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Mark Anchor Albert, Esq.

, KM, KofC Founding Chairman

Donald M. Keegan, KGCHS, KofC Director

Robert P. Barbarowicz, Esq., KM Director

Founding Directors

Mr. John Lockhart Director & Vice President of Communications

he rich tapestry of Los Angeles began with a single thread: on September 4, 1781, a little band of settlers founded their new town - El Pueblo de Nuestra Seora de Los ngeles - with a Mass and Procession in honor of Our Lady of the Angels, the namesake of the infant Pueblo, whose protection they invoked with prayers, songs, a processional cross, banners, candlesticks, and salvos of musketry. This carried on for over a century. Today - in the face of the economic, social, and spiritual threats faced today not only by Los Angeles but by the State, Nation, and World - the Queen of Angels Foundation has revived the custom by sponsoring an Annual Grand Marian Procession, Votive Mass and Feast in Los Angeles Civic Center. By doing so, the Foundation, its members and supporters