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Evaluating Tributary Jitter

from the SDH Network

Application Note 1258

Introduction The network architecture The impact of this pointer activity
will be to increase the jitter on the
The innovation of using pointers In the long term, the synchronous asynchronous tributary signal
to track the position of the Virtual SDH network may develop to passing out of the SDH island.
Container (VC) within SDH the state where asynchronous This will produce an accumulation
signals has produced many networks will only exist at the of jitter on the tributary signal as
benefits that will minimize the periphery of the synchronous it traverses the multiple islands in
cost and complexity of network network, and all transport through its transmission path.
equipment. For example, SDH the network is on SDH. However,
removes the need for back-to-back this is an ideal model that may not For the long term network devel-
multiplexers/demultiplexers in be prevalent until well into the opment scenario, (when end-to-
cross-connects and add/drop next century. At present, end SDH transmission is preva-
multiplexers by enabling any and during this intervening period lent), the jitter performance of the
customer payload to be located as the SDH network evolves, terminating PTE will be the main
and tracked without the need to the hybrid synchronous/asynchro- contributor to jitter on the
dismantle the multiple layers of nous network will predominate. demultiplexed tributary signal.
hierarchy within the structure. Thus a signal may experience However, until reaching this stage
However, due to the large inherent several synchronous/asynchro- of development, the network
phase step associated with a nous conversions during its will become filled with SDH
pointer movement (ie, 24UI per passage through the network. islands. A tributary signal’s
AU-4 pointer movement), com- transmission path may involve
pared to that produced by pulse As SDH equipment is installed in traversing multiple SDH islands,
stuffing techniques used in asyn- the network, SDH islands will and the problem of jitter accumu-
chronous multiplexing, the SDH appear. Initially, these SDH lation will exist.
network has the potential of islands are likely to be point-to-
creating large jitter transients in point networks. As the SDH
the demultiplexed tributary portions of the network increase,
outputs. The need to characterize these islands will merge to form
the jitter performance of larger more sophisticated islands
demultiplexers is being consid- consisting of not only Path
ered by Standards Committees Terminating Equipment (PTE) but
such as ITU Study Group 13 at the also Add/Drop Multiplexers
time of writing (April 1994). (ADM), Digital Cross-connect
Systems (DCS), etc. As the
tributary signal traverses these
larger SDH islands as part of an
VC, phase and/or frequency
differences between SDH network
elements will induce pointer
activity in the SDH signal.

Analysis of the network In order to achieve this with the Also, as a further result of the
32 island model, the maximum experimentation, it has become
In order to specify the jitter limits jitter from a PTE is limited to clear that test methodology
on a PTE, analysis has been 1.3UI. Table 1 shows how this guidelines need to be produced in
performed to predict the expected budget has been allocated be- order to achieve accurate and
jitter accumulation that might tween mapping jitter, single repeatable results.
occur as a tributary signal passes pointer movements and degraded
through multiple SDH islands. The synchronization conditions. Liasion between ANSI and ITU has
objective of this study is to prompted ITU to also review the
produce a model that represents a pointer test sequences. Study
practical worst-case example of a Characterization of jitter Group 13 is, at the time of printing,
network that may be used to performance considering how the sequence in
transfer a PDH signal. {A similar G.783 should be expanded/modi-
study carried out by Bellcore for G.783 presently includes pointer fied.
the SONET world produced a 32 test sequences [3]. These se-
SONET island model, each of quences are aimed to emulate
which contains 10 pointer expected network degradations.
processing nodes [1], (Figure 1).}
During 1992, Telecom Canada
To ensure that the jitter accumula- carried out testing to verify the
tion does not cause service theoretically predicted responses
degradation at the output of the to various types of pointer activity
last SDH island, the total on PTEs [4]. As well as verifying
network jitter must not exceed the theoretically predicted re-
that specified for the tributary sponses to variations in pulse
rate [2]. Therefore, each PTE must stuffing ratios (used to map the
not only meet this specification tributary signal into the VC), and
but will have to exhibit a far to single pointer movements,
better performance if the jitter at Telecom Canada also showed that
the output of the last SDH island the defined tests did not fully
is to meet this requirement. represent the pointer sequences
that a real network might
Once the size and structure of the produce.
network model has been agreed,
the allocation of the amount of With the results from the practical
jitter which can be generated experimentation and the specifica-
by the various jitter-producing tion of jitter performance in terms
effects will be performed to of three network conditions, (an
ensure that the total network jitter example of which is shown in
does not exceed the specified Table 1), ANSI have reviewed the
limit on a tributary signal. As an pointer movement sequences [5].
example of the order of magnitude The aim was to produce tests that
that is likely to be settled upon, more closely emulated real
ANSI tackled a similar problem network conditions and also allow
for the DS3 interface which measurement of the specified
requires that the peak-to-peak jitter thresholds.
jitter shall not exceed 5UI, (in the
10Hz to 400 kHz range).

