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Situation as presented by Lord Blackheath, UK House of Lords. Speech on House of Commons floor February 16, 2012

v=eL5hqvTWkYg Summary of Lord Blackheath: Evidence of massive money laundering by the US Federal Reserve via the Royal Bank of Scotland in UK, which is an Inter-Alpha Group of Banks owned by the Rothschilds, to a shell company in the Cayman Islands call Pure Heart Capital (Pure Heart Investments Ltd). A total of $15 trillion was diverted to Pure Heart Capital in the Cayman Islands under order of the US Federal Reserve. An extraordinary elaborate fraud which is not been carried about but has been prepared as a threat from one government to another Summary: According to Lord Blackheath the alleged fraud and money laundering began in April 2009 with the alleged transfer to the UK Royal Bank of Scotland in the amount of $5 trillion USD. This wire transfer was followed 7-days later with another $5 trillion USD, and the last transfer of $5 trillion USD was 7-days later. Lord James told his colleagues that $15 trillion of the $36 trillion personally held by a Mr. Yohannes Riyadi wound up in the HSBC Bank for onward transit to the Royal Bank of Scotland. He claimed the United States had been gradually stealing Riyadis money for the specific purpose of helping to support the dollar. Mr. Riyadi has sent me a remarkable document dated February 2006, Lord James continued, in which the American Government have called him to a meeting with the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. That meeting, he said, was witnessed by Mr Alan Greenspan, who signed for the Federal Reserve Bank of New York of which he was chairman, as well as chairman of the real Federal Reserve in Washington. It is signed by Mr Timothy Geithner as a witness on behalf of the International Monetary Fund. The IMF sent two witnesses, the other being Mr Yusuke Horiguchi. These gentlemen have signed as witnesses, he continued, to the effect that this deal is a proper deal. There are a lot of other signatures on the document. I do not have a photocopy; I have an original version of the contract. Under the contract, the American Treasury has apparently got the Federal Reserve Bank of New York to offer to buy out the bonds issued to Mr Riyadi to replace the cash which has been taken from him over the previous 10 years. It is giving him $500 million as a cash payment to buy out worthless bonds. That is all in the agreement and it is very remarkable.

The Federal Reserve claims the above mentioned information is a scam

Evidence of a Federal Reserve SWIFT Transmission, which as Lord Blackheath claims was 1 of 3 wire transfers each in the amount of $5 trillion totaling $15 trillion paid to the credit of Pure Heart Investments in the Cayman Islands via the Royal Bank of Scotland London Branch. A copy of one swift transmission, Lord Blackheath claimed to have a copy of is as follows: Date: 04 20 2009 [April 20, 2009] Transaction Reference Number: 2122100626(0)33(0) Up To 212210039(?)208(0)20 Date of Issue: April 20, 2009(6) Maturity Date: April 20, 2014 Amount: $5,000,000,000,000.00 (Five Trillion Dollars) Beneficiary: Royal Bank of Scotland, FLC London Royal Bank of Scotland Global FLC Account Number: 400930153 Wire transfer from: JP Morgan Chase NY SWIFT code: CHASUS33 RBS Account Number: 400930153 [RBS - Royal Bank of Scotland] Credit to LWB/GOTSA Pure Heart Investments Ltd. On permit number 04050 Homeland We the Federal reserve bank of New York on behalf our client Mr. Wilfredo Saurjn (spelling?) holder of Philippine passport number ZE159124 hereby present our conditional invoiceable assurance transferrable case sacred swift wire transfer in your favor for the account of your client of Morgan Chase Bank New York swift code CHASUS33. RBS [Royal Bank of Scotland] account number 400930153. Beneficiary the Royal Bank of Scotland FLC London, the Royal Bank of Scotland Global FLC further credit to LWB/GOTSA Pure Heart Investments Ltd on permit number 04050 Homeland for an amount of USD 5 Trillion (Five Trillion United States Dollars only). This conditional irrevocable swift is a binding payment commitment by us and Mr. Marldy (spelling?) undertake to wire transfer the said amount to you in favor of your client. This conditional irrevocable divisible assignable transferable callable cash backed swift wire transfer is valid for 30 banking days from the 20th day of April 2009 until the 20th day of May 2009. This is an operative bank instrument and is subject to the uniform commercial code as it relates to bank credit instruments. Ben S Bernanke Chairman Donald L. Kohn Vice Chairman [who left the Fed September 2010]

