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Liz Davis


Siren Publishing, Inc. A SIREN PUBLISHING BOOK IMPRINT: Erotic Romance TATTOO OF LOVE Copyright 2012 by Liz Davis E-book ISBN: 1-60601-XXX-X First E-book Publication: August 2012 Cover design by Jinger Heaston All cover art and logo copyright 2012 by Siren Publishing, Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: This literary work may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, including electronic or photographic reproduction, in whole or in part, without express written permission. All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.

Copyright 2012

Chapter One
As Julia walked across the threshold of the tattoo shop, a funky guitar riff flowed from the speakers, mixing with the buzz of tattoo needles. Heading toward the display case next to the cashier, she noticed a woman standing behind the counter. There was an inquisitive look in her eyes, and Julia instantly began to feel very out of place. Julia offered her a friendly smile and the woman returned it with a weak one of her own. Can I help you? asked the shopkeeper. Possessing a type of beauty which could be described as exotic, the woman had thick, wavy hair and bedroom eyes. Spotting a tattoo which peeked out from the off-shoulder top that the woman wore, Julia noticed it was in the shape of a geometric flower. Glancing down into the display case Julia answered, Im here to look at your earrings. Specializing in Polynesian tattoos, the shop was revered for the incredibly talented tattoo artists who created traditional designs of a highly intricate nature. In addition to doing tattoos and piercings, the shop also sold a variety of unique jewelry which featured designs from various Pacific Islander countries. As her eyes roved across the various styles of jewelry, she found herself intrigued by the beautifully unique designs. Any particular pair that youre interested in? questioned the shopkeeper. No, not really. I just thought Id have a look. I pass by this place all the time, but this is my first time coming in. Do you have any tattoos? Nope. I have a very low threshold for pain. ,Thats too bad, because I think youd look good with one. Really? The expression on her face conveyed surprise. I havent completely decided against it just yet, so who knows, maybe one day Ill overcome my fears and go for it.

4 Offering a look which expressed doubt, the tattooed beauty said, Cool. Well, Ill let you have a look at the jewelry and if you see anything you like, just give me a holler. My name is Sia. As the shopkeeper turned around and walked away, Julia noticed that the back of the womans shirt was cut out, allowing for a nice view of her back tattoo. Admiring the style of it, Julia found that it was quite breathtaking. Shed always loved the way Polynesian tattoos looked, and was also fascinated by the history behind them. Turning her eyes toward a large circular mirror behind the counter, Julia caught glance of her reflection in the glass. Her shoulder-length hair, which naturally formed into tight ringlets, had a sexy sort of just woke up and rolled out of bed look. She usually put more effort into separating and defining her curls, but she hadnt possessed the patience for it this morning, so she opted for a quick wash-and-go. She didnt mind the way it looked, though. Funnily enough, some of her best hair days happened when she stopped trying to perfect her curls and just let them do their own thing. The wall behind the display case was covered with a variety of photographs which displayed tattoo designs, as well as large colorful stickers and a flag which she instantly recognized as that of Samoa. A carving which was in the shape of a giant hook hung in the middle of the wall, demanding her attention with its awesome presence. Focusing her eyes upon it, she found herself humbled by the intricate designs which were carved into the wood. Noticing a slip of paper of paper taped beneath it, she read the lettering and discovered that the beautiful piece of art she was looking at was called a Samoan fish hook. It was fashioned out of a type of wood called Vesi, and was crafted by an expert carver who went by the name of G. Fatutoa. She was astounded by the beautiful craftsmanship and found herself wondering how long it had taken to create. Lowering her eyes back to the items in the display case, she was pleased to see that one of the pairs of earrings was in the very same shape of the hook on the wall. Etched with a black Samoan tattoo design, the earrings were carved out of bone. A tag beneath it listed the price as forty dollars and although she was supposed to be on a spending diet, she was very tempted to buy them anyhow. As her eyes landed upon another pair of earrings, she saw they were in the shape of a triangle, and had a design upon them which represented spear heads and a fish. Glancing from one earring to the next, she tried to decide on which pair she wanted the most. As she took a few moments to think it over she spotted a bottle of lotion on top of the display case and grabbed it, unscrewing the cap so she could spread some over her hands. Terribly dry and cracked and due to the lack of moisture in her skin, they currently resembled the hide of a lizard. Turning the bottle upside down, Julia constricted her palm around the container and gave it a nice, hard shake. Unfortunately for her, a huge blob of lotion spilled out, covering nearly her entire palm with white cream. After turning the bottle right side up, she returned

5 it to its spot on top of the display case. Then she began rifling through her purse in search of a pack of tissues. As her hand came into contact with a plastic package she realized it was empty and uttered a sound of discontent. She was still rooting around in her bag when the sound of a deep voice suddenly came from behind her. I think I have what youre looking for, the unseen person spoke to her. As she turned around to look at the speaker she came face to face with one of the most gorgeous men she had ever seen. Undeniably Polynesian, he had a well-defined jaw and a set of dark brown eyes which instantly captured her attention. Im sorry, but I dont understand what you mean, she said. As his lips curled into a little smile she noticed how nice and full they were. She always did like a man with a nice set of lips, and she also noticed that he had a little patch of hair beneath his mouth, as well as a bit on his chin. Extending his hand toward her, he offered her a few napkins. Oh, right. The lotion. She grabbed the napkins from him with a bashful smile. You know thats for tattoos, right? He motioned toward the bottle of cream that shed used. Glancing toward it, Julia picked it up and turned it around so that the label was visible. Reading the words upon it, she saw it was indeed a cream specifically for use after receiving a tattoo. Oh, I didnt notice. Sorry about that, I just figured it was lotion. No big deal, just thought Id let you know. Offering a little smile, he watched her wipe the excess cream off of her hands. So did you need any help? I noticed you checking out some of the jewelry in the display case. Having gotten most of the lotion off, she balled up the tissue and slipped it into her purse. Yeah, I was interested in purchasing a pair of earrings. Walking behind the counter, he grabbed a set of keys from a drawer beneath the register and was about to open the display case when a phone mounted on the wall rang. Excuse me for one moment, he said as he picked up the receiver. Tatau Samoa, this is Nolan. He abruptly switched from English to what Julia guessed was Samoan, and she found herself listening intently to the rhythm of the language. With his attention diverted, Julia took the opportunity to check out his form. Standing over six feet tall, Nolan had a solidly built body of pure muscle. With broad shoulders and a firm chest, he had the type of physique which had been gained through an inheritance of genes, rather than hours of strenuous exercise. The lower half of a tattoo peeked out from beneath his T-shirt sleeve, and she could see that the taut bicep of his right arm was adorned in a traditional Polynesian design. She wondered what the top half of the tattoo looked like, and was also curious if he had anymore. Allowing her eyes to focus on his hair, she saw that it was cropped close to his

6 head, and noticed it had a slight wave to it. She then shifted her gaze to the area where his neck met with shoulders, and found herself unabashedly admiring the way the fabric of his t-shirt hinted at the muscled planes of his hard back. Suddenly aware that somebody was watching her, Julias eyes were drawn toward the other side of the store. As her gaze focused on Sia, Julia noticed that the other womans eyes were trained upon her. Sharing a knowing smile, Sia seemed to silently express to Julia that she understood the attraction. Julia could only guess how many women came into the store and were instantly taken by Nolans good looks, and she found herself wondering if Sia was his girlfriend. Filled with embarrassment, Julia returned the shopkeepers smile with one of her own, then directed her attention to the jewelry in the display case. Julia heard Nolan speak a few more sentences in Samoan and then he hung up, turning his attention back to his waiting customer. Sorry about that, he said. No problem. So is there a particular piece of jewelry youre interested in? She pointed a finger to indicate the pair of earrings she was interested in. The ones in the shape of a hook. After unlocking the display case, he retrieved the jewelry from the piece of velvet they were lying on and placed them on the counter so that Julia could have a closer look at them. Picking up the plastic holder that they were hooked into, Julia held the earrings next to her ear, then picked up a hand mirror so she could get an idea of whether or not the jewelry would look good on her. Those will look lovely on you, I can already tell. You should get them. You think so? I also had my eye on the spear head and fish earrings. Those are nice as well, but I really think these would suit you best. The fish hook brings positive energy and good luck. Nice. It certainly wouldnt hurt for me to have more good fortune in my life. Glancing at the wall where the giant fish hook carving hung she asked, Did the craftsman who made that carving on the wall create the jewelry as well? Nolan took a glance behind him at the wood carving which hung on display, then redirected his attention back to her. Oh, you mean Troy Fatutoa? No, he doesnt create jewelry. He only does larger carvings. Oh, okay. I just figured since it had the same fish hook design... Her voice trailed off as she continued to study her reflection in the hand mirror. Mind if I ask who made these earrings? We have craftspeople in Samoa who create all of the jewelry you see here. They only provide limited amounts of each design, so if you buy from our shop, youll know its truly unique.

7 They really are one of a kind. She gazed in the mirror for a few moments, then said, Okay, Ive made my decision. Ill definitely go with these. She set the earrings on the counter, then reached into her leather messenger bag and pulled out her wallet. As Nolan called out the total, Julia handed him some bills and waited for her change. After placing the money in the register he retrieved a few coins and tore off the receipt, handing both of them to her with a smile. As Nolan wrapped her earrings in tissue paper, his eyes shifted to her overgarment, studying it with a look of interest. Thats a nice jacket. Doesnt look like it keeps you very warm, though. Made out of cream-colored suede, the jacket she wore had faux white fur along the collar, as well as along the edges of the sleeves. Just as Nolan had suggested, she did indeed wear it more for looks, rather than warmth, and found herself a little embarrassed to come out and admit it. It was an impulse buy. Guess you could say I purchased it out of pure vanity. She gave him a little smile then said, Just one of those things I couldnt pass up. Im like that as well. When I see something I like, I have to make it mine. His eyes sparkled and he gave her a flirtatious smile. Her lips curved upward in response. Is that right? Yes, it is. As Nolan handed her the bag, she reached out to take it from him. Yet instead of releasing the plastic sack, he only held onto it more firmly. Julia cocked an eyebrow in response to his flirtatious behavior, then teasingly gave a tug on the handle of the bag. Finally deciding to relent, he released his grasp and allowed her to take it from his hands. His eyes then shifted downward, coming to rest on a spot near her shoulder. So what kind of a geek are you? he asked. Julias brows slightly lifted. What? I was referring to the button thats pinned to the strap of your bag. She lowered her gaze, allowing her eyes to focus on the button which stated, selfproclaimed geek. Oh, right. I forgot I was wearing this. Feeling a little awkward, she gave her answer. Im a comic geek, rock geek, and foreign film geek. The smirk he gave her caused her to wonder what he was thinking and she began to feel more than a little self conscious. What? Why are you looking at me that way? What way? Youre studying me. And thats a bad thing? No. Uncertain of what else to say, she simply stood there, shifting her weight from one foot to the other.