Figure 1: Hybrid network model produced for the transfer of DS3 through a SONET Network. ITU Study Group 13 is investi-
gating the generation of a similar model for each of the CEPT rates.

Island 1

Pointer Processing
Free Ptr
Adj Jitter

Output Jitter
Island 2 Island 32

SONET Jitter
Island M D DS3
Island A

A- Asynchronous Network M - Mapper

D - Desynchronizer

Table 1: ANSI jitter specification for a DS3 signal demultiplexed from a single SDH/SONET island.

Jitter category Jitter allocation

(UI p-p)

Mapping jitter A0 0.40

(Note 1)

Single isolated A1 A0 + 0.30 Notes

1. Jitter from a SONET island in which
Degraded there is no pointer activity.
synchronization A2 1.3 2. The DS3 will be jitter free as it enters
conditions the SONET island.

Figure 2(a) : Single isolated pointer test.


Measurement 1 Measurement 2 Measurement 3

Initialization Cooling Down
(30 s) (30 s) (30 s)

Figure 2(b): Burst-of-3 test.

500 µs
µ 500 µs

Measurement 1 Measurement 2 Measurement 3

Initialization Cooling Down
(30 s) (30 s) (30 s)

The new test sequences The second criterion defines the Figure 2(b) shows the test defined
response to a Single Isolated to cover this condition. Like the
The test sequences developed by Pointer movement. This is tested single pointer test, the bursts are
ANSI have already been accepted using a sequence which has a set 30 seconds apart to allow time
for inclusion in G.783 for the single pointer movement every for the effects of each burst to die
North American portions of SDH. 30 seconds, Figure 2(a). The out before the next burst is
It is likely that similar network pointer movements are spaced 30 applied.
scenarios will be considered by seconds apart in order to allow
the Study Group in order to time for the effects of each move- The second test emulates the
produce test sequences for the ment to completely die out before network condition when the
CEPT-mapped signal. another pointer movement is originating PTE loses lock to the
applied. This ensures that the system clock. This condition will
The first of the new test resultant jitter measured is that cause continuous pointer move-
sequences was developed to produced by a single pointer ments to be generated. On top of
emulate the situation when there movement. this background, extra pointer
is no pointer activity. This test activity may occur due to phase
requires the frequency of the Two test sequences have been noise from the other nodes of a
tributary signal to be varied to defined to measure the perform- network. Therefore, on top of the
find the maximum jitter produced ance of a PTE in a Degraded background of continuous pointer
due to the pulse stuffing ratio Synchronization Condition. movements, an added or canceled
used to map the tributary signal The first test emulates the net- perturbation to the background
into the VC, ie, Mapping Jitter. work condition where phase noise sequence is performed every
This test checks the specification in a chain of network elements 30 seconds.
of the maximum jitter on the (eg, ADMs, cross-connects, etc)
output due to the process of accumulates to produce a burst of
extracting the tributary signal pointers with minimum spacing.
from the VC.

In the original sequences, the Similar effects can be predicted Table 2:
clock synchronization loss was for all types of SDH VCs. It is Experimental results showing effect of
87/3 sequence.
represented by continuous evenly possible by the use of sophisti-
spaced pointer movements. cated pointer processing nodes to
Jitter on
However, this is not always the remove this effect and produce Pointer demultiplexed DS3
case in practice. Experimentation regular, evenly spaced pointer sequence (UIp-p)
has shown that gaps are generated movements. However, this is not
G.783 test:
in the pointer sequence due to the specified as a requirement for the regular pointers 0.15
effects of the positioning of the network equipment, and as the with one missing
SDH overhead bytes. For exam- most straight forward techniques pointer
ple, when an VC-4 is cross-con- produce this effect, PTEs will 87/3 sequence 0.60
nected, a repetitive sequence of have to be designed to cope with
87 evenly spaced pointer move- this sequence. Notes
ments followed by a gap equiva- 1. In both cases, the pointer spacing
lent to 3 missing pointer move- Figure 2(c) shows the new se- was set at 33 ms, equivalent to a
ments is generated. Table 2 quence that has been defined to frequency offset of 4.6 ppm.
shows the effect on the jitter emulate the clock synchronization 2. The results were obtained by testing
the DS3 drop port from the
output from the 87/3 sequence loss condition for DS3 testing. HP 37704A SONET test set.
compared to that produced by the
original G.783 test.