The Federal Reserve Bank SWIFT Transmission states at the bottom - from the International Treasury Services (ITS). [Note, the ITS is used by the Federal Reserve as noted below, according to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York website:]
The Financial Services Group [department in the Federal Reserve Bank] of New York] fosters the integrity, efficiency and accessibility of U.S. dollar payment and settlement systems in support of U.S. financial stability and economic growth.

Cash and Custody Receives, processes and distributes new and previously circulated currency and coin to depository institutions to demand for legal tender. Accepts unfit and excess cash from depository institutions, government agencies and others. Destroys unfit currency. Distributes new or fit currency both domestically and internationally through a global distribution network of Exte Custodial Inventory (ECI) sites in foreign countries that the Bank manages for the Federal Reserve System Handles and services physical securities issued by the U.S. Treasury and other government and international or Acts as custodian for other physical valuables as well, including collateral presented by depository institutions to discount window borrowings and gold bullion maintained by the Bank for foreign central banks. Electronic Payments Provides customer support for the National Settlement Service. Manages extensions for the Fedwire Funds, Fedwire Securities and National Settlement Services. Assists computer interface customers in testing their systems. Provides technical and operational support to other Reserve Banks. International Treasury Services Manages a single hub for international payments and collections on behalf of the Department of the Treasury, Fi Management Services. Processes government vendor and benefit payments for more than 50 government agencies across 150 countri Continues to meet Treasurys strategic goal for international cash management by facilitating the simplification o point solutions through rapid development and consolidation of various government cross-border systems.

International Treasury Services -

Is a comprehensive international payment and collection system used for processing international dir deposit payments to benefit recipients and both electronic and check payments to vendor, foreign payroll, and miscellaneous payment recipients. offers a government-wide common solution f issuing international payments in established and emerging markets worldwide. FMS provides international payment services through one or more of its Regional Financial Centers (RFCs). For detailed processing instructions, see Contacts. What is ITS.GOV?

The Financial Management Service (FMS) provides international payment services to over 175 Federa agencies. enables Federal agencies to issue foreign currency payments via direct deposit, wi transfer, or draft to recipients in over 150 countries. Additionally, enables agencies to issue international US Dollar wire transfer payments without a corresponding US financial institution. FMS processes monthly recurring benefit payments, foreign payroll, vendor, and miscellaneous payments Benefits is a comprehensive payment and collection system used for processing electronic and chec payments for benefit recipients, vendors, foreign payroll and miscellaneous payment receipts. is the Federal government's single portal for all types of international transactions, includin payments and collections. Employs the latest enhanced security technology including two factor authentication through PKI. Offers the lowest costs for sending international payments. Expedites payment settlement. Increases the ability to process international electronic payments in emerging markets. Purchases the foreign currency amount at the time of payment at the most competitive rate possib maximizing agency cash management. Provides fast and easy-to-use foreign exchange currency purchase. Supports multiple levels of verification and various types of foreign exchange options, fixed-tovariable, variable-to-fixed and fixed-to-fixed. Compatible with current agency file formats and effectively handles exception processing. Summary of Controversy The Federal Reserve is claiming this is a scam, however documents exits illustrating otherwise. See two articles and documents on subject. Where there is smoke there is fire


Much has been made about the $15 trillion transfer to the Royal Bank Of Scotland on this site and pretty much no where else except a few brave blogs like mine. The MSM has ignored this on a global scale and even though it's been five months since this story broke, no one has debunked the story either. As far as can be told, the $15 trillion does indeed exist. According to the FBI, the perpetrator of this "fraud" were individuals such as Yohannes Riyadi and Wilfredo Saurin, who may or may not be the same person. If Riyadi is a fraud, why does the Bank of Indonesia recognize him as a legitimate person as seen in the document below:

If he does exist, as the above form would suggest, why can no trace of him be found anywhere. A man this rich would be written about, blogged and basically be an open book.

