DARe (Disclose All Records) Movement Primer

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USC Education and Research Committee | DARe Movement Concept Paper | Page 1 of 14

Advocacy: Executive Summary

DARe (Disclose All Records) Movement Public office is a public trust. Each official is mandated to be true to their service by assuring their constituents that they deserve their positions by maintaining the publics trust. The simple error of not including pertinent figures of ones wealth carved Mr. Corona in history as the first ever chief magistrate to be impeached, and this simple error immediately tainted the trust of the people to him. The challenge now to all citizens is to be consistent with our firm proactive vigilance. It shall not end with our efforts with the Corona trial. It shall only be the start of our solidarity that we are demanding for a government that genuinely practices good governance. True to our call for transparency and accountability, we want to take the lead in making our public officials responsible enough by disclosing pertinent records that has public interest. It is in this light that the University Student Council, through the Education and Research Committee, will be launching the DARe (Disclose All Records) Movement.

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COMPREHENSIVE DISCUSSION OF THE CAMPAIGN CONCEPTUAL 1. The impeachment trial of Chief Justice Renato Corona is only BACKGROUND heightening the PNoy-GMA factional conflict which principally involves the main camps of the Philippine ruling elite. As the trial process unfolds, it merely exposes the institutional contradictions inherent to the Philippine state for all to see. Expectedly or not, this developing situation has the potential to greatly undermine the main pillars of our countrys national political structure. Yet on the other hand, and perhaps far more importantly, the present political conditions can also offer us with an alternative path toward real and genuine structural reforms for our society in the future. 2. At the moment, however, these two elite factions are in the midst of an all-out political battle to defend each others entrenched economic interests by using certain state instruments as their weapons against the other. As such, their clashes have already spilled over into the executive, legislative and judicial branches of the national government. While these arenas are the key tension zones of the present conflict, the Philippine Senate (acting as the Corona impeachment court) currently remains the ruling elites main constitutional battlefront for now. 3. As such, the presently fluid political situation can yet lead to another national crisis scenario in the near future. This could be the case regardless of the outcome of the impeachment trial since both sides can already be expected to challenge any final court decision as a means to extend their confrontation beyond the Senate halls to assert their dominance. But should this ever happen, neither faction may yet be able to fully control and manage such a potentially destabilizing fallout in their favor at such a point in time. This is especially so given the very limited parameters and framework of the 1987 Constitution since it obviously did not provide for any extra-constitutional options as a way out of a state-paralysis scenario induced by power struggles of the ruling elite.

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4. And yet as the political situation unravels, the masses can already clearly see for themselves (by just watching on television the now-weekly proceedings of the impeachment court) the true rottenness, bankruptcy and a near-permanent corruption of our countrys governing elite. Even without Coronas impeachment, and still in a more fundamental manner, the masses are becoming even angrier and outraged at their constantly deteriorating and worsening economic conditions as reflected by the incessantly harsh social reality now prevailing under the PNoy Regime. And indeed, the middle class is also fast becoming fed up with the failing national situation because their own social-economic way of life is now quickly becoming a victim of the consequential dynamics of the Philippine structural conditions. 5. And so today, two years after PNoys mostly empty 2010 electoral promises, and over twenty-six years after the shattered hopes and dreams of EDSA-1, our masses can already discern for themselves the real state of the nation today. And for them that is: the failure of any effective governance by the ruling few to bring about any relevant progress and development for the welfare of the social majority, regardless of whichever elite faction and/or personality controls the so-called three co-equal branches of the Philippine government at any time.

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COMPREHENSIVE DISCUSSION OF THE CAMPAIGN CONCEPT 1. A national response. Given our national situation, it is now RATIONALE definitely clear that an urgent and nationally independent response has to be made as a fundamental way out from any emerging national crisis. In the face of such potential dangers to Philippine society, the general and collective welfare and interests of the social majority (i.e. the basic masses and the middle class) must always be protected, upheld and even advanced to the advantage of the many (not just a few). Hence, the stress for such a nationally organized response has to always be focused on a progressively-oriented democratic agenda, which means that it must be: people-centered, pro-poor, social reformsbased, and with a structurally-transformative perspective to ensure genuine social justice in a more systemic manner in the long run ahead. 2. A broad-based peoples initiative. Essentially, this initiative should ideally be spearheaded by a broad range of likeminded concerned citizens, peoples organizations and other interested individuals. It has to be a broad-based peoples initiative that is able to help provide a national-level alternative (with a progressive) leadership on the basis of a set of immediate and urgent political (and even basic economic) reforms and demands. Such a reforms-driven agenda should also become the basis for a necessary national process needed to push for a real systemic change of the Philippine societal framework in the future. 3. Forces for change. This project should also aim to reach out to, and gain the fundamental support of, a significant layer of the middle class, especially its reforms-oriented tendencies. Specifically, these middle class-identified forces would also have to include church/faith-based formations, school-based organizations, business-oriented groups, professional associations, and other individuals and personalities. Most of them are the sincere and honest people who have always wanted genuine change in Philippine society, but were always institutionally-constrained by the narrow confines of our countrys economic-social-political system.

