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The C.O.R.E.

Manual The Cornerstone Team Organizing, Resource and Evaluation Manual The Elementary Reading Tutorial led by SFC

Table of Contents
I. II. III. Cornerstone: The CFC Partnership Project for Education Organizing the Tutorial Team Resources A. Empowering Manpower Services Volunteers Training o Cornerstone Orientation o ROCK Training o Reading Tutorial Training B. Making good use of Material resources Conduct and Implementation of the Reading Tutorial Program and Values Formation o Cornerstone Launch o Dolch Test o Kids Values Formation Volunteers Pastoral Formation Tool o Members track Stage 1 Formation Christian Character Weekend Manual IV. Evaluation and Assessment Cornerstone Volunteers Reporting Cornerstone Tutorial Program Monitoring Form Cornerstone Monthly Activity Report Cornerstone Personal Evaluation Form Volunteer Weekly Evaluation ANNEX KFC ROCK WEEKEND MANUAL Cornerstone Orientation Powerpoint Presentation OVERVIEW OF LITERACY and Kids Values Formation PROGRAM FOR GRADE 2 3 STUDENTS Volunteer TUTORS MONITORING FORM Volunteer ACTIVITY REPORT TEMPLATE Volunteer MID YEAR Personal EVALUATION Volunteer MID YEAR Group EVALUATION Volunteer Weekly Evaluation DOLCH Test Result Template Documentation ( Written, Photos, Video) a. Tutorial sessions b. Orientation, Brigada Escuela, Christmas Party, Moving Up Day

V. A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J.

The stone that the builders rejected has become the Cornerstone; by the Lord has this has been done, and it is wonderful in our eyes Mark 12: 10-11 Cornerstone or commonly referred to as the foundation-stone is more popular among the architects and the engineers. In building houses or any infrastructure it is the foundation-stone that should be the strongest and the sturdiest. If the foundation is not solid enough to carry the entire infrastructure it will breakdown and not serve its purpose. In the family, Education and Values Formation are some of our most important foundation. Every parent works hard to send their child to school. Every parent does their best to teach their child the values they need to become a better person. In our present time, not all families or parents have seen this as their priorities due to different factors that we could not solely blame on them or to anyone. Our call is to work on our vision families in the holy spirit, renewing the face of the earth and do our mission building the church of the home and building the church poor. The poor we are referring to are not only those who are financially poor, but those who needs our attention, care and love, those who needs to know and to have Christ in their lives. This Manual aims to guide you and help you in knowing more about the Elementary Reading Tutorial, an SFC led Program of Cornerstone. It will also help you how to Organize your teams, maximize the manpower services, explain the different material Resources to help us to conduct the sessions, and Evaluate our Tutorial Sessions and program. As we journey while serving our Great God, may we all be living witnesses as we help the elementary students to read, write, and be good children of God, the youth to become Christ like leaders, the parents to be Christian-formators, and our community to be a Christ-centered community. May we always be reminded that all of us are called to love and live like Christ our Cornerstone.


Cornerstone is one of the education programs under Building the Church of the Poor (BCOP) of Couples for Christ (CFC) and CFC ANCOP. It has 2 levels, one for Elementary and another one for High School. The Elementary Program aims to reach out to children who are slow readers in elementary public schools and help them to gain confidence through Reading Tutorials and Values Formation. The High School Program aims to reach out to High School leaders through Christian leadership and Values Formation. Family support is provided through the Parenting Formation. The Cornerstone Program is consistent with the core mission of CFC to bring Christs transforming love to families and the poor. The very name Cornerstone refers to Christ Himself (Mark 12: 10-11) The Ateneo Center for Educational Development (ACED) is the main partner educational institution of CFC whose main goal is to help the Department of Education in upgrading the public school education nationwide through principal and teacher empowerment programs and other school related services. The partnership started as a pilot program in 10 Elementary and 5 High Schools in Metro Manila for SY 2011-2012. (To read more about the ACED Background see Cornerstone Organizing Manual) The Cornerstone Program is a CFC and Family Ministry gateway Evangelization strategy through the public schools; a tool for pastoral formation for our members especially in the area of growing in Christian character and love of neighbor especially the poor; and a Church of the Poor program in Education working closely with CFC ANCOP for provision of school support, scholarships, medical, dental and other social services. As a partnership for education program, CFC engages other partners who work towards the same mission of providing complementary services to public schools through: empowerment programs for teachers and principals, provision of school supplies for children, tutorials, scholarships, preventive dental and health programs, feeding (such as Jolibee Busog Lusog Talino (BLT) Program, Ateneo Blueplate for Better Learning) and improvement of some school facilities through Brigada Eskwela and School Build as needed. Gateway to Evangelization The public schools provide a geographic focus for service and evangelization in CFC areas since students and their families live in the community around the schools and can easily be served by the CFC Cluster in the area.

