Canova Shrimpers

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LIONS C L U B ERECTS BANDSHELLMembers of the local Lions club are shown above as they put the finishing touches

to the bandBy MARY NELSON shell they have constructed The hunting season might be on.i creation ball. This large sized j and will present to the Nationbut along the waterways fishing "community family" will partake, a I Guard this coming Wednescontinues to make news, and of the traditional turkey and all! day night at the local armory. I The shell, costing an estimatchnmp fishing is in the spotlight that goes with it. ed $500, and consuming some this week with one of the biggest Newcomers at the M & A ', 120 man hours of labor to erihnmp hauls (bat has ever been taken from these waters. Two Trailer Park this week vare Mr.' ect, will be formally presentshnmp boat owners and their, and Mrs. GavJord Belts, Cam-j ed to the Guard at a Thanksfamilies are staying at the Coral, bndge, Iowa, Mr. and Mrs Wai-' giving Eve dance at the armApartments on Seaway Drive' ter Bagge, Chicago, 111. Mr. and, ory. Gale de Cordre was general chairman for the project. while the boats take part in this; Mrs. John Vaday, Hasbngs-onoperation and they are Mr. and Hudson, N Y ; Mr. and Mrs John] In tbe photo, left to right, are: Mrs. Leon Canova of Mayport of Vanscoy, Tavares, Fla.; and Mr j James Randel, John Weithe shrimper "Molly and Me U' and Mrs. B. K. Schatto, Green-j haven, de Cordre, Bronce Gallant, Ken TnmbJe, Edward and Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Floyd and wich, Conn. Traab, Jr.. Harold Lewis, son, Tampa, owners of the "WynIvam Shaffer, David Wilibur, Mr. and Mrs Victor Nockin, erua." Henry Walmsley, mine host at 1 beach residents for the past three 1 Charles Gnswold, Earl Benethe Coral Apartments, was invit-| vears, who reside at George Kuen-j fiel, and Charlie Pharr. Those taking part in the project, but ed out on the "Molly and Me" on, aeth's Coconut Cove apartments not present when the photo Thursday and had the thrill of took out a S12.00C building permit was made are: Henry Lawatching one of these big shnmp' this week and will build a twocatches being taken. j bedroom home in the McCarty, Chance, Joseph Corso, John I Holt and John Glynn. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rhodey of| sub-division. (News-Tribune photo by Len McCicero, HI, are other guests reThe attractive Shamrock Village I Nulty) gistered at tbe Coral Apartments lounge was the scene of a card| this week. party and tea on Saturday after- > be at the Wilson Apartments until From shrimp we jump to the 20- noon when members of the D A R.! they can occupy their lovely new pound snook Bill Vincent of the and friends met for bndge, can-. inlet home, which is now nearing i completion. Kiwi Apartments caught in the asta and samba. Inlet last Saturday. This called Another inlet-frontage apartMr. and Mrs. Sidney Nunuelly for a fish fry and that evening been sold guests at the Kiwi apartments,; bad as their guests this week, Mr ment property has the change and announcement of and Bill's brother Roger Vincent' and Mrs L H. Theobold of Mem- ownership will of shortly be made. of Louisville. Ky , who was visit phis, Tenn. ing for the week-end, gathered to Mr and Mrs. Jerome Wurz and I Another open party for fishereat broiled snook. be opMr. and Mrs. C W. Ferris, of! Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wurz of! men willout added to the fleet this erating St. Louis, Mo , who spent some Cleveland, Ohio are at the Davis j winter It is of Fortft Pierce boat the 5 head time at the Kiwi Apartments this apartments on Sean ay Drive for "Horizon" which Bill Thomas has summer are back on a return two months The Wurz brothers j brought over here from Fort are building a duplex at St. Lucie: visit which the two families will occupy Myers, and it will dock at the Pe1 lican Yacht Basin. AnseQ Snow has gone to Mid upon its completion. Pines, N.C , where he will take Mr Jack Flynt of Sanford. Fla . j LET'S GET ACQUAINTED-part in tbe Julius Boros Open golf Our neighbors this week tournament. Mid Pines is the w ell-know-n tomato dealer is at the' and Mrs. Forrest Vincent,are Mr. owners home club of Boros who has been Dolphin Apartments on the ocean,; of the Kiwi Apartments on the this year's outstanding golf per and will remain through the cur- inletLibby and Bill to their insonality, and a field of one hund- rent tomato sales. Mrs. Flynt timates When we approached red will take part in this S5.000 who has been hospitalized will Libby Vincent for information for purse invitation tourney. join him here later this item she told us ''We are just In December Ansell will go to plain ordinary people who have Miami for the Miami Open champ Mr and Mrs. Carter Dalton o f . never done anything in our lives ion ship, and later will take up Pungo Bay Farms, Belhaven.j that would make a news item " one of two offers be has received N.C . arrive on Tuesday and will' Well the world is made up of to teach golf at Miami clubs.

