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Pune City
City known to us as historical, Cultural & Oxford of East Also Hub of I.T. & B.T. For Administrative purpose city divided into 4 zones and subdivided into 14 Ward Offices Each Ward Office has 9 to 13 electoral wards


Total Area - 243.84 Sq. kms.

Population as per census 2001 - 25.26 lakh At present - 35 to 36 lakhs

The expected growth of population and waste generation

The expected growth of population in Pune will be as follows.follows.2015 45 lakhs 2021 60 lakhs As per the present rate of the waste generation @ 400 gms / capita / day it 45 lakhs = 1800 MTD 2021 60 lakhs = 2400 MTD

Municipal Solid Waste

Generation in Pune
Total Generation of Waste 1300 to 1400 MT/Day

National Workshop on SWM Projects Implemented in JNNURM Cities under a PPP Framework Session VII: POST Contract Management & Monitoring Issues

June 3, 2011 3

A W ki M d l Working Model: KKPKPKKPKP-PMC Initiative

Existing Scenario of SWM PPP in Pune PPP-SWaCH Model

Source Segregation Doorstep collection Recovery of recyclables Transport of residue to closed containers Decentralised processing of organics Diversion of limited non recyclables to sanitary landfill

Segregation of waste ::Role of waste pickers :- In the limits of Pune p Municipal Corporation there are about 5,500 waste pickers registered. Out of them 1836 are engaged in ho se to ho se collection of waste. Pune house house aste P ne Municipal Corporation is providing them an assistance in terms of medical insurance, identity , y cards, Uniforms, Infrastructure like wheelbarrows, tricycles & safety gears. Citizens have to pay Rs. 10/- per month per Citi h t R 10/th household as a user fee to ragpickers who are co ect g collecting wet & dry garbage from each household. d y ga bage o eac ouse o d.

What are the key monitoring mechnisms for assessing the performance the of the private partner?
PMC & SWaCH has established monitoring mechanism as follows. 1] P Pune M i i l C Municipal Corporation St ff M k d ti Staff Mukadam 2] SWaCH co-ordinators & Ward Supervisors 3] Concern Residents 4] with the help of local NGOs 5] ward councillor d ill

What are the disputes witnessed in these contracts? How are they addressed?
People are not paying Rs. 10/- as a user fee as per resolution 10/passed by General body of PMC. At ward level PMC are organizing number of meetings regularly to increase public awareness in this regards. In case of sickness absentism or absentism due to other reasons, inability to arrange for substitute mechanism to collect the waste. Extra charge deived/demanded by the ragpickers from citizens. In society area, valuable waste may be picked up by housekeeping staff & therefore ragpickers are not getting the enough recyclables to make money.

What are the issues being faced by the g y state/ ULB in projects which have been operational for the some time? p
In some parts of the city Peoples are not willing to pay p y p g p y money as a user fee. Extra charge/ money deived by ragpickers Defaulters who are not willing to pay userfee, lack D f l h illi f l k mechnism for lifting garbage & PMC has obligation to p provide alternative for them which over burdens the existing system.

What are the reasons for non-progress of nonprojects which have been awarded to the private partner?

Some citizens are not willing to pay the money as a user fee Rs. 10/10/In pune city, Ragpickers are performing well & in p y gp p g some wards poorly

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