8 Releasing a little chuckle, he said, Im only staring because I find you interesting, and I think you have a nice looking face. Is that okay? Of course. Their eyes remained locked for a few more moments before Julia finally averted her gaze. Well I guess Ill be going now. Thanks for helping me decide on the earrings. He turned his head to watch her leave. My pleasure. Come back and visit us again, okay? Sure thing. Before exiting the tattoo shop she flashed a smile, then pulled the door open and headed outside, where she was greeted by a crisp fall breeze. Lifting her gaze toward the sky, she saw that thick clouds were beginning to form. A sure sign that rain was on its way, she picked up the pace in hopes that shed reach her destination before the streets grew wet. Continuing along her familiar route toward home, she began to recall Nolans eyes, thinking about the way they had locked gazes. She also thought about the way hed flirted with her, pulling the bag away as she tried to accept it from him. Then her thoughts turned to his body and she began to wonder how hed look without his shirt on. She couldnt help noticing his nicely toned physique, and imagined what it would feel like to have those nice, strong arms wrapped around her body. Pulling herself out of the fantasy, Julia slipped her hands into her pockets and continued along her path. The last thing she needed right now was to indulge herself in thoughts of a guy, especially one whom shed just barely met. It was far too easy to lose herself in daydreams, and she knew that once she got started, it usually grew into something which wasnt easily stopped. As the delicious smell of baked goods flooded her nostrils she turned her head toward the building which was the source of it. Mimis Bakery was the best spot in town to purchase all sorts of mouthwatering creations, and as she passed by her place of employment, Julia saw Mimi herself at work behind the counter. Their eyes met for a brief moment and Julia waved. Mouthing a hello from behind the glass of the shop window, Julias boss gave her a smile and then directed her attention back toward a customer. Veering onto a small road which led to her house, Julias thoughts turned to her family. Her sister Sage had a birthday coming up in the next few weeks, and Julia was still unsure of what she should get her. Julia had been pestering her sibling for the past week, trying to get some sort of idea as to what type of gift she would prefer, but as usual, Sage had refused to give her any hints at all. She figured her siblings reasoning behind it was that she preferred to be surprised by whatever gifts were bought for her, but Julia couldnt help wishing that Sage would help her out just this once. As the Craftsman style home where she resided came into view, Julia found herself anticipating the piece of cake which was waiting for her in the fridge. Sinfully delicious, Chocolate Gateaux Deluxe was a new addition to the menu of the bakery where she

9 worked, and had been receiving rave reviews from every customer who had sampled it. Julia was always pleased to find that people enjoyed her creations, and she couldnt think of a more perfect job in the world. Getting paid to bake all day was like a dream come true for her, especially since Mimi had hired her without any formal training. Julia had known Mimi since high school, and theyd managed to keep in touch during the years that Julia had been living in Los Angeles. The two women had always shared a special sibling-like friendship, and it seemed that the years theyd spent apart had barely affected their relationship at all. Almost all of the baking knowledge Julia had came from Mimis patient teachings, and Julia knew she was fortunate to have landed a job at such a top-notch bakery. As she reached the stairs which led to her attic apartment, she was greeted by the sound of a loud meow. Glancing over her shoulder she saw her cat Samantha following closely on her heel. She could tell from the sound of the animals cry that she was hungry, and as the cat raced up the stairs she nearly sent Julia tumbling backward. Obviously eager to enter the apartment, Samantha impatiently called out to Julia, pawing and scratching at the door with her claws. Hold your horses furball, Ill be there in a minute, she teasingly said. Once she reached the door she slipped the key into the lock and opened it, following behind Samantha as she trotted into the apartment. After closing the door behind her she took off her jacket and hung it on the hook by the door. Then she slipped out of her boots and headed for the bathroom. After empting her bladder, she strolled into the kitchen and headed for the fridge, where she retrieved the piece of chocolate cake shed been craving, as well as a carton of milk,. After pouring a glass of the dairy product, she retrieved a fork from the drawer, then took her snack into the living area. A spacious room with large half moon windows, the living room had an elevated area which served as a sleeping loft. Since she had a bedroom of her own, Erica hadnt ever had a reason to use the loft area herself, but she figured it would come in handy if company were to ever sleep over. The attic itself was located in a large Craftsman style home, which was owned by a seventy-three year old widow named Marla. Possessing a sweet disposition, the elderly woman kept the rent ridiculously affordable, charging Julia nearly half of what the charming attic apartment was actually worth. In Julias opinion, there wasnt a more perfect space in town, and barring any unforeseeable disasters that would forcibly uproot her from the living space, she didnt see herself moving out anytime in the foreseeable future. After setting her food down on the coffee table, she switched on the TV and began to eat. Rather than savoring the rich dessert, she chose to inhale it, and after taking her last bite, she chased it down with the remainder of her milk. Now that her craving had been filled she felt completely content, and flopped back against the couch with a little sigh.

10 Looking at the TV but not really watching it, she found that her mind was focused on something else. Unable to resist the urge, she pleasantly indulged in the memory of her experience at the tattoo shop. Besides his gorgeous face and jaw dropping physique, Nolan seemed to have quite a pleasant disposition about him. He was also quite the flirt, and as she recalled the way hed interacted with her, she felt her lips curve into a little smile. Spotting the shopping bag which held the jewelry shed purchased, she leaned over to grab it from off the floor, then retrieved the earrings from inside. After removing the tissue paper, she held the earrings up in front of her face, gazing admiringly at them. According to Nolan, they were supposed to bring positive energy and good luck. Whether or not they actually would remained to be seen, but even if they didnt, she already had a strong feeling that they would become one of her favorite pieces of jewelry. **** As the sound of a car horn came from outside her apartment, Julia took one last glance at reflection in the mirror next to the entryway. Her hair was styled into a pretty updo and a vintage pearl hairclip adorned her shiny curls. The dress she wore was made of a shimmering material covered by a lacy floral pattern, and the bodice featured a sweetheart neckline. After grabbing her beaded evening purse from the table next to the door, she headed outside and made her way down the flight of stairs. Not used to wearing heels, Julia took her time walking down the stairway, and once she reached ground level she headed for Mimis car. Her breath clouded in the cold evening air, and as soon as she reached the vehicle she quickly opened the door and got inside. You look stunning, Mimi said to Julia as she entered the car. Thanks, you look great yourself. Noticing that Mimis hair had been cut into a fashionable shag bob Julia said, And I love your new haircut. Well, thank you, honey. I figured it was time for something new and Ive never had my hair cut this short before, so Im glad you like it. Yeah, it really suits you. As Julia slipped on her seatbelt Mimi took off, backing out of the driveway and onto the road. Thanks again for coming with me, said Mimi. I didnt want to attend this wedding reception alone. Its kind of depressing seeing your cousin, whos six years your senior, getting married to the man of her dreams. Yet here I am just a few days shy of my thirtyfifth birthday and Im still waiting for that right one to come along. Hey, no problem, I needed to get out of the house anyways. I love Samantha and all, but when you spend your evenings surfing cat forums, you know its time to get out and meet some people.

11 Mimi let loose a snort. You hang out on cat forums? She shook her head lightly in disbelief. I never took you for one of those people. Hey, whats that supposed to mean? Her voice was laced with mock hurt. I didnt mean anything by it sweetie, I just figured youd spend your time looking up video clips of those cute, messy-haired rockers you seem to favor so much. Hey, speaking of, whatever happened to that guy you were going out with? Oh, you mean Digby? Were done. I dumped him weeks ago. I figured as much, but what happened? He was an egotistical pig. It seemed he was more interested in spending time with his groupies than he was with me. Guess I should have known better than to date a musician. I hear you on that one. Ive dated a few myself, and it always turned out to be a disaster. Thats exactly what it was. A complete and utter disaster. She crossed her arms in front of her chest, then emitted a little sigh. Im about ready to just stop dating altogether. So far its been noting more than a waste of time. Dont give up, Julia. Youll find a wonderful man soon, I can feel it. Hmmm, I think Ive heard you say that before and yet Im still single. So just what exactly are you feeling, Mimi? She said it in a playful way so as not to offend her boss. Okay, so maybe hes taking a little longer to enter your life than I expected, but I know hes out there. Hes just waiting to meet you and sweep you off your feet. Right, and Im sure hell gallop into my life on a white horse while wearing his suit of shining armor. Mimi tsked lightly at Julias sarcastic reply. Youre quite the cynical little thing, arent arent you? I like to call myself a realist. Im pushing thirty and I still havent met him. Wait a minute, theres nothing wrong with being thirty. Youre still plenty young, so theres nothing to be worried about. Oh I know, Im only joking. Believe it or not I actually enjoy being single. I have the freedom to just be myself and not worry about always being made up. I dont have to worry about taking birth control and I can spend my weekends slobbing around in my pajamas. I also dont have to worry about having my heart broken or losing myself in a guy. I love just being me, gloriously alone and without any restraints. Youve made some very good points there, Julia, but you cant tell me you dont miss the feeling of waking up to a warm body next to you in bed. Thats what I have Samantha for, isnt it? Her lips curled into a little smile. Now listen, honey, I love my cat just as much you do, but nothing can replace the feel of a mans body next to your own. Id much prefer waking up petting a man, rather than a cat.

12 Yeah okay, I guess you got a point there. So maybe I do miss having a man around for my physical needs. They were both quiet for a few moments, then Julia suddenly blurted out a statement. Maybe I should just buy a vibrator. Wait, you mean you dont already have one? Her brows lifted in surprise. Nope, Ive been meaning to pick one up for a while, but I just never really got around to it. That just means well have to go shopping for one then, wont we? Guess so. Im kind of embarrassed to go shopping for one, but if you tag along with me I suppose itll be okay. Yeah, Itll be fun. Youll see. When their exit came up, Mimi pulled off the highway, then turned right and drove a few blocks further. Once they reached a fancy looking hotel, the car pulled into the parking lot. They spotted a space not too far from the entrance and Mimi quickly angled her car into it. Then they both got out and made their way toward the hotels entrance. After passing through the automatic doors, they entered a plush lobby. Warm and inviting, the interior of the and the air around them was filled with the sound of soft jazz music flowing from the speakers. As they approached the concierge desk a woman with a blonde bob and perfect makeup looked up from the computer screen and gave them a pleasant smile. How may I help you ladies? she asked. Were here for the Denmoore wedding, Mimi said. Go straight past the water fountain, and right before you get to the elevators, make a right. That path will lead you straight to the grand ballroom. After thanking the concierge, the two women made their way toward the ballroom, and upon reaching their destination, were greeted by the sounds of a live band, as well as amiable chatting and laughter. Breaking into a sexy strut Mimi excitedly said, All right, girl, lets go have some fun. Feeling a bit nervous, Julia trailed behind Mimi. A grand archway greeted their arrival, and as they entered the ballroom they saw that the whole room had a white-and-lavender theme to it. Chandeliers with candles in them filled the room with soft, glowing light, and as they made their way through the rows of guests, they saw there were mini lamps with glass shades placed on each table. As they approached the head table, Julia noticed a woman in an elaborately designed wedding dress rise from her seat and walk over to greet them. Her lips peeled back into a wide smile at the sight of them, and Mimi called out to her cousin excitedly. Well, hello there, Mrs. Denmoore. Hows married life treating you so far? Expelling a little chuckle, Mimis cousin replied, Just great. Couldnt be better. As the two women embraced, Julia cast an admiring glance at the brides gown. It was a fancy princess-style dress, and had a train which stretched well out behind her. She also