The relationships and partnerships in the school provide a wide reach for CFC and its Family Ministries to invite the principals, teachers, partners and parents to CLPs and children and youth to camps. Those who are invited to join can easily be integrated in the chapters near the school. Convergence Strategy Cornerstone is a convergence strategy of CFC that engages all its ministries to make our faith alive by contributing towards the singular mission of building the church of the home and the church of the poor. The program fosters integrated planning of the whole CFC community at the level of the area (MM Sector or Province) and the Cluster/Chapter to further evangelization and pastoral formation work as it pursues its mission to bring about social transformation through education. The school can help provide CFC ANCOP CSP with a strategic focus in the delivery of programs and immersion of partners. The decision to open a Cornerstone School is based on an evaluation of the readiness of CFC and its Family Ministries to provide volunteers who will undergo training and commit their time to a regular schedule for the CFC Cornerstone components namely: Elementary reading tutorial and values formation, Christian leadership formation for High School and Parenting Formation for both elementary and High School. This entails an integrated planning among CFC and its Ministries to evaluate volunteer and financial support requirements. CORNERSTONE IS A FULLY INTEGRATED PROGRAM IMPLEMENTED BY THE TERRITORIAL GOVERNANCE OF CFC WITH FAMILY MINISTRY SUPPORT. It means that Program Coordinators assigned to schools are Coordinators from mainstream CFC, KFC, YFC, SFC, HOLD and specific programs are downloaded to them by CFC and the specific ministry that is leading the program. The Cornerstone Core Teams relationship with the territorial structure are in the areas of consultancy, program development and production of training manuals, trainings, assistance in strategic planning, and monitoring and evaluation.



A. The Elementary Reading Tutorial is an SFC led Program Cornerstone provides a venue for the SFC volunteers to serve and express their love for children through the reading tutorial of slow readers in Grades 2 and 3, and providing the kids values formation by undergoing the KFC ROCK program. (See annex A) The service allows them to grow in commitment and discipline and becomes a tool for spiritual deepening and a good training for future 5

parenthood. It is also an evangelistic tool as they can invite non SFC friends to join the tutorial and later on invite them to SFC. CFC and other ministries may also get involved by joining the SFC teams in the schools at the level of their province, sector or cluster as the case may be. The volunteers have to undergo tutorial training before they can provide the service to the children. Each Elementary Tutorial and Values Formation for 30 children requires at least 15 volunteers.
SFC Tutorial Team Leader/school: 1 Ideal Ratio of Teacher to tutees 1: 3 (minimum of 10 regular tutors per session) Rock Facilitators: 4 (minimum) 1 Total Volunteer Requirement: at least 15 committed volunteers per weekly session

The CFC Cornerstone School Coordinator provides oversight and support for the needs of the tutorial team III.

