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Author: Dave Ward (Inspired by the Holy Spirit) Completed: July 18th 2012 5:02: pm.

The Song of Life

Sweet gentle waves of congruent resonance break through and thus the Song of Life begins, but where is the source of this glorious eternal reverberation? It is the accomplished masterpiece of the Master Composer the first verse of life in this magnum opus. A perfect reflection of perfection and beauty the Son sings out loudly the Creators praises as His Fathers love is reciprocated. Thus when Father and Son unite with the Spirit completion transpires and fulfillment ensues, yet through the Son more verses are spawned enriching the song and expanding its form. A cry comes forth with incredible force and the timbre increases. For by the mouth of the first verse of life Angels are born in legions of glory singing their tribute. of exaltation An honor reserved for the Omnipotent One who ranks His Angels according to choir. The Seraphim choir magnificent and flawless soaring above a sea of glass a molten treasure of limpid splendor. Atop of this a fire rages a prevailing pillar of blazing glory on which the Creators throne is placed. And from His throne the Sovereign One reigns below His attainment of burning life; sentinels of consecration encircling high in continual motion. Guarding their Maker from all things defiled protecting and praising His sacred name. Three pairs of wings adorn each Seraph, the upper pair conceals their faces and the lower pair surrounds their feet, while the middle pair maintains their flight. The prevailing sweetness of the Seraphim echoes Holy Holy is the Lord God Almightythe one who always was who is and who is still to come. Far below the chorus of Seraph a new verse has dawned magnificent Angels distinct from the first having four wings not six. Sanctified guardians of the Sovereign Seat the glorious Cherubim surround at His Feet. Their lower wings conceal their bodies as their upper wings maintain their flight. The Cherubim choir sings out in praise a powerful vibrant acclamation. Like precious tones of sonic thread assembled together in one accord a mantle of worship envelops His throne. And from this verse of astounding life the Creator appoints His chief of Throne, an anointed Cherub of astonishing form created blameless, faultless, faithful and true, a manifestation of
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radiant being. This master of worship fulfills his role commanding all Angels, and directing their praise; both Seraphim and Cherubim submit to his charge, attended by praises of subsequent choirs. The choir of Thrones positioned in wheels below the throne they sparkle and shine like burnished bronze. Not one face but four, with two sets of wings joined to each other and numerous eyes which impart their sight. Mighty and powerful is the sound of their wings like the forceful waves of a turbulent sea. Charioteers of the sacred Throne their direction dynamic but their posture is static Submissive dispensers of justice and peace, created Life pure and contrite. The Dominion order of Angelic life clothed in robes which touch their feet sustained by a central band of gold, a sacred seal held on their left and to their right a scepter of light. Manifestations of Divine Majesty, Angelic Lords and channels of Mercy, authorized to normalize the lower choirs of Angelic life. The choir of the Virtues (aka) those Bright Shining Ones; custodians of a different realm assigned to new life forms that are yet to be born. This extraordinary verse of incredulous life their dazzling armor with passion adorned appointed bestowals of grace and valor. A mighty army of elite protection wise and discerning patrols the border that links two realms, the choir of Powers; a compelling chorale that shields and defends. And under command of this forceful stanza a new rank of warrior is brought into life. The choir of the Princedoms; combatant Princes and overseers of this tangible realm that will soon emerge, humbly they yield to the choir of Powers who command their course and assign their province. Two more orders of Angelic life created and crafted for special charge as the Master Composer prepares ahead for the birthing of His cherished canto. First in rank are the Archangel choir prodigious Princes and dynamic defenders, couriers of communiqu to herald and protect this impending verse. Striking in form and formidable in strength recurrently they move amid both realms. Along the path of their chartered course lay hostile forces which hinder their cause staunchly opposing the Song of Life and seeking to silence His treasured verse. Appointed warriors of the Light, strategic soldiers win their plight. The choir of the Angels; devoted guardians and faithful ministers to this imminent life form. Appointed envoys and steadfast protectors, bearing resemblance to the lives which they guide. Intimate advocates of compassion and Love.
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Henceforth, the infective tones of this glorious song are magnified; complex facets of perfect balance, audible purity and precision. And the worship master with adept adroitness commands this imposing occurrence of proof, an aide memoire to the Author of Life who derives such delight in His Consummate Song. And all the Angels in jubilant compliance heed the directives of this gifted Cherub, a veracious influence of discernible personage endowed with agile arty resplendence. Loved by all for his ardent loyalty, stupendous skill and striking beauty. Yet an opposing force invades this Cherub, staunch ally of the Sovereign Scribe and His Superlative Masterpiece. The contaminating source a prideful spirit that pierced and conquered his heart and soul. A lying deceiver, a crafty serpent twisted its tentacles squeezing hard and sealed its scales around him like a single casting of armor plating. This former unfaltering and humble specter embraces an invasive repugnant poison and fails to resist this alluring fraud. He contemplates his current standing as he speaks in secret silence: See the magnitude of my power and beauty the reverence and love I command from this Song. Is it not by my hand alone that causes these sweet melodious sounds to release in such thunderous tones of harmonious splendor? This worship belongs to me and no longer will I yield to another yet others will yield to me. This deluded supercilious fallen Cherub plans his furtive mutiny, the Master Composer with intimate knowledge of every heartbeat in His Song discerns his hidden folly. This advocate turned adversary is blotted from His Glorious Song, cast away far from His presence and into outer darkness. A furious antagonist declares a mighty war, an orgy of destruction against this precious treasure (His Beloved Song). A massacre of gargantuan proportions is set in motion fueled by hatred jealousy and conceit as the adversary of Life vows to steal kill and destroy the maximum number of living creations. And now emerges the devastating potential of this deadly contaminant which infiltrates the purity of life, for the adversary did also take with him a third of the Angels who also fell foul to this deceptive spirit. As with the adversary completely erased the Song no longer bears their trace. Now cleansing and purging have completed their course and the Master Composer continues His Song with a new dimension of Kingdom inflections, as the physical realm is about to be seen when the heavens and the earth are called into being.