13 noticed that the womans ears were adorned with large diamond earrings, which sparkled as they caught the light. As Mimi and her cousin pulled back from the hug, the newly married woman turned her attention toward Julia, then extended a hand in a welcoming gesture. Im Lois. Its very nice to meet you. Lois had a brilliant white smile, and as Julia clasped hands with her, she found herself astonished by the size of the brides wedding ring. Its nice to meet you, Lois. Thanks for inviting me. My pleasure. Mimi tells me you work with her at the bakery, and were in charge in of creating the wonderful desserts well be serving after dinner. With a modest shrug of her shoulders, Julia stated, I couldnt have done it without Mimis help. She is an expert baker, after all. It looks like youve quite a talent as well. I saw the desserts and they look absolutely delicious. Theyre almost too beautiful to eat, in my opinion. Julia glanced fondly at Mimi. Hey, I learned from the best. Shes being far too humble, Mimi said to her cousin. All I did was give a few tips, and she did all the rest. It sounds like you two make a great team. Loiss peach-colored lips pulled back into a smile.Now what do you say we join the party, ladies? Guiding them through the rows of tables, Lois halted at a small circular table and motioned for them to sit down. Take a seat and a waiter will come by to pour you some champagne. Dinner wont be served for a bit, but we have some wonderful appetizers in the meantime. So sit back, relax, and have fun! Normally a chipper attitude such as Loiss would have annoyed Julia to no end, but she couldnt dislike a woman who had complimented her on her baking skills. And besides, Lois seemed nice and she was also Mimis cousin. Mimi was like a sister to her, so anyone associated with Mimi was definitely okay in her book. The ballroom was teeming with energy from all of the different people around them, and as Mimi and Julia sipped champagne, they curiously gazed around them. They made comments to each other about the nice dresses the other women were wearing, and also pointed out the good looking men. Nibbling on a crab cake, Julia found herself focusing on the dance floor. Perhaps noticing where her friends attention was directed, Mimi leaned toward Julia and posed a question. Are you just gonna watch, or do you wanna get out there and show everyone what you got? What Ive got is nada. Im rhythmically challenged, and you know it. Mimi playfully rolled her eyes. You are not that bad, Julia. Yes, I am. Embarrassingly so. So dont even bother trying to convince me.

14 Oh come on. You cant let me go out on that dance floor all by myself. Besides, if youre really that self conscious about your dancing, then we can slip into the middle of the crowd, that way nobody sitting at the tables will be able to spot us. Julia really was reluctant to put herself on display, but since Mimi had been nice enough to invite her out, she figured the least she could do was accompany her friend and dance with her. Setting her champagne glass on the table Julia got onto her feet, then reached for Mimis hand. Okay, lets go. Ive got three words for you, though. Embarassment by association. Mimis lips tugged into a smile, I think Im willing to take that chance. As they walked onto the dance floor they saw some of the men glance in their direction. Mimi threw flirtatious looks to the ones she favored the most, and as she held onto Julias hand she gently pulled her along. As soon as they were in the core of the crowd, the two women began moving to the music. Some time had passed since Julia last danced in public, so her moves felt a bit stiff and unnatural. She found, however, that as she got into the beat of music her inhibitions quickly disappeared. As they continued to dance, Julia and Mimi realized that a few of the men who were giving them interested looks gradually seemed to be moving closer and closer. The one who had his eyes on Mimi appeared to be no older than twenty-one, and as he gave her a wink Mimi shook her head and released a laugh. Talking loudly over the music, Julia offered her friend an amused smirk. Looks like you have an admirer there. You should go over and dance with him. Are you kidding? Hes nearly an infant. And besides, Im not about to abandon you on the dance floor, especially since you didnt even want to come in the first place. I dont care, go ahead. You deserve to enjoy yourself. He may be young, but he is quite cute. As Mimi glanced toward him, Julia watched her give the young man a friendly smile and then a little wave. As soon as she did this he instantly made his way toward her, as if pulled in by the string of an invisible fishing rod. Have fun, Julia whispered into Mimis ear, then turned and made her way off the dance floor. She was halfway to the table when she suddenly felt a hand touch her shoulder. Turning to face the unseen person, her eyes fell on a man with hazel eyes and spiky hair with blond tips. Hey there, would you like to dance? Julia opened her mouth to say no and then suddenly realized there wasnt any reason for her to turn him down. She didnt want to spend the whole evening just sitting around watching everyone else have fun, so she figured she may as well join in and take advantage of the festivities.

15 Nodding her head, she followed him back onto the dance floor and began moving to the rhythm. She was surprised to find that he could dance pretty well, and it didnt take long for her to fall into a companionable rhythm with him. Once the song ended he gestured her off the dance floor so that they could talk a bit more. As a waiter approached them they helped themselves to some hors doeurves, as well as a glass of champagne. Standing at the edge of the dance floor, they began making pleasant conversation. Thanks for the dance.. No problem, I had fun. Im Walter, by the way. And you are? Julia. Lovely name for a lovely woman. Do you have a boyfriend, Julia? Nope, Im single. Would you like one? His lips pulled into a flirtatious smile. That depends. On what? His eyes gave a little twinkle. Ive been single for quite some time now, so it would take a certain type of man to persuade me to give up my freedom. Walter lightly chuckled. Who says you have to give up your freedom? What do you mean? Although she had an idea of what he was hinting at, she wanted to hear the answer he would provide. He leaned in a little closer. Im not opposed to one-night stands. How about you? The smile on her face lessened. I dont do one-night stands. Are you sure about that? His eyes roved lasciviously over the neckline of her dress. Without a doubt. Thats too bad, because Id definitely love to take you home with me. Unsure of how to respond to such a forward statement, Julia tipped the champagne glass toward her lips and took a sip. Unwilling to accept no for an answer, he continued to try and persuade her. What do I have to do to get you to change your mind? Theres nothing you can say, really. I dont casually sleep around and thats all there is to it. Come on, he urged. Its just sex, whats the big deal? Releasing a sound of annoyance, Julia turned her back to him and began to walk away, but Walter still refused to give up. Wait, where are you going? Im not finished talking to you yet. He grabbed her roughly by the arm in attempt to halt her movement. Unwilling to put up with his brutish behavior, she turned on her heel so they were face to face, then prepared to let loose a few words that would effectively convey her displeasure. Yet before

16 she could tell him to buzz off, she was stunned into silence by the sudden presence of another man. As Julias eyes focused on a point beyond Walters shoulder, he turned his head to follow her gaze. Tall and impressively built, the person who had captured Ericas attention was none other than Nolan, and as her attention came to rest on him, her eyes softened, body posture instantly growing less tense. With a serious look in his eyes, Nolan questioned Walter. Is there a problem here? I dont know, is there? Not fazed in the slightest by Walters edgy response, he said, Seems to me youre bothering her. You have no right putting your hands on a lady unless she consents. Look, I dont know who you are, but this heroic act youre putting on isnt getting you into her pants. Shes one of those frigid broads, so save yourself the trouble and dont even waste your time. Just leave her alone and dont bother her again, got it? Yeah, whatever buddy. Throwing a glance Julias way, he sneered at her and said, Later, tease. As he was leaving he purposely bumped his shoulder against Nolans, then made a beeline for a busty redhead. As soon as he was gone Nolan said, Sorry you had to deal with that jerk. Its okay. No it isnt. He was disrespecting you and that wasnt cool. Yeah, I know. He wasnt worth my time, and thats why I blew him off. She gave him a little smile, then offered some more words. By the way, thanks for getting him off my back. I really appreciate it. No problem, I was glad to do it. A moment of silence passed between them as they each took a moment to silently admire the other, their eyes perfectly communicating the strong attraction they felt for each other. Then Nolans voice broke the stillness. Guess I should properly introduce myself. Im Nolan, extending a hand toward her, he lightly shook her hand, holding it more by the fingers than by the palm. There was a tenderness to the way he held her hand in his, and Julia found herself very taken by his presence. He wore a pair of black trousers and a matching suit jacket, but instead of wearing a dress shirt beneath it, hed chosen instead to don a gray T-shirt. This gave his outfit an unconventional look, causing him to look effortlessly stylish. Im Julia, and its very nice to meet youagain. The pleasure is all mine. He took a brief glance around them, then said, Funny us meeting here, of all places.. Did you fly solo, or come with someone else? Im here with a friend. Shes the cousin of the bride. Cool. Lois is a very nice lady, so I imagine your friend must be as well. Yeah, Mimis awesome. So who are you here with?

17 I came alone. Nolan held up the camera that hung from the strap which was attached to his shoulder. Im the wedding photographer. Nice. So is this your side job? Its my main gig. I work limited hours at the tattoo shop, mostly just to help my brother manage the place. Cool. So is wedding photography your speciality? Nope, I do mostly portraits, but dabble in other fields as well. Well, judging from this fancy reception, Im guessing you must be getting paid well from this gig.. Im being well compensated. When I found out her husband was a big shot lawyer, I decided to raise my fee. I figured with money like his, he can afford to pay me more than my usual clients. After the last word passed his lips, he gave a sheepish smile. That probably sounds bad, but I figured why not? Hes got money to burn. I think it sounds smart, and Im sure youre very talented, so every penny they paid will be well worth it. Thats kind of you to say. I appreciate that. She shrugged. Im only saying it because Im sure its the truth. Youve gotta be good if they hired you to photograph a lavish event like this. Her eyes were hopelessly drawn to his sexy lips as he pulled them into a broad grin, and she began to imagine what it would be like to press her mouth against his. His lips looked nice and soft, and although she didnt have a clue as to what his tongue looked like, she could only imagine the skill it must possess. As Nolans voice sliced through her thoughts, she was instantly brought back to the present moment. You flatter me too much. If anyone should be offering compliments, its me. Here I am in the company of a beautiful woman and shes the one making me feel good. I knew there would be perks to working this gig, but I didnt know you would be one of them. Feeling her cheeks heat up from his compliment, she took a light sip of champagne and matched his gaze with a deep one of her own. Brushing a strand of hair away from her eye, she asked, Are you flirting with me? I dont know. What do you think? Id have to say you are. Youd be right in making that assumption. He took a moment to simply stare at her, then said, Youre looking very deeply into my eyes. Can I ask what youre thinking? How glad I am that I decided to attend this wedding with my friend. Running into you is definitely a nice coincidence. I agree that its nice seeing one another, but do you really think this was just a coincidence? What, us meeting here? She thought over his words for a few moments, then warily replied, Sure, why not? Wait, youre not saying you planned this or something, are you?