RESOURCES: Manpower and Materials

A. Empowering Manpower Services VOLUNTEERS TRAINING 1. Orientation on the Cornerstone Tutorial Program Background Why there are non/poor readers The reading ability of a big percentage of our student population in the Philippines continues to be a serious concern. Statistics report that the number of nonreaders in schools as well as the performance of students in the National Achievement Test are quite depressing. The need for elementary schools to classify the children as first readers, second readers and third readers or as children with difficulties in reading, word readers and phrase readers is an indication that there is a problem. At the start of each school year, the Department of Education runs the Philippine Informal Reading Inventory or the Phil IRI exam for Grades 2 to 6, which intend to provide information on the reading proficiency of students and serve as a basis for appropriate interventions.

Each year, this test reports hundreds of students from Grades 2 to 6 to be non readers/ poor readers. DOLCH Sight Vocabulary Test In order to assess the reading proficiency of students at our partner schools, ACED through our Cornerstone volunteers conduct the DOLCH Sight Vocabulary Test, established by Dr. Edward William Dolch. This is an inventory of 220 high frequency words which students are asked to read out loud. Credit is given for each word that is recognized and the score the students receive will indicate their reading proficiency level Pre-primer (PP) Primer (P)

0 - 75 76 - 120

1 Reader (1R) 121 - 170 2nd Reader (2R) 171 - 210 3rd Reader (3R) 1. 211 - above

Goal of Tutorial

Provide children with basic foundations for reading with the assistance of teachers/tutors; Help young children read and understand simple words and sentences; Bring students to a level where they can begin to read on their own; Reduce the number of non-readers and poor readers in Cornerstone Partner Schools;


Target Audience

Grades 2 and 3 students from Cornerstone Partner School The ideal ratio of tutors to Grade 2 3 Students is 1:3 to 1:5 (max). We will request 10 SFC Volunteers and 30 non readers from each of the participating elementary schools. Based on the result of the DOLCH test, the schools will identify the 30 students who will undergo the program. The Cornerstone team will identify the level after the Dolch Test. 3. Schedule 9:00 am 11:00 am Literacy Tutorial 7

Basic Saturday Program

11:00 am 12:00 am Values formation program for Grades 2 and 3 4. Coverage of Reading Program and General Approach of the 2 guides a. The materials that will be used are : (1) Guide for Helping Children Read Part 1 and 2; Guide for Helping Children Read Part 1 Aims to provide children with the basic foundations for reading with the assistance of teachers or tutors This guide contains 30 detailed plans for lessons that aim to bring children to a level where they can begin to read on their own This includes a CD containing 122 pages of worksheets as support to all the topics Guide for Helping Children Read Part 2 Aims to help young children read and understand simple words and sentences with the assistance of teachers or tutors. This guide contains 39 detailed plans for reading and discussing the stories in Ready, Get Set, Read!. Ready, Get Set, Read! has been reproduced as a Big Book so that it may be used effectively in situations where it is not possible for the children to have their own copy of the book.. Guidelines for the use of the Materials A number of lessons require a set of prepared materials like flash cards and other forms of visual aid. It is important that the tutor prepares these ahead of time to help ensure the effective delivery of the lesson. The tutor must follow the plan for each lesson as faithfully as possible, especially the lesson proper. The goal of the motivational activity is to motivate the students to look forward to the lesson The goal of the lesson proper is to impart to the students the necessary content and develop in them the necessary skills. Exercises or drills are

included in this part and it is important that the students go through the exercises successfully The goal of the closing activity is to emphasize what should have been learned during the session and to summarize the lesson for the day

For the Guide for Helping Children Read Part 2: when discussing the story with the students through the guide questions, the tutor must make sure that the students understand the words and the sentences very well The provision for homework is an important component of the program and is aimed at reinforcing what the students have learned in the session. When assigning the homework for the next meeting day, the tutor should make sure that the task is well understood by the students. The tutor should, therefore, walk the students through the assigned task. At the start of the next meeting, the tutor should spend time going over the homework with the students to make sure that the lesson has been understood correctly and clearly. The tutor should always keep in mind that the reading skills of the students who are attending the program are not yet well developed. Hence, the tutor must: Always speak slowly and clearly Patiently repeat things as often as necessary

Effort is very important. The tutor must always emphasize to the students the value of diligence and hard work. The tutor should be conscious about commending the students for working hard and congratulating them for accomplishments brought about by effort on their part.

