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(A Joint Ventu of Govt. of India & Govt. of U.P.) ure


NOTIC INVITIN TENDER (Re-Invi CE NG R itation) Tender No. THDC/RK T . KSH/CC-306 6 To, l M/s Dell India Pvt. Ltd. Divyasre Greens, Ground Flo ee oor, 12/1, 12 2/2A, 13/1A, Challagha Village, atta , Varthur Hobli, Bang galore Sout th, Karnataka. Subject : t Supp & insta ply allation of a Server ' 'DELL(TM) PowerEdge(TM) T4 ) 410 Intel 2S To ower serve with Op er' perating Sy ystem 'Win ndows Serv 2008 s ver standard Editio - Notice Inviting T on' e Tender (NIT)

Dear Sir r, THDC In ndia Limite intents t procure the subjec captioned items. Ple ed, to ct d ease find e enclosed herewith one set o the Tender Docume (with de h, of ent etailed Term and Con ms nditions) comprising of the fo ollowing: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. derers Part-I : Instructions to Tend al Part-II : Genera Terms & Conditions al nd Part-III : Specia Terms an Conditions exure-'A' Details of r required ite ems Anne Anne exure-'B' -- Price Bid F Format Format for Docu ument Details, Form-1, Form-2 an Form-3 nd

Tender Documen is als nt so availab ble on our Webs sites: ww and The tend . derer is r requested to go through the complete tender e www.ten documents before submission of their of n ffer. Clarific cation, if any, may be o obtained on receipt n ender docum ment. of the te The equ uipment is to be sup pplied and installed at our Tehr HPP proj ri ject office at Tehri (Uttarak khand) in lin with the terms and c ne t conditions m mentioned in Tender D Document. The sea aled cover containing the bid should be super-scr r g ribed 'Tend der for Su upply & installat tion of a S Server DELL(TM) Po owerEdge( (TM) T410 Intel 2S T Tower serv with ver Operating System Windows Server 20 standard Edition' m s 008 '. You are requested to quote yo least pr our rice and submit your b complet in all resp bid te pect in a e t s ore sealed envelope at the following address on or befo 14.00 hrs on 16th May'12 : 'Sr. Ma anager(Contr racts), THD India L DC Ltd., Praga Bhawan, Pragatipu ati , uram, Bypas Road, ss Rishikesh h-249201, Distt- Dehrad (Uttarak D dun khand)'. pened on th same day at 15.00 h he hrs. The bid shall be op Thanking You. for & on behalf of T n THDC India Limited a ( Encl.: As above. s
Sr.Ma anager (Cont tracts)

No This ten ote: nder/enquiry is not open to others for participatio y r on.

xaxk xkHkou izxfri ije ckbZikl jksM _f"kd k& 24920 njHkk"k % 2 l ds 01 2431517 2431522 2431523


1. GENERAL: The tender should be addressed to Sr. Manager (Contracts), THDC INDIA LTD, Pragati Bhawan, Pragatipuram,BypassRoad,Rishikesh249201,Dehradun(Uttarakhand).

2. SUBMISSIONOFTENDER: (a) Tender is to be submitted in duplicate in a sealed envelope. The original and copy of the bid shallbetypedorhandwritteninindelibleinkandshallbesignedbythebidderoraperson duly authorized. (b) All amounts shall be indicated by tenderer in figures as well as in words. Where there is any difference between prices quoted in figures and words, amount quoted in Words shall prevail. Tendershouldbefreefromoverwritings.Allcorrectionsandalterationshouldbedulyattestedby thetendererwithdate.Theword'NOTQUOTED'shouldbewrittenagainstitemsintheschedulefor whichthetendererdoesnotwishtotender.

(c) OnthetopofthesealedenvelopeTenderNo.andDueDateshouldclearlybewritten.

(d) Tendershouldaccompany: i) Alltechnicaldetailscompletewithdrawings andcatalogues,if any,alongwithcommercial termsandconditions.


EarnestMoneydeposit(EMD)isRs7,500.00(Rs.SevenThousandFiveHundredonly). The price portion shall be filled in price bid format which is available in the tender documents. The offer(s) shall be based on the most suitable equipment/item incorporating the latest technologytoensuresmoothandtroublefreeworkingoftheplant/equipment. Thequotation&thesubsequentcorrespondenceshouldbesignedbyanauthorizedperson holdingpowerofAttorneytodoso.Acopyofthepartnershipdeedshouldbeenclosed,in casetendererisapartnershipfirm. Inthecaseofacompanythetendershouldbeexecutedinthemanneraslaiddowninthe saidCompanysArticlesofAssociation. WhereapplicableManufacturersnameandcountryofOriginofmaterialsofferedmustbe clearlyspecified.Completedetailsandillustrateddescriptiveliteraturemustaccompanyall quotations. Tenderreceivedafterthespecifiedtimeanddatemayruntheriskofrejection.







