HP-AN376-1 - Biasing Three-Terminal Devices For Test

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Biasing Three-Terminal Devices

for Test

Application Note 376-1

A precise solution for
component evaluation and
sub-assembly testing...
Introduction Biasing Methods Figure 1 shows a generalized
three-terminal device. On this
Measuring the operating Commonly, a three-terminal
device, terminal 3 is a bias input
characteristics of a wide variety of device test requires that two
and terminal 2 is a control input.
three-terminal devices can be parameters (voltage or current) be
Terminal 1 is the common return
accomplished with a single test defined as fixed, and applied to
for both dc sources as shown in
configuration eliminating the need the device. The other parameters
Figure 2.
to rewire or change are then measured. There are
instrumentation. This reduction in many methods of accomplishing In the case of a bipolar transistor
set-up time is especially valuable this. As each method is described, connected in the common emitter
in environments where many the benefits and drawbacks will configuration, terminal 3 is the
different types of components be enumerated, then the following collector, terminal 1 is the emitter,
need to be evaluated, such as method will address the and terminal 2 is the base. The
failure analysis labs, R&D, and drawbacks of the previous one. control variable could either be
incoming inspection. the current into pin 2, or the
voltage from pin 1 to pin 2. If beta
The types of tests which can be
is of interest, it would be simplest
accomplished using the biasing
to control current, and if Gm is of
methods discussed below include,
interest, then the choice would be
but are not limited to; measuring
voltage control. AC ground could
ac characteristics and dc
be any of the three terminals, or
parameters and fault testing.
none of them.
Typical components which may
be evaluated in this manner
include; pnp and npn bipolar
transistors, enhancement and
depletion mode FETs, ICs, and
SCRs. Two-terminal devices, such
as diodes, can also be tested by
simply not using the third test
node (node #2). Figure 1. Generalized Three-terminal
It is assumed that the dc sources
(or multiple output source) used
for all of the configurations
described have a minimum set of
features. This includes computer
control of the output and internal
monitoring of output voltage and
current. If the supplies cannot be
controlled by computer, then
adjustments must be made
manually. If the power supplies
cannot meter their output voltage
and current, then appropriate
metering instruments must be
Figure 2. Biased Generalized
added to the configurations. Three-terminal Device

The Simplest Biasing Method by the computer. In order to keep The Self-Controlling Biasing
the collector current at the Method
Continuing with the bipolar
desired value, continuous
transistor example, the device to The circuit in Figure 4 does not
measurements must be made, the
be tested is an RF power require controller intervention to
results transmitted to the
transistor which is not mounted keep the biases at the desired
controller, new values calculated
on a heat sink. Hfe (dc gain) is to levels, so iterations by the
(based on some algorithm), and
be measured at different values of computer are no longer a problem.
then finally the source 1b must be
1c at a fixed Vce. The biasing
adjusted. This ties up the Source 1e is programmed as a
method chosen is shown in
controller leaving less time to do current source. Source Vc is
Figure 3.
other measurements. The second almost equal to Vce (Vc + Vbe =
The voltage source Vce is set for drawback of this method is the Vce). No runaway is possible with
the specified level, and the current possibility that the controller will this circuit, because 1c is no
source 1b is adjusted until 1c not be able to act quickly enough longer set indirectly with 1b with
reaches its specified value. to avoid potentially destructive the associated time lags that
thermal runaway. worsen the heating problem. Vce
At first, this simple circuit seems will remain correctly regulated to
adequate. All dc values (Vce, 1c, 1b, Clearly, it is desirable to develop a
the programmed value (within
Vbe) can quickly be read by the method of biasing which does not
approximately 0.6 volts). This
metering circuits internal to the require controller intervention.
0.6 volt offset is the major
power supplies. All dc parameters drawback of this system.
(Beta, Gm, leakages) are easily
calculated from the measured
values. It does, however, have two
drawbacks. First, the control of 1c
by adjusting 1b requires iteration

