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1. Overview of microorganism identification process. 1 to 6are the microscopic observations. Soil sample

Czapek Dox agar plate

Serial dilution and pour plate method TSA plate

PDA agar plate

Nitrate test

Thin white colony TSA plate Green colony Thick white colony

Fungi morphology observation

White colony TSA plate V

TSA plate

TSA plate V White colony

Green colony

Red colony

Spore-forming test MacConkey agar plate Catalase test Catalase test Glucose test Glucose test MR-VP test MR-VP test Motility test Motility test

H2S test

2. Colony morphology on agar plate. Type of agar plate TSA plate After incubation appearance Description - Number of colonies is too many to count. - mixed colonies. - 2 types of colonies; thick white and thin white colonies. -both colonies are round, raised colony. - 2 types of colonies; green colony and white colony - Both colonies are round, raised colony.

TSA plate

TSA plate

- Green round raised colony. - our camera unable to capture the green colony on the medium

TSA plate V

- Red round raised colony. - Red pigmentation process occurs. - red colony unable to be captured by camera

TSA plate V

- White round raised colony.

PDA agar

- Fungi grow after 3 days incubation in room temperature. - Formation of mycelium visible. - 3 different colour of mycelium; yellowish, blackish and white. - Round pink colonies formed. - The bacteria able to utilize lactose. - only grow gram-negative bacteria

MacConkey agar

Pink lact. f, yellow non lact. f

3. Biochemical test. Type of test Nitrate test

- the bacteria able to utilize nitrate into nitrite - Red layer show positive test. - nitrate used as sole carbon source for the bacteria - Presence of nitrogen-fixing bacteria in the sample.

Green colony Catalase test Positive test

Red colony

White colony

Positive test (very fast reaction)

Positive test (slow reaction)

Glucose test

Positive test with deep yellowbrownish colour change with gas formation


Positive test, no gas.

MR-VP test i)methylred test

red(+), 2 layer formation


red(+) 2 layer formation

negative test ii)VogesProskauer test

negative test

negative test

Motility test

- Absence of stab mark show positive test. - The bacteria able to move the entire part of slant. H2S test black(+)

- Absence of stab mark show positive test. - The bacteria able to move the entire part of slant.

- Absence of stab mark show positive test. - The bacteria able to move the entire part of slant


Not being test

Summary: (most probably) Green colony enterobacteriaceae (citrobacter spp) Red colony pseudomonas spp. White colony bacillus spp.

4. Microscopic observation Number 1 Observation Description - Gram negative bacteria - Rod shape - Nitrogen-fixing bacteria

- fungi - formation of hyphae and mycelium - fruity body - most probably Ascomycota and Basidiomycota - Gram negative bacteria - Rod shape. - Enterobacter spp.

- Gram negative bacteria - Rod shape

- Gram positive bacteria. - Rod shape.

- Gram positive bacteria. - Endospore formation. - Red colour indicates spore formation, green colour indicates vegetative cell of bacteria. - Bacillus spp and Clostridium spp.

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