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1. Name(optional): 2. Age: a) Below 35 3. Gender: a) Male 4. Marital status: a) Single b) Married b) Female b) 35-45 c) 45-55 d) Above 55

5. No. of years of service a) Less than 1 year d) 4-5 years b) 1-2 years c) 2-4 years

e) More than 5 years

6. Educational qualification of employees a)Below SSLC d)PG 7. Monthly income: a)Below 10000 d) 16000-17000 b) 10000-12000 e)Above 17000 c)13000-15000 b)SSLC e)others c)Graduation

8. Are you aware of various authorized leave facilities available in your organization. (Causal leave, sick leave, paid holidays)? a) Yes b) No

9. Whether you are satisfied with the present leave procedure? a) Yes b) No

10. Is it possible for you to get leave whenever you require? a) Always b) Often c) Some times d) Never

11. Which of the following do you avail often? a) Medical leave b) Casual leave c) Privilege leave d) All

12. In a year how many days are permitted to take leave including casual sick leave, earned? a) Less than 10 days b) 10-20 c) 20-30 d) 30-40

13. How many days leave you are permitted with prior intimation? a) 5 days b) 5-7 days c) 7-10 days

14. What are the consequences for taking frequent unauthorized leave? a) Warning b) Loss of pay c) Issue of memo d) Delaying promotion 15. For what reason you take leave? a) Sickness b) Lack of interest in job c) Personal reasons e) Termination

d) Long working hours

e) Family reasons

16. Do you agree with compulsory leave helps to improve work life balance? a) Highly agree d) Disagree b) Agree c) Neither agree or disagree

e) Highly disagree

17. Which factor will motivate you to attend regularly? a) Good employer relations. b) Work environment c) Future prospectus d) Recognition of work e) Salary/ Incentive based on performance

18. Rank the following factors that are responsible for you to take leave?

FACTOR a) b) c) d) e) f) g) Health problem Personal reason Work stress Unfavorable working Transfer Safety conditions Shift 5

RANKING 4 3 2 1

19. What is your opinion about the leave facility of the company? a) Highly satisfied c) Dissatisfied b) Satisfied c) Neutral

e) Highly dissatisfied

20. Which shift do you find more difficult to work? a) First shift bc) Second shift 21. There is complete cooperation among peers do you agree this? a) Strongly agree b) Agree c) Neither agree or Disagree d) Disagree

22. What do you feel about working hours of the company? a) Very good b) Good c) Bad d) Poor

23. How do you feel about the working environment? a) Very good b) Good c) Bad d) Poor

24. Do you agree that this job involves more work stress? a) Strongly agree b) Agree c) Neither agree or Disagree d) Disagree

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