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4. VISION OF AN ALLIANCE-BUILDING MOVEMENT 5. DARe Movement. Thus now, the primary aim of this concept paper is to propose for the immediate and urgent establishment of a Disclose All Records(DARe) Movement. The main objective of this mass campaigns alliance-building project is to help contribute to the broader social/politicalreforms-oriented democratic mass movement by providing it with a more direct and tangible organizational expression to which many organizations and individuals can readily identify with and support. But more importantly, however, the DARe Movement project should be able to effectively act as a national mass campaigns center in order to ensure that the general welfare and interests of the social majority are seriously taken into constant consideration by the Philippine stateregardless of any controlling factions of the eliteby becoming an active political player on the national political scene that cannot just be ignored by the ruling powers that be. 6. Independent line. Furthermore, by adopting the Disclose All name tag for the project we can readily and clearly attain two things at the same time: a) To set a national agenda by directly posing an open challenge to all government officials (elected and appointed, national and local, etc.) to disclose all of their individual records (SALNs, bank accounts, court cases, etc.) in the spirit of public transparency as public servants; and b) To clearly manifest and assert a distinctly progressive, democratic and independent political-line (and thus, not supportive of any elite faction, PNoy or GMA, etc.) with a systemic change-oriented directional agenda on the basis of vitally needed basic social-economic reforms.

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TWO MODES OF DARE MOVEMENT 1. We DARe DARe UP System shall involve maximum efforts for transparency UP SYSTEM! among the following: UP Administrators UP Faculty UP student leaders This campaign shall urge the following to disclose particular records: # Official/Office Records 1 Board of Regents 1. SALNs of each Regent (Each regent is a public official) 2. Contracts of UP with various partners (particularly the UP-Ayala Technohub contract, UP Town Center contract & the GT Toyota contract) 3. Income generated by the UPAyala Technohub 2 Faculty 1. Students right to access their class standing. 3 Office of 1. Accomplishment Report of STFAP Scholarships and (Socialized Tuition and Financial Student Services Assistance Program) (OSSS) 4 University Student 1. Minutes of the General Assemblies Council and all (GAs) Local College 2. Financial Statement Councils 3. Memorandum of Agreement/s (MOA/s) entered. *Additional official/s and office/s shall be included upon the need of each situation.

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TWO MODES OF DARE MOVEMENT 2. We DARe DARe Philippine Government shall urge all elected and PHILIPPINE appointed officials to: GOVERNMENT! Disclose their Statement of Assets, Liabilities, and Net Worth (SALN); Allow the Ombudsman to check their bank account/s whenever it is necessary by signing a waiver that will be made available by the movement; and Court records to validate their character as public servants. The following are strongly called upon to respond to our call: 1. President Benigno Aquino III 2. Vice President Jejomar Binay 3. Newly selected Chief Justice 4. Senate President Juan Ponce Enrile 5. Speaker of the House Feliciano Belmonte 6. Incumbent Senators 7. Incumbent Congressmen/women 8. Commissioners 9. Department Secretaries 10. Local Officials *Additional official/s and office/s shall be included

