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Scientific Management. Improvement in the management leads to increase the profit.

to increase the productivity performance of the individual should be emphasized and motivating the management through incentives .Taylor has made the major contribution in the approach of the scientific management. Taylor believe that t perform the each task in best way work process should be analyzed by the method of scientific management. Each part of the work is divided into the different parts and then that parts are rearranged to perform the work effectively. Taylor gives his some principal about the management that if management works according to his ideas then work will be more profitable and satisfying .he finds the ways of the work method to maintain the coordination in the work .principal of Taylor regarding the management are Selection, training and development of the workers through the scientific procedures. Coordination between the workers so that work is carried out in better way Work is divided among the workers and the management.

Relevance to the management

The concern if the Taylor was with the both working of the management and the workers. Taylor, s believes that the coordination between the workers can be improved by the efficiency of the both workers and managment.Taylor sets the standard the work procedures, he gives the idea that the productivity of the workers can be increased by giving them incentives. Taylors were largely concerned with the problems of the workers in the e organization

Objectives of Scientific Management The four objectives of management under scientific management were as follows:

The scientific development of the workers related to the rule of the thumb method
There should be cooperation between the workers

Workers are not allowed to choose their task instead of this they should be provided the proper training about their task. So that work can be performed in better way The work between the management and the workers should be share on equal basis. Each group is responsible for the work he performed there.

Criticism on Scientific Management Applications of scientific management sometimes fail to account for two inherent difficulties: It ignores individual differences: the most efficient way of working for one person may be inefficient for another; It ignores the fact that the economic interests of workers and management are rarely identical, so that both the measurement processes and the retraining required by Taylor's methods would frequently be resented and sometimes sabotaged by the workforce.

In contrast with the Taylors rule of the management there are also some drawbacks oh the theory To apply the scientific management on the whole of the organization it is not is realized that all the departments must be kept on the same may give advantage to one department but at the same time it may be the disaster for the other department. The focus of the scientific management is just on the increasing the efficiency of the work but not on t equality of the work. If t whole system is changed on the scientific then it will cause to change the whole product

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