Figure 4. The Self-Biasing Controlling


Figure 3. The Simplest Biasing Method

Self-Controlling Biasing with The Flexible Biasing Solution Notes On The DC Power
Programmed Voltage Offset for Three-Terminal Device Sources
Correction Testing
To effectively test a variety of
To improve upon the accuracy of The problem which occurred in devices using the circuit in
Vce, the power supply sense leads the last configuration can be Figure 6, the power sources must
of source Vc can be connected as solved by replacing Vc with either have the following characteristics:
shown in Figure 5. a bipolar source or equivalently,
two back-to-back sources as 1. adequate programming resolution
shown in Figure 6. Notice that the and accuracy
source at the emitter terminal was 2. readback of voltage and current
also modified to provide a similar 3. adequate readback resolution and
bi-polar capability. accuracy
4. a large allowable voltage
The configuration in Figure 6 differential between output and
allows precise dc bias conditions sense terminals
to be regulated automatically, 5. the ability to source and sink
prevents runaway conditions, and current
does not consume extra controller
time. This configuration can be An example of a power supply
used to test a wide variety of two solution which will meet all the
and three-terminal devices. requirements above for a wide
range of components under test is
Figure 5. The Self-controlling Biasing the HP 6626A Multiple Output
Method with Programmed Voltage System Power Supply. It has two
Offset Correction
25 watt outputs and two 50 watt
Power supply Vc will adjust it's outputs. The 25 watt outputs can
output voltage so that the voltage produce 0.5 amps each and the
at the sense leads (Vce) equals the 50 watt outputs can produce
programmed value. The power 2.0 amps each.
source will actually be supplying a
HP Model 6626A has programming
larger potential, Vce + Vbe. Of
and readback resolution of up to
course, the power supply must be
0.5 mV and 1µA. It allows up to
capable of meeting specifications
10 volts difference between the
with this voltage differential
load leads and the sense leads,
between the sense terminals and
and it can both source and sink
the power supply output. While in
this example, the voltage
difference is only about 0.6 volts, For higher current devices, the
if FETs were being tested, then up HP 6629A Multiple Output System
to 10 volts difference may be Power Supply might be a better
required. choice. All four outputs provide
Figure 6. The Flexible Biasing Solution
2.0 amps at 50 watts.
Suppose it is required as part of
for Three-terminal Device Testing
the component testing, that Vce be
set at 0.5 volts. It is obvious that
Vc would have to be - 0.1 volts,
which could not be provided with
the power supplies connected as
in Figure 5.

When testing three-terminal Programming Example Initialization
devices with either an HP 6626A
The following subprograms can be The initialization procedure, SUB
or an HP 6629A, the HP 14552A
used as drivers for controlling an Init, ramps all four power supply
Bias Cable makes power supply
HP Model 6626A Multiple Output outputs to preassigned levels by
connections easy. The cable
DC Power Supply with an incrementing the outputs in small
connects the output and sense
HP Series 200/300 Computer, voltage steps. The outputs are set
terminals of all four power supply
using the HP BASIC language. in this manner rather than
outputs to two BNC connectors in
programmed in one large step to
the configuration shown in These routines are written with avoid putting a significant voltage
Figure 7. A test fixture can then be variable names that correspond to momentarily on the device under
simply connected at the two the node numbers on the device test. Even though one command
BNCs. under test in Figure 7. Device string can contain instructions for
currents are also as defined in more than one output, power
Figure 7. VO1, VO2, VO3, and VO4 supply outputs are changed one at
refer to the voltage at the sense a time. Because of this, the
leads of the four power supply outputs cannot be changed
outputs, PS1, PS2, PS3, and PS4. simultaneously. Initializing with
The currents leaving the positive small steps keeps the resultant
terminals of the four power supply voltage error no larger than the
outputs are referred to as 1O1 1O2, step size.
1O3, and 1O4. When voltage and
current levels are read back, they When choosing the voltage value
are referred to as Vr21, Vr3l, 1r1 to initialize the power supply
and 1r3. outputs, you should keep in mind
a few guidelines. First, remember
The method used in this example the maximum drop that is
to achieve a bipolar mode of permitted between a power supply
operation by connecting two output and it's sense terminals. In
power supply outputs is called the case of the HP 6626A it is ten
series-opposing. The two volts. In addition, the use of the
opposing power sources in a pair initialized offsets reduces the
are set at equal levels, which voltage available for component
subtract with a resultant of zero test by the offset value. Finally,
volts. One of these outputs is then the HP 6626A must be
held fixed, and the other is varied programmed to a minimum of
Figure 7. Generalized Configuration for to yield a non-zero resultant 3.5 volts while in the current sink
a Flexible Biasing Solution for voltage. For example: mode to maintain regulation.
Three-terminal Device Testing
if VO3 = VO4 = 10 volts Besides executing the Init
then V32 = VO3 + (-VO4) procedure during initial setup of
= 10 - 10 = 0 your tests, it should also be called
if VO3 = 15 volts before changing the polarity of the
then V32 = VO3+(-VO4) voltage across any two device
=15 - 10 = 5 volts. nodes.

Subprograms To Set Voltage
and Current
There are four subprograms given
for programming outputs: SUB
Set__v31, SUB Set__v21, SUB
Set__i1, SUB Set__i3. These
names refer to node numbers, not
power supply outputs.
These subprograms all follow
similar procedures. They first
determine the polarity of the
requested output value. This
defines which is the correct power
supply output to adjust away from
the preset voltage or the current
limit. The outputs of the pair are
then programmed to the
appropriate levels.
Note that when programming
current, the non-controlling
source of a pair is set at its
maximum current. This will keep
the controlling source in the CC
mode. The maximum current is
considered as 0.51 amps for the
two amp sources, because all
current flows through both the
half amp and two amp sources at
the same time. Therefore, one half
amp is the system maximum
Subprograms To Measure
Voltage and Current
There are four subprograms given
for measuring voltage and current:
SUB Meas__v21, SUB Meas__v31,
SUB Meas__i1 SUB Meas__i3.
These also refer to node numbers.
The two subprograms for voltage
measurement read the voltage at
the sense terminals of both of the
power supplies of the appropriate
pair. Then these two values are
subtracted to compute the node to
node voltage. The two procedures
for current measurement simply
read the current from one of the
outputs of the appropriate power
supply series-opposing pair.

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