12 1june Newsletter

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Dear Marines, Sailors, family and friends, Thank you for your personal efforts and sacrifices while

we accomplish the mission and continue to take care of our Marines and Sailors. Your Marines and Sailors are continuing to deliver tremendous and important support every day for nearly 16,000 Marines and Sailors assigned to I MEF (Fwd) throughout the RC(SW) area of operations. It is a pleasure to be able to see them thriving while they fix damaged equipment, inventory supplies from dusty containers, load and distribute equipment and supplies, strap containers and boxes on heavy trucks, drive hundreds of miles on dangerous roads, care for and surgically repair injuries, and complete thousands of other support requirements to make all of these critical tasks happen. I could not be more proud of their professionalism, discipline and enthusiasm. They are providing world-class support for our fellow Marines and Sailors that are serving the farthest-forward during this chapter of the global war on terrorism. We are able to do this due to the tremendous support from all of our Marines, Sailors, family and friends. I know our Marines and Sailors are immensely proud of what they have accomplished already and they appreciate your support. I want to thank our 600 Marines and Sailors aboard Camp Pendleton that continue to provide responsive support to I MEF units. Many of them recently returned from other deployments or are preparing for upcoming deployments. Thanks to everyone that is working harder and longer hours to accomplish the mission. I know it is not easy performing more work with less manpower available due to the deployments but I do appreciate your hard work. Thanks to those that also supported our fantastic homecoming for the first flight we sent home a few weeks ago. It was a great success and a memorable occasion for everyone. This was the first flight that began our long draw-down during June through October. All remaining flight windows will be provided to our Marines and Sailors. All re-deployers must authorize contacts for information to be released by the FRO. Re-deployment reception information for returning flights will be updated to e-Marine (www.emarine.org) and at 1-866-676-0662 (Press 5-2-5). I hope you and your family are having a great summer and enjoyed a Happy 4th of July holiday. I am reminded daily of how proud I am to be able to serve with such fine warriors. But I know they are doing what they love because of all of the support they receive from their family, friends and loved ones. Thanks for all you do. Semper Fidelis, LtCol C. D. Richardson

I would like to say thank you to our greatest supporters of all, our families, who are waiting for us back home with open arms. It is with the support that you provide to your Marines and Sailors that gives them the extra push to endure the Mission that is put before them. Working endless hours, day after day, they continue to strive, not only to accomplish the mission but to continue their professional development such as Corporals Course, Lance Corporal Seminar and MCMAP. I am very proud of all that they have accomplished and look forward to the day that all the families are reunited once again! As you celebrate Independence Day, remember those who have made this possible and those who continue to keep this possible for us. Semper Fi, MGuns

Dear Family and Friends, I hope this message finds you all doing well and in good spirits. We've wrapped up the month of June and we've all shared a big sigh of relief. For most of the Marines and Sailors in H&S Company, the beginning of July brings the realization that we will be home next month. Rest assured, your Marines and Sailors maintain a laser-like focus on the mission at hand. We have a lot of work to complete before we return home, so your support continues to be very important in these last two months of the deployment. The Company will redeploy in four waves over the next four months. The first Marine and Sailor returned to Camp Pendleton on June 20th to a wonderful homecoming. The next twenty Marines and Sailors will redeploy around the beginning of August. Another fifty-one individuals will follow in trace three weeks later. Ten of the eighty-four Marines and Sailors from H&S Company will remain in Afghanistan until early October. Information about the redeployment and homecoming of your Marines and Sailors will be available on EMarine and via the Family Readiness Officer. Thank you for the amazing support you continue to give your Marines and Sailors. Without a strong network of support from home, we wouldn't be able to properly focus on our mission here in Afghanistan. Thank you and God Bless, Major Jason Miller

Administration: The Administration section successfully completed the INSANITY workout series. After that grueling, 60-day challenge, the group has developed more tone and endurance than ever. Their enhanced fitness levels are beneficial as they have been extremely busy processing individual awards, preparing correspondence documents, and sorting and distributing mail. As you can imagine, mail is extremely important to morale, thus making the Administrative section quite popular.