3. TENDERERMUSTSUBMIT: SalestaxRegistrationNo.ofbothCentral&Statewiththeirvalidity.

4. OPENINGOFTENDERS: Tendershallbeopenedinthepresenceoftenderer,whomaychoosetobepresent,at15.00hrs.onthe bid opening date or on the revised date as decided by THDC INDIA LTD., in the office of Sr. Manager(Contracts), or by an officer authorized on his behalf. The representative(s) will have to establish theiridentity to thesatisfactionof THDC IndiaLimited by producing introductory letter from their principals / manufacturers etc., otherwise they will not be allowed to be present at the tender opening.

5. CLEARUNDERSTANDING: Whenthetenderersubmitshistenderinresponsetothetenderdocument,heshallbedeemedtohave understood fully about the requirements, terms & conditions. No extra payment will be made on the pretextthatthetendererdidnothaveaclearideaofanyparticularpointatalaterdate.Thetimeand dateofdeliveryaretheessenceofthecontractandthegoodsmustbedeliveredwithinthetimeand subjecttotheconditionsspecified.OtherwiseTHDCILshallhavetheoptiontocancelthewholeorany partoforder. 6. FREIGHT: Stores /Material ordered for, must be dispatched in safe mode. All expenses are to be borne by the supplier. 7. DESPATCHINSTRUCTIONANDBILLING: i) InbothcasesdirectorBankpayment,advancedespatchdocumentsinduplicate (including documentslikeRR/GR/LRorsimilarotherdocuments,copyofEDGatepass, delivery challan, packinglist,invoice&manufacturerstestcertificatesforvarioustestrequirementsetc.)aretobe forwardedtotheSr.Manager(MM)andSr.Manager(F)THDCIndia Ltd. Tehri in separate registered envelopes by registered post so as to receive within 72 hours of dispatch, under intimationtoSr.Manager(Contracts),THDCIndiaLtd.Rishikesh,otherwisepaymentshallheldup.

Intheabsenceofthereceiptofallthesedocumentsdeliveryshallnotbetakenand demurrage /wharfageoranyotherlossinthematerialduetolate/incomplete/non receiptofdocumentswould berecoveredfromthesupplier.ThedecisionoftheTHDCIL'smanagementinthisregardshallbefinal.

TheRR/GRshouldbeonthenameofTHDCIndiaLtd.,andonselfbasis.Fax/emailadvice of despatchmustbesent,givingdetailsof(P.O.No,item,quantity,InvoiceNo./dateand value, RR No.&date,GRNO.&Datewithtransportersname).

ii) Wherevertermsofpaymentstipulatedarebyinstallmentsseparatebillsshallberaised.


Purchase order No., RR/GR No. and date, Sales Tax registration No. and utilized Form31 detailsshallbeclearlymentionedonallcopiesofthebills/invoices. Payment shall be made through Net Banking/epayment or by crossed account payee cheque drawnonTHDCIL'sbankersatTehri.


8. PAYMENT: ThetenderershallacceptTHDCIL'snormalpaymenttermsof100%paymentwithin30daysafterreceipt, inspection and acceptance of the items or erection and successful commissioning / installation / configurationoftheequipmentatthesite.

9. INSPECTION: (a) The equipment /material shall be inspected at the manufacturers works or the purchasers plant site by THDC India Limited at its discretion or its consultant's representative(s). For this purposethesuppliershallinformTHDCIndiaLtd,Tehri/Rishikeshoffice,21daysin advance of thereadinessofthestoresforinspection.Howeverthisinspectionshallinnoway absolvethesupplier ofhisoverallresponsibilityofworkmanshipqualityandperformance guarantee offered by the Supplier.Alldespatchdocumentsshallaccompanyinspection Certificates, if any, issued by the InspectingAuthorityinadditiontotheothertestcertificateofmanufacturersconformingtorelevantIS etc.


The material on receipt at the Project shall be inspected. The supplier shall have to replace the material,ifanyfounddefective,atsiteonfreeofcostbasis. Irrespective of whether it is mentioned in specification or not all machines/equipments are requiredtocalibrateinmetricunitsandcertificatesmustbeissued. Material not supplied strictly in accordance with specification laid down in purchase order could at THDCIL's discretion be considered for acceptance with appropriate deduction in rates which shall be intimated by registered post once only. Nonreceipt of suppliers reply within three weeks from the date of said intimation or as stipulated in the intimation letter, whichever islatershallentitleTHDCILtopresumeconsentofsupplierforthesuggestedreducedrates.