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At first the earth it had no form a void empty waste, a chasm veiled in darkness, the Spirit hovered back and forth across the waters face. A commanding voice explodes, inexorable and absolute; Let There be Light. A far off distant rumble answers to the call and the impetus increases, all at once a piercing light clean fervent and white invades the darkness. And He who caused the light to form acknowledges its merit then separates both entities distinct and discrete, this light He names as Day while the darkness He calls Night. His next command calls forth the sky imposing segregation as it rises from the waters saying These will be the Heavens. He ponders on His labor with pleasing observation a working of perfection, but the work begun is not yet done as He contemplates His next mandate. The waters which lie beneath the sky are further separated as they respond once more to His imposing roar and amass in isolation. The dry ground now exposed He assigns to be the Land for the waters gathered in one place He establishes a boundary then names it as the Sea. He pauses once again with approving meditation. All at once a concuss rumble breaks the quiet calm as the next decree is bellowed out directly to the land, Bring forth vegetation. The land responds with plants and trees, majestic blooms abundant fruit and herbs of every type, where each one yields specific seeds to bear more of its kind. He takes another break to analyze and scrutinize the wonders of His produce. Another charge now thunders forth directed at the sea Bring Forth the Fruit de Mer. Obediently the sea replies yielding to His voice as the waters swarm with every form both vertebrae and spineless, from the micro to the mega. Continuing His labor He commands forth more creations Birds of Every Sort Come Forth the sky complies and fills itself with every kind of feathered being. On the life just born before Him he casts a pleasing eye, briefly appraising He files a good report. He gazes at the land with pensive introspection, babbling brooks, spatial lakes ,exquisite vegetation, flowers of vibrant voice. A vociferous vibration shakes the earth again as His next command now strikes the land and forcefully demands Bring Forth Life of Every Type and Size. Heeding once again with equal acquiescence the land abounds with every sound of diverse animation from mammal and reptilian to every type of insect that creeps along the ground. He takes time out once more delighting in His gain. Birds that chirp and chatter in tuneful array, some are flying tree to tree as others soar the land and sea. A range of scale and pitch so great echoes through a forest, a nightingale sings out his

