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Subconscious Are Subconscious Beliefs Sabotaging Your Relationships?

or many people, relationships are the most rewarding and sometimes the most challenging and painful of human experiences. Our first role models for relationships are usually our parents. And, before you decide to blame your parents for your failed relationships, remember they got their relationship software from their parents who got theirs from their parents, and so on. Blaming your parents or others for your relationship difficulties just reinforces the problem. When you blame others for your problems you establish and/or reinforce a victim mentality at the subconscious level. This program says that other people and forces control your life. With beliefs like that, its easy to see why you might attract people and situations that make life difficult. The subconscious mind is simply programmed to recognize and attract what is familiar, not necessarily what is desirable. When you list all the qualities you want in a relationship partner, be sure that you possess those qualities yourself in order to attract them. Many people are stunned to learn that most of our behavioral and thought patterns are directed by the subconscious mind, not the conscious. In fact, according to Emmanuel Donchin, Director of the Laboratory for Cognitive Psychophysiology at the University of Illinois, As much as 99% of cognitive activity

may be nonconscious. Which means, we spend most of our time subconsciously responding to life rather than consciously creating it. The missing link between good intentions and effective actions is the ability to align subconscious beliefs with conscious goals, adds PSYCH-K originator Robert M. Williams, MA, author of PSYCH-K, The Missing Peace in Your Life. How PSYCH-K works PSYCH-K (Psychological Kinesiology) helps people to communicate directly with both the conscious and the subconscious minds, so they can change old, sabotaging beliefs into

When you blame others for your problems you establish and/or reinforce a victim mentality at the subconscious level.
new positive, supporting beliefs. This unique process is a blend of various tools for change, some contemporary and some ancient. This technique clearly provides people with the tools to access and change underlying beliefs and attitudes and create lasting behavioral changes that align with what they want in life, and dramatically breaking through fears

that prevent them from accomplishing their goals. The beliefs in a persons memory are patterns of energy held in an electromagnetic field. When the field is disturbed the pattern changes. A pattern of energy held in a computer for 30 years can be altered or deleted just as quickly as a pattern that has been in the computer for 30 minutes! So it is with the mind. It is all about how to alter the pattern, not about how long the pattern has been there. Traditional talk therapy relies on insight as the primary means of trying to change the pattern. Unfortunately, the subconscious mind is not wired for logic as its preferred communication system. It is sensory based and it responds much better to non-linear rituals for change. PSYCH-K helps you quickly and easily communicate directly with your subconscious mind, and while using whole- brain integration techniques, identify subconscious beliefs that perpetuate old habits and behaviors that you would like to change to improve your relationships with yourself and others, in just minutes. This process transcends the standard methods of visualizations, affirmations, will power, and positive thinking. The simple techniques learned can be used anytime, anywhere, in as little as 3-5 minutes time, giving you empowerment over the direction of your life. Most importantly, PSYCH-K empowers people to release the painful past, embrace a joyful future and create long lasting relationships. Over the 28 years of my counseling practice, Ive tried several techniques to help my clients, but still didnt see very satisfactory results. Ive found that PSYCH-K is the most effective, quickest and simple to use whole- brain technique to make positive, permanent changes in my clients lives. For more information and consultation contact Rita Soman, M.A., CADC III (PSYCH-K Practitioner) at 503-3073287 (Portland), 503-717-2955 (Gearhart) E-mail: See ad on page 15.


February 2007


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