18 He lightly chuckled. Im an admirer, Julia, not a stalker. I just meant that I dont believe in chance meetings. I think that fate brings people together for certain reasons. So why do you think we were brought together? Im not certain just yet, and neither of us are entirely sure of what we have to give each other, but if we get to know one another then surely well find out. Is this your way of asking me out? His lips tilted into a crooked smile. Its my way of saying that I really enjoy being around you, and would love to see you again. Julia was just about to give her response when she spotted Mimi approaching them. Offering Nolan a smile, Mimi said, Hello. Then she glanced at Julia, sending a signal with her eyes that she wished to be introduced. Mimi, this is Nolan. Nolan, Id like you to meet my boss, who also happens to be a very good friend of mine. Nolan gave a nod of acknowledgment. Its nice to meet you, Mimi. Likewise. Turning his attention back to Julia, he said, Guess Id better get back to work. It was great seeing you again and I hope we can chat some more later on. You know where to find me, so dont be a stranger. He gave her a wink, then politely excused himself. As soon as he was out of earshot Mimi excitedly said, Hes gorgeous. Was he one of the guys you were dancing with? Nope, I only danced with one guy and he was a complete jerk. Sorry to hear. What happened? He tried to get me to go home with him, but when I told him I wasnt interested in having a one-night stand he got really aggressive. Then when I tried to walk away he made a grab for me, and thats where Nolan came in. Wow, he really does sound like an asshole. Im glad Nolan was there to sort him out. Yeah, so am I. So did you give Nolan your phone number? Mimis eyes lit up with hope. No, he didnt ask for it. You should have given it to him anyhow. I glanced at you two a few times while I was on the dance floor, and it looked like you had some pretty serious eye contact going on. As Julias lips curled into a smile, Mimi took her by the hand and led her to a table so they could discuss things in private. Once they were seated Mimi asked, Okay, so what are his stats? Hes single, right? She pulled her shoulders into a shrug. Not sure, I didnt ask. So what do you know about him, then? Hes taking pictures for this wedding, so I know hes a photographer. Really? Mimi glanced around the ballroom in search of Nolan, wanting to see him in action.

19 Yep, and I figure he must be pretty darn good if he got booked for a ritzy gig like this. You got that right, because Lois has been very particular about this wedding. Finally spotting Nolan, Mimi saw that he was taking photos of the band on stage. Julias eyes followed her gaze, and she watched as Nolan took shots of the performers from a variety of angles. He looks quite professional, doesnt he? Julia couldnt help but admire him, watching as he kneeled and leaned back to get an interesting shot of the band. Yeah, and watch the way he handles that camera. You know what they say about men who work with their hands, dont you? Giving her a sly smile, Mimi waited for her friends reaction. Oh come on, that is such a clich. Maybe so, but its still the truth. Julia took a sip of her drink and as the song the band was playing began to taper off, she watched Nolan make his way to the other side of the room. You have to give him your number before we leave, Mimi said. Only if he asks. A small sigh of frustration passed her lips. Come on, Julia, snap him up before some other woman does. Besides, if you really like him then how are you supposed to see him again? I know where he works, so I can stop by there anytime I like. Wait, you didnt tell me that. So you know where his photography studio is? No, but he has another job besides being a photographer. You know that Polynesian tattoo shop thats located on Monroe? Sure, I pass by it all the time on the way to the bakery. Its only a few blocks down the way. Thats where he works. I went in there the other day and thats when we first met each other. Interesting. Ive never been in there myself, but it catches my eye everytime I pass by it. So I guess youll be making regular visits over there, huh? A grin spread across her face. I might stop by every now and again, but Im not going to be overly obvious about it. The last thing I want is to come across as desperate.. A male server approached their table with a tray of food in hand, and after placing their dinner down on the table in front of them, he flashed a smile, then wished them an enjoyable meal. As he retreated from their table, Julia couldnt help noticing that Mimis eyes were firmly glued to his backside. Enjoying the view? Julia asked. Breaking out of her daze, Mimi offered a sheepish grin. I wasnt staring that hard, was I?

20 If youd kept your eyes on his butt any longer, youd have burned holes into it. She lightly chuckled. The man does have a nice ass. I dont make it a habit of dating guys under thirty, but Id be more than willing to make an exception for him. He was a total hottie. Ive gotta agree with you on that. Hes got sort of a James Dean look going on there, doesnt he? A dead ringer if I ever saw one. As they dug into their food, they fell into silence, contentedly munching away on their chicken alfredo dinners. Curious as to where Nolan was located, Julias eyes scanned the room, and as she caught sight of him, she noticed he was chatting to one of the waiters. She guessed they were having a conversation about photography, because Nolan was holding the camera up for the waiter to see, pointing out the various buttons and controls on it. Focusing her attention on the cut of his suit, she noticed how well it fit him, and began to wonder if it was custom made. Even with the barrier of fabric covering his body, it was clear to see it wasnt just toned, but rock hard. This led her to imagine what he looked like in the nude, and the image that her imagination conjured was quite spectacular. Handsome, isnt he? As Mimis voice cut through her thoughts, Julia was snapped out of her daze, and she admiringly said, Once you start looking at him, its kind of hard to stop.. I know what you mean. I took one quick glance at him, then went back for seconds, and I havent stopped looking since. Turning her gaze on Mimi, she lifted an eyebrow and light heartedly said, Back off, woman. I saw him first, so hands off. Listen to you, getting all territorial. Guess Id better focus my attention instead on the James Dean lookalike. Might be a wise decision. Message received, Miss Feisty. She jokingly jabbed Mimi with her elbow. Hey, Im only playing around. Were probably only two of many women who have noticed the appeal of Nolan. Truer words were never spoken. Speaking of other women, check out those chicks a few tables over from us. Where? Point them out to me. Smiling a little at Julias interest in the competition, Mimi gestured toward a table a few feet away from them. There were four women sitting at it and they were engaged in an animated conversation. Their attention was keenly directed at Nolan, and it was obvious he was their person of interest, because as he turned around and began to walk through the rows of tables, all four of the womens eyes intently followed his progress. Julia was surprised by the pang of jealousy she felt, and as she watched Nolan weave his way among the seated guests, she noticed that his eyes were darting across the full

21 room. It seemed he was searching for someone and she began to hope it was her. As she watched him continue along his path Nolans eyes suddenly found hers and his lips widened into a smile. Giving her a wink, he altered his course and made his way toward her. From out of the corner of her eye Julia could see the four women at the other table watching her, and she couldnt help feeling a sense of triumph.. As Nolan reached her table she glanced up at him and offered a flirtatious smile. Hey, you, he said to her. Hey there yourself, she responded. His eyes were focused mostly on Julia, but not wanting to appear rude he offered Mimi a nod of acknowledgment. I hope you ladies are enjoying your dinner. Answering in unison the two women responded, We are. Julia and Mimi gave each other funny little glances and they gave each other a look of amusement. Nolan lightly chuckled. Good. Just thought Id stop by and say hello. Theyll be opening up the dance floor again in the next half hour, so I do hope youll save me a dance, He said to Julia. Of course. Im already looking forward to it. Great. Enjoy the rest of your meal ladies, and Ill be seeing you later, Julia. Yep, see you. As soon as he was gone Mimi gave Julia an excited grin. He really likes you. Not only is he gorgeous, but he also seems like such a nice guy. Yeah, he really is. The adoration she felt for him came through clearly in her voice. You think hes single? I imagine he is. I know a player when I see one, and Nolan isnt the type. He seems like such great boyfriend material. How can he possibly be unattached? I dont know. Maybe he recently got out of a relationship. Or maybe hes been single for awhile, but just hasnt found the right one yet. Yeah, maybe, she thoughtfully said. But even if he is single, Im sure he must be dating. He probably has all sorts of women throwing themselves at him. She tilted her head in the direction of the women who sat at the table a few feet away from them. Speaking of competition, did you see the way those women were eyeing Nolan? Mimi popped a mushroom into her mouth. I sure did. You probably didnt notice, but they were giving you the evil eye the entire time Nolan was talking to you. Yeah, I saw them out of the corner of my eye. Im guessing they werent too happy about it. Obviously not, but dont even worry about it. They wont be able to get near him tonight. Youre a good friend, Mimi, and I appreciate your concern, but if one of those women really wants to get with him, there isnt anything that either you or I can do to stop them.

22 Are you kidding me? Of course there is. If any of them try to get too close to him, Ill just run interference to keep them away. Oh yeah, and just how exactly will you accomplish that? Julia picked up her water glass to take a sip. Youve heard of a tackle before, right? All you have to do is say the word and Ill go for it. Releasing a snort, Julia quickly grabbed her napkin and covered her mouth with it to keep from spitting out the water. Youre crazy, Mimi. But thats why I love you. Right back at you, babe. Once dinner was finished and the plates had been cleared away, the waiters brought out trays of desserts and began serving them to the guests. Once they received their own plates of lavender lemon cheesecake they savored it, enjoying the rich taste and unique texture of it. After they were finished eating they sat back in their chairs and gave sighs of contentment. You outdid yourself with that dessert, Julia. It was wonderful. Couldnt have done it without you. As their full stomachs settled they made casual conversation, sipping on their coffee as they observed the other people in the room. Theyd only been talking a few minutes when a man at the front of the room picked up a microphone and began to speak into it. As his voice came over the speakers the guests in the ballroom began to quiet, and listened to what he had to say. Ladies and gentlemen, the time has come to welcome our newlyweds to the dance floor, so everyone get onto your feet and put your hands together for Mr. and Mrs. Denmoore. The lights in the ballroom dimmed and a spotlight illuminated the middle of the dance floor. As the newlyweds made their appearance, all of the guests stood up and clapped their hands. There were even a few cheers and whistles, but as the sound of a piano filled the air everyone grew quiet. Frank Sinatras As Time Goes By was the choice of song for the wedding dance, and as the couple began to move to the music everyone gathered around to watch them. Julia was impressed by the way the couple moved so seamlessly together, and she couldnt help but admire the beauty of the moment. As the flash of a camera filled the darkened room, Julia turned her head toward it and saw Nolan photographing the couple. He took various shots from different angles, and as he moved around the edge of the dance floor her eyes remained faithfully trained on him. She enjoyed seeing him at work, and was impressed by the fact that he could remain so in the moment, despite the large group of people all around him. As the newlyweds wedding dance came to an end, all of the guests were invited onto the floor as well. People who were already paired up as couples made their way forward,