Yet, no biography exists, no Wikipedia page, nothing, which would suggest he does not really exist. Or could he be one of those secret trillionaires I have written about? If someone had limitless wealth, they could effectively cease to be in a paper trail sense. They could have complete control over their very existence and remain off book so to speak. It also makes little sense that this person is connected with the FBI on the scam alert, yet $15 trillion dollars came from SOMEWHERE and no one seems concerned. This leads any logical person to believe that there is something to this beyond a financial scam gone wrong.

Yohannes Riyadi is supposedly the richest man in the world and descended from the emperors of the Indo-China dynasties. Funny how no record of this exists anywhere except from Lord James of Blackheath when he exposed this crime to the House of Commons in February. Others point to the fact that the name Yohannes Riyadi is listed on the NY FED website in connection with other bonds scams. However, an original copy of the document h been unveiled with the signature of Ben Bernanke. An alternative explanation involves the Bush family and monies earned through years of currency trading aimed at collapsing the Soviet Union.

The money was allegedly going to be used to support the dollar, a reasonable explanation. The money started at the Federal Reserve of New York, then to JP Morgan, HSBC and finally to the RBS. Lord Blackheath said he received an official document from Riyadi, dated 2006, which states the US government set up a meeting between him and the Fed of New York to discuss this plan. The meeting was supposedly attended by Alan Greenspan and Tim Geithner. The original documents of this, as given by Lord James, are i the link above. This entire scam may be nothing more than a fancy way of money laundering with the sole purpose to keep the dollar from collapsing due to massive fraud by a collusion of the US government and the Big Banks. If they have been counterfeiting trillions of dollars for some time, this might explain why both regulators and the banks have been reluctant to open the books for financial scrutiny. Other problems exist with this story as the Fed of New York was never authorized to hold or transfer that huge sum as indicated, yet the documents that have been authenticated as legitimate show that it did, suggesting an illegal money laundering operation run from the highest levels of government. The Bank of Indonesia said as much in a document which stated Riyadi only had 700 tons of gold, a still astronomical figure and further points to him being a real person. If the funds were transferred this way, without any government oversight from Congress or the President, it is a crime of unimaginable sums. Around the same time, February 2012, came word that Italian authorities had discovered six trillion dollars in fake treasury bonds. Whether this has connection to the above story is unknown at this time but the timing is sure odd.


Below is one of the strangest stories in financial history, one involving the US government lying about hundreds of thousands of tons of imaginary gold, illegal wire transfers and loans totalling $15 trillion. The video, from the House of Lords, is amazing in itself. What it doesnt express is where the money came from though Lord James of Blackheath proves conclusively that an effort was made to say it came from a gold reserve in Brunei that, in fact, never existed. At surface, it appears we have stumbled upon the largest terrorist organization in the world and have found original documents tracing its funding to the Secretary of the Treasury and the Chairman of the Federal Reserve, two of the top financial officers in the US. A cursory review of terrorism statues in the US indicate that all transactions we will learn about are, in fact, to be assumed terrorist money laundering and that the only thing preventing the immediate arrest of hundreds of top financial officials is their political connections alone. YouTube Veterans Today - We will be able to offer an alternative, more insights, some hard intelligence and some very valuable background that we hope will offer insightful and realistic perspectives on this amazing story. On February 16, 2012, Lord James of Blackheath, member of Britains House of Lords presented evidence of an illegal scheme begun, he has thus discovered, in 2009. His documents including originals signed by Alan Greenspan and Timothy Geithner, show the illegal off the books transfer by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York of $15 trillion to, initially, HSBC (Hong Kong Shanghai Banking Corporation) London and then to the Bank of Scotland. The Bank of Scotland, under royal charter but restricted from involvement in any such transactions, simply gave the money to 20 European banks to use in a highly profitable scheme of co-trading fresh cut MTNs (mid-term notes), generating trillions of dollars in profits over 3 years, none of which is shown on books, none has been taxed or has benefitted shareholders in those banks. As Blackheath outlines, the deception and cover for this transfer is the imaginary seizure of 750,000 tons of gold by agents of an unspoken entity (confirmed by the highest official sources as the Bush family and CIA), the listed source of the money. The government of Indonesia confirms this to be an utter fabrication and that the individual named had 700 tons of gold (about half of what Gaddafi was holding), not 750,000. It is noted that only 1,500 tons of gold have ever been traded in world history, as stated in the House of Lords. The issues that are initially brought out, issues inconsistent with international