10. WARRANTYREGARDINGQUALITYOFMATERIALSUPPLIED: (a) Supplier shall guarantee that all the equipments supplied by them whether manufactured by them or their subcontractor or purchased from any other source and supplied to THDCIL, shall be new and free from all defects arising due to defective material or manufacturing defects. The equipment/material supplied shall be of first class workmanship with effective design.

(b) Thesuppliershallwarrantytoreplace,rectifyorrepairfreeofcostatprojectsite,the component orpartsofmachineryprovedtohavebecomeunserviceableduetoanyabove defects within the warrantyperiodfromthedateoferection/installation/commissioning.Inthe eventifthesupplier isnotcomplyingwiththeabovewithinareasonabletime,THDCILwill have the option to rectify, repairorreplacethedefectivepart/machineryaftergiving3weeks notice to the supplier and recover thecostfromthesupplier. 11. EARNESTMONEYDEPOSIT: (a) Tenderer shall furnish Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) of Rs. 7500.00 (Rs. Seven Thousand Five Hundered only) by way of Bank Draft or FDR in favour of the 'THDC India Limited' payable at Rishikesh,fromascheduledBank,validforaperiodofthreemonthsfromthedateofopeningof tender.TenderreceivedwithoutEarnestMoneyDepositshallbeliableforrejectionattheTHDCILs discretion.

(b) Earnest Money shall be forfeited if the rates are revised, modified by the tenderer during the validityperiodorextendedperiod,oriftheorderisnotexecutedbythetendererafteracceptance oftheiroffer.

(c) IfthesupplierbacksoutafterTHDCILhasacceptedhistenderitwillbeconsideredas default and theEarnestMoneydepositwillbeforfeitedbyTHDCILbyinformingthe supplierashavingdoneso.


NointerestshallbepayablebyTHDCILontheEarnestMoneyDeposit. The Earnest Money Deposit shall be refunded to the unsuccessful tenderer as quickly as possibleafterthetenderisdecided.


12. PERFORMANCESECURITYDEPOSIT: (a) The amount of Security Deposit @ 5% of the total value of purchase order/awarded value shallbedepositedbythesuccessfultendererondemand.


Failure to furnish Performance Security Deposit in accordance with the conditions of the tender within10daysofthesupplyordershallbeconsideredtobebreachofcontract,whichwouldgive THDCILtherighttoterminatetheorderandforfeittheEarnestMoneyDepositamount. Thesuccessfultenderer/suppliershallfurnishPerformanceSecurityDepositbywayofBankDraft or FDR in favour of 'THDC India Limited' payable at Rishikesh, from a scheduled Bank, valid for a periodofthreemonthsbeyondthedateofcompletionofwarrantyperiodofentirequantityofthe material/ equipment under the purchase order. The Earnest Money Deposit in the form of Bank Draft/FDRmaybeadjustedtowardsportionofPerformanceSecurityDeposit.


(d) NointerestshallbepayablebyTHDCILonthePerformanceSecurityDeposit.THDCIL reservesthe righttoadjustPerformanceSecurityDeposittowardsanyamountduetoitfrom the successful tendererandinsuchaneventthesuccessfultendereronreceiptofnoticefrom THDCIL shall make furtherdeposittorestorethePerformanceSecurityDeposittothefull amount.


The Performance Security Deposit shall be liable to be forfeited wholly or partially at the sole discretion of THDCIL should the successful tenderer either fail to deliver supplies as per deliveryscheduleortofulfillhiscontractualobligationsortosettleinfullhisduesto THDCIL. THDCIL is empowered to deduct from the Performance Security Deposit or from any other outstanding amount, any sum that may be fixed by THDCIL as being the amount of loss or losses or damages suffered by it due to delay in performance or nonperformance of any of the conditionsofthetender/contract. THDCILshallhavealienoveralloranymoneythatmaybecomedueandpayabletothesupplies under this contract or any other contract or transaction of any other nature either all alone or jointlywithothersupplierandunlessthesupplierpays,andcleartheclaimofTHDCILimmediately ondemand,THDCILshallbeentitledatalltimestodeductthesaidsumordebtduebythesupplier fromanymoney/securitydepositwhichmayhavebecomedueorbecomepayabletothesupplier under this contract or any other contract or transaction whatsoever between the supplier and THDCILwithoutprejudiceandadditionstotheotherrightsofTHDCILtorecovertheamountofany suchclaimbyotherremedieslegallyavailable.