23 but everyone else who was single just hung around the tables and watched. Eventually most of the unattached women were asked to dance, and soon the marble floor was filled with wedding guests. As she watched the guests engage in a slow dance, Julia noticed a man of medium height standing next to the floor taking photos. He had equipment which was similar to Nolans, and it was obvious he was a professional because of the way he moved and angled the camera. I wonder where Nolan is? she asked Mimi. Isnt he supposed to be the wedding photographer? Its probably his assistant. Some photographers bring another person along to help them out on certain jobs. Oh, well, if his assistant is the one taking pictures, then whats he doing? Julia glanced around the room to see if she could find him. I dont know, honey. Hes probably on a break. It didnt seem like he had anything to eat at dinner, so Im sure hes just having a quick bite. Youre probably right. I guess I should stop wondering where he is. Im getting sort of pathetic, arent I? No, youre just curious is all. Theres nothing wrong with that. Im sure hell be by any moment to ask you for that dance. Mimi gave her a reassuring smile. She gave little shrug.Yeah, and even if he doesnt its no big deal. Realizing she was getting too wrapped up in Nolan, Julia began to eye the various groups of men who were standing around the room. Most of them were checking out the women who remained sitting at the tables alone, and as her eyes fell on a man in the corner, he offered her a little smile. He was older than her, most likely in his later thirties to early forties and wore his hair in a military crew cut style. She held his gaze for a few seconds but then quickly averted her eyes, not wanting to give him the idea that she was interested. Remembering the last guy she had danced with, she wasnt too keen on the idea of attracting the attention of anyone else. The experience with that prick Walter had left her feeling apprehensive about the whole thing, and the last thing she wanted was to end up with another jerk like him. Her wish to be left alone, however, seemed to be ignored because the man whom shed just been looking at was on his way over to where she stood. Oh no, please dont come over here, she softly whispered under her breath. Following Julias gaze, Mimi asked, Whats wrong with him? He looks pretty good to me. Oooh, and he has one of those military haircuts! I just love men who wear uniforms. Honey, if you dont want him, Ill take him off your hands for you. Be my guest, because Im not interested. As the man came closer he offered both Julia and Mimi a friendly smile. Hello there, pretty ladies. My name is Ronald. How are you two doing this evening? Doing okay, Julia answered in a polite, yet curt, tone. Im very well, and you? Mimi gave him a look which clearly expressed her interest.

24 Ive been having a pretty good time so far, but its getting a little lonely just standing next to the wall watching all those other couples have fun. Im surprised you two havent been asked to dance yet. Im not the best dancer anyhow, so I dont really mind, said Julia. Im not that great either, but Id be more than willing to give it a try if youre up for it.His eyes were filled with hope. Taking a quick glance to her right, Julia spotted Nolan strolling toward her. As their eyes met he gave her a small wave, and Julia returned it with one of her own. As Ronald saw who she was waving at a look of disappointment crossed his face. Sorry, but Im going to have to pass on that dance. Im sort of waiting on a friend. Oh, okay. No problem. He started to back away but then glanced at Mimi and asked, How about you? Care to have a dance with me? Id love to. Mimi walked toward him, then hooked her arm into his and they strolled off together. Turning her head back in Nolans direction, she was dismayed to find that his progress toward her had been halted. Standing in front of him was a woman with a long, straight ponytail and a red dress, and although Julia couldnt see her face, she knew exactly who the woman was. It was one of the four ladies whod been eyeing him from their table, and as Julia watched them engage in conversation she began to feel very jealous. She silently willed Nolan to end the conversation and come over to where she stood, but to her utmost frustration he remained planted where he was. Julia wanted to know what they were talking about and began to wonder if he even remembered that she existed. It was almost as if the woman in the red dress had some sort of power over him, because he was leaning forward toward her and seemed to be intently interested in what she had to say. He hadnt even taken one glance in her direction to signal that he was still on his way. Nolan knew that she was expecting him, so why didnt he just excuse himself and come over and ask her to dance? She already knew the answer to this question, of course. Shed been upstaged by another woman, and now Nolan was more interested in this other chick than he was in her. Julia watched as the woman threw her head back and released a loud giggle, and couldnt help noticing that Nolans lips were pulled back into an amused grin. Having seen more than she could handle, Julia turned her back to them and headed over to the bar. If Nolan would rather talk to somebody then that was his business. Shed wasnt wasting any more of her time on him, and refused to pay him any more attention. Taking a seat on one of the barstools, she ordered a virgin pia colada. As the bartender busied himself with preparing it, Julia glanced at the dance floor and saw Mimi and Ronald dancing. As she watched them sway back and forth to a classic love song, Julia wished she hadnt been so quick to blow Ronald off. He really was a pretty cute guy, and if she hadnt been so fixated on Nolan, she could have been dancing and enjoying herself right now.

25 Once the bartender was finished fixing her drink, he brought over her pia colada and sat it down on the counter in front of her. She thanked him and then took a few light sips. She wasnt really in the mood for a drink right now, but shed felt awkward just standing there watching Nolan and that woman talk. She knew it was silly feeling this way because shed just met him a day ago, but she still didnt like seeing him talking with other women. She didnt know why it bothered her so much, but it did. Realizing shed read too much into his flirting, she urged herself to get a grip and stop acting so ridiculous. If he wanted to chat other women up, why should that matter to her? He wasnt her boyfriend, so what concern of hers was it if he wished to speak to someone else? Despite Julias attempts to pep herself up she still felt pretty lousy so she wrapped her lips around the straw and took a large sip, hoping to drown her disappointments in the sugary drink. She became so lost in her thoughts that as she felt a tap on her shoulder she gave a startled jump. Swiveling around on the stool, she came face to face with Nolan and saw him give her one of his charming smiles. Under normal circumstances Julia would have melted, but since she was upset with him his grin had little effect on her. Hey there, sorry to have startled you. What are you doing sitting here at the bar all by yourself? She couldnt believe he was asking her such a question and was annoyed that he seemed so clueless. Couldnt he feel her disappointment? Surely hed noticed that shed been watching him and that other woman speak. Not wanting to seem bitchy, she made up an excuse. Just felt like getting a drink. Okay. Sorry I took so long to make my way over to you. That woman I was talking to is interested in having some professional photos taken, so I was just giving her a bit of information. Sorry if I came across as rude to you, I didnt mean to keep you waiting. I just wanted to see if she was serious about becoming a client. Its okay, I didnt mind. As the lie slipped from her tongue she averted her gaze from his and used her straw to stir the crushed ice which had settled at the bottom of her glass. So, how about that dance now? That is if youre not too upset with me. Im not upset, but Im not really in the mood for dancing anymore. Dissapointment etched onto his features. Oh, im sorry to hear that. I was really looking forward it. Turning her eyes back on him, she said, Yeah, so was I. Then she set her drink down and got up off the stool. She didnt even bother to look back at him as she walked away. As she was heading past the dance floor she saw Mimi walking toward her, with a look of happiness on her face. As Mimi reached Julia she asked, So hows it going with Nolan? I saw you talking with him at the bar. Arent you two going to dance?

26 Nope. Why not? I just dont feel like it anymore. A look of seriousness came into her eyes. Okay, what happened? Remember that table of women who were staring at him as he stopped by our table to talk to me? Yeah. I saw him chatting with one of them. The thing was, he was on his way to come over and ask me to dance, but instead of excusing himself he just stood there and had a conversation with her. A long one. So he was taking with someone else. Doesnt mean anything serious was going on. Did you see her slip him her number? No, not that I could tell. Anyways, I just found it a bit rude so it sort of turned me off. I can understand you feeling upset, but I still dont think you should give up on him. This other woman is competing with you, cant you see that? Of course. So what, youre going to just give up and let her snag him? Come on, Julia. That doesnt sound like you. Im not in the mood for playing games. I dont think thats what hes doing, Julia. Did he explain why he took so long to reach you? Yeah, he said she was interested in having some pictures taken. He made it sound like it was only business, but she was doing some serious flirting with him. Of course she was, the man looks good. But hey, I think you should take his word for it. If thats what he says happened, then believe him. Glancing toward the bar, Mimi saw Nolan sitting on a stool with a drink in hand. His back was to the bar, so they could see his face from where they stood. Look at him, Julia. He looks so sad sitting there all alone. Go back over and talk to him. As Julia turned her gaze on Nolan their eyes locked and she saw him give her a little smile. She tried to offer him one as well, yet found that her lips just wouldnt budge. Still feeling a bit miffed, Julia turned away from him and stared out at the dance floor. So thats it? Youre seriously giving up? Mimis voice held a mixture of annoyance and disappointment. I didnt say that. Okay, so what are you waiting for? If he really wants me then Ill let him come to me, but I am not going back over there.

27 Shaking her head in disbelief, Mimi replied, All right, have it your way. The funny thing is you said youre not in the mood for games, but dont you realize thats exactly what youre doing right now? No Im not. Yes you are. Youre jealous and upset and youre expressing this to him by playing hard to get. You want to see just how far hes willing to go to smooth things over with you. Now does that sound about right? With a reluctant nod of her head, Julia answered, Yeah, okay. I guess I am acting pretty lame, arent I? Yes. So please stop acting silly and go over and talk to him. You always say how hard it is to meet decent guys, dont you? Well, theres one right there, just waiting for you. Take your chance girl, before its too late. Releasing a sigh, Julia tucked a lock of hair behind her ear and glanced at Mimi for reassurance. Go for it, urged Mimi. As Julia headed toward the bar she saw that Nolans back was now facing her. She guessed that hed turned around when she failed to smile at him, and now he was under the impression that she was no longer interested. Mimi was right, shed been playing a game, and a very stupid one at that. Shed let her jealousy get in the way and now she had to work things out. How often did she meet guys like Nolan? The answer to that was never. She was only a few feet away from reaching him when suddenly the woman in the red dress walked up beside him and placed her hand upon his shoulder. Halting her steps, Julia watched as Nolan turned his head to give the woman a smile. Julia also noticed that the womans hand was sliding across the left sleeve of his suit jacket, admiring his biceps beneath the fabric. Noticing their silent observer, the woman in the red dress directed her attention at Julia and gave her rival a triumphant smile. Her eyes seemed to silently express that the game was over. As the woman grabbed Nolans hand to guide him away from the bar, Julia quickly turned on her heels and headed back toward Mimi. Seeing the hurt and defeat on her friends face, she offered a few words of support. Dont give up, Julia. Do not let her win. Waving her hand dismissively she answered, I could care less. If that woman wants him so badly then you know what? Let her have him. I am not about to fight over a man. The sigh of disappointment Mimi expelled told Julia that she was unhappy with the outcome of the situation between her and Nolan. Mimi was a natural born competitor, and Julia could see the frustration growing in her eyes. Well, since youve decided to give up on Nolan, why dont you come onto the dance floor with me and Ronald? No thanks, I dont want to be the third wheel.