Intelligence: The Intelligence section, also known as our Secret Squirrels, has developed a new and innovative process to collect route imagery. This is a significant accomplishment because the information is utilized by the intelligence enterprise throughout the area of operations. Additionally, the Intelligence section has begun the sanitation process for all non-essential classified materials. This, too, is important because it is a part of our preparation for redeployment.

Operations: The Operations section has effectively managed the Command and Control (C2) of six Combat Logistics Patrols (CLP) within the area of operations. The retrograde of the battalion continues to be the focus for the Operations section as the planning and execution propel the battalion closer to their redeployment goals. The Operation section's oversight of the redeployment of 57 Marines and Sailors in June led to a smooth and successful homecoming.

Logistics: The Logistics section successfully coordinated the movement of 57 Marines and Sailors back to Camp Pendleton in June. The R4 Team, established by the Logistics section, is charged with processing and transferring all excess equipment to other USMC organizations, who, in turn, send the equipment back to the United States. This mission is critical to the Battalion's successful retrograde. The section enjoys weekly "family nights" which consist of a family meal and often a movie.

Communications: The Communications section is intently focused on the retrograde and turnover of all their excess equipment. They also played a critical role in establishing communications at the new Ammunition Supply Point on Camp Leatherneck, which enabled the movement of the largest ammunitions supply point in Afghanistan.

Supply: The Supply section has successfully processed over 8,000 orders and receipt for transactions. The retrograde of the battalion continues to be their priority focus. They are responsible for managing all equipment transfers for the battalion. Their efforts have made a major contribution to the overall success of the retrograde mission.

Medical: The Battalion Aid Station had an exciting month as three sailors were awarded with the Fleet Marine Force device. The Sailors' pinning of the Fleet Marine Force device is major accomplishment; it signifies their expertise in all things Marine Corps. The Medical team also provided assistance to over 500 patients in June at the Combined Aid Station. The Combined Aid Station supports all of Camp Leatherneck.

Religious Programs: The Religious Programs team completed several trips to outlying bases to provide religious services. The Chaplain coordinated and scheduled professional education for the Officers and Staff Non-Commissioned Officers which focused on how to assist any Marines or Sailors struggling with mental health matters.

Headquarters: The small, but effective, Headquarters team completed two Lance Corporal Seminars consisting of professional training for junior Marines. Most of the classes were taught by different Sergeants from the Battalion which took significant dedication. The two courses resulted in 84 highly motivated graduates.





Greetings Family and Friends: We are now midway through the deployment. The Marines, Sailors and Civilians in Supply Company continue to amaze us with their performance of mission requirements. Thank you all for your continued support!

Your Marines within the Storage Section have been working extremely hard and are making unbelievable progress, they have met every expectation and moved beyond each requirement, and they are now ahead of schedule. I am amazed everyday when I walk the Storage Supply Yard and see the changes that your Marines are able to make! You can be very proud of their accomplishments and know that they are doing, and will continue to do great things out here. The morale is high because of all of the support theyre receiving from their close friends and family back home. Storage has provided superior support to units operating in the southwestern region of Afghanistan. The high volume of work that they face on a daily basis can sometimes be overwhelming but knowing the positive impact that it has on Operation Enduring Freedom makes it all worth it. The provided support has consisted but has not been limited to clothing, individual equipment, tools, administrative supplies and hazardous material. Throughout this month of June the Marines in the Storage Section have also diligently been working on the retro-grade of over 15 million dollars in assets and the consolidation of supply locations in order to reduce the Storage footprint here in Afghanistan, setting the next deployment up for success.

The mission has been challenging at times but the Marines understand the importance of this operation. Your Marines are ecstatic because they are beginning to see the fruits of their labor, your Marines miss being home surrounded by family and friends, however we have found new friendships and a new family amongst our fellow Marines within our Unit. They are ready to finish the job at hand and return safety, in the near future.