Fort Pierce Beach News

triaa. He vas a plain ordinary people, and figNEWS-TRIBUNE, Ft ff. acter; only MM of him becune a N*v. O. H ured tome l the other* would Pa* fatality, oaiy 1TS.CN of Ma was like to know abort IMMT a injured. Do you personally know bon front Hf m Indianapolis, one at Mm? And do yon know to an attractive tounst court j that the aider and wiser he cot Fort Pierce, Florida, is made. the ofiener b* coffered? Seems the Vincents were consider- j The 9,00* fatalities in M51 when ing buying mto a business at the separated into age brackets betime they took a vacation trip to come the following: 3,300 0 or Florida in October 1949, and you older, 2,000 45 to 64, UOO 25 to 44, guessed it, got sand in their Shakespeare is known to have, 1.200 5 to 14, 800 under 5,600, 15 shoes. wnttea. "Foolery, sir, does walks to 24. Upon their return home pre-i AN EAST COAST BASE, Korea NEW YORK ifr-Gea. James A. j about the orb like tbe sun; it, viously made plans were aban-!<*South Korean President Syng- Van Fieet says "we can produce | gh'"*** everywhere." He could j Last Saturday our Boy Scoots doned and they set in motion in- man PK said today he expectsj many more" fighting Sooth Korean j well have been pondering, like a gave generously of their time at quirses which eventually led to' Dwight Eisenhower "to bring peace. divisions in additioa to the 10 di- i Merlin m his crystal, upon today's the request of the St Luei* County visions which already are manning their purchase of the Kiwi Apart-i and unity to Korea." j pedestrian. For it is very drf- Safety Council, to pass to pedes"Eisenhower was a professional the bulk of the Korean front meets. ificult to understand tbe attitude, trians who were observed jayBill Vincent is now employed; soldier so he understands all about Declaring that he favors "ia- ! of the careless pedestrian Com-< walking a little card with a messwith the Bass Motor Co., as shop war," Rhee told thousands of creased use of native troops to 1 moa se&se tn< him that in any age. If you were one of those foreman, white Libby carries on! South Korean soldiers during cere- < defeat their own lands aad to re- contest with a motor vehicle he's careless folk, you will remember momes formally activating two! place the American soldier wherethe message. the active managership of the' Qf the new Republic of Korea dmssoos. j ever possible," the Eighth Army bound to kwe, "yet he continually Tnis week as proclaimed by the j^g new apartments. They find one of overestimates the motorist's abi<He was most rewarding aspects of their S ' ***> * *I*w>* ** there-1 commander in Korea writes in tbe lity to see his reaction time, his National Safety Council and by new life is the many wonderful:* understands the problem of.Nbv. 23 issue of "This Week" control over the vehicle, and his our own city fathers, is Pedesfriendships they have formed with] diplomacy and statesmanship. magazine: courtesy and patience. While trian Safety Week. We of your people from all over the U.S., wboj "I expect General Eisenhower to! f *B* type of defensive war- many walkers get away with suchj local Council urge you to thougfat1 come to vacation, and then return i bring peace to Korea. We are de- {f* * J> which we are engaged conduct, the cemeteries and hos- fuUy adopt practices while walkagain, and again. Truly did the'pending on President-elect Eisea- j stabe posmocs with httie^ move- pitals have more than their share ing that will increase your caution "ment in mountainous *= Vincents, with their sons. Jerry "bower." ~ ~* terrainthe of those ho are not so lucky. and further your future. Rememand Terry Lynn, find their "place Gen. James A. Van Fleet, an- ; ROK's are as good, man for man, Let us look at last year's pedes- ber, walk carefully, the life you as U. S. troops. in the sun." other speaker, said the ROK army) save will be your own. holds the major part of the battle-j "*ROK " **fa> -*** Md perior to Americans m personal *"L for M I line in KoreaVnd takes the biggest W ** P* * "^ .camouflage, digging in, mountain The first U.S. building specially j losses among Allied troops. l^"63":" . 3 , bufit for astronomical observations lubject lsso fa 'climbing, night patro'liag, infiltra"While the U. N. command andj * b** = * the ^l?^1 "mfaign when tion, ambuscades and taking pris- was constructed near Philadelphia . my country especially exercise the!"* presidential campaign wh^ j\ oners." m 1789. Gea Dwi : major share of command in Korea ! S" - Eisenhower urged replacement of more American ' and logistical support, it is Teiy' >i *<*"* 5* ? American '' evident that the ROK army shares-f^P* * ** *?** J?2 ' SAN FRANCISCO ifA rolling the major part of the fighting and 'later made public a letter from earthquake collapsed a bouse at Van Fleet expressing a similar . Oceano and rocked the California tbe casualties," Van Fleet said. view. Ceremonies today formally actiYour Church is calling you to attend one service each week coastal mountains for 500 miles In his magazine article, Van either the morning or evening service or Wednesday prayer from San Francisco to Los Angles vated the 12th and 15th, ROK Divi- 'Fleet writes that already 60 per isions which, along with six indemeeting. ; before and after midnight today. pendent regiments, were actually cent of tbe 155-mile battlefront is No deaths or injuries were reSunday $chl 9:45 A. M. Memin* Worship 11.Si A. M. being manned by ROK (Republic j ported although the San Andreas activated Nov. 8 Youth Fellowship 6:30 P. M. of Korea) troops, another 15 per earth fault, on which nearly all of |quake for more Qian 554 of an cent by other United Nations Prayer Meeting, Wednesday. 7:3t P. M. Cahforma-s disastrous quakes have Hemek declared damage "un- troops, leaving Americans responoccurred, was convulsed for more doubtedly would have been disas- sible for only 25 per cent of the Evening Worship 7:30 P. M. than three quarters of aa hour, j^us ^a t^, epicenter been in line. HaH Hour Gospel Singing Youth Choir PUne and Orga* Charles Herick. on the University , populated country." ROK soldiers, he says, "are uTimely Gospel Preaching of California seismological staff j said tbe quake started at 11:47:14 i PPS last night (2:47-14 EST to- j FOR day). He said it undoubtedly was' severe at its epicenter near Park- j field in desolate mountains of : AT FLOYD W. COOPER, Pattw southeastern Monterey County, 120 ' Healed er Coaled by Air-ConditJorfcit) miles south of here The seimo- j Arcade Building graph continued recording the i