13.MEMBERSOFTHDCILNOTINDIVIDUALLYLIABLE: NoDirectororofficialoremployeeofTHDCILshallinanywaybepersonallyboundorliablefortheacts orobligationofTHDCILunderthecontractoranswerableforanydefaultoromissionintheobservance orperformanceofanyoftheacts,mattersorthingswhicharehereincontained.


The supplier shall not be entitled to any increase in the rates or any other right or claim whatsoever by reason of any representation, explanation or statement or alleged representation, promise or guarantee given or alleged to have been given to him by any person of THDCIL.


THDCIL reserves the right to cancel the contract if the quality of material delivered falls below the required specifications and also if the deliveries are not made in accordance with the delivery schedule, as indicated by THDCIL.

(b) for to


Any bribe, commission, gift of advantage given, promised or offered by or on behalf of the tenderer, their partners, agents or servants to any employee or representative of THDCIL obtaining or for the execution of this or any other contract or for receiving payments under the contract shall, in addition to the criminal liability he may undergo, subject the tenderer cancellation of this or any other contracts and also to payments of any loss resulting from any such cancellation to the like extent as is provided in the case of rejection on the ground of bad quality supply and THDCIL shall be entitled to deduct the amount so payable from any moneys otherwise due to the tenderers under this or any other contracts. Any question dispute as to whether the tenderer(s) have incurred any liability under the clause shall be settled by THDCIL in such manner and on such evidence or information as they may deem fit and sufficient and THDCIL's decision shall be final and conclusive & irrevocable.

16. SUB-LETTING OF CONTRACT : The successful tenderer shall not sub-let or assign this contract or any part thereof without obtaining prior written permission of THDCIL. In the event of the successful tenderer sub-letting or assigning the contract or any part there of without such permission, THDCIL shall have the right to cancel contract and to purchase the goods elsewhere and the successful tenderer shall be liable to THDCIL for any loss or damage which THDCIL may sustain in consequence or arising out of such purchase. Even in case sub-letting is permitted by THDCIL, it will not recognize any contractual obligation with the persons or party to whom the contract has been sub-let and the successful tenderer will be responsible for the satisfactory due and proper fulfillment of the contract. 17. CHANGE IN CONSTITUTION : (a) Where the supplier is a partnership firm, a new partner shall not be introduced in the firm without prior consent of THDCIL in writing which may be granted only upon furnishing of a written undertaking by the new partner to perform the contract and accept all liabilities incurred by the firm under the contract prior to the date of such undertaking. (b) On the death or retirement of any partner of the supplier / firm before complete performance of the contract THDCIL may cancel the contract and in such case the supplier shall have no claim what-so-ever for compensation against THDCIL. Without prejudice to any of the rights or remedies under this contract, if the supplier is a proprietorship concern and the proprietor dies during the performance of this contract THDCIL shall have the option to terminate the contract without compensation.


18. FORCE MAJEURE CONDITIONS : (a) If at any time during the continuance of the agreement/contract it becomes impossible by reasons of acts of Governmental action and or acts of God leading to war or war like operations, strikes, lockout, riots, civil commotions, epidemical sickness, pestilence earthquake, fire storm or floods the supplier shall, during the continuance of such contingencies, not be bound to execute the contract as per agreement/contract. The work shall be resumed immediately the contingency(ies) has ceased or otherwise determined and supplier's obligations shall continue to be in force for correspondingly extended period after the resumption of execution. The supplier shall, however inform THDCIL by Registered post about such acts duly certified by concerned Govt. Deptt. or by local Chamber of Commerce within 10 (ten) days of occurrence indicating therein likely period of cessation of such Force Majeure conditions. The above conditions shall also be applicable to THDC India Limited. (b) (c) due In the event of delay lasting over one month of arising out of causes of Forces Majeure, THDCIL reserves the right to cancel the contract without any compensation. Only events of Force Majeure which affects the order progressing at the time of its occurrence shall be taken into cognizance. THDCIL shall not be liable to pay extra costs to delayed supplies made under force majeure.

19 DISPUTES UNDER THIS CONTRACT AND ARBITRATION : (a) In the event of any question, dispute, breach of or difference arising of the meaning and scope of terms and conditions indicated herein or in connection with any matter under this agreement (except for those matters which are to be decided as per provision made in these terms and conditions), the same shall be referred to the sole arbitration by an officer of the THDC India Limited, appointed by Director (Technical). There will be no objection if the arbitrator is an employee of THDCIL and he had, at any time in discharge of his duties as employee, expressed views on all or any of the matters in dispute or difference. The award of the arbitrator shall be final and binding on the parties concerned. (b) The Arbitrator shall be deemed to have entered upon the reference on the date he issued notice to both the parties fixing the first date of hearing.