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song distinctively melodic. A far off hollow beat is heard persistent and consistent, the source reveals a Woodpecker; with expert ingenuity he hollows out his home. A Hummingbird flies back and forth through flowers nectar rich, she draws in sweet secretion through her long slender beak. The rapid movement of her wings create a pleasant hum, and like the bees that buzz nearby she pollinates the flowers of orange pink and red. An eagle soars and glides the skies a champion kite that dips and dives, swooping low then rising high. While far below the ground a disciplined society are laboring and managing, the hallmark of efficiency fertile and unified. The gentle glow of the afternoon sun breaks softly through the trees, while on the grass below a pleasant dew has formed, like precious drops of liquid jewels they shimmer and reflect. To every local butterfly these cool clear beads of moisture bring welcoming relief. A group of vocal geckos cheerfully convey in social interaction, embellished with designs both intricate and simple, some display arresting blushes others bear more subtle shades while others yet can change their hue. A beautiful formation with skilled coordination transpires upon the sea as dolphins dance the ocean in perfect harmony. A world class aqua ballet, their silhouettes against the sun that shines so bright upon the waves, like rings of liquid gold glistening on the piercing blue. And from beneath the ocean a fountain of fine mist spouts high, a spurt of living breath both powerful and moist. Gracefully emerging ascending from the sea majestic huge and blue he takes the deepest breath. His tail is so impressive spacious and grand, he makes his steep descent as it reaches high and wide, almost perpendicular. It crashes down with potent force upon the mighty sea, a vision of beauty of exacting symmetry disappears beneath. A turtle cruises through the sea his flippers move in perfect rhyme as a graceful bird that sails the skies. Multitudes of jellyfish are squeezing and pulsating with tentacles of every length that stream and dance behind them., Layers of delicate membrane water jet propelled, intricate and colorful transparent and soft. A squirrel searches out his patch as he forages for nuts and seeds, he gathers up and stores his stash in multiple locations. To some he will return and feast while other hidden treasures draw moisture from below, these planted seeds of trees and flowers begin to root deep in the ground to reproduce their kind.