Marines of Ammunition Platoon had a very busy month in June. Beginning on the 11th, the Marines were tasked with picking up all gear and supplies located at their current location, and moving the whole operation to a newly constructed facility. This involves a little over 600 Truck loads of ammunition and gear. Since the beginning of this move, the Marines have been working extended hours with minimal downtime to accomplish the mission. Spirits remain high and the Marines continually exceed expectations. This move and the corresponding re-warehousing requirements afterwards, will keep the Marines on their toes for the remainder of this deployment.

Special recognition goes out to Corporals Daniel Bechta, Daniel Hayes, and Lance Corporal Brandy Smothers for their participation in 1st Maintenance Battalions Field Meet. Cpl Bechta and Lance Corporal Smothers both placed 2nd in the Ironman event. This event consisted of 20 Burpies, Mile Sprint, and 10 Dead Hang Pull-Ups. Cpl Hayes was on the Gator Push team, which helped secure enough points to achieve an overall win for Supply Company.

The Tactical Retrograde Team was sourced from Supply Co, Maint Co, GSMT Co, and from CLB-4. These Marines came together to travel throughout Helmand Province to assist several infantry units in the retrograde of their gear.

Working Hard @ EDI, Dwyer, and Nolay

Your Marines at FOB Nolay and FOB EDI have accomplished a monumental task of moving over 20,000 pieces of gear throughout the battlespace.

Your Marines at FOB Dwyer have been providing incredible supply, packaging, packing, preservation, and distribution support to the units within their area of operations.

Greetings from Helmand Province, Mid way! Yes, the Marines and Sailors of GSMT Company have hit essentially the mid-way point of our Afghanistan deployment, with approximately 2 months to go. It has not been easy and will not get easier: the weather and terrain is austere, the roads and villages are laden with the enemy, and exhaustion has set in. But rest assured, GSMT Company will push to the very end and remain focused on our assigned mission until we reach home. Our operations have continued to build as we distribute and retrograde more and more equipment and supplies throughout Regional Command Southwest. In fact, we are much busier now than we have been at any point in the deployment, and the work is appreciated. Please stay abreast of E-Marine for more in-depth correspondence, additional pictures, and personal acknowledgements of the accomplishments of your fine, young Marines and Sailors during this adventure. Until we meet again, Capt Chuck Larson

Hi from Camp Leatherneck, As we reach the downside of our deployment, GSMT is focused on one task: to complete all assigned mission requirements for re-supply or retrograde. Our mission tempo has increased off the charts, as has the weather. Like all other deployments, Marines find all kinds of ways to stay cool, stay motivated, and look out for one another. Rest assure that the Marines and Sailors from GSMT are being well taken care of. The Company Staff is ensuring the company is getting plenty of chow, rest, hydration, and all admin issues addressed and rectified. Thank you again, GySgt Jesse Rodriguez

Anchors Aweigh
The Commanding General, 1st Marine Logistics Group (Forward), personally selected from GSMT Company First Lieutenant Christopher B. Joseph as his new Aide de Camp and Staff Sergeant Vincent D. Reynolds as his new Personal Security Detachment Chief. These Marines were selected, respectively, from all available candidates within the entire 1st MLG. Their contributions to the company were remarkable and while they certainly will be missed both will excel in their new assignments.

Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medals Sgt Goodson, Cpl Keys, and LCpls Harwell and Huff Certificates of Commendation Sgt Burwell, Cpls Deloach and Hernandez, LCpls Barnes, Brewer, Garcia, Jones, McCall, Rutter, Williams, and Wilson Meritorious Masts LCpls Hill, Nehring, Rife, Stewart, Wade, Washington, and Willis

LCpls Bradley, Fischer, Jefferson, and Mickelson to Cpl (all Meritorious) on 2 June. LCpl Delao to Cpl (Combat Meritorious) on 2 June.