Figure 2(c): Periodic pointer adjustment test sequence.

Pointer Absent Pointers due to

Adjustment Section Overhead
Cance lle d Pointer
Additiona l Pointer Adjustment
87 3 44 Adjustment 43 3 86 4

Pattern 3
Pattern 2

t = 500 µs

Pa tt ern 1 Pa tt ern 1 Pa tt ern 2 or 3 Pa tt ern 1 Pa tt ern 1

Group A Group A Group A Group A Group A


Initialization Cooling Down Measurement 1 Measurement 2 Measurement 3 Measurement 10

≥ 30 s ≥ 30 s ≥ 30 s ≥ 30 s

Figure 3: Typical block diagram of a E3 PTE.

Path Terminating Network Element

Front-End Internal E3
Receive Pointer STM-n Demultiplexer Drop
STM-n Processing Block E3

E3 Clock

Figure 4: PTE test configuration.

SDH Test Set PTE Under Test Jitter Test Set

HP 37724A TX HP 37717A
STM-n Test Signal TX E3
STM-n E3

Clock CLK

a) Synchronize Test Set to PTE by frequency locking Test

Set's Transmitter to the MTS Clock used by PTE.

SDH Test Set PTE Under Test Jitter Test Set

HP 37724A E3 HP 37717A
STM-n Test Signal RX TX
STM-n E3

Clock Extracted
and used to lock
Test Signal

b) Synchronize Test Set to PTE by frequency locking Test Set's

Transmitter to the Clock extracted from the SDH
signal generated by the PTE.

Test methodology The second effect of this structure References
comes from the elastic store
As a side-effect of the practical which will be present in the front- 1. T1X1.2, “SONET Hypothetical
experimentation being carried end pointer processing block. Reference Circuit (HRC)",
out, it became clear that there was This store will absorb some of the T1X1.2/93-015, March 1993.
a need to clarify the test pointer activity in the received
methodology in order to obtain STM-n signal before producing 2. ITU Recommendation G.823,
accurate and repeatable measure- any pointer movements in the " The Control of Jitter and
ments. Factors like the number of internal STM-n signal. (Cases have Wander within Digital Net-
repetitions of each pointer been observed where as many as works which are based on the
sequence test are being 15 movements are absorbed.) 2.048 Mbit/s Hierarchy".
considered to produce implemen- If a pointer sequence test is Vol III - Fascicle III.5, Blue
tation guidelines for each test performed, it is necessary to Book.
sequence. Two of the most prime this elastic store to ensure
important requirements arise from the pointer sequence applied to 3. Revised Recommendation
the structure of the PTEs avail- the PTE is that which appears at G.783, CCITT COM XV-R
able today. the input to the demultiplexer 110-E, Nov'92.
block. (This can be achieved by
By testing PTEs, it has been found applying a test signal containing 4 K. Mahon, “Significance of
that many contain front-end continuous pointer movements of Telecom Canada’s SONET
pointer processing blocks that the same polarity as those used Jitter Accumulation Measure-
extract the VC-n from the received during the testing until jitter ments”, Telecom Canada,
signal and pass it into an inter- spikes are detected on the tribu- T1X1.3/92-129, November 1992.
nally generated STM-n before the tary output each time a pointer
signal is demultiplexed to extract movement occurs in the test 5. ANSI, "Synchronous Optical
the tributary signal, Figure 3. signal.) Network (SONET): Jitter at
Network Interfaces", T1X1.3/
For effective testing of a PTE 93-006R3, Aug. '93.
with this architecture, it is impera- Summary
tive that the frequency of the
internal STM-n signal is locked to By tightly specifying the jitter
the frequency of the test signal generated by PTEs before there
being applied to the PTE. is significant deployment of SDH
If this is not accomplished, equipment, network operators can
frequency and/or phase differ- avoid major problems once the
ences between the two STM-n multiple SDH island scenario
signals will produce pointer becomes a reality. The definition
activity on the internal STM-n of sequences which simulate real
signal. These pointer movements network conditions, accompanied
will produce spurious spikes of by test methodology guidelines,
jitter on the tributary signal. will allow network operators to
Figure 4 shows two possible test gain confidence that equipment
configurations which will synchro- they are installing in their net-
nize the test signal to the PTE and works will interwork with the
hence avoid this problem. existing asynchronous networks
both now and in the future.