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LAUNCHING / OPERATIONS OF DARE MOVEMENT A. Intensive Statements of firm support will be gathered. Collaborations Local college councils and organizations of UP Diliman (and other campuses of the UP system) will be invited to join this campaign. Various non-UP organizations shall also be invited ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------B. Gather support Signature campaigns shall be conducted to manifest that from students this endeavour is a call of the whole studentry. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------C. Constant Officials and offices will be given requests for the disclosure communication of particular records and the conduct of particular actions with the officials (allowing the Ombudsman to have access to bank and offices account/s by signing a waiver). Dialogues with officials may also be requested. A specified and planned timeline and schedule will be finalized by the DARe Movement tea. If the official/s and/or offices fail to respond to the request of the movement, even given ample time, those who refuse to release particular records, without valid reason/s, shall be tagged under the HOW DARE YOU! list by the movement., through the DARe Movement Website. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------D. Constant Reminders to take action to our request will be conducted lobbying by consistently communicating and/or visiting particular officials/officers to grant our request. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------E. Release records A Facebook page and Twitter account shall be created to through social promote this cause. It shall be named as DARE media Movement. A website shall also be created where records will be posted. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------F. Update the DARe Movement shall conduct various interactive forums public through that will update the public with regard to the progress of FORUMS and the coalition. mainstream Constant communication with the media with regard to the media status and developments of the movement. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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i. SHORT TERM Promote CITIZEN PARTICIPATION Encourage youth groups to join the movement for a transparent and accountable government. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ii. MIDTERM Promote TRANSPARENCY Disclosure of public officials SALNs, particular public contracts, permission to allow the Ombudsman to look into bank accounts, and court records. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------iii. LONG TERM Promote ACCOUNTABILITY By raising the bar of public service, the movement will also lobby for the PASSAGE OF THE FREEDOM OF INFORMATION BILL. This bill shall provide liberty and awareness to citizens to scrutinize their public officials.

SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES Objectives DARe Movement aims to: Promote and practice the genuine essence of GOOD GOVERNANCE (TRANSPARENCY, ACCOUNTABILITY, PARTICIPATION) Transparency request to disclose records Accountability request for officials to respond to call for transparency and succeeding actions pertaining to the analyses of certain document Participation the citizens solidarity in forwarding this call Provide an accessible avenue where constituents may scrutinize each public official. Offer pertinent criteria for each citizens decision (vote) in the upcoming 2013 Midterm Election.

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TARGET AREA Organizations Involved and Target Area #1

With the participation of: UP Diliman Local College Councils UP Diliman organizations, fraternities, and sororities ALL UP DILIMAN STUDENTS For the cooperation of: UP Administration Government officials USC and LCC

Target Area #2

Our quest for good governance is not an exclusive struggle of UP Diliman student-leaders. In line with this, DARe Movement is open to expand its campaign with the participation of various youth groups. State Colleges and University Private Universities

CAMPAIGN RESOURCES A. Human DARe Movement Team Resources League of EDRES Officers EDRES Think Tank Team Partner Local College Council/s Partner UP organization/s Partner non-UP organization/s ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------B. Physical USC Allocated fund Resources EDRES sponsorship and solicitations ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------C. Logistics DARe Movement Primer DARe Movement Website Posters Fliers

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Lobbying 1 (UP Admin)

Lobbying 2 (Nat. Govt)


Logistics and Finance

1. DARe Movement Convenor Shall organize, assemble, and preside over the operations of the movement. Shall package the direction of the movement to be relevant in every issue that pertains to transparency and accountability of public officials and offices. Shall represent the movement in any event or situation needed. 2. Secretariat Shall take charge in the communications (letters, memos, etc.) Shall be in-charge in inviting individuals and groups to join the movement. Shall organize all records collected by the Lobbying Teams. Shall be in-charge in the documentation of all activities of the movement.

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3. Lobbying 1 (UP Administration) Shall constantly negotiate with particular individuals and offices in the University of the Philippines System to disclose needed records through the DARe Movement. 4. Lobbying 2 (National Government) Shall constantly negotiate with particular public officials and public institutions to disclose needed records through the DARe Movement. 5. Publicity Shall be responsible in propagating the campaign to the vast public, most especially in UP Diliman. Shall encompass all means to publicize the campaign and make the government aware of the objective of the movement. Shall take charge in administering online media of the media (through Facebook, Twitter, and specific website where collated records will be posted for public viewing). 6. Logistics and Finance Shall prepare all materials needed and provide means to solicit funds for the operation of the movement.

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BENEFITS Student council/organizations name and logo will be included in all endeavors of the movement. Each partner-group shall be labeled as a DARe Movement Signatory. Could localize the movement to respective colleges. Could create various events relating to the matter with the movements full support. For the people. For good governance. Prepared by: REQUIREMENTS Sign the DARe Manifesto for Good Governance to signify commitment for the movement. Assign official DARe Movement representative from student council/organization for future plannings. LIKE and SHARE DARe Movement Facebook page. Follow DARe Movement on Twitter.

JULLIANO FERNANDO A. GUIANG Convenor, DARe Movement Head, USC Education & Research Committee University Councilor, USC - UP Diliman

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