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Semester 2 - 2011

Nakhon Nayok Witthayakhom School

Lesson plan 1 - Mattayom 5

Worsheet 1 About me Name: Nickname: Age: From:

I like.. Music Food Colour Animal Movie

I don't like..

Teacher Jim Please read about teacher Jim and answer the questions below:

Hi my name is Jim. I am 25 years old and I am from Devon in England. I have 3 sisters, they are called Amie, Becky and Emma. Amie is 16 years old, Becky is 15 years old and Emma is 27 years old. I have one dog and her name is Maisy. In my free time I like to listen to music and watch movies. My favourite band is Linkin Park and my favourite movie is Avatar.

James Peard

Openmind Projects volunteer

Semester 2 - 2011

Nakhon Nayok Witthayakhom School

Lesson plan 1 - Mattayom 5

Please fill in the blanks:

Q.1 How many sisters does teacher Jim have? A.1 Teacher Jim has ____ sisters. Q.2 How old is Jims sister Amie? A.1 Amie is_____ years old Q.3 What is Jims dog called? A.3 Jims dog is called________. Q4. What is Jims favourite band? A.4. Jims favourite band is ___________________. Please write about yourself in the box below. Hi my name is

James Peard

Openmind Projects volunteer

Semester 2 - 2011
Objectives : Materials

Nakhon Nayok Witthayakhom School

Target language Get to know the students Introduce teacher Help students feel comfortable Discover students abilities

Lesson plan 1 - Mattayom 5

What is your name? How are you? I come from..... My

Worksheet 1 Whiteboard Markers

Warmer (10 mins) Teacher models dialogue - "Hi my name is Jim what's you name", " My names..... nice to meet you", "Nice to meet you too". TT X 3, TS X 5, SS X 5. Elicit to board Class practice - Students are put into parallel lines and practice dialogue with person opposite them. When the teacher claps they move down the line

Core dialogue (10 mins) Teacher models dialogue - "How are you?", " I'm fine thank you", TT X 3, TS X 5, SS X 5. Elicit to board. Teacher models dialogue - "Where are you from", " I'm from......", TT X 3, TS X 5, SS X 5. Elicit to board. Class practice whole dialogue

Communicative game (10 mins) Rub out dialogue on the board Draw noughts and crosses grid Add key words from each line of dialogue Divide the class into two groups Team captains play rock paper scissors to see who starts Two people should jump up and say the dialogue corresponding to the box they want to win Worksheet (20mins) Students will work their way through worksheet 1

James Peard

Openmind Projects volunteer

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