28 He has a friend. As Mimi pointed him out to Julia, a man standing next to Ronald gave her a smile, then headed over to where she stood. ,Julia noted he had a military haircut just like Ronald did. He was of medium height with a slim build, and he had a boyish face which made it difficult to determine his age. As he reached Julia he introduced himself, Hey there, Im Tim. Would you like to dance? Sure, why not. Grabbing hold of his palm, she followed him onto the dance floor. As they joined hands and began to sway to the music, she found herself scanning the couples that were on the dance floor. It didnt take long before her eyes landed on the strappy red dress of her adversary, and as her eyes focused on Nolan she felt a strong pang of regret sweep through her. Nolans hands rested on the womans hips, and the lady he was dancing with had her arms firmly locked around his neck. Since she was tall, her eyes were nearly level with Nolans, and from where Julia stood she could clearly see that the womans eyes were intensely focused on Nolans. As she swayed with her own dance partner, Julia couldnt help wishing that she was with Nolan instead. The man she was with seemed nice enough, but he wasnt the one whom shed been hoping to share her first slow dance with. Filled to the brim with wishes of an alternate outcome, she willed Nolans eyes to meet her own. She needed to receive some indication that he was still interested in her. All she needed was one brief glance from him to let her know that he still wanted her, because she very much wanted him. Apparently her thoughts and energy were focused on Nolan a little too much, because the sound of an annoyed voice suddenly sliced through the air. Hello, Julia? Are you still with me? Coming out of her daze, Julia uttered an apology. Sorry, guess my mind wandered for a bit. Were you saying something? I was asking if youd like to go bowling sometime. Your friend Mimi says she knows of a brand new alley that just opened. I dont know, maybe. Only a maybe? Why not a yes? Not wishing to lead him on, Julia responded as politely as she could. Look, Tim, you seem like a really nice guy, but Im not quite sure if Im ready to date. I understand, but we can always just go as friends. It doesnt have to be a serious outing, or anything. Only halfway paying attention to what he said, Julia muttered an uninterested, Yeah, I guess. Her eyes were concentrated on Nolans back, and she was thinking about what it would feel like to have her palms placed against his shoulders. She also imagined what his hands would feel like wrapped around her waist, and began to visualize herself in the place of the

29 woman in red. As the powers of her imagination went into overdrive, Julia unconsciously held Tim closer to her. Nolans body type completely differed from Tims of course, but Julia didnt let that stop her from visualizing the preferred situation. With her gaze still focused on Nolan, she closely observed the way that he moved. She noticed that he danced with a grace and skill she hadnt quite expected, and as his eyes finally met hers, she felt her heartbeat quicken Certain he was no longer interested, she waited for the moment for him to avert his eyes. As they swayed in a circle with their respective dance partners, they found themselves caught in the continuing pattern of turning their backs to one another, then once again facing each other. Each time her back was turned to Nolan, Julia anticipated the moment when their eyes would re-lock. It seemed that they moved in a synchronization of sorts, because without fail, each time that they made a full circle their eyes would meet. Julia was pleasantly surprised that the timing was just right, because looking into Nolans eyes as she was dancing with Tim helped her to imagine more clearly what it would be like if she were with Nolan instead. As she swayed into another full turn with her dance partner, Julia anxiously awaited the moment when Nolan would come into her line of vision. Yet as she once again faced him, she was dismayed to find that her eyes met with those of his partner instead. As her eyes met with those of her rival, she realized that her competitor was throwing mental daggers. Obviously territorial of Nolan, this woman was making it clear that Julia was treading into unwelcome territory. Julia, however, was definitely not intimidated by this other womans stare. In fact, she was spurred on by it. As a burst of adrenaline coursed through her, she realized that Mimis competitive spirit must have rubbed off on her, because she was beginning to think up all sorts of different ways to steal Nolans attention. She knew he was still interested in her because theyd had some moments of heavy eye contact, but she wouldnt be fully satisfied until she was the woman in his arms. Once the song came to an end, the two women continued to engage in a heated stare down. Julia didnt want to avert her eyes, but since the song had ended it was only natural for her to direct her attention back at Tim. Thanks for the dance, he said. Hope it wasnt too boring for you. Of course not, why would you say that? For one, you barely answered any of the questions I asked you. And two, your eyes were planted on some other guy across the room. Feeling her cheeks grow hot, Julia shamefully gave a response. Im sorry, that was so rude of me. I wasnt trying to be mean, I just spotted someone I knew and we sort of made eye contact. Hey, its okay, no need to apologize. I cant say I dont wish that I was the one you were staring at instead, but oh well. Whoever that guy is, hes really lucky to have a lady like you so interested in him.

30 Thanks, thats sweet of you to say. She felt bad about her inability to keep her attention focused on Tim, but was pleased that he didnt seem too upset by it. Anyways, it looks like your friend is on his way over here so I guess Ill let you go. Have fun. Tim gave her a weak smile, then turned and headed toward another part of the dance floor. Bye, she called after him. Turning her head to look behind her, she saw that Nolan was indeed coming her way. As he reached her, she offered a greeting. Hello. Hi there. I take it youre not mad at me anymore. Feeling silly about the way shed acted, Julia gave a bashful smile. I wasnt mad. Just a little annoyed. Seems I have a knack for making you feel that way, huh? His lips tugged upward. Anyways, Im here for that dance now, and this time I wont take no for an answer. So how about it? Id love to. As the guitar chords to Lenny Kravitzs It Aint Over Till Its Over played over the speakers, Nolan wrapped a hand around Julias waist and brought her closer to him. Bringing one hand up to rest against his shoulder, she allowed her right hand to clasp with Nolans left. In no time at all they fell into a perfect rhythm, swaying so gracefully together that it appeared as if theyd put in hours of practice. They gazed deep into each others eyes as they danced, and Julia was surprised by just how sensual the moment was becoming. As they moved in time to the music she lost herself in the fragrance of his cologne, deeply breathing in its alluring scent. She studied his face, admiring everything from the shape of his eyebrows to his nice, strong jawline. There wasnt a feature on him that she didnt find attractive, and as she stared into his face Nolans eyes steadily watched her. For the time being words werent of very much importance. They easily conveyed how they felt about each other through the strength of their gaze and the movement of their bodies. Lost within Nolans eyes, she experienced a fluttering in her chest. She could feel Nolans strong attraction to her and was certain he was receiving the same vibes from her. She couldnt remember having ever felt such a sudden and strong lure toward any man before, and she realized that this must be what people meant when they spoke about love at first sight. Of course she knew that she wasnt in love with Nolan right at this moment, but she could already tell that falling for him wouldnt be very hard to do. He had this presence about him that intrigued her, and she hoped they would have many more opportunities to spend time with one another. They gazed admiringly at each for a few more moments and then Nolan began to speak. Youre quite a passionate person, arent you? Why do you say that? Her voice was laced with curiosity. You seemed quite upset when I was speaking with Rachel.

31 She began to ask him who Rachel was, but then suddenly it dawned on her that it was the woman in the red dress. Feeling a bit uncomfortable from the memory of it she said, Yeah I know, I totally overreacted. Now that I think back to it, it was pretty embarrassing. I dont know why it even bothered me. Yes you do. Julia blinked in response, feeling a bit surprised by his statement. What? Of course you know why you were upset. So share with me. Im interested in hearing the reason. Okay, I was jealous. Which I know is completely lame because we only just met each other yesterday. I dont think its lame. I think its very cute. Really? Yeah, and it doesnt matter if wed only known each other for a few hours. There arent any rules about that kind of thing. You shouldnt feel weird about having feelings toward someone. I dont feel weird about it. I guess Im just not used to it. Surely youve had a crush before. Of course, but this feels different. How so? Giving a slight shrug she replied, I dont know, exactly. Its hard to put into words. Crushes are fleeting, temporary things. Ive experienced enough of them to know that this is more than that. So what youre saying is, you think well get serious. His eyes were inquisitive. Oh gosh, I didnt mean it that way. Im not trying to rush things here, I just meant that I feel things for you a little differently than Im used to. I wasnt trying to imply that we would have a relationship. Why not? Are you not interested in having one? Well, Im certainly not against it, I just think wed have to feel each other out a bit more before we become certain of whether or not we wish to enter one. I mean we dont even really know one another. Not yet we dont. Id really like to spend more time with you, though. Do you think that would be possible? Sure, why not? Id like the chance to get to know you better as well. A pleased expression crossed his face. Good, I look forward to it. As they continued to sway back and forth their bodies moved even closer. Both of Nolans arms were now encircled around her waist and Julia was holding onto his shoulders. She could feel heat radiating off his body, and as he leaned down to speak into her ear there was the wonderful sensation of his breath tickling against her skin.

32 Not understanding the words hed spoken Julia questioned, Im sorry, I didnt get that. I was speaking Samoan. Translation is, youre beautiful. Thank you. Her eyes remained locked into his deep brown ones, not wanting to look away for even one second. As they continued to dance Julia realized that her body was getting very warm. It wasnt an uncomfortable sensation, but rather quite an enjoyable one. She was intoxicated by his presence and the subtle intimacy between them was slowly building to another level. Placing her head against his shoulder, she fully immersed herself in the moment. With one palm placed against the back of his neck, she lightly trailed the tips of her fingers along the edge of his hairline. As her skin made contact with his, she heard a barely audible sigh pass his lips. Julia felt the warmth of his breath against her curly locks, followed by an intake of breath and she knew he was indulging himself in the fragrance of her hair. One of Nolans hands rested on the small of her back, and he tenderly stroked the small indentation there. As his finger moved back and forth across the spot she felt a slight shiver go up her spine. It wasnt an area of her body shed ever given much thought to, but now that Nolan was paying attention to it, she realized how intimate it was to have someone touch her in that place. As the song they were dancing to came to an end, they remained in a close embrace. Neither was ready to let the other one go just yet, so they continued to sway as a jazzy, slow paced tune floated through the air. Nolans hands had tightened around her waist and although he didnt say a word, she sensed that he wanted her to look up at him. Lifting her head up off his shoulder, Julia peered into his eyes and found him giving her a very deep and thoughtful look. As he bent his face down closer toward her, she noticed the thickness of his lashes and saw there was a small scar right above his left eyebrow. As her gaze moved downward she focused on his lips and noticed that they were moving closer to her face. Feeling as if she were on the receiving end of a magnet, she lowered her eyelids and became lost in a daze. The music, the dim lighting, and his presence were intoxicating her and she found herself unable to resist him. Stroking a finger against her jawbone, he placed his lips to her cheek in a tender kiss. There was such a gentleness in the way that he did it, that she couldnt help melting beneath his touch, and the way he held her in his arms made her feel like a prized jewel. As the music began to taper off, Julia realized that the second song they were dancing to was reaching its end. Gradually their bodies began to still and then they were just standing there, still holding each other in the middle of the dance floor. Many of the couples around them left and began to walk back toward their tables, but Nolan and Julia remained in place. As reality filtered in and they came out of their own little world they finally released each other.