Letters of Appreciation
GySgt Keast and Sgt Kane

On behalf of the Surgical team we would like to say greetings. The month of June was a great month for us. Our annual 114th Hospital Corpsman Birthday was celebrated throughout the area of operations. Here at Camp Leatherneck we celebrated with an early 5K run and a ceremony which was well represented by many of the Hospital Corpsman throughout Camp Leatherneck and Camp Bastion. We hope our loved ones remain in good health and that all is well. As Surgical Company is spread throughout the area of operations, here are a couple of updates from around the Camps:

Happy birthday to LCDR Elliot and HM2 Rimando Congratulation on your Promotions HM3 Povis, HM3 Gamez, and HM3 Liceasandoval Congratulations to our newest FMFQO warriors CDR Case, CDR Chapman, LCDR Pattison, LCDR Wilson, LT Borden, LT Chang, LT Foley, LT Gross, LT Kelso, LTJG Lykes, and LTJG Neuens The CRCC collectively lost 240.5 lbs an average of 10.42%. (BETWEEN 11 PEOPLE) in a contest they are doing for The Biggest Loser.

Happy Birthday to HM1 Mcfarland,HM2 Simmons, CPL Obando and LT Mosher Congratulation on your Promotion HM3 Reeder We celebrated Fathers day by making fresh pancakes for all the men and passed out gifts for the oldest father (LT Rubustillo) and the newest father (CDR Streets). We also celebrated the 114th Hospital Corpsman Birthday. The Field Mess supported the celebration by baking a cake, and we had a short program which honored those fallen Corpsman in OEF.

Happy birthday to LCDR Sauter, Cpl Pratt, LCpl Jaramillo . Congratulation on your Promotions LCDR Cuozzo, HM2 Murray, and HN Jones Congratulations to our newest (FMFQO) and (FMF) warriors: LCDR Boyer, LT Goldenberg, LT Wilcox and LT JG Gordon. HM2 Jeffers, HM2 Murray, HN Brennecke, HN Jones, and HA Aglit, LTJG Martin and LTJG Gordon qualified as Tan belts in the Marine Corps Martial Arts Program (MCMAP). HM1 Camacho, HM2 Aguirre, HM2 Jeffers, HM3 Tello, HM3 Barkley, HM3 Bourque, HN Jones and LCPL Kremmer received their Grey belts in MCMAP. HM2 Jeffers found out the Sex of his new baby, due in October. ITS A GIRL!!!! We also celebrated the 114th Hospital Corpsman Birthday with a BBQ held by RCT 6 RAS. Happy birthday to Cpl Carmon and HN Wieland We had a Luau for the 114th Hospital Corpsman birthday. We have softball games every Sunday with 1/7 marines and corpsman. HM2 Nieves has completed her (FMF) qualification. There are more quals on their way with a few more Sailors waiting for their board. We are still continuing to sharpen our skills out here every day. This deployment has built a lot of friendship and comrade.

Happy birthday to LT Freeman Congratulations to our newest (FMF) warriors : HM2 Curreri, HM2 Shelton, and HM3 Mission. Cpl Farris and his wife Jordan delivered their healthy baby boy Bryson Michael Farris who weighed 9 lbs! As we look forward to the last remaining months of our deployment, we still expect and foresee more changes to come. Not to worry though, with our teams prior and current deployments experience with change, we are more than prepared to greet change head on without compromise to our mission. We are more than halfway through this deployment and we all look forward to a safe return to our loved ones back home.

Congratulations to our newest FMFQO: LT Pierce Greetings from Camp Dwyer. We are all enjoying our time and making the best of this deployment. We send all our love to our families and a big thank you for all our support.

Even though newly promoted, Lance Corporal Dudley was selected as the Maintenance Operations Section Warehouse chief, a SNCO billet, and in this capacity has proven to be an immeasurable asset to the Maintenance Company team. Lance Corporal Dudley single handedly controls the maintenance tempo in the IMA by ensuring that every part order processed for each platoon is received and delivered in an expeditious manner. Lance Corporal Dudley has displayed outstanding drive and dedication not only in his daily assigned duties but also in his personal endeavors by volunteering for the first Company Brown Belt MCMAP course and completing eight MCIs.