convention and starting the reader on what is only the surface discovery of two decades of crimes involving dozens of governments are as follows: At no time has the Federal Reserve Bank of New York been authorized to hold the funds indicated However, documents held by Lord Blackheath prove, conclusively that they did hold such funds and transfer them in a manner as to obscure their origin by using HSBC and the Bank of Scotland. This process, seemingly involving Alan Greenspan, Timothy Geithner and others would appear to be money laundering until some other explanation were found. None has been offered. The collateralization of these funds, being 750,000 tons of gold, is proven to be fantasy. These funds then, in no way or manner, are related to Brunei. The presentation of this false transaction has been conclusively proven to be a cover and deception project such as an intelligence organization would use. The transfer of these funds, all done without any authorizations, governmental or otherwise, particularly without agreements, payment of interest to the United States and without knowledge and approval of congress makes every aspect of this criminal in nature, a violation of innumerable statues. The receipt and use of these funds by the 20 banks, two of which are Wall Streets largest, and the use of these funds to generate profits while the funds themselves are held off the books and the profits hidden and laundered, themselves the earnings of funds received through criminal acts makes any and all involved part of a criminal enterprise. WHERE DID THE MONEY COME FROM There is no record of the Federal Reserve being authorized to create $15 trillion, equal to the entire national debt of the United States. There is, however, proof that funds that totalled, at one time, $27 trillion had been earned surreptitiously, disposed of as part of an intelligence operation against the Soviet Union and then later stolen with accusations made against George H. W. Bush as being the perpetrator. I have spoken with two individuals, one President Reagans intelligence coordinator and the other Chief Legal Cousel for the Central Intelligence Agency regarding these funds. Both have indicated that former President Bush had asked that these funds, totalling $27 trillion, be transferred to his control, that threats were made by Bush and that many involved in this operation suffered, issues including murder, illegal arrest, torture and detention among them.

The individuals I am speaking of repreatedly met with President Bush over these funds, disputed his claim to them, and indicate that the majority of the funds are the property of the people of the United States. These funds are the mysterious Wanta funds, monies earned through years of currency trading aimed at collapsing the Soviet Union, a plan originated by President Ronald Reagan, then White House Intelligence Coordinator Lee Wanta and CIA Director William Casey. I have been told that, while this operation went forward under President Reagan, he had ordered that his successor, George H. W. Bush not be briefed out of mistrust for Bush. The funds themselves were earned through a scheme of trading Soviet roubles at enormous profit, a practice that eventually collapsed their government. A portion of the profits are subject to current litigation in the Federal Court of the Eastern District of Virginia, Judge Lee presiding. I have over 2,000 pages of documents on this case which shows a remainder of the original funds had been transferred to the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond by the Bank of China, a party to the rouble trading practice, in 2006 and is claimed as totally owned by Ameritrust Corporation. That amount was $4.5 trillion of which we hold the SWIFT transfer documents. The other monies, which likely make up from the unspent portion of the missing $27 trillion, may well constitute all that is recoverable Wanta, sole shareholder in Ameritrust, has offered his companies share, valued by the court now at $7.2 trillion, entirely to the American people as intended by President Reagan. The origin of the additional funds, issued by the Federal Reserve during the 80s and 90s, totaling nearly $8 trillion is unknown. High ranking sources within the US government indicate that this can only be either the remainder of funds Wanta raised or profits made from them after the majority of funds were stolen. Stories, some quite good actually, and personal interviews plus my own review of documents would place the theft or conversion of these funds initially with: The Bush family The P2, a Masonic lodge operating out of Switzerland involved in dozens of terror bombings tied to Operation Gladio People around Wanta himself including the CIA What is lacking is a source for half of these funds. Technically, they dont exist as there is no record of them being originated by nor transferred to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York though there are clear and discernible records of them being transferred out of that institution which never possessed them, according