Sample Demo Lesson Book 1 Lesson No. 9: Beginning Letters S, M, F Objectives 1. Recognize the letters Ss, Mm, and Ff and their sounds 2. Name objects beginning with the letters Ss, Mm, and Ff 3. Read aloud words beginning with the letters Ss, Mm, and Ff Book 2 Lesson No. 9: Beginning Letters S, M, F Objectives 9

At the end of the lesson, the students must be able to: 1. Read aloud the story, It is Fun to Jog with emphasis on the words under the reading list 2. Answer the guide questions about the story correctly

B. Making good use of Material Resources CORNERSTONE LAUNCH 1. 2. Team Leaders Orientation last week of July Conduct the Cornerstone Orientation

Orientation should be conducted by August (ideally first week of August) to give ample time for the school to prepare and settle as the school starts by June .

Date: Participating Schools GENERAL SCHEDULE

TIME 9:00 9:30 9:30 9:35 9:35 9:40 9:40 9:45 9:45 10:00 10:00 10:30 10:30 10:40 10:40 11:00 Break out Session Group 1: Grade 2 and 3 Students Group 2: Parents and Teachers of Grade 2 and 3 students Presentation of Calendar Open Forum ACTIVITY Registration National Anthem Opening Prayer Welcoming of Guests and Participants/ Opening Remarks Group Dynamics/ Energizer Overview of ACED & CORNERSTONE POINT PERSON School Personnel Cornerstone Volunteers SFC volunteer KFC Coordinator School Principal SFC Team Leader ACED video CFC Cornerstone School Coordinator SFC Team Leader CFC Panel ( CFC/KFC/SFC) SFC CC pr Team Leader to moderate Gr 1:SFC/KFC CC Volunteers Gr 2: KFC CC/CFC Volunteers

11:00 12:00


GROUP DYNAMICS/ENERGIZER Ice breaker options: Simon says. This can be processed to talk about the importance of following instructions in relation to the learning process of their children and the support of the family. SIMON SAYS ACTIVITY The goal of the game is for all the participants to listen to the instructions carefully Mechanics: 1. The game facilitator will ask everyone to follow the action that will be given whenever they hear the phrase SIMON SAYS (e.g. SIMON SAYS sit down, all the participants should sit down), if the facilitator didnt say the phrase they should not do the action 2. If they committed a mistake they will automatically be out of the game 3. As soon as everybody understands the instruction, the game can start 4. The game facilitator will start with the game (SIMON SAYS stand up, SIMON SAYS sit down, Stand up, Jump, SIMON SAYS walk around the room, Stop) 5. All the participants who made a mistake will be out of the game 6. The game will end until there is only one participant left OVERVIEW OF LITERACY and Kids Values Formation PROGRAM FOR GRADE 2 3 STUDENTS

A. Overview of CORNERSTONE Tutorial 1. Cornerstone started as a partnership among the public school, Ateneo Center of Educational Development (ACED) and Couples for Christ (CFC) 2. Cornerstone aims to help children in Grades 2 and 3 to read so they will do better in school 3. This is a 32 week program (every Saturday) reading tutorial to be conducted by CFC Singles For Christ volunteers. This will be from 9am-to 12 noon. 4. This program started in 10 schools in MM on August 2011. It is important to work together to share it with more schools in the future. The support of the parents is very important to make this work. 5. Snacks will be served to the children during the tutorial period. 6. There will be kids values formation activities to help the children to be good in school and at home. The Kids values formation activities will be assisted by the CFC Kids for Christ ROCK facilitators. 7. There will also be a once a month values formation session with the parents and updates on how the children are doing to help them to support the effort of their children to be good in school and at home. All Parents of children in the tutorial program are expected to attend this session. B. The Kids Values Formation Activities will foster: 1. Fun It is fun. Activities are enjoyable and they stimulate the childs creativity, perception, and sensitivity. 2. Will build Friendship


