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Independent University, Bangladesh

Legal Ethical Issues in Business (MBA # 515, Sec# 03) Spring 2012
Course Instructor: Dr. Shibly Noman Khan Office: 4008 Phone: 8401645-53, EXT 301 E-mail:

Lecture Hours:

Office Hours:

Days ST MW

6.30-8.45 6.30-8.45

Days ST MW T

4.30-6.30 4.30-6.30


Text Book:
Khan A R (2001) Business Ethics, Ruby Publications, Dhaka.

Course description: The spirit of business ethics cannot be taught in a text book- it is possible to learn only through repeated conscious practice. Business ethics is the study of conduct of the people involving in business from moral point of view. The world while restlessly chasing for rapid growth and prosperity without any reference to the need for mutual benefits, justice and care has become mindlessly mechanized opposed to altruistic outlook. The human society has, thus become livable with discomfort in an environment of confusion, conflict, suspicion and distrust. The resultant selfish performance of business caused expanding poverty level dividing the world into two conflicting camps- the haves and the have-nots, aggression on third world natural resources, social unrest, strained labor management relations in addition to continuous ecological distortions and imbalances

- all these can be corrected only by sincere and careful application of business ethics in all the transactions by the parties connected with business. Course Objective: This course aims to provide the students with the necessary tools to succeed in their future ventures as ethical entrepreneur, as well as potential ethical manager working for multi-national companies, by providing the following: To familiarize with process of developing a strategy plan To identify problems and prospects of developing an enterprise, in particular identifying third world perspectives An insight into operational features of Strategic Management in Bangladesh.

Topics (major and subtopics) to be covered:

The concepts and techniques Business Ethics of

Specific Objective(s) per Topic

Meaning of Ethics Morality in Business Definitions of Business Ethics, Value Orientation in Business Major Ethical Theories Relativism Basis of Different Ethical Systems, Ethical Standards for Business Ethical Models A Different Expressions Definitions of Social Responsibility The Recent Views Legal Measures for Social Responsibility Expectation to and from Business & Society The Community Expectations from and to the Business Changing Values of Management Approaches to Managerial Ethics Rights and Obligations of Management Factors of Managerial Unethical Practices Status of Managerial Ethics Status of Corporations : Collective Responsibility Corporate Moral Decisions Opposing Views of Corporate Responsibility

Time Frame Week 1

Theories and Tools of Business Ethics

Week 2

Social Responsibility of Business

Week 3

Suggested Activities Presentation, Discussion, Brainstorming, Movie show, Case analysis, Field work to carry out practical research and report writing, group presentation by the students, etc.

Teaching Strategy(s) Student-oriented throughout the semester: Students are expected to participate enthusiastically in the classroom activities , Power point presentation

Managerial Ethics

Week 4

Socialized Discussion by identifying small business in Dhaka or in other area.

Corporate Ethics

Week 5

Mid Term Examination

Code of Ethics & Social Audit Institutionalizing Ethical Conduct Measuring Social Performance Code of Ethics in Islam The Organization of Work Wages & Benefits Working Conditions Employee Rights Disciplining Gifts and Entertainment Ethical Expectations: Employers & Employees

Week6 Week 7 Week 8 Develop report writing skill Develop communication skill

Ethical Expectations: Buyers & Sellers

Sellers Must Know Their Marketing Missions BuyerSeller Status

Week 9

Environmental Ethics

Ecology and the Four Laws Ecological Cycle Ethics and Ecology Types & Sources of Pollution Attitudes of Business Towards Environment Rationales of International Business Misunderstandings about MNCs Intergovernmental Understandings, Impact of Operations of the Multinationals Desired Operations to Ensure Mutuality Strategic leadership in the twenty-Firstcentury

Week 10

International Business Ethics

Week 11

Newspaper and Other Publication Review

Research report finalizat ion & modific ations

Week 12 Week 13 Presentation

Strategic leadership Ethics Research report finalization & modifications Presentation -Develop report writing skill -Develop communication skill

14th week


Marks Distribution:
Quiz Individual Assignment Individual Presentation Mid Term Final Class Attendance and Participation Total 10% 20% 10% 20% 30% 10% 100%

Grading Policy: Percentage Score 90 100 85 - 89 80 - 84 75 - 79 70 74 Letter Grade A AB+ B BPercentage Score 65 69 60 64 55 59 50 54 45 49 44 or below Letter Grade C+ C CD+ D F

Guidelines for Students: Quizzes: All quizzes will be held on pre-announced days. There will be at least two quizzes, out of which best one will be taken as final Quiz mark. No make-up quizzes will be taken. Individual Assignment & Class Presentation: You will be asked to prepare an individual report as an assignment. The topic of your assignment needs to be discussed and confirmed with your instructor well in advance so that you have ample time to prepare. The topics are to be finalized by 2nd week of the semester.

Your assignment topic will be the subject of your class presentation. There should be evidence in the presentation that the student has thoroughly understood the subject matter. A superficial presentation is not acceptable. Attendance: It is absolutely necessary to be present in each class, each class will cover significant amount of the syllabus. Attendance records will be kept. Absence without a valid reason is not desirable. Absences (as well as tardiness) will negatively affect your grades. Absence in more than 3 classes will lead to 0 points in the final attendance mark. Tardiness in three consecutive classes will be considered as one absence. Plagiarism and Cheating during Examinations: Plagiarism of any degree will not be tolerated and there will be consequences as per IUB Rules and Policies. Any attempt at copying during examinations will lead to either substantial deductions in marks or cancellation of scripts depending on the level of offence. Finally, No talking during the lecture and mobile phones must be switched off before entering the class. Please be attentive in the class, take notes if you wish. Thank you.

(Signature) ---------------------------------------------Name: Dr. Shibly Noman Khan Designation: Assistant Professor

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