Engineer Maintenance Platoon is made up several sections to include heavy equipment, which includes operators and maintainers; utilities section, which includes generator and A/C sections. Every month each section sends at least 1 person on a maintenance support team (MST) in support of other bases. So far in June, Engineer Maintenance Platoon has sent out eighteen of its members nearly half of the platoon. The heavy equipment section has sent out eleven people this month to support FOBs Nolay, Dwyer, Schukvani, Edi, and Whitehouse. At times the only Marine back at the IMA is Cpl Fernandez to perform her quality control duties. The A/C section has sent out two Marines and the generator section has sent out three. Usually these teams go out with a very specific mission but they also provide general support for bases flooded with work. The platoon still has to maintain its normal operational tempo while some Marines are out on these MSTs. Everyone has had to come together and work as a team as the work flow increases and longer hours are needed to complete the mission. The platoon has also had the added work of retrograding equipment and parts but has risen to meet the occasion with great success.

Cpl Hansen operational checking a Harris radio system with the VRC110

LCpl Simons smiling for the camera as hes very enthusiastic about his job

The workhorse of the Ground Electronics Maintenance platoon is the Falcon III radio repair section with over 450 radios and amplifiers coming in and out of this shop just in the past four weeks. Corporal Kyle Myers is the driving force of this section and from 0715 until 1900, his crew of four Marines: Cpl Westrick, Cpl Hansen, and LCpl Simons , along with one Field Service Representative, are going all out to ensure that whenever the Warfigthers need new radios they get one. Falcon III is the manufacture model name for the third generation radio equipment that comprises the VRC-110 family of radio systems, the most widely utilized radio on the ground in theater. 95 percent of all ground vehicles are equipped with the VRC-110 as it is the primary means of communication in convoys; whether it is a combat logistics patrol, combat patrol or a MEDEVAC, the VRC-110 is there and it is because of Cpl Myers craftsmanship and dedication that Marines on the forward edge of the battle space are able to make it happen.

The Infantry Weapons Repair section (IWR) continues to support the war fighters on the front lines. This month the Marines have performed maintenance, semi-annual and/or annual inspection on over 105 weapon systems for approximately 11 different units throughout the RC (SW) area of operation. This month the Marines have conducted two Maintenance Support Teams to outlining FOBs and two Contact Teams here on Camp Leatherneck to better support the units requiring maintenance for their weapons. The Marines commitment to their jobs and attention to detail has ensured the Marines, Sailors, and Soldiers fighting on the front lines have the best possible weapons available to them and are guaranteed to perform whenever the mission calls for.

The Artillery Section conducted a contact team to COB Kajaki in support of 2/10. The Marines of the Artillery Repair Section performed annual preventive maintenance on three M777 Medium Towed Howitzers and also had the opportunity to cross train with the 0811 Cannoneers with operating the M777s on the gun line.

A contact team was provided to COB Kajaki to support 2/10 with M777 support to their gun line. The Marines of the Optics Section were afforded the opportunity to cross train with the 0811 Cannneers to learn how the equipment is utilized in the forward area.

Sometimes trucks require a little spark to efficiently ensure corrective maintenance is completed

It was another busy and exciting month for MTM Platoon. We continued to provide the vital maintenance that is keeping the war fighter engaged, while simultaneously reducing the foot print and equipment to levels that are more sustainable for the

motivated Marines who will be relieving us in the future. The Marines hard work and dedication did not go unnoticed, as we were able to award a few of them for the tremendous efforts and superior performance that was pivotal to the successful completion of our assigned mission. Corporal Ounanian and Corporal Moseley both received a Certificate of Commendation for their efforts as well as Corporal Huebert, Corporal Picard, Lance Corporal Allen, and Lance Corporal Whitson each received a Meritorious Mast for their outstanding performance

of their assigned missions. Lance Corporal Saucedo won the Marine of the Quarter board held by Maintenance Company for his outstanding performance as a Marine and a Motor Transport Mechanic. We also had the privilege of promoting a few of our Marines this month. Dennis Corey, Jordan Roberts, and Lauren Picard were all welcomed to the Noncommissioned Officer ranks when they were promoted to the rank of Corporal. Dustan Moseley was also welcomed to the Noncommissioned Officer ranks when he was Meritoriously promoted to Corporal.

