphamide- alopecia 19.cimetidine & spironolactone- gynaecomastia MOA OF SUM IMP DRUGS: 1.Nalidixic Acid-Prevent DNA sysnthesis 2.Dapsone-Folic acid sysntheses inhibitor 3.Vinca alkaloid-Mitotic Spindle formation prevention 4.anthracycline-Intercalation of DNA 5.Methotraxate- Folic acid reductase inhibitor. 6.Warfarin-Vit k antagonist 7.Zidovudine- Inhibits the enzyme reverse tranascriptase ,preventing DNA replication 8.Metronidazole- disruption of helical structure of DNA 9.Tetracycline- Inhibits Protein smyntheses by acting on 30 S unit of ribosome 10.Erythromycin- Inhibits Protein smyntheses by acting on 50 S unit of ribosome 11.Chloroquine- Binds and alters properties of microbial and fungal DNA 12.Diazepam- GABA facilitator 13.Acetazolamide- Carbonic anhydrase inhibitor 14.Allopurinol- Xanthine oxidase inhibitor,inhibitor of uric acid 15.Fluconalzole- P450 enzyme 14a-demethylase Inhibitor 16.Salbutamol-Beta 2 receptor agonist 17.Tolnaftate- Inhibit squalene epoxidase which is necessray for ergosteral syns of fungal


cell wall 18.Griesofulvin-inhibits fungal cell wall activity 19.Chloramphenicol-Inhibition of Protein syntheses 20.Levodopa- Replenish Brain deleted dopamine 21.pentylene tetrazole-brainstem stimulant 22.nikethamid-respiratory stimulant 23.strychnine-spinal stimulant

SCHEDULES TO THE RULES A- Proforma for application for the licences, issues and renewal of licences, for sending memoranda under the Act. B- Rates of fee for test or analysis by the Central Drugs Laboratory or the Government analysist. C- List of biological and other special products whose import, sale, distribution and mfg are governed by special provision. C1- List of other special products whose import, sale, distribution and mfg are governed by special provision. D- List of drugs exempted from the provisions of import of drugs. E1- List of poisionous substances under the Ayurvedic (including Sidha) and Unani systems of medicine. F& F1- Provisions applicable to the production, testing, storage, packing and labeling of biological and other Special products. F2- Standards for surgical dressings. F3- Standards for sterilized umbilical tapes. FF- Standards of ophthalmic preparations. G- List of substances that are required to be used only under medical supervision and which are to be labeled accordingly. H- List of prescription drugs. J-Disease or ailments which a drug may not purport to prevent or cure. K- Drugs exempted from certain provision relating to manufacture of drugs. M- GMP requirement of factory premises, plants and equipment. M1- Requirement of factory premises etc.for manufacture of homoeopathic preparation. M2- Requirement of factory premises etc.for manufacture of cosmesitics. N - List of minimum equipment for efficient running of a pharmacy. O - Standard for disinfacant fluid. P- Life period of drug. Q- List of coals tar colors permitted to be used in cosmetics. R- Standard for mechanical contraceptive. S- Standard for cosmetics.


T- Requirement of factory premises and hygienic condition for Ayurvedic (including Sidha) and Unani drugs. U- Particulars to be shown in manufacturing, raw material and analytical records of drug. U1- Particulars to be shown in manufacturing, raw material and analytical records of cosmetics. V- Standard for patent or proprietary medicines. W- List of drug which is to be marketed under generic names only. X- List of drugs whose import, manufacture and sale, labeling and packaging are governed by special provision. Y- Requirement and guideline on clinical trials for import and manufacture of new drug.

HX SCHEDULES amendment in 2011 - Very valuable for Any pharma exams

new Schedule(HX), an amendment to the Drugs & Cosmetics Act,1945 proposed by the Union Health ministry in a bid to prevent large scale misuse of antibiotics in the country.

The schedule has two parts: Part A of Schedule HX has 16 drugs and antibiotics that shall be sold directly by drug manufacturers to the tertiary care hospitals.These drugs will have a label with a red box,and will be marked as for use in tertiary care hospitals only.Drugs includeMoxifloxacin,Meropenem,Ertapenem,Doripenem,Linezolid and Cefpirome,etc. Part B of Schedule HX has 74 drugs and formulations that will carry the warning that it is dangerous to take this preparation except in accordance with medical advice and not to be sold by retail without the prescription of the doctor. Drugs include: Gentamicin,Amikacin,Penicillin,Oxacilin,Norfloxacin,Cefaclor and Cefdinir,etc.

PHARMEXCIL Is short form of "Pharmaceuticals Export Promotion Council" It is set up and governed by Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Govt. of India About the PHARMEXCIL: The dynamic growth of Indian Pharma Industry, a knowledge based industry, and the


recommendations of four major Pharma associations made the Ministry of Commerce & Industry to realize the need for separate export promotion council. Accordingly, Pharmaceuticals Export Promotion Council (PHARMEXCIL) has been set up on 12.5.2004.



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