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Mountains of arresting stature decorate the skyline, some are capped white with snow while others hosting waterfalls create a cooling mist, refreshing and delightful. Meadows rich and fertile are sweet with every flower, among the tall well watered grass are spotted orchids pale and pink and carpets of gold buttercups swaying in the gentle breeze. At dusk a wondrous sight beholds as a million Wildebeest sweep the plains swiftly and with regal poise. A gorgeous herd of Antelope impressive horns above their head merges with the mighty drove. While further down the plains are multitudes of Zebra with stripes so bright and beautiful, they gather and prepare to join the thunder pack approaching. A compelling sea of diverse life surges fast across the plains, through the grassy woodlands towards the lush savanna. A cricket's call invades the breeze of the cool mellow virgin dusk, a shrewd and curious female draws cautiously towards him. His alluring invitation modifies its pitch as his sweet and gentle resonance starts to serenade. Hovering above the earth the sun is poised to go below, waves of hot refracted air create the evening ambiance. For several precious minutes the sky becomes a canvas, a dramatic work of temporal art. Vivid hues of red and gold unravel and amalgamate, the silhouettes of trees and rocks provide the perfect contrast. A glowing ball of white begins to sink and dissipate as the first day draws to close and nightfall starts to shroud the earth The Song is now augmented with physical enhancement; the voice print of Authority has called the Universe. Planetary masses orbiting the stars suspended in huge galaxies too numerous to count, an animated crown of jewels in perfect equilibrium. The multifarious universe; a playground of discoveries through science, art and math. Within this vast array of physical creation a certain special galaxy contains the crown jewel, the earth which has been chosen to host the life described. Then Father, Son and Spirit while in collaboration came to this conclusion This Song thus far has born great form, multitudes of diverse life both spiritual and natural. So let us now create a life reflective of our image. A special life born not by voice but from the earths resources, from nothing more than simple dust comes forth our Tour de Force And so the canto was created exactly as described, the Sacred Hand took from the land a single scoop of dust and from this basic element He fashioned a man. The man that He created was lifeless and still, until a blast of Hallowed Breath caused the man to live, a moving breathing wonder created from mere dust.
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When he opens up his eyes the man jumps to his feet, and the witnesses of heaven cheer as the evidence comes clear. A man created from the dust who walks upon the earth is welcomed to the Song. An intense curiosity takes hold of his Creator who yields dominion of the earth which transfers to the man. He waits to see what name he gives to every living thing. The interaction of the man with all the treasures of the earth brings heartfelt joy to the One who is the Author of this Song. One day He scanned the earth searching out the man when at last He spotted him this resolute came forth Every creature on the earth does have a mate to procreate, but as for man he is alone. It is not good to keep this man the only life form of his kind and so shall come forth out of him another of his sort. And then He caused the man to fall into a pleasant sleep while in this deep relaxing state He opened up the man and took from him a rib. After he closed up the man He took the rib and molded it into a living being. When the man awakened a stunning vision caught his sight and bought forth this decree Taken from my flesh and bone I have a soul mate of my own and I shall call her Woman because she came from man A strong attraction forms between these two created human beings and draws them to the touch. The chemistry between them triggers an embrace; then the man takes up the lead as both commence in dance. The perfect combination of masculine and feminine, their fluid movements strong and smooth, a showcasing performance of beauty strength and grace. When he enters into her a multitude of chemicals concurrently explode, his seeds of love deposited their flesh exhilarated. The Love which they experience becomes the glue that binds the two Together they wrote poetry created dishes of delight, bathed in waters clean and bright, smeared their skin with fragrant oils and tended to the land. Fresh waves of discovery arresting and enriching furnish each new day. Far beyond the exosphere The Witness of the Love that thrives observed their daily lives. Each day He would visit them as eagerly they ran to Him bearing gifts of Eden treasure. A precious time of fellowship where melodies so pure and clear resounding in the atmosphere like no other verse can bring.

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With invidious detachment a sneering eye considers life; the one no longer of this Song and Love is now his enemy, The evidence before his eyes the toxic threat of filthy pride is absent from the Song of Life; the signature of Greatness shines through every verse. The sound and vision of his focus, the verse which shines above the rest the Author mirrored in the flesh. Blessed with powers of procreation to fill the earth with generations singing sweet in exaltation, the Song has grown from strength to strength. The adversary of this Song seethes and snarls in wrathful spite and emanates a chilling cry loathsome and grotesque. Steadily it elevates blocking out the sound he hates, resplendent worship from the Song. Praises like he'd never heard where even mountains hills and springs as well as every living thing resound their homage to the King. Remembering his former oath he stalks mankind and bides his time planning for the strike of death. When the woman was alone he coerced and he courted her until he charmed her into sin, then the darkness entered in Ravaged of her innocence she sought the man and pulled him in, now the Song is once again tainted with the filth of sin. With odious disparage he taunts his opposition; instruments against the light, banished from the tree of life, ejected out of Paradise. Though procreation will occur the jaws of death prevail against every future human being. He revels in the Song's demise blinded in his foolish pride, of fallen generations he hijacks their allegiance and forces men to bow to him. A gaze of sadness shadows earth, the Glory of the Song of Life stifled by the weight of pride. Misery and heartache reign, the jaws of death devour and drain, sickness and disease are rife striking down the Song of Life a systematic genocide. This ruthless malevolent, merciless and militant elevates his game Destruction by Deception. The seeds of lies find fertile ground planted in the soul of man taking root deep in his core they thrive like fungal spore. Greed and hatred triggers war horrific screams of fear and pain substitute the former joy. Like a tree corrupted deception locks its stranglehold and expedites contamination; the loss of life is so immense every verse upon the earth stricken by the curse of death. Within the arsenal of Deceit a new and lethal weapon strikes bringing death before the sin, a new improved efficiency crippling the Song of Life.