(c) The Arbitrator may from time to time with the consent of all parties to the contract, enlarge the time for making the award. (d) The provisions of Arbitration and conciliation Act-1996 or any statutory amendments or modifications thereof the time being in force shall apply to the Arbitration proceedings under this clause. (e) Transactions under the contract shall, to the extent reasonably possible, continue during the pendency of the Arbitration proceedings and no payment due from one to the other of the parties herein shall be withheld on account of pendency of such proceedings unless such payment relates to the matter under Arbitrator. (f) At all times during the proceedings of the arbitration, the supplier shall continue with his obligations in a diligent manner without any delay. No claim for interest or damage will be entertained or be payable by THDCIL in respect of any amount or balance which may be lying with THDCIL or may become due owing to any dispute, difference or misunderstanding between the parties or in respect of any delay or omission on the part of THDCIL in making intermediate payment or final payment or in respect of any amount/damage which may be claimed through arbitration or in other respect what-so-ever. (h) The venue of the Arbitration shall be New Delhi or such other place as the Arbitrator at his discretion may determine. (g)

20. JURISDICTION : Subject to clause-19 above, it is hereby agreed that Courts at Dehradun alone shall have jurisdiction to decide or adjudicate upon any disputes, which may arise out of, or be in connection with this agreement. 21. LAWS GOVERNING THE CONTRACT : The contract shall be governed by the Laws of Union of India in force. -----O-----



(a) Prices are to be quoted on the basis of F.O.R Destination inclusive of all packing and forwarding charges, including Taxes and Duties and other charges if any. However complete details/breakup of Sales Tax, Excise Duty, other levies/taxes and other charges if any included in the prices of the items offered should be specified separately. All Taxes, Duties and other Levies on all bought out items including raw materials, which are going into assembly of the end product / finished goods deemed to be inclusive in the prices. Any variation on this account will in no case be claimed by the Supplier from THDCIL.
(b) SalesTaxandExciseduty,ifany,ontheitemsorderedhowevershallbepaidbythe THDCIL at theratesprevailingonthedateofscheduleddeliveryorattheratesprevailing on the date of supplywhicheverislower.


PriceshallincludeTransitInsurancepremium. Pricesaretobequotedonfirmbasisandthereshallbenovariationofthesameduringtheperiod ofcontractunlessspecificallyagreedtoandprovidedinthecontract.


(e) The Prices charged for the stores supplied under the contract by the Supplier shall in no way exceed the lowest price at which the Supplier sells the stores or offers to sell stores of identical description to any other person or organization including the purchaser or any deptt. of the CentralGovt.oranystatutoryundertakingoftheCentralGovt.orstateGovt.asthecasemay be duringtheperiodofcontract.Confirmationinthisregardhastobesubmittedbythe supplier in enclosedFormatasForm1.Supportingpricelist(printed&dulyauthenticated) should be enclosed withbidwhereveravailable.

(f) Ifattime,duringtheperiodofcontract,theSupplierreducesthesalepricesofsuchstoresorsells oroffertosellsuchstorestoanyotherpersonororganizationincludingthepurchaseroranydeptt. of the Central Govt. or any statutory undertaking of the Central Govt. or state Govt. as the case may be, at a price lower than the price chargeable under the contract, he shall forthwith notify suchreductiononsaletoTHDCILandthepricepayableunderthecontractforthestoressupplied after the date of coming into force of such reduction of sale or offer of sale, shall stand correspondinglyreduced. SALESTAXANDEXCISEDUTY: a. SalesTax: TheSalesTax/VAT,ifpayableand/orCSTwithorwithoutFormC,whicheverisapplicable and atspecifiedrate,onthecostofthefinishedgoodsbeingsuppliedincludingExciseDuty there on at theratesprevailingatthetimeofscheduledeliveryperiod(orattheratesprevailing on the date ofsupplywhicheverislower),subjecttothesuppliersclaimingthesameasa separate item in theirbills,shallbepayable.

The supplier shall furnish the following certificate on their bill claiming aforesaid amount of SalesTax:

It is certified that the goods on which sales tax has been charged have not been exempted under the Central Sales Tax or the State Tax or the State Tax Act or the Rules made there under. The amount charged on account of Sales Tax on those goods is not more than what is payable under the provisions of the relevant Act or the Rules made there under.

Certified further that we (our Branch or Agents).. Address.. are registered as dealers in the state of under Central Registration No. . for purposes of Sales Tax.


ExciseDuty: In case Excise Duty is payable on the finished goods which are to be supplied, the supplier shall providedocumentaryevidenceorrecordthefollowingcertificateontheirbills.