to their 2010 audit, in the first place. WANTA MONEY The transfer of Wanta funds, they can be assumed to have no other origin as they track into the Federal Reserve banking system while in escrow and are currently awaiting payment based on the orders of President Obama in accordance with findings of the federal court, is complicated by the Scottish transfer. Either Wanta has claim to the entire amount or it is the property of the US government. That no effort has been made to secure the funds or enforce criminal and civil remedies to recover enough money to pay the entire US national debt and more, as with earnings, we are nearing well over $30 trillion by this time, is an indication that a criminal conspiracy with enough influence to overrule our own government is involved. Whether that conspiracy is, as noted, the Bush family, rouge sections of the CIA or a secret society such as P2, one we can prove or others we only suspect exist, is another story. The lack of action, here or as requested by Lord James in Britain, is, in itself, proof of both the seriousness and actuality of these events and the powers that can prevent any inquiry when irrefutable documents such as SWIFT transfers are available. In fact, Lord James has offered a wealth of documents which, when combined with the 2000 pages of Wanta discovery from the Federal Court, constitutes more than prima facia evidence of money laundering, conversion, terrorism or worse. Thus, the inaction in the face of overwheming and unquestioned proof is inexplicable. FLOOD OF WANTA LITIGATION AND INDICTMENTS COMING Currently, Wantas legal status is as technical conservator and owner of $7.2 trillion. However, as nearly half that is owed in taxes and the court settlement required Wanta to purchase $1 trillion in treasury bonds, the federal government should show positive interest other than President Obama and a few others. More are being obstructionist with the payout and exercise of $3 trillion in US debt reduction. This is, not only illegal but an indication of conspiracy. In addition, Russian Prime Minister Putin has communicated that he awaits the agreed upon 3% payment of Russian taxes, initially on the $7.2 trillion. Will Putin want to be paid on the entire $15 trillion plus interest and will Russia

and/or the US have interest in why the Bank of Scotland transferred these funds to 20 European banks to trade in MTNs (mid term notes) without any authorization or agreement, any participation or sharing of profits. As the funds, at least the half which the US government can claim ownership of, combined with the interest and earnings of, would quickly put the US in the black, again we look at, not just the press blackout on the Wanta litigation of the last 6 years but the press blackout on Lord James of Blackheath and the wealth of damning documentation he submitted to Parliament. Nothing has been done since, it is as though the proof submitted was so dangerous that those moments in time have been erased by a mysterious g-dlike power. What makes Wanta dangerous is that he has begun to distribute funds, some to government entities, counties and states, law enforcement agencies, giving them standing, not just in recovering funds intended for their use but in helping prosecute anyone involved in interfering with or attempting to divert funds. One grand jury is being formed to investigate diversion of Wanta funds even at this early date. It is likely that Wanta/Ameritrust funds earmarked for border protection could lead to the indictment of high ranking US officials. This is only the beginning. If the Royal Bank of Scotland doesnt think it should be expecting the biggest chargeback in the history of the world, they are in for a shock.

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