It is built on friendship. Activities encourage the members to build strong friendships with other kids. (Cite an example) 3. Will enhance Faith & Freedom It enhances faith. Activities are geared towards their relationship with God. Christian faith elements are explained in kids language. They will also have the freedom to share what they know and speak of what they feel. C. Philosophy of CFC KFC and Cornerstone students Children are a real gift from the Lord. They are a real blessing. - Psalm 127:3 CFC Kids for Christ believes that 1. Children have a special place in Gods heart. 2. Children can grow in their love and trust for God through meaningful relationship with parents and peers. 3. Children need a healthy concept of themselves, which may be enhanced by their parents acting as primary role models 4. Childrens God-given talents need to be recognized and nurtured in a healthy Christian environment that is fun-loving and life giving. PRESENTATION OF THE CALENDAR


TUTORIAL SESSION AND VALUES FORMATION SESSION Initial Session: Meet and Greet: Getting to Know you 1st Session: Diagnostic Testing: Introduction to Values Formation (KFC 4F appreciation) Videos 2nd Session: God Loves Me and He Wants Me To Be Happy (KE) 3rd Session: Be Like Abraham (KE) 4th Session: Worlds Most Honored Dad (FE) Reading Tutorial Day 5th Session: Loving Your Parents (FE) 6th Session: Loving, Learning (FE) 7th Session: The Hero inside of Me (SR) Reading Tutorial Day 8th Session: The Hero Nurtures the Environment (SR) 9th Session: Talking to Mama Mary (FE) (Rosary Month) 10th Session: Being Grateful (KE) Reading Tutorial Day 11th Session: A Hero is healthy and strong (SR) 12th Session: The Dishonest Boy (FE) 13th Session: Prayer Power (KE) Reading Tutorial Day



14th Session: Build Them Up (KE) 15th Session: Family Christmas Party (FE) Dep Ed Christmas party 16th Session: The Giving Me 17th Session: Time 18th Session: Authority Reading Tutorial Day 19th Session: Jesus will show me how to love God 20th Session: God will always forgive me because He loves me No session: SFC International Conference 21st Session: Kids Camp Talk 22nd Session: Kids Camp Talk Reading Tutorial Day 23rd Session: Diagnostic Test; Kids Camp Talk 24th Session: Kids Camp Talk

ORIENTATION SESSION SESSION FOR CHILDREN FACILITATOR: KFC Couple Coordinators / KFC R.O.C.K volunteers OBJECTIVES: 1. To help the children to get to know each other as well as to get to know the tutors and warm up to each other 2. To explain to the children that there will be a regular Saturday activity to help them to read and to have fun activities to help them become Excellent in school and at home. PROGRAM SCHEDULE Opening Prayer Activity: Search for the Star Recap Closing Prayer OPENING PRAYER Dear Father, Please bless our day and our time together.. Getting to know fun activities ACTIVITY: SEARCH FOR THE STAR Materials: Cut out of 40 stars in 10 different colors *4 stars should be of the same color *1 for each child and 1 for each tutor *10 tutors should join