33 That was very nice, said Julia. The kiss or the dance? Both. I think it was more than nice, it was wonderful. Yes, it was. Id love to see you again. Would you mind if I gave you a call sometime? Thatd be nice, Id like that. Nolan retrieved his cell phone from his pocket and pushed a few buttons so he could access his cell phone address book. As she gave him the digits he quickly typed them in, then slipped his phone back into his pocket. Realizing they were one of the few couples left on the dance floor, they began to walk back toward her table. I really enjoyed dancing with you. We have quite the connection, dont you think? Most definitely. Maybe next time we see each other we can further explore our attraction to each other. Yeah, maybe. She wasnt certain if he was hinting at something sexual, but it was her hope that his interest in her lay beyond only that. He seemed to sense a slight shift in her energy, and added, I truly want to get to know you, Julia. As you saw from tonight, intimacy can be experienced in a variety of ways. It doesnt always have to be about sex. No, it doesnt. They held each others gaze for a few moments before the moment they were sharing was suddenly intruded upon. Averting her gaze from Nolans, Julia noticed a man with wire-rimmed glasses and a shaven head heading their way. Upon reaching the couple, the man directed his attention to Nolan. Hey, Nolan, sorry to interrupt but Im having some issues with the flash on this camera. Think you can give me hand? Sure. Just give me a minute and Ill be right over, okay? Nolans assistant gave a nod in reply, then headed back toward the other side of the room. Turning his attention back on Julia, Nolan said, Well, I guess Id better get back to work now. It was really nice talking to you, and I hope well see each other again soon. Yeah, me too. See you later. Nolan gave a wink, then walked away. She watched him for few moments and then saw a familiar form approaching from her right. Ready to go? asked Mimi. Yep. Hey, wheres your cousin at? I havent seen her or the groom since they had their wedding dance.

34 Oh, they cut out early. Theyre going to Bali for their honeymoon, so its no surprise they ditched the reception. Lois told me to give you her best regards, though. She loved the dessert you made, and was really glad to have met you. Good to know she enjoyed the cheesecake, and Im glad to have met her as well. As they headed for the exit Julia saw Mimi gave a wave to one of the servers. As her eyes fell on him, Julia realized it was the same waiter who had brought them their meals. The waiter flashed Mimi a smile, intently watching as she headed for the exit. Theyd nearly reached the door when Mimi asked, Is he still watching me? Turning her head slowly, Julia glanced behind her and saw that the waiters eyes were indeed still pinned on Mimi. Oh yeah, hes getting a nice, long look. Mimis lips curled into a pleased smile. Good. He seems very interested in you. Did you get his number? Of course. How old is he? Twenty-seven. So I guess this means youre breaking your no younger men rule, huh? Heck yeah. The man is gorgeous. Plus he has a great ass. A light chuckle passed Julias lips. Im happy for you. Its good that you met someone. And what about you and Nolan, huh? I know you two only recently met, but I can already tell youll make a really cute couple. Thats nice of you to say. Im not quite sure what will become of us just yet, but he really is a very sweet guy. Not bad to look at, either. He smells really good, too. The smile on Mimis face became a grin. Yep, there were definitely some serious sparks happening between you two. I noticed when you were dancing with him, the way he was holding you in his arms. It was quite intimate. So you were watching us, huh? Kind of hard not to, with the energy you two were giving off. Now walking through the lobby of the hotel, the two women continued to make small talk. As the automatic doors parted, they made their way out into the parking lot and headed for Mimis car. So did you give him your phone number? Mimi asked. , Yep. Good. Im glad to hear. Despite her uncertainties about embarking on a new relationship, Julia couldnt deny that something inside of her had strongly reacted to being around Nolan; and now that it had been awakened she had a feeling that her life was about to take an interesting turn.


Chapter Two
The scent of freshly baked goods filled the air of the bakery, and as Julia rushed back and forth between the cash register and the kitchen, she began to wonder if the endless stream of customers would ever slow down. She was happy that business was good, but since she was working alone it was all becoming quite overwhelming. As another patron walked through the doors she acknowledged them with a nod of the head and a friendly hello, then walked over to answer the ringing phone on the wall. Mimis Bakery, how may I help you? Hey, Julia, hows business? As the husky sounding voice emitted from the receiver, Julia instantly recognized it as one of the bakerys regular customers. Hey there, Angela. Were busy as usual. What can I do for you? I need a cake in the shape of a penis. You guys do that type of thing there? A phallic shaped cake? Sure, I dont see why not. Whats the occasion?

36 Its for my bachelorette party. Which by the way, I wanted to ask if you and Mimi would like to attend. Id love to. Mimis not here right now so I cant ask her, but Ill be sure to tell her you gave her an invite. Thatd be great. So how much would a cake like that cost? Before I can give you a quote, Ill need to get a few more details. She grabbed a small notepad from next to the register and then picked up a pen. First off, what flavor did you want the cake to be? Vanilla buttercream would be nice. Allright, and how many people are you expecting? Fourteen. Think you could have it ready by Saturday? I dont see why not. I cant give you a price quote just yet, but once Mimi comes in Ill consult with her, then well give you a call back and let you know. Sounds good. Thanks so much for your help, Julia. No problem. Have a nice day, and Ill be in touch. Later. Bye,. After hanging up the phone she tore the piece of paper off the pad and placed it in the stack of orders to be processed. Then she headed toward the back of the bakery where there was a freshly baked cake sitting next to a large pastry bag. As she was icing the cake, her thoughts inevitably turned to Nolan. It didnt take long before she was recalling the way his hands felt around her waist and she fondly remembered the sensation of his lips pressing against her cheek. It had been a soft, sweet kiss; almost innocent in a way. She couldnt remember the last time a guy had kissed her on the cheek, but shed liked that Nolan had done it. It left her wanting more, and now she was wondering what itd feel like to have his lips pressed against other parts of her body. If he was that gentle and tender all the time, she could only imagine how pleasurable an evening of intimacy with him would be. Gripping the pastry bag tighter, she became so lost in her thoughts that the icing rose she was creating turned out looking flat, rather than rounded. The sound of a tinkling bell suddenly filled the air, signaling Julia that she had another customer. Turning her head to look over her shoulder, she was relieved to see that Mimi had arrived. Thank goodness youre here. We have an order for fifty cherry cupcakes and theyre due by tomorrow afternoon. The ladies Garden Club also contacted us, and they need twenty-five almond teacakes for their Wednesday luncheon. Oh yeah, and Angela wants us to make a penis-shaped cake for her bachelorette party. A smile crossed her lips as she waited for Mimis reaction. Taking the wool scarf from around her neck, Mimi tossed it beneath the counter and walked over to the sink to wash her hands. Penis-shaped cake, huh? Thats a new one. Anything else I need to know about?

37 Nope. So what happened to you this morning? Its not like you to show up so late in the afternoon. I had to go to my sisters house to watch the baby for a few hours. The sitter was a noshow, so she had to call around and find someone else to fill in. Sorry to leave you all alone. I hope youve been managing okay without me. Well, there was the usual morning rush and that was kind of hectic, but other than that things have been pretty okay. After drying her hands off, Mimi grabbed a damp towel and began wiping down the stainless steel table where they prepared the food. So did you speak to Nolan last night? Nope. Really? Im surprised he didnt call. She gave a little shrug. Theres no hurry. We just met last night, so we have plenty of time to get to know one another. Yeah I guess, but arent you eager to hear from him? That moment you two had on the dance floor seemed pretty special. It was, but I dont want to start getting all excited over him until Im sure that things will work out. Ive felt this way about guys before and it didnt pan out to be much of anything. Afraid of getting your heart broken, huh? Mimi pulled a trash can over to the table, then began wiping the crumbs shed collected from the table into it. I dont think Nolans the type of guy who plays games. He seems more like the straightforward type. Setting the pastry bag down so she could refill it, Julia said, Yeah, I get the same feeling, but Im not about to let him preoccupy my mind. Ive done that with enough guys in the past, so I dont want to end up in that same boat again. Whatever happens, happens, you know? Nodding her head Mimi said, Yeah, I hear you. Glancing at the clock she saw it was nearly half past twelve. What do you say we take an early lunch? Ill treat you to a slice at that new pizza place that opened up on 5th and Main. Sounds great. Oh, and I wanna take you somewhere else along the way, so I hope you wont mind delaying lunch for a bit. Julia untied her apron, then hung it on a hook next to the stove. Okay. Lets not stay too long though, cause Im starving. Itll be a quick trip, I promise. As they headed for the door, she found herself curious as to where Mimi was taking her. So where are we going, anyhow? I hope its someplace interesting. Most definitely. And theyve got something there youve been needing for quite a long time.

38 **** Hey, Julia, what do you think of this one? Holding a hot-pink jelly vibrator in her hands Mimi waved it in front of Julias face, causing it to wobble obscenely. She scrunched her nose up. I think its way too bright. Plus I hate pink. Who cares what color it is. This is like the Rolls Royce of vibrators. You get one of these babies and youll wonder how you ever managed to live without it. Its really that good, huh? Julias eyebrows lifted in renewed interest. Oh yeah, I have two at home. Why two? Is one not good enough? Sure, but I like to have different sizes. Variety is always a good thing. Spotting a package on a shelf next to her, she picked it up and studied the contents of the box through the see-through window. How about this one? she asked while holding it up for Mimi to see. That ones okay, but its not as good as Mr. Pink, here. Well, whats wrong with it? According to the writing on the front of this box its certain to massage and titillate your clitoris. Sounds pretty good to me. I used to have that model and its not all that great. The vibration isnt very strong, and it felt really uncomfortable inside of me. I think you should get one thats made out of jelly. Those are the best ones, in my opinion. Placing the package back on the shelf she walked over to a table where there were a number of testers sitting out. Mimi followed her and once they reached the table they both began to try out a number of the vibrators. Going for the largest one on the table, Julia picked it up and turned the dial, causing it to vibrate wildly in her hand. Amused by the look of surprise on Julias face, Mimi expelled a laugh and watched as her friend turned a control on the base of the sex toy. This caused the head of the vibrator to move around in circles. Julia looked on in fascination as the beads inside of the toy began to move around, twisting and turning with the rhythm of the tip. Looks like fun, huh? Julias lips tugged into a smile. I dont think its vibrating hard enough. I think it needs more power. Smirking at Mimis sarcastic statement, she gave a chuckle. Turning the dial so that the vibration was no longer on, she set it down and eyed the other toys. Grabbing hold of a light-purple vibrator, Mimi held it out for her friend to see. I think youll like what this one does. As her eyes fell upon it, a small snort came from Julias nose. Glitter and sparkles? You have got to be kidding me. Mimi rolling her eyes at Julias response. It doesnt matter what it looks like. The only thing you should be concerned with is how it performs.