It is certified that the Excise Duty on the goods on which it has been charged has actually been paid by us and is not more than that is payable under the provisions of the relevant Act or the Rules made there under.

THDCIL'sliabilitiesforreimbursementoftaxesshallberestrictedtotheratesandamountatwhichthese Taxes andDutiesshall havecorrectly been levied.THDCILshallnotreimburseTaxes and Dutiestothe extentwronglypaidbythecontractororwronglydemandedbytheconcernedauthorities.

PACKING&MARKING: (a) All material, machines and equipment shall be adequately packed to protect them against all damages, pilferage, rust, moisture or any other adverse atmospheric effects etc. during transit. PackingshallbeadequateandsuitablefortransportbyRail/Road/postparceletc.asrequired.Any loss, damage or pilferage in transit to the item due to faulty packing/ inadequate packing/ non packing shall be to the account of the supplier. Each packet shall contain Purchase Order No. & Date.


Each consignment must relate to one purchase order only. Where despatch of material against more than one order in a single consignment/case is warranted the material against each order should be packed separately. Purchase Order number & date should be visibly marked in bold letters on each package on outside along with the consignee's and consigner's address for easy identification. Allpackingandforwardingchargesaretobebornebythesupplier.


DELIVERY: (a) Please furnish exstock availability of each item quoted, otherwise mention minimum delivery schedule.Failuretosupplyintimewillliableforcancellationofcontract (b)

Liquidated damage for delay in delivery shall be levied at the rate of 0.5% (half percent) of the contract value per week or part thereof. The Liquidated damages however shall be subject to a ceiling of 10% of the contract value. THDCIL will however not be bound to prove that it has sufferedtotheextentoftheliquidateddamagesclaimed.


Tender shall remain open for acceptance for 90 days or as may specify from the date of opening. No revision / modifications in the tendered prices shall be allowed during the period of validity of tender or the extended period.
REFERENCELIST: (a) The tenderer shall submit, along with their offer, in support of their having supplied similar equipment/items/materials to other reputed plants/customers, the copy of purchase orders and performance report, Catalogues, technical leaflets etc. wherever required must also be submitted.ThedetailsinthisregardhavetobefurnishedbythetendererinenclosedFormat as Form2.

(b) Thetenderershallsubmit,alongwiththeirtenderthelistofunexecutedordersinhand,if forsame/similaritemsandperiodbywhichsuppliesareproposedtobemade.Thedetails in regardhavetobefurnishedbythetendererinenclosedFormatasForm3.

any, this

AWARDOFCONTRACT: (a) THDCILreservestherighttoacceptinitssoleandunfettereddiscretionthetenderforwholeor partquantitiesortorejectanyoralltenderswithoutassigninganyreasonsthereof.

(b) THDCILdoesnotbinditselftoacceptthetendernortoassignanyreasonsthereof.

(c) Ifthefirm/tendererhasfailedtofulfillearliercontractualobligations,theymaynotbeconsidered.

(d) THDCILhasdiscretiontoincreaseordecreasethequantityatthefinallyacceptedrates. THDCILshallmeanandincludetheadministrativeandexecutiveofficersofitsCorporateofficeatRishikesh, as well as of Tehri, its other offices, as the case may be, who are authorized to deal with all matters relatingtothiscontractonitsbehalf. 9. The tender documents are non-transferable without prior approval of authorized person of THDC India Limited, which must be ensured while making the offers, failing which the offer shall not be considered & treated unsolicited.


PART - III : Special Terms and Conditions


The price (s) must be quoted strictly in Price Bid format available in tender documents. In the event, if the tenderer has quoted the rates for any item by leaving blank space in figure(s), word(s) and Amount, it will be presumed that the tenderer has included the cost of such item(s) in other quoted items and the prices of such unquoted item(s) shall be considered as nil/zero and the total bid price shall be evaluated accordingly. 2. 3. the All prices are to be quoted based on F.O.R: THDC India Ltd, Tehri. Prices shall be inclusive of Freight, Packing and Forwarding and Transit Insurance. However, rate of Sale Tax / VAT if payable and/or CST etc. with and without Form 'C' as applicable should be indicated separately.
FortheitemsavailableonDGS&DRateContract,thevalidcopyoftheDGS&DR/Cshouldbeenclosed withthebid.IftherequireditemsarenotavailableonDGS&DRateContract,theTendererorbidder hastocertifythesameaccordingly.