Cut 30 stars made of paper of 10 different colors *make sure there will be 3 stars same color *there will be 3 kids & 1 facilitator per group Mechanics: 1. The KFC Facilitator will introduce the activity and begin by teaching or helping remind the children to sing (Twinkle, twinkle little star) with action 2. Give 1 star to each child and tell them to hide it first. Each tutor should also have a star corresponding to the color of each group. 3. When everyone has a star already, ask the children to find others with the star of the same color. Tutor will also do the same and help the children if they have difficulty understanding the instructions. 4. After kids and tutor find their matches, the tutor will lead the children to introduce themselves to each other. Tutor should introduce self first. Tell them to say their name and their favorite color and how many brothers and sisters they have. What number (position) are they in the family? 5. After everybody in the group, including the facilitators, have introduced themselves, the group and the tutor/facilitator will move and join with another group and introduce themselves to the other group. 6. Repeat the procedure until all the groups have met each other. 7. Encourage the children to speak and share by clapping or saying very good or other encouraging words. 8. To end the activity, Sing the same song as the start. RECAP 1. Ask the children if they enjoyed the activity 2. Encourage them to come back every Saturday to learn, sing more songs, etc. 3. Explain simply what to expect next Saturday (DOLCH Test will be given by the SFC tutor in charge) 4. There will also be fun activities while they are waiting. 5. Tell children what to expect and what they should bring for the next week if ever 6. Tell them what time they should arrive CLOSING PRAYER Dear Father, We thank you for the people, who visited us today, for the games, the songs and the learning that we gain May you bless us as we go home allow us to go back next Saturday for us to learn more about you Amen. Sing the song Twinkle, twinkle little star Twinkle, twinkle little star How I wonder what you are Up above the world so high Like a diamond in the sky Twinkle, twinkle little star How I wonder what you are



FACILITATOR: KFC Cluster/ Chapter Coordinator / KFC Parent / CFC OBJECTIVES: 1. To get to know the parents of the children and their thoughts about the condition of their children. 2. To introduce Kids Cornerstone to them and get buy in to encourage their children to attend the tutorial and for them to attend the monthly parents values formation program. INSERT The Parenting Title from EMMS PROGRAM SCHEDULE ( 60 MINUTES ) Opening Prayer Group Dynamics/Energizer Pep Talk Closing Prayer OPENING PRAYER

GROUP DYNAMICS/ENERGIZER Ice breaker options: Simon says. This can be processed to talk about the importance of following instructions in relation to the learning process of their children and the support of the family. SIMON SAYS ACTIVITY The goal of the game is for all the participants to listen to the instructions carefully Mechanics: 1. The game facilitator will ask everyone to follow the action that will be given whenever they hear the phrase SIMON SAYS (e.g. SIMON SAYS sit down, all the participants should sit down), if the facilitator didnt say the phrase they should not do the action 2. If they committed a mistake they will automatically be out of the game 3. As soon as everybody understands the instruction, the game can start 4. The game facilitator will start with the game (SIMON SAYS stand up, SIMON SAYS sit down, Stand up, Jump, SIMON SAYS walk around the room, Stop) 5. All the participants who made a mistake will be out of the game 6. The game will end until there is only one participant left PEP TALK It is encouraged to give the session in Filipino or local dialect to deliver and relate well with the parents INTRODUCTION Ask each parent to introduce by giving their name, how many children they have, what they do, and what do they want their children to learn. After the introduction allow them to share their insights on the group dynamics/energizer (give room for 3 sharers) then proceed to the importance of their role in this program.


We say that parents play a big role in molding their children to be good and to be the best that they can be. In this program our children will need our support as they start a new journey. We as parents have to understand what our children will go through and are going through, as well as help us to support our children. As our children learn and go through tutorial and values formation we will also go through parents values formation to deepen our knowledge and be guided as we journey with our children. What support does the program will need from us, parents? 1. We have to encourage and prepare our children to attend the weekly Saturday tutorial - We can help them do their assignments - We can feed them before going to school - We can remind our children that they will learn a lot of things from the tutorial - We can pray with them before going to school 2. Follow up the progress of their children - We can ask our children of how the session went - We can ask them what they have learned (new words, songs, stories, etc) - We can also ask the tutors on the progress of our children 3. Attend the once a month meeting and parent values formation. This will coincide with 1 Saturday of the month and will be from 9-11am. CLOSING PRAYER

NOTE: The Kids Values Formation and Parenting Programs may be given without the tutorial for Jollibee Busog Lusog Talino Partner Schools or other Partners. These will also be considered as Cornerstone Schools. However, the CFC/SFC area should strive to bring the tutorial to the school. In such instances, the Cornerstone team of the area should coordinate with Cornerstone National Core Team for the process of proper coordination with Jollibee and the concerned partner school.

HOW TO ADMINISTER DOLCH SIGHT VOCABULARY TEST 1. WHAT IS THE DOLCH SIGHT VOCABULARY TEST The Dolch Sight Vocabulary Test is a list of 220 words that appear frequently in written English. By learning this list, students will gain a good foundation for developing their reading skills (Source: 2. MATERIALS NEEDED a. Dolch Inventory of Words b. Dolch Test Record Sheet c. Pencil d. Timer or wrist watch


e. Two (2) chairs with arm rests/desks f. Conducive environment quiet, well

lit and



3. MECHANICS a. There should be two copies of the DOLCH Sight List per class one for the Tutor and the other copy for the pupil. The Tutor uses a Class Record Sheet to log the pupils scores (see sample). b. The Tutor who conducts the test should not be the adviser or moderator of the class. c. Test the pupils individually. Dont let the others hear what he is reading. d. Each pupil is told to say the words he knows/recognizes. Move from top to bottom on each column. e. Please note that each pupil can only read from the list for 20 MINUTES. Time starts only after the pupil affirms that he understands all the instructions of the tutor. f. The Tutor tallies the number of correct responses of each pupil in the Class List. Add comments on the side whenever possible, such as He makes much of his phonics or He goes very slowly. 4. CRITERIA a. FOR CREDIT - If the pupil can pronounce the word at sight. - If he corrects himself immediately after miscalling in and then pronounces it correctly. b. FOR NO CREDIT - If he miscalls the word then after reading another word correctly, he comes back and reads the previous word correctly. - If he miscalls the word and makes trials before getting the correct one. - If it takes him more than 15 seconds to call the word. 5. SCORING a. To get the pupils score, count the number of correct responses and record in the Class List. Find out each pupils grade level (See Grading Table below). b. To get the class average, add all individual scores then divide by the number of pupils. Grading the DOLCH Sight Vocabulary Test Word Recognition Accuracy LEVEL PRE PRIMER PRIMER 1ST READER 2ND READER 3RD READER SCORE 0 75 76 120 121 170 171 210 211 ABOVE




Evaluation involves using information you have collected to answer questions about how well the volunteer program is doing, to identify any gaps and improvements you can make and to demonstrate your outcomes (the difference that involving volunteers makes). It will involve analysis of monitoring information (quantitative or "hard" data ) and any feedback, case studies, volunteer experiences etc (qualitative or "soft" data).1 A. CORNERSTONE VOLUNTEERS REPORTING Why monitor and evaluate a volunteer programme?

To measure to what extent you are meeting any specific aims of your volunteer program To determine the quality of the volunteers' experience within your organization To demonstrate the impact that volunteers have on your organization, both in terms of their contribution and their economic value To identify areas in your volunteer program that may need improvement Funders may require you to monitor and evaluate your volunteer program

Monitoring is the process for collecting the facts and figures related to your volunteer program. This will include such things as

Numbers of volunteers Demographic information (age, ethnicity etc) Records showing how often and for how long people volunteer The type of work that volunteers do The economic value of volunteer's contributions The costs of involving volunteers

Monitoring information can be used as evidence in your outputs (the things you do and the services you provide) especially in evaluating volunteers spiritual growth and deepening of their Christian Character. how often? WEEKLY should be done by the VOLUNTEERS to whom will they submit ? TO THEIR TEAM LEADER
A. Volunteer TUTORS MONITORING FORM Annex D B. Volunteer ACTIVITY REPORT TEMPLATE Annex E C. Volunteer MID YEAR Personal Evaluation Annex F D. Cornerstone Group Evaluation Annex G E. Volunteer Weekly Evaluation Annex H


