Scala Work

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//JOHN DAVIDSON CSC 347 //4/10/12 /* INSTRUCTIONS * * WARNING: if you are editing this file with Notepad, Write/Wordpad,

or Word, s top now! * Download a more sophisticated text editor before editing this file. * There are many good free text editors for Windows, such as: * (Notepad++) * (not free, but has a tri al period) * * WARNING: your submissions will be tested with Scala 2.9.1 final. * There may be slight incompatibilities between versions, so please * ensure that you are using the same version during your development/testing. * * Complete the exercises below. For each "EXERCISE" comment, add * code immediately below the comment. * * HINT: type definitions into the Scala interpreter to try them out, * then paste working code into this file. * * TESTING * * 1. Write solutions for each exercise. * * 2. Download "hw1tests.jar" from oncepts/assignments/hw1tests.jar * * 3. Run the tests on your code with: * * scala -cp hw1tests.jar hw1.scala * * GRADING * * 1. Submissions must run (as described in TESTING above) without compilation e rrors. * Submissions with compilation errors will receive 0 points. * Note that refactoring the code into classes/objects will cause the TESTING process to fail. * * 2. You must not use while loops or (re)assignment to variables. * * SUBMISSION * * 1. Submit hw1.scala as HW1 in the Desire2Learn dropbox before the deadline. * The file you submit must be ready to run, i.e., do not submit a ZIP or RAR file containing * hw1.scala; do not submit a Word document containing your solutions, etc. * * 2. Late submissions will not be permitted because solutions will be discussed in class. * */ // EXAMPLE: declare the identifier "s1" with the Int value 7 val s1:Int = 7

// EXERCISE 1: declare the identifier "b1" with the Boolean value true. // In this, AND ALL SUBSEQUENT EXERCISES, include the type of the identifier // being defined (as in "s1:Int" above). val b1:Boolean = true // EXAMPLE: declare the identifier "s2" with an Int expression 9 * 7 val s2:Int = 9 * 7 // EXERCISE 2: declare the identifier "s3" with an Int expression 5 / 2 val s3:Int = 5 / 2 // EXERCISE 3: declare the identifier "p1" with a pair consisting of // the Int 7 and the String "hello" val p1 = (7, "hello") // EXERCISE 4: declare the identifier "t1" with a triple consisting of // the Int 7, the String "hello", and the Boolean false val t1 = (7, "hello", false) // EXERCISE 5: declare the identifier "l1" with a list consisting of // the Int values from 10 down to 5 (inclusive). You must use the List // constructor. val l1 = List(10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5) // EXERCISE 6: declare the identifier "l2" with a list consisting of // the Int values from 15 up to 20 (inclusive). You must use the List // constructor. val l2 = List(15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20) // EXERCISE 7: declare the identifier "l3" with a list consisting of // the String values "a", "b", "c". You must // use the List constructor. val l3 = List("a", "b", "c") // EXERCISE 8: write a function "add4" that takes 4 Int arguments and // returns their sum. def add4 (w:Int, x:Int, y:Int, z:Int) : Int = { w+x+y+z } // EXERCISE 9: write a function "split" that takes a pair of an Int and // a String, and returns a pair of a String and an Int (with the values from // the pair passed an argument. E.g., split (p1) should return ("hello", 7). // You can use "p._1" and "p._2" to access the first and second components // of a pair. def split (p:(Int,String)) : (String,Int) = { (p._2, p._1) } // EXERCISE 10: Write a recursive function "otpu" ("upto" backwards) // that takes two Int parameters "start" and "end" and produces a "List[Int]" // that counts DOWN from "start" to "end" (inclusive at both ends) one at // a time. If "start < end", the empty list must be returned. def otpu (start:Int, end:Int) : List[Int] = { var list1 = Nil if(start > end) {

var x = start while (x >= end) { x::list1 x = x-1 } } return list1 } // You must leave the following line alone. // It runs the tests on your definitions above. // Altering it in your submitted file will result in 0 points for this assignmen t. (b1, s3, p1, t1, l1, l2, l3, add4, split, otpu)

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