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I'd like to throw something in here challenging the issue of moral thinking and it's proof of God. I do agree that without belief there is no proof. The entire argument of empirical proof of God's existence is a bit ridiculous in any case... but that isn't where I was going with this. If you would allow me to take a side path here for a moment. Let's, for the moment, look at the bible and the beginning of creation as it is depicted there. If you aren't familiar with this, please humor me for a while. There was God creating the universe and he created Adam, then formed Eve from him. He placed Adam in the Garden of Eden and told him he could eat of all fruit from the garden except from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Have you ever wondered what that is? I don't mean the type of fruit, but what in the world is this tree? What purpose does it serve? I have heard a lot of different theories about it, but one nagging thing remains in all the ideas people have come up with. Why is this the tree of knowledge of good as well as evil? I mean if doing evil is what made Adam and Eve fall from grace, if disobedience is the crime, if they were morally corrupt and that is what God was 'angry' about, then why is this knowledge of good also equally wrong in this tree? Let me ask this: What is the knowledge of good and evil? Isn't it morality? Isn't it determining what is good and what is evil? Right and wrong? Good and bad? And why would God want to keep them from that? Why would God not want us knowing good? The struggle with this one question is probably the one main thing that has troubled all of us at one time or other. Morality and its lack or its enforcement is equally damaging to all of us. The condemnation that comes from knowing good and evil kills us. I believe the tree of the knowledge of good and evil was the one thing that still kills. Its fruit is ever present with us. It has corrupted us to the point that the only way God could save us from this condition was to send Jesus to take our place and die on the cross. In this one act for all people for all time God Himself killed sin, fulfilled and set aside the law. The law; that set of ordinances written on stone. The thing that was against us and revived sin in us. The law, given by Moses showed us our condition. Showed us who we were with our own self-effort. It never gave us any ability to live in good standing with God (righteous.) It only revived sin in our lives. The true and only revival is when sin is revived in us by the self righteous effort of trying to fulfill what we cannot: the law.

It was in the heart of the enemy before the world was created. That self righteous thought: I will be like the Most High. It was the underlying thoughts of the enemy, satan, that spoke those deceptive words to Eve, brining doubt to the goodness of God toward her and Adam. It was the thought that began to look upon the fruit of that tree that had been there in the garden, I believe, because it was a reality of thought in the spiritual realm. God did not place this tree there in the garden as a test. God doesnt do that. It was there because it was a reality in the realm of the unseen. It was a reality with satan. So, satan took this deceptive warped thought and offered it to Eve. It was the choice of Adam to take it along with his wife. They then knew good and evil. They knew in the Hebrew sense as in Adam knew his wife and she bore him children. There is a fruit in this experiential knowledge. The fruit it has born has made us sinners. Sin in the English language is thought of as an action. As in: I sin therefore I am a sinner. That is not what this means. You can read in the book of Romans the word sin and its variations. Sin is rarely used as a verb, an action. It is in all cases when speaking of us (those after Adam) as a noun. This means it is a condition of our state, not an action on our part. It was the action of one man, Adam, that we are sinners. It wasnt our choice that made us this way. This doesnt excuse us though. I am not saying we are without guilt before the law. Here is the kicker though Jesus fulfilled and did away with the law, nailing it to the cross. The bible says that where there is no law there is no sin. Jesus took the entire curse from the law and all of the sickness and death from the sin that had and has been plaguing mankind ever since the beginning and killed it all! It died with Him on that cross. The bible says we died with Him and are risen with Him and we now have newness of life! We arent anymore tied to the old adamic line. In other words, we arent even related to Adam any longer, but we are a new creation! There has never been any race like this before! We are directly related to God Himself. Jesus is the first born from the dead. We are Gods offspring. He IS our true Father and He, all of Him, lives in us.

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