SSgt Nuyen and his crew utilizing the Wrecker vehicles to do what they do best

Wrecker Marines PMing their truck and conducting 1st Echelon Maintenance

The anchor of the Reparable Issue Point has consistently been the Marines that work daily in the warehouse. These dedicated young Marines led by Corporal Amanda Schultz have taken on the grueling task of receiving and shipping out more than 3,200 pieces of equipment. These Marines come from all over the United States with one vision in mindsupport the War fighter. Through hard work and dedication, these Marines work in excess of 12 hours a day in the hot Afghanistan sun with temperatures spiking well into the triple digits. Even with the all of the hard work, heavy lifting, and long hours all of these Marines accomplish the mission with a sense of accomplishment because they know that it is their responsibility to ensure that all of the gear is packed and shipped in a timely manner to their fellow Marines who need it down range. Pictured are: Corporal Santino Wilson, Corporal Malcolm Rowland, Corporal Anthony Matthews, Corporal Michael Vega, Lance Corporal Craig Gregory, Corporal Felipe Hoyos and Corporal Amanda Schultz. No feat is to big or too small for these young Marines whos dedication and devotion to duty is a testament of the hard work that they complete every day.

These Marines come from all over the United States with one vision in mindsupport the War fighter

Marines and Civilians from both CLB-5 and Maintenance Company got together this month to help move the entire lot around and are also busy retrograding excess equipments at the same time. The IMA detachment is comprised of numerous Military Occupational Specialties. All the Marines work long, hard hours every day to repair equipment. The temperature has been on the rise at Camp Dwyer and the Marines are still managing to accomplish the mission. One Marine that has made a big difference during this deployment is Sgt Warren. Sergeant Warren is originally from Wallace, North Carolina and is currently attached to 1st Maintenance Battalion (-) Reinforced, Maintenance Company. She is one of two Marines assigned to work the Special Equipment Items (SEI) located in Camp Dwyer. During this deployment Sgt Warren improved the induction process to make it smoother and quicker by physically involving herself in the flow of traffic ensuring that vehicles receive all necessary work and modifications to obtain maximum effectiveness on missions. SEI includes GYROCAM (VOSS) systems, Blue Force Trackers, Counter to the Radio Controlled IED Electronic Warfare (CREW) systems, C4I (TWV), GBOSS systems, Counter Suicide Bomb Capability, and Backscatter. Sgt Warren has implemented the induction process to make it smoother and quicker by physically involving herself in the flow of traffic, which ensured vehicles received the necessary work and modifications to obtain maximum effectiveness on missions. So far Sgt Warren has serviced 692 vehicles since our arrival and has been helping Marines, Air Force, Navy, and Army accomplish their mission. She has retrograded 128 vehicles, including 85 MEU Augmentation Program (MAP) vehicles and 25 vehicles sent to JPO to receive Chameleon to CVRJ upgrades and GYROCAMS.

Sgt Medina and Sgt Carrillo award their MCMAP students with their grey belts after a 2 week vigorous course.

LCPL McCollum is the only H.E Operator for the Dwyer detachment. He loads and unloads all convoys, truck runs, shipments, etc. His hard work and dedication have helped all sections in Dwyer quickly return equipments to a mission capable status. He is also the Safety representative for the detachment.

LCpl Pillow, Cpl Gomez, Cpl Hedlund, and Cpl Young stopped to take a quick picture after working extensively on an MRAP.