Appendix A

Network emulation model An SDH network There will be no pointer move-

for a SDH test set ments in the STM-n signal out of
Figure A1 shows a typical SDH the first element, only variations in
Introduction transmission network. The pulse stuffing rate (which handles
tributary signal, which in this all frequency and phase varia-
The fundamental objective of any example is an E4, enters the tions). Pointer movements are
test set transmitter is to repro- network through path terminating induced in the transmission path
duce, in a controllable and repeat- equipment (PTE). This element when an VC-4 is transferred
able fashion, signals which are maps the E4 into an VC-4 in the between STM-n signals, ie, as it
true representations of conditions STM-n signal. At the far end, the passes through a network element
in a real network. To produce a terminating unit demultiplexes the which is a pointer processing
SDH test set which meets these STM-n signal and reconstitutes the node.
criteria when generating E4 tributary signal. Along the
STM-n signals containing pointer SDH transmission path, the STM-n It is important to notice that when
movements, the concept of a may pass through various SDH a pointer movement is induced in
network emulation model aids in network elements which are the network, there is no effect on
highlighting the important charac- pointer processing nodes, eg, the pulse stuffing ratio used to
teristics of such a signal. digital cross-connects. map the E4 into the VC-4, (as this
is always defined at the entry point
At the entry point to the network, to the SDH network). Therefore,
the frequency variations from the pulse stuffing ratio will remain
nominal E4 rate are catered for by constant during any pointer
pulse stuffing the E4 as it is activity, with this ratio being
mapped into the VC-4. defined by the long term average
VC-4 rate relative to the E4 rate.

Figure A1: Typical SDH transmission network.



E4 E4

Test set emulation model The defined pointer test Summary
sequences consist of repetitive
The reduced network model patterns of pointer movements, By defining a test set transmitter
which must be emulated in order all of which are the same polarity. in terms of a network emulation
to accurately reproduce signals This implies that an offset exists model, it is possible to highlight,
containing pointer movements, between the line rate (f3) and VC-4 and hence ensure reproduction of
consists of a PTE plus a network rate (controlled by f2). As the the important characteristics of
element which provides pointer definition for the sequences signals containing pointer move-
processing functions. Figure A2 requires that the line rate remains ments. This model clarifies the
shows the emulation model. In constant, the internal STM-n (f2) need for the pulse stuffing process
this model, the pulse stuffing rate rate must change to generate these to be independent from the gen-
is controlled by the relative pointer movements. Changing f2 eration of pointer movements.
frequency of the E4 rate (f1) to the will also cause a step change in The implementation of this emula-
internal STM-n line rate (f2). The the pulse stuffing ratio. A step tion model in a SDH test set will
rate of pointer additions is con- change of this nature would not ensure accurate production of the
trolled by the relative frequency of occur in the network as line stimuli required to measure the
the internal STM-n line rate (f2) to frequencies are restricted by tributary jitter performance of a
the output STM-n line rate (f3). network equipment specifications terminating PTE.
With this model, (as in the real from suddenly changing rate. The
network), when pointer move- cooling down period defined at the
ments are introduced, there will start of the sequences provides
not be a step change in the pulse time for the effects of the step
stuffing rate around the pointer change to die out before the jitter
movement to counteract the measurements are performed.
apparent step change in VC-4 rate.

Figure A2 : Test set emulation model.