The tender/offer/rate shall be firm and remain valid for 90 days for acceptance from the date of opening of tender. Tenders/Bids shall be submitted only in the physical form. Delivery : Ex-stock, otherwise the supplier shall indicate minimum delivery schedule. Expenditure involved towards any extra materials required or labour involved for successful installation & configuration of the equipment, if not quoted for, would have to be borne by the tenderer / supplier. The tenderer should furnish Earnest Money (EMD) of Rs. 7500.00 (Rs. Seven Thousand Five Hundered only) in the form of Bank Draft or FDR in favour of the 'THDC India Limited' payable at Rishikesh, from a scheduled Bank, valid for a period of three months from the date of opening of tender, along with their offer. Bid without EMD will be liable for rejection at the discretion of THDCIL. Tenderer is required to submit the Tender Document duly signed and stamped as a token of acceptance of THDCIL's terms and conditions. Submission of offer by the tenderer shall be treated as acceptance of all Terms & Conditions mentioned in Tender Document without any deviation. Offered materials should be exactly in line with the make, model & specifications mentioned in the tender document.
THDCIL will assess the product/item/material supplied for their quality and their conformity to the specificationsprovidedbythefirmintheirquotation/bid/offer.Anyitem(s)identifiedbyTHDCILtobe notasperthespecificationsorfoundtobeofinferiorqualitywillberejected,andthebillstowards thesupplywillnotbeprocessedforpaymenttillproperreplacementsareprovided.

6. 7. 8.



11. 12.

13. Warranty of the product/item/material shall commence from the date of acceptance of the


Payment Terms : 100% payment shall be released within 30 days after receipt, acceptance and successful erection, installation & configuration /commissioning of the materials at THDC India Ltd., Tehri. However the best efforts shall be made to process the payment within 15 days.


The Tenderer(s) shall indicate his Bank A/c No, IFSC Code and Branch of the Bank & address for enabling THDCIL to release payment through e-payment. Tenderer(s) shall indicate the TIN No / Sale Tax No / CST No./ PAN NO. etc. Certificate is to be submitted by the Tenderer(s) if firm is registered under the micro, small & medium enterprises.
The evaluation of the tender(s) shall be made on the basis of landed price of the material at THDCIndiaLtd.,Tehri.

16. 17.



Non transferable Tender documents shall be available on websites and


The required items/material are to be supplied at THDC India Ltd, Tehri and erection, installation & commissioning/configuration of these items are to be done by the supplier free of cost at THDCIL's office at Tehri (Uttrakhand), in consultation with the representative(s) of IT Deptt., THDC India Ltd, Rishikesh/Tehri and Finance Deptt., THDC India Ltd, Tehri. The concerned installation engineer(s) of supplier shall work in close co-ordination and cooperation with concerned THDCIL staff within the normal working hours. Soft copies & printed copies (in original) of documents & Manuals if any that come with the supplied / installed items shall be provided to THDCIL without any additional cost. All the facilities including support etc. provided to other customers shall be passed on to THDCIL without any additional charge. Licenses of software shall be in favour of THDCIL. During the interaction with THDCIL or execution of purchase order, the Tenderer/ supplier or their representative(s) shall not carry and / or transmit any material, information, layouts, diagrams, storage media or any other goods / material in physical or electronic form, which are proprietary or owned by THDCIL. All conditions mentioned in the Special Terms & Conditions supersede the relevant part of the clauses to the extent mentioned in the enclosed General Terms & Conditions or Instructions to Tenderers.
Sr.Manager(Contracts), THDCINDIALIMITED, PragatiBhawan,Pragatipuram,BypassRoad, Rishikesh249201,Distt.Dehradun(Uttarakhand) (PhoneNo.:01352439431,FaxNo.:01352438379, -----O-----







(Tender No. THDC/RKSH/CC-306)





DELL(TM) PowerEdge(TM) T410 Intel 2S Tower Server



Intel(R) Xeon(R) Processor E5640 2.66GHz, 12MB cache, 5.86 GT/s QPI, Turbo, HT 4C One Broadcom 5716 dual-port Gigabit Ethernet without TOE enabled 4GB Memory (1x4GB), 1333MHz, Dual Rank LV RDIMMs for 1 Processor 600GB 3.5-inch 15K RPM,6Gbps SAS Hot Plug Hard Drive PERC H700 Adapter, RAID Controller 512MB Cache Power Supply, Redundant, 580W Cable for PERC H700, Hot Plug Chassis Dell(TM) E170S Entry 17 " Flat Panel LCD Monitor (Analog only) Dell Open Manage Kit for PowerEdge T410 Server Mouse Keyboard Optical drive

1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1


Microsoft Windows Server 2008 Standard Edition

64bit with Media DVD 5Clt (5 client license)

01 No.

Note : The above items/ material shall include installation with three years onsite warranty (NBD).