39 Yeah I know, but its kind of silly looking. Grabbing a light purple toy with textured swirls on it, Julia flicked her thumb against the switch to turn it on. As it purred to life, the shaft was illuminated with a light and it began to move clockwise. Her finger then pressed the adjuster ring, and the strength of the vibration increased, releasing a steady hum. She gave it a pleased look and then switched the toy off. I made my decision. Im getting this one. Good choice. Ive heard great things about it, said Mimi. After grabbing a new one that was packaged in a box, the two women made their way to the cash register. As the saleswoman rung up Julias purchase, Mimi grabbed a few packs of batteries off of a small shelf next to the cash register, then set them on the counter. Always make sure you have more than enough batteries. Guess I should always have a few for back up, huh? She gave her friend a smile. Definitely. After paying for her purchase, Julia thanked the saleswoman and grabbed her bag. After exiting the store they made their way down the sidewalk, heading in the direction of the pizza place. They were a few steps from reaching it when Julia spotted a familiar figure approaching them from the opposite end of the walkway. The person was half a block away, but even from a distance she could tell it was Nolan. Oh great, she muttered beneath her breath. Following her friends line of vision, Mimi realized that Nolan was coming toward them, and offered him a small wave and a friendly smile. Mimi, stop. I dont want him to see us. There was a nervousness in her voice. Why not? She gestured to the shopping bag, then cocked an eyebrow. Yeah, and so what? Its not like he has x-ray vision or anything. He doesnt have to know whats inside in order to tell Ive been shopping at the local sex toy shop. I think the words The Love Chest printed in bold red letters will clue him in as to what Ive just purchased. So you bought a vibrator, big deal. Everyone pleasures themselves in some form or fashion. So whats there to be embarrassed about? Its a private thing, okay? Of course masturbation is natural, but that still doesnt mean that I want Nolan to see what Ive bought. I just barely met the guy a few days ago. Chill out, Julia. If youre that nervous about it, why dont you just roll the bag down to cover the name of the store? Then he wont be able to tell where youve been. Following Mimis suggestion, she rolled the top of the bag down so that the red letters were obscured from sight. Glancing down at the bag, Mimi said, You see? He wont even be able to tell. Looks like hes spotted us now, so just be cool and stop worrying, okay? As he reached them Nolan offered a smile. Hello, ladies. Nice to see you both again.

40 Its good to see you, too. Only a day had passed since Julia had last seen Nolan, but somehow it seemed as if hed grown even more handsome. So, where are you two headed? To get some pizza. How about you?. Heading to lunch myself, but instead of Italian, Im getting Mexican. You two ever been to the Burrito Hut? Cant say I have, said Mimi. Ive heard good things about the place, but Ive yet to try it, came Julias reply. Id love to have you two join me. My treat, of course. Before Julia even had a chance to answer, Mimi spoke up. I really have my mouth set for pizza, so I wont be able to tag along. Im sure Julia would love to, though. Throwing her friend a sideways glance, she did her best to express her displeasure with Mimis choice to speak on her behalf. On any other day she would have been thrilled to go to lunch with Nolan, but she was more than a little worried that he would somehow be able to work out the contents of her shopping bag. How about it, Julia? asked Nolan. Sure, why not? Great. A pleased look crossed Mimis face. Have a good lunch, you two. Then directing her attention at Julia, she said, See you in half an hour. A light smirk played at her lips, then she turned away from them and headed for the pizza place. Looks like its just you and me. He said with a pleased look on his face. I guess so, She offered a little smile, and they began to walk down the street. Funny us bumping into each again. You work in this area, or just hanging out? My workplace is a few blocks from here. A little place called Mimis bakery. Oh yeah, I know where that is. Never been in there myself, but Ive heard good things. How long you been working there? Seven months. Did you go to culinary school or were you trained on the job? I learned on the job, which was a really lucky thing, because those fancy culinary schools were way out of my budget. So do you like being a baker? I love it. Couldnt imagine doing anything else. Thats good. It makes all the difference, having a job you enjoy. Having reached the restaurant, Nolan pulled the door open for Julia, allowing her to enter first. Thank you. The rich scent of spices and the sound of food sizzling on the grill filled the air, enticing them with the promise of a delicious meal. After giving their orders to the cashier, they headed for the soda fountain. As Nolan pushed the button on the machine, brown

41 liquid flowed into his cup. Yet before he had filled it even halfway, he suddenly released the button and moved his finger to another selection. Pressing his finger over the Sprite logo, he filled his cup with a few splashes of the soda, then switched to a different flavor. Watching with curious interest, Julia began to wonder just how many flavors he was going to mix together. Having a hard time deciding, huh? Im making a suicide soda. You never had one before? Unfortunately, yes. I think they taste awful. Yeah, if you dont know how to mix them right. The key is to add all of the different sodas in just the right proportion. Finally pleased with the mixture, he placed a plastic cover over the Styrofoam cup and punched a straw through the hole. Nolan held the cup out to her. Here, take a sip. Naw, I think Ill pass. Come on, just try it. I have quite the talent for mixing these sort of drinks, so I really think youll like it. She cocked an eyebrow. Since when is making a suicide soda considered a talent? Ouch, he said in a mock hurt tone. Besides, orange soda doesnt go with root beer and Pepsi. Have you actually tried orange soda mixed with root beer and Pepsi, or are you just guessing that it tastes awful? Im guessing, but I dont like orange soda anyways, so I already know Im not going to like it. You dont like orange soda? He shook his head in mock disappointment, then said, Maybe we arent meant to be, after all. She gave him a playful slap on the arm. Dont say that. A smile tugged at his lips. Im only kidding of course. Deciding to have a taste, she took the drink from his hands. I guess one sip wont hurt. Then she positioned the straw next to her lips. He watched her with eager eyes as she sampled the drink. Once shed finished tasting it she gave him the cup back. Okay, so it wasnt as bad as I thought it would be. In fact, it was kind of tasty. See, I told you. Let this be a lesson to never underestimate me. Yeah, okay, she said with a smirk. Nolan chuckled and then nodded toward the counter where their food was waiting. Looks like our orders ready. Once they retrieved their trays, they headed out to the patio and took a seat at a brightly painted table with a desert scene carved into it. So how did you get into photography? Julia asked as she sliced a knife through her enchilada.

42 Well, Ive always been fascinated by cameras. Ever since I was a kid Id go around the neighborhood taking photos of random things. Over the years I steadily improved, and once I reached high school I decided to enter this photography contest. I ended up winning first prize. Nice, so what was the prize? $200 and a Nikon camera. That was when I felt like Id finally reached the point of being a professional. Taking a bite of his steak burrito, Nolan glanced off into the distance, as if recalling past moments. Intrigued by his passion for photography, she decided to ask more about his profession. So did you take classes, or are you self taught? I apprenticed under my uncle. Hes an amazing photographer and without him I never would have been able to go pro. It wasnt easy learning from him, though. Hes a staunch perfectionist, so if I took one bad frame hed have me analyze it until I figured out what I did wrong. Then hed make me retake the picture until I got it right. Once I had to retake a photo twenty times before he approved it and allowed me to move on to another project. Wow, sounds like he was quite the perfectionist. She picked up a tortilla chip, then dipped it into some salsa. Yeah, but it really helped me advance and truly become a professional. To this day, I basically follow that same principle. Its my job to make the client look good, so I have to make sure that I hold up my end of the deal. You must have great attention to detail. I guess thats how you landed that great gig for Loiss wedding. Yeah, that was a nice event. She was definitely one of the most generous clients Ive ever had. They ate in silence for a few moments, enjoying the taste and texture of the food. Then suddenly Julia realized that Nolan was looking intently at her, so she raisedher eyes to meet his gaze. What, do I have food on my face or something? Grabbing a napkin, she began to dab at her mouth. No, I was just studying your features. I hope you dont mind me staring at you, but I think you have a lovely face. She felt her cheeks grow warm from his compliment. Thanks, thats sweet of you to say. Im only speaking the truth. I bet you take great photos. Well, actually I always thought of myself as fairly unphotogenic. Thats hard to believe. A face like yours would be a pleasure to photograph. You should stop by my studio sometime. Only if you promise to cut me a discount. Her tone of voice implied that she was joking. Id do it for free.

43 Really? Whats the catch? No catch, I just want to have the chance to photograph you. I could take some really nice portraits of you. Yeah? Yep. So what do you think? Id love to. Great, Im already looking forward to it. Just give me a call whenever youre ready, and Ill book you for a photo shoot. Lovely, I cant wait. Neither can I. His eyes met hers in a prolonged gaze and Julia found herself hopelessly mesmerized by him. As she stared into his orbs she suddenly recalled something hed said to her at the wedding. She remembered him mentioning something along the lines of experiencing intimacy in a variety of ways besides the physical act, and she realized they were currently experiencing one of those moments right now. Lowering her eyes to rest on his lips, she began to fantasize about kissing them. Right now she wanted nothing more than to lean across the table and kiss those nice full lips of his, but there was no way she was going to make the first move, especially not here in public. What are you thinking? His deep voice sliced through her lustful thoughts. Allowing her eyes to once again meet his, she gave him a sheepish look.. Nothing. Thats impossible, you have to be thinking of something. So what is it? Well, if you really want to know, I was checking out your lips. What about them? I think theyre nice. And? I was thinking about kissing you. So why not change that thought into an action? Id be more than willing. I cant make the first move. Cant or wont? She took a moment to think about it. Wont. Youre very shy, arent you? Not at all. Then youre waiting for me to make the first move. Even if you did Id still be a bit uncomfortable with it. Were in public. So? Im not really into public displays of affection. Besides, this isnt the way I imagined our first kiss to be. So youve actually thought this out, have you? Nolans eyes sparkled and he gave a little smirk. The thought has crossed my mind once or twice.

44 Im glad to hear it. Good to know Im not the only one. Nolans eyes stared deeply into her own and it seemed that each was willing the other to move a little closer. As the tension grew between them, their meals were forgotten and their hunger for food was replaced with a burning desire to feel each others lips. Reaching across the table, Nolan grabbed her hand and held it within his, lightly stroking the back of it with his thumb. I like you, Julia. A lot. I like you, too. I really enjoy hanging out with you. Likewise. Which is why Im hoping youll let me take you out. I want us to go on a proper date, though. Not to another fast food restaurant. Thatd be nice. Good. Something to look forward to, then. Definitely. She gave him a warm smile. Nolan released her hand so they could resume eating, then posed a question. Have you ever eaten Samoan food? Nope. Always been curious to try it, though. I always pass by that one place, I think its called A Taste of Samoa, but Ive never gone inside. Youve been there before, Im sure. Oh yeah, my aunts husband owns the place. Theyve got great food there. Id love to take you, if youre up for it. Definitely. Sounds good, I cant wait. Julia dipped a tortilla chip into guacamole, then scooped up a generous helping of salsa. As she was munching, she noticed that Nolans attention was focused on her mouth, leading her to wonder what he was thinking. Yet before she could even ask, he offered a few words. Youve got a bit of guacamole smeared next to your lips. Grabbing hold of a napkin Julia brushed it against the corner of her mouth but entirely missed the spot where the food was actually located. Its still there. Julia gave it another try but Nolans amused smile told her that shed failed once again. Ill get it for you. He reached across the table, and as his thumb made contact with the edge of her lips, Julia felt her pulse quicken a beat. He touched her in a very tender way, and as he started to pull his hand away, she suddenly grabbed hold of his hand, and laced her fingers through his. Nolans brows lifted in surprise and as their palms pressed together, he stared deep into her eyes.

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