E4 Processing STM-n

f1 f2 f3

Pulse Stuffing Rate controlled by f1 <-> f2

Pointer Movement Rate controlled by f2 <-> f3

Appendix B

Measuring tributary jitter This table clearly shows the need This means that if it is more than
out of an SDH network to test SDH demultiplexing 200 ms between the peak values,
equipment with test signals that then the actual peak-to-peak jitter
SDH tributary jitter contain pointer movements in will not be measured.
characteristics order to accurately characterize its
performance. 2. The bandwidth of the circuit
The innovation of using pointers to used to recover the carrier
track the position of the Virtual Traditional jitter frequency is such that the
Container (VC) within SDH signals measurement circuits recovered clock phase will track
has produced many benefits that transients that last as long as that
will minimize the cost and The jitter that has existed in PDH shown in Figure B.2. When this
complexity of network equipment. networks prior to the introduction signal is compared to the input
However, due to the large inherent of SDH has been sinusoidal in signal in order to measure the
phase step associated with a nature. Jitter measurement jitter, it will not be possible to see
pointer movement (eg, 24UI per circuits, therefore, were produced the true magnitude of the jitter due
VC-4 pointer movement), that were capable of accurately to the tracking effect in the
compared to that produced by measuring the peak-to-peak jitter reference clock being used.
pulse stuffing techniques used in of repetitive waveforms. Figure
asynchronous multiplexing, the B.1 shows a typical measurement
SDH network has the potential of technique that requires the jitter
creating large jitter transients in waveform to be repetitive.
the demultiplexed tributary
outputs. Not only are the phase The repetition rate of the jitter
steps much larger, the transients in the pure PDH
characteristics of the jitter network was relatively high (eg, Table 1:
produced are completely different 20 Hz for 2.048 Mbit/s). The carrier Experimental results highlighting the
from these previously experienced frequency recovery circuit, relative effect of pointer movements on
the tributary jitter.
in the PDH network. therefore, would track any phase
changes at rates less than this
The effect of pointer bandwidth.
SDH tributary jitter Network condition measured
Experimentation has confirmed characteristics (UI p-p)
that the jitter created at a
demultiplexer output is A single pointer movement No pointer movements 0.09
significantly greater when the SDH equates to an instantaneous phase
signal arriving at the Path step. This causes the output phase Single pointer movements 0.12
Terminating Network Element of the desychronizer to respond in The "87/3" sequence 0.60
(PTE) contains pointer a similar manner to that shown in produced when an node
movements. One natural Figure B.2. Two effects stop the is offset by 4.6 ppm
phenomenon known as the "87/3" traditional measurement circuit
sequence (see Note, Page 14), from giving a true measure of the
which occurs in the VC-4 pointer peak jitter:
when a node within the SDH
network loses timing 1. Positive and negative peaks
synchronization, can have the need to occur within 200 ms of
effect of generating large jitter one another, ie, the peak-to-peak
transients. The test results shown value is the difference between the
in Table 1 highlight the relative positive reading and the negative
magnitude of jitter that can result reading during a measurement
from each effect. period.

Figure B.1: Jitter measurement in a PDH network.

Jitter Threshold

100 ms 100 ms
Search for Positive Peak Search for Negative Peak

The peak-to-peak jitter during the 200 ms measurement

interval is the difference between the positive peak in
the first 100 ms, and the negative peak during the second
100 ms period. The maximum peak-to-peak jitter during
a gating period is the largest value measured during one
of the 200 ms measurement intervals.

Figure B.2: Input phase and desychronizer response in the presence of a single pointer movement.

Desync Input
Desync Output
Phase Response
(UI) 12-
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Time (seconds)

HP 37717A jitter 1.The voltage-controlled oscillator 3. The maximum peak-to-peak
measurement circuit (VCO) used to track the carrier jitter displayed by the instrument
frequency signal being received will be the difference between the
The jitter measurement module for has a bandwidth of 4 Hz. This will positive and negative peaks within
the HP 37717A PDH/SDH BER and provide a better reference for the the gating period, ie, the use of
jitter test set is the first in a new measurement of long transients fixed measurement periods within
generation of jitter measurement produced by pointer activity. the gating period will no longer be
implementations. To allow employed.
accurate measurement of jitter 2. Separate positive and negative
created by the SDH network into peak detectors will ensure that all By the use of these techniques, the
the PDH network, the following spikes of jitter are captured HP 37717A provides a jitter tester
techniques have been employed: irrespective of when they occur that will give accurate measure of
within the measurement period. jitter in a PDH signal, irrespective
of the network topology that the
signal has passed through.


The "87/3" sequence some equipment produces a 90 × T

seconds sequence in which a
When a pointer processing node pointer movement occurs during
which is cross connecting VC-4 the first 87 periods but no pointer
payloads loses lock to the master is produced during the last 3
timing source in the network, the periods, ie, an "87/3" sequence. Pointer Absent Pointers due to
frequency difference between the This effect is caused by the Adjustment Section and Line Overhead

free-run reference in the network positioning of the Section

87 3
element and the master timing Overhead within an SDH frame.
source will have the effect of The cross-connection of other
generating evenly spaced pointer payloads can also have an effect of
movements, T seconds apart. producing repetitive sequences of
However, rather than continuously unevenly spaced pointer
evenly spaced pointer movements, movements.

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