Rhee Experts Vai Fleet Says Here S. Koreans Ike to Bring Peace to Korea Can be Utilized

Quake Rocks Mountain Area



The Firs! Methodist Church

wotctk&j ijoti ccut


Dr. and Mrs J. G. Kepasse and daughter have returned from! Richlands, Va., and are occupy-j ing their St. Lnae Court home. j Adrian Van Ravesteyn returned to his Sea Shore apartments on Thursday from Cranbury, N J , where he has been for the past several weeks on business. ! Adrian Van Ravesteyn, Jr., leaves next Friday, the 28th, Nov , for Lackland Air Base, Tesas, for Air Force training. A student at the U. of Miami last year, Adrian enlisted at the end of this summer. Another young man to go into service this week was Jack Col 1ms. a resident of the M & A Trader Park who left Fort Pierce on Wednesday to enter the Nav-y On Tuesday evening a group of his yoang {needs at the trailer park met in a farewell party for turn Mr and Mrs Hiram \rmen trojt will amve from H:eh Point. N C , on Wednesday to be guests over the Thark^iving hoi'aav of Mr ard Mrs Rodr.ev of Sezwsy Dnve On Fr7<i?y the foursone vill csr\e in Miarn sothe Miami North Carohra fooioaii Vr a-d Mr-. \%a-re- K Gx>>r of Silver Spnr; ^In are at thc.r Sea*ay Dive -~~ e a - Vl ;, rc i~a_ the T^^-A-;..r.; v%ec->. end R^nderts of the Caux.-vay Tra "er Co-Jrt w ^ z- tocefcr on Th'_rx3ay at o-e c c cck for Tra-k-pv.'-s; d.--er <^!- ~w, w j i be served buffet st-.e in the re


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