The Marines of the Intermediate Maintenance Activity (IMA), Detachment FOB Nolay, continue to raise the bar in their support of the 1st Battalion, 7th Marines Area of Operations, Helmand Province, Afghanistan. The Motor Transport Maintenance Section lead by SSgt Milton consists of the Heavy Equipment and Welding Sections. Due to an increased number of missions and kinetic activity during the summer months, the work load drastically increased. The Marines of the IMA welcomed the challenge and ramped up their tempo in order to deliver the critically needed equipment back to the owning units. In order for the Marines to meet the timeline requested by the owning units, SSgt Milton established a schedule which maximized every minute of the day and reduced the maintenance cycle time. After long arduous hours of work, the Marines of FOB Nolay completed repairs on one MRAP, two MATVs, one AMK25, and one Wrecker, (all big trucks). All the vehicles and equipment inducted during this time period had extensive battle damage; this normally makes the maintenance process more difficult. During this time, they also welded and rebuilt seven battle damaged mine rollers; these are vital pieces of gear which help protect Marines from explosive devices. Throughout this period, the Motor Transport section also assisted the IMA Engineer Section by supporting Contact Teams, repairing small engine components and completing six 2nd echelons repairs on heavy equipment. The section also completed welding brackets for thirteen Mine Rollers.

The Intermediate Maintenance Activity lot at Forward Operating Base Edinburgh provides expedient repairs to many battle damaged vehicles in support of 2nd Battalion, 5th Marines, Regimental Combat Team 5.

FORWARD OPERATING BASE EDINBURGH, Afghanistan The ability of the Intermediate Maintenance Activity to quickly fix broken trucks keeps Marines and sailors from 2nd Battalion, 5th Marines, Regimental Combat Team 5 in the fight. Getting a damaged truck to Camp Leatherneck, Afghanistan for repair and then back to its original unit can take weeks. To expedite this process, a detachment of maintenance and supply Marines is positioned at Forward Operating Base Edinburgh and runs one of four IMA lots in Helmand Province by receiving broken vehicles, fixing them and returning them to their operators in just a day or two. The biggest threats out here are [improvised explosive devices], said Sgt. Nicholas Orwig, maintenance chief, IMA Detachment, 1st Maintenance Battalion (-) (Reinforced), 1st Marine Logistics Group (Forward) at FOB Edinburgh. We fix the trucks as fast as we can and put them back on the road as soon as possible. Our average turnaround time is two and a half days which is amazing, said Staff Sgt. Melquiades Montalvo, detachment chief, IMA Detachment, 1st Main. Bn. (-) (Rein.) We see a lot of battle damaged [mineresistant ambush-protected vehicles] that need axle and [suspension part] replacements. We usually keep a good stock of those parts handy so when the trucks come in they can be repaired in a day. Without the IMA lot at FOB Edinburgh, time would be lost transporting broken equipment to Camp Leatherneck. Were talking about weeks for the maintenance turnaround if the trucks had to go all the way to Leatherneck, said Montalvo. If we have the parts here, the truck can be repaired and given back to [2nd Battalion, 5th Marines, Regimental Combat Team 5] within a couple days. The team is composed of generator mechanics, motor transport mechanics, refrigeration unit mechanics, heavy equipment mechanics and heavy equipment operators. Though they come from an array of job fields, their goal and motivation is the same. We all support the area of operations, said Lance Cpl. Sterling Stroud, an engineer equipment mechanic, IMA Detachment, FOB Edinburgh, 1st Maint. Bn. (-) (Rein.) I love my job. Being able to get dirty taking out parts and replacing them to give back a working truck to its operator helps ensure mission accomplishment.

Life is what happens while youre making other plans. ~ John Lennon Glorious is the tumult of waves that crash against the vessel, preparing it for the seas of life. A good battle plan that you act on today, is better than a perfect one tomorrow. ~ Gen. Patton It wasnt raining when Noah built the ark.