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The Three who stand in Unity witnessing great suffering Their aching grief is so intense Their Love for man so immense Redemption demands its price, rescuing the Song of Life requiring great sacrifice. The canto cannot save itself, the Son He does not hesitate accepting what is asked of Him; the Savior of His Father's Song. He must be born in fleshly form His sufferings they will be great to make a path back to the Light. High above a grazing field the brightest light invades the night, blinding terror overwhelms lowly farmers on their watch. When the Herald breaks the news their fear quickly dissipates their hearts consumed with Love and joy. A shining beacon radiates as choirs of Angels dominate their sweetly praise a sign of hope, a celebration of the birth the Savior now has entered earth. The adversary wastes no time in plotting for his heinous crime, his puppet filled with jealousy of power hungry selfish pride, declaring death on innocence. Where every boy born in the land who lives below the age of two falls victim to a bloody death. Though pain cuts sharp and grief runs deep this brutal act of decimation fails to terminate the Truth, bitterness begins to fester the pride within him feeds his hate, and so he waits to strike another day. A cruel and barbarous hunter stalks his prey just like before, assessing when the time is ripe to execute contingency. Impervious tenacity sustains his dark ambitions, when the moment does arise the Son has grown mature and wise. Like a field of hidden mines the pathway of temptation Is fraught with evil treachery; the Son in fragile human form confronting each and every one. On all accounts of artifice the adversary tries his best but FAILS to lure or entice. The Faithful One cannot be beat direct deceit cannot defeat; His furious opponent withdrawing from the battle departing from His presence. Angels then surround Him as they strengthen and they fortify. The adversary ascertains the Son He cannot be provoked, He won't be hoodwinked charmed or coaxed; temptation is debilitated. But man is rampant with temerity an enemy of humility, selfishness and jealousy fuels a poison mass mentality. The adversary pulls their strings, and man responds to do his will, the ones the Son came down to save were used to bring Him to the grave. As the Son looks far ahead it actuates the tears He sheds, for many will decline the Light their stubborn hearts rejecting Life.

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Though sin He has not entertained the pain He bears is so insane, His fragile flesh is torn and scarred but all His bones remain intact. The searing pangs of tortured flesh where every nerve end signals pain, through a complex neural path up the spine and to the brain. A righteous man cannot be killed for death derives its power from sin, the Father now must turn His back while repercussion takes its toll. Abandoned and alone, His cries of pain and anguish bring no answer from the Throne. The sacrificial Lamb must pay, the price for every mortal sin, the consequences are endured, the blood is spent, and death now claims its prize.
The opposition celebrates, drunken on the Blood of Virtue he makes his speech of victory The First Verse came to save this Song yet He is mute, inanimate. No allegiance for the One no more honor from His Song, all the honor comes to me all men serve my monarchy. For two long days darkness feasted, dismal cries from those it cheated, Light is absent from the earth; hope is veiled by imposition, the sound of sweetness chsoked to silence. The Sacred Throne to make his own his ego is inflated and pride is satiated. But on the Sunday morn the Song became reborn, the First Verse welcomed back to Life the evidence is born in Song the sound of sweetness has returned An angry roar then chills the air a disbelieving opposition learns of his defeat. His only means of vengeance now, to block the path that leads to Light, denial through deception; many will believe his lies and never make it back to Life. Though others will resist his charms to walk the path and be redeemed the Song provides eternal Life. Life has conquered death and sings it's praise through every breath Death to Death. The final verse of victory Death derives it's power from sin, so where now is your victory oh death where is your sting?

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