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Reservoir Engineering I (PCB2023)

Assignment 3
Fluid Flow in Porous Media Due date: 1st August 2012 (Wednesday) before 5:00 pm in pigeon hole

1. A well produces oil at a constant flowrate of 15 stock tank cubic metres per day (stm3/d). Use the following data to calculate the permeability in milliDarcys (mD).

Data porosity, 19% formation volume factor for oil, Bo 1.3rm3/stm3 (reservoir cubic meters per stock tank cubic meter) net thickness of formation, h, 40m viscosity of reservoir oil, 22x10-3 Pas wellbore radius, rw 0.15m external radius, re 350m initial reservoir pressure, Pi 98.0bar bottomhole flowing pressure, Pwf 93.5bar qreservoir = qstock tank x Bo 1bar = 105 Pa 2. Assuming steady-state flow and incompressible fluid, calculate the oil flow rate under the following conditions: pe = 2500 psi rw = 0.3 ft h = 30 ft pwf = 2000 psi o = 2 cp k = 60 md re = 745 ft Bo = 1.4 bbl/STB

AFM 2012

Reservoir Engineering I (PCB2023) 3. A well produces oil from a reservoir with an average reservoir pressure of 132.6bar. The flowrate is 13stm3/day. Use the following data to calculate the permeability in mD.

Data porosity, , 23% formation volume factor for oil, Bo 1.36rm3/stm3 net thickness of formation, h 23m viscosity of reservoir oil, m 14x10-3 Pas wellbore radius, rw 0.15m external radius, re 210m average reservoir pressure, P 132.6bar bottomhole flowing pressure, Pwf 125.0bar

4. A reservoir is expected to produce at a stabilized bottomhole flowing pressure of 75.0 bar. Use the following reservoir data to calculate the flowrate in STB/day.

Data porosity, 28% formation volume factor for oil, Bo 1.41rm3/stm3 net thickness of formation, h 15m viscosity of reservoir oil, m 21x10-3 Pas wellbore radius, rw 0.15m external radius, re 250m average reservoir pressure, P 83.0bar bottomhole flowing pressure, Pwf 75.0bar permeability, k 125mD

AFM 2012

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