I pray this finds you reaping the benefits of having planned for a great deployment. That time is passing as quickly for you as this deployment is passing for us. That children are enjoying summertime shaped (but not defined) by deployment and that as you read this you are feeling at peace. Butthe life that happens while we are making other plans can be overwhelming and waves that come crashing down may leave us crying out for rescue. Plans? You may wonder who has time for such things Be assured, no matter what you are experiencing, Gods plan, Gods battle plan, for each of us has commenced and God will always be victorious. The Lord your God is with you; the mighty One will save you. He will rejoice over you. You will rest in his love; he will sing and be joyful about you. Zephaniah 3:17 Peace~ Chaplain Kleppe









Certificate of Commendation:
Cpl Joshua Anderson LCpl Derek Ayalasegura LCpl Evan Augustine Cpl Christian Bluford Cpl Dennis Corey Sgt Opie Ermis LCpl Brendan Follmar HM2 Aaron Garcia Cpl Grace Gomez Cpl Cameron Green Cpl Zachary Hart Cpl Evanss Hernandez Cpl Richard Hogan Cpl Kevin Kunkel LCpl Steven Lueder Cpl Andrew Martinez LCpl Amado Medeles LCpl Adam Orozco LCpl Eric Paiz Sgt Trey Peters LCpl Timothy Parker LCpl Amy Perez LCpl Galina Ring LCpl Alfredo Rivera Cpl Stephen Salazar Cpl Vassili Sadovski Cpl Brandon Swartz LCpl Matthew Shaffer LCpl William Terry LCpl Steven Urban LCpl Andrews Valdez LCpl Hayes Walker

Meritorious Mast:
LCpl Kylie Allen Cpl Alvaro Alvarez LCpl Tyler Ancke LCpl Eduardo Alvarado LCpl Charles Berg LCpl Codi Blacklock LCpl Joshua Dunbar Cpl Stephen Dysart LCpl Tyler Gilbreath Cpl Joshua Huebert Cpl Jareld Isbell Cpl Ron Kurokawa LCpl Cary Kunkel LCpl Joel Martinez Cpl Michael Morris Cpl Nasser Marquez Cpl Daniel Pacchioli LCpl Lauren Picard LCpl Albert Rodriquez LCpl Alfredo Ruiz Cpl Francisco Sandoval Cpl David Soileau Cpl Eric Scalise LCpl Christopher Slaugh LCpl Matthew Tiffin LCpl Kevin Whitson

Navy & Marine Corps Achievement Medal:

Cpl Jorge Carrillo Cpl Sean Castillorinaldi Cpl Michael Damman Sgt Jeremy Goodson LCpl Christopher Harwell LCpl Michael Huff Cpl Mychal Keys Cpl Racqual Kerkau Cpl Diony Rojas Cpl Amanda Schultz Sgt Robert Toon LCpl Moises Vasquez

HM2 Vito Curreri HM2 Kishaun Jeffers HM2 Patrick Murray HM2 Karla Nieves HM2 Shannon Shelton HM3 Terresa Elkins HM3 Roger Gamez HM3 Rainer Mission HN Turner Brennecke HN Jake Jones HN Jonathan Tate HA Haroldkyle Aglit



1st Maintenance Battalion (-) REIN News and Stories:

Intermediate Maintenance Activity team keeps the mission going in Afghanistan

Keeping Our Honor Clean: Motor Transport Maintenance Platoon


Ammunition detachment conducts massive storage move


Maximus Meridius Gossett 19 June 2012 SSgt Eddy and Christyn Gossett

Alexa Marie Maguire 13 June 2012 Cpl Timothy and Danisse Maguire

Elizabeth Acquah 25 June 2012 LSSN Kwamena and Stephanie Acquah

Isaiah Manuel Chavarria 17 June 2012 LCpl Erick Chavarria and Maritza

All information for absentee voting for Service Members and their families can be found on :


Upcoming Primaries:
Tennessee: August 2 Kansas: August 7 Michigan: August 7 Missouri: August 7 Washington: August 7 Hawaii: August 11 Connecticut: August 14 Florida: August 14 Minnesota: August 14 Wisconsin: August 14 Georgia: August 21 Wyoming: August 21 Alaska: August 28 Arizona: August 28 Oklahoma: August 28 Vermont: August 28

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