Tender No. THDC/RKSH/CC-306

Name&AddressoftheTenderer: SN 1 Description Confirm that tenderer has read all Terms &Condition alongwithSpecialTerms & Condition of the Tender carefully & agreetoparticpateaccordingly. Yes/No 2 3 4 5 6 FullAddress EMDDetails emailaddress ContactNumber SalesTax/TINNo. (ProvideyourTINNo.&Date) 7 PANNo. (ProvideyourPANNo.&Date) 8 9 10 11 ServiceTaxRegistrationNo. RegistrationofFirm. RateOfVAT/CSTwithForm'C' PaymentTermsasperNIT (If Payment terms is as per tender documents, then mention 'As per NIT' or else mention your payment terms) 12 OfferedMake&modelasper requirement.(Yes/No) TechnicalSpecification/Catalogue enclosedwithoffer/bid.(Yes/No) OtherTerms&Conditions (If accepted, then mention 'As per NIT' otherwise mention your those terms & condition which have deviation against Details Submitted(Yes/No)



terms & conditions of tender document) 15 16 17 18 BankAccountNo. BankName&BranchCode. IFSCCode Authorizationcertificateenclosedwith offer/bid.(Yes/No) Form1 Form2 Form3 FullorPartMaterialisavailableonDGS&D R/C(Yes/No) (If Yes, enclose valid copy ofDGS&D R/C)

19 20 21 22



Tender No. THDC/RKSH/CC-306
Name & Address of the Firm :.. SN Items Description Unit

Basic Price per unit (Rs.)

Excise Duty

Sales Tax / VAT ( %)

CST with or without Form 'C' (%)

Other Charges

Total Amount

1 1.

2 DELL(TM) PowerEdge(TM) T410 Intel 2S Tower Server

3 No.

4 01



Microsoft Windows Server 2008 Standard Edition

64bit with Media DVD 5Clt



Grand Total (Please mention the prices/rates in figures as well as in words)



We, M/s .... (name of the tenderer / supplier) having registered office at hereby confirm that the prices charged for the stores under Tender No. THDC/RKSH/CC-306 (Supply & installation of a Server 'DELL(TM) PowerEdge(TM) T410 Intel 2S Tower server' with Operating System 'Windows Server 2008 standard Edition) shall in no way exceed the lowest price at which tenderer / supplier sells the stores or offers to sell stores of identical description to any other person or organization including the purchaser or any deptt. of the Central Govt. or any statutory undertaking of the Central Govt. or state Govt. as the case may be during the period of purchase order.

Signed by:

For and on behalf of:

Name & Address of the tenderer / Supplier:

Office Seal




ReferencelistofPurchaseOrdersexecutedforsimilarEquipment /Items





Signed by:

For and on behalf of:

Name & Address of the tenderer / Supplier:

Office Seal



Note : The documentary proof for the above details to be enclosed with bid/offer as per clause No. 6(a) of PART-II-General Terms & Conditions of Tender Document.


Referencelistofunexecuted(inhand)PurchaseOrdersfor similarEquipment/Items




Delivery Schedule


Signed by:

For and on behalf of:

Name & Address of the tenderer / Supplier:

Office Seal



Note : The documentary proof for the above details to be enclosed with bid/offer as per clause No. 6(b) of PART-II-General Terms & Conditions of Tender Document.


OrganizationName OrganizationType TenderRefNo. TenderTitle ProductCategory SubCategory TenderValue EMD DocumentCost TenderType Location FirstAnnouncementDate PublicationDateonPortal LastDateofDocumentCollection Lastdateofsubmission Openingdate Workdescription Prequalification Prebidmeetdate Tenderdocument Biddocument Tech.Document Sector State
For further information Contact

THDC India Ltd. Public Sector Undertaking THDC/RKSH/CC-306 Supply & installation of a Server 'DELL(TM) PowerEdge(TM) T410 Intel 2S Tower server' with Operating System 'Windows Server 2008 standard Edition' . Procurement --------------Rs.7500.00 -------Procurement Rishikesh 03.05.2012 03.05.2012 at 11.00 hrs 16.05.2012 upto 14.00 hrs 16.05.2012 upto 14.00 hrs 16.05.2012 at 15.00 hrs Supply & installation of a Server 'DELL(TM) PowerEdge(TM) T410 Intel 2S Tower server' with Operating System 'Windows Server 2008 standard Edition' . --------------Enclosed ----------------Power and Energy Uttarakhand Sr. Manager(Contracts) (0135) 2439431 (0135) 2438379, 2436592 Sr. Manager(Contracts) THDC India Limited Pragati Bhawan, Pragatipuram, By Pass Road, Rishikesh-249201, District: Dehradun (Uttarakhand) Rishikesh

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