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Background, Context, and Purpose of the Lesson: We taught this lesson because the classroom teacher wanted us to teach her students about the different types of sentences.
B. Lesson Goals and Objectives:

Students are able to use appropriate mechanics, usage, and conventions of language.
C. Materials

Signs for students and teachers Sentences for assessment

D. Technology: List technology that might be used to enhance your lesson. E. The Lesson:

1. Introduction: Short skit: Leah (kid): Can I have a piece of candy mom? Katie (mom): No, you may not! Jennifer (dad): Go to the car Leah. Amber (sister to kid): She always gets all the attention. 2. Methods: Relate to past knowledge: Autumn: Okay class what you just saw was a small skit. Each person used a different type of sentences. Can anyone tell me what the four kinds of sentences are?

Need to know: Leah: It is very important that you guys can recognize and write these four different types of sentences. So now I am going to pass out 4 small sheets to everyone and each sheet had a type of sentence on it. Student Activity:

Katie: Okay does everyone have their four kinds of sentence sheets in front of them? Now we teachers are going to read some sentences aloud. After each sentence is read please hold up the card sheet that best describes the sentences. Jennifer: For example: I would read I go to school everyday. You guys would hold up the sheet that says statements/declarative because that is the type of sentence it is. Amber: Does everyone understand? Are there any questions before we begin? Sentences: (Everyone) Tammy and Steven went to the store for their mother. Statement/declarative Mom had given them a list of groceries to buy. Statement/declarative Mom said, "Be sure to buy only the items on the list." Command/Imperative Can't we get a special treat for going to the store for you? Question/Interrogative Mom agreed to let them buy a treat. Statement/declarative At the store Tammy went to get ice cream for Steven and her. Statement/declarative "No!" yelled Steven, "I don't want ice cream! I want to pick out my own treat!" Exclamations "Stop yelling." said Tammy. Command/Imperative The children paid for the groceries and hurried home. .Statement/declarative When they got home Mom asked, "Did you have any trouble at the store?" Question/Interrogative No, we found everything you wanted and the things we wanted. Statement/declarative Can we go for you tomorrow?" Question/Interrogative Autumn: Now we are going to go around the room and each one of you will have to give us an example of the sentence we request such as a question, statement, command, or exclamations. (Pass out treat to everyone for participation) 3. Lesson Closure: Amber: Okay kids I hope you learned how to better identify kinds of sentences and remember to use a nice variety in your writing. Are there any questions? Back Pocket Ideas: Leah: Okay students now we are going to use what we have learned today and write our own paragraphs using each one of the four kinds of sentences. Your paragraph can be about whatever you would like but it must include a question, statement, exclamation, and a command. If you have any questions please raise your hand. Everyone: (help students with their paragraphs.) 5. Assessment:


Students will be assessed by informal assessment when they are asked what type of sentence is being stated such as a command, question, statement or exclamation. Students will give examples of the four types of sentences. Students will write a short paragraph illustrating each type of sentences they have learned. 6. Reflection: This lesson plan worked very well the students enjoyed the activities that we had planned for them to do and they also learned about the different types of sentences and the students understood the differences between the types of sentences.

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