A. KFC ROCK WEEKEND MANUAL B. Cornerstone Orientation Powerpoint Presentation C. OVERVIEW OF LITERACY and Kids Values Formation PROGRAM FOR GRADE 2 3 STUDENTS D. Volunteer TUTORS MONITORING FORM E. Volunteer ACTIVITY REPORT TEMPLATE F. Volunteer MID YEAR Personal EVALUATION G. Volunteer MID YEAR Group EVALUATION H. Volunteer Weekly Evaluation I. DOLCH Test Result Template J. Documentation ( Written, Photos, Video) c. Tutorial sessions d. Orientation, Brigada Escuela, Christmas Party, Moving Up Day K. Cornerstone Elementary School Program Administration



Sector: _____________ Name of School:______________________________________ Team Leader: ______________________________________ List of Volunteers: Month: AUGUST NAME CONTACT DETAILS (cell phone no./email address) Aug 1st week Aug 2nd week Aug 3rd week Aug 4th week








e.g. Doa Juana ES


ANNEX F. CORNERSTONE PERSONAL EVALUATION (Mid Year Evaluation) SCHOOL______________________________ DATE_____________________ NAME_________________________________
Time really flies, it has been 6 months that we are serving in our partner schools; we have seen how the Lord has blessed the CORNERSTONE project and even our own personal lives. We have seen lives transformed, relationships deepen, and faith rekindled. Truly, the Lord surprised us as we witnessed the progress of our tutees performance and their knowledge about God. As we continue serving, we would like to know your personal experience and the progress of our project in CORNERSTONE. We hope to improve our project to help more young people in the country. May this evaluation help us in the future. 1. Growing in your Personal Christian Character On a scale of 1 to 10, how did you progress in the following: 1 being the lowest and 10 being the highest DISCIPLINE From _______ when I started to _________ now PATIENCE From _______ when I started to _________ now PERSEVERANCE From _______ when I started to _________ now COMMITMENT From _______ when I started to _________ now 2. Evangelization and Growing in Service Check if you invited someone to join the Cornerstone Service ____ SFC How many? ____ ____ NON SFC How many? ____ 3. Loving Others: On a scale of 1 to10, how did you progress in the following: 1 being the lowest and 10 being the highest TUTEES From ______ to TEAM MATES From ______ to TEACHERS/SCHOOL ADMIN From ______ to CFC COUNTERPARTS From ______ to OTHER MINISTRIES From ______ to

__________ __________ __________ __________ __________

4. List the top three (3) things that motivate you to conduct the weekly sessions? a. b. c. 5. List the top three (3) difficulties have you encountered in your Cornerstone Service. Opposite the difficulty state what support you need


Support needed

6. Give at least 1 recommendation that will improve the sessions


ANNEX G. CORNERSTONE GROUP EVALUATION (Mid Year Evaluation) SCHOOL _______________________ SECTOR _______________________ COORDINATOR _________________ Team Leader__________________________ STRENGTHS WEAKNESSES RESOURCES



Clarity of policies Adequacy of training Monitoring system Reporting System Coordination


PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT Feedback mechanism Responsiveness


Annex H. VOLUNTEER WEEKLY EVALUATION Make a brief description for the objectives of the weekly evaluation focus on pastoral aspect i.e. as a pastoral tool in developing Christian character. CORNERSTONE POST TUTORIAL EVALUATION Post Tutorial Processing Questions
[This form is to be filled up after each tutorial session and to be submitted before leaving the school.]

Name Topic


Sector Date

Instruction: Please read the statements below and write the number that corresponds to the : emotions you are feeling about them. 1= 3= (happy) (sad it could have been better) 2= 4= (hard but I can do it) (frustrated)

I studied the lesson well before going to our session I practiced first how I should conduct the lesson I brought all the materials needed by me and my tutees for the session I was on time for the session I was able to encourage my tutees to do the activities I was patient with my tutees I learned more about my tutees today I like being able to help my tutees My tutees participated actively in our lesson today We were able to use our time well What I learned about myself today:

____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________

What I learned about my tutees today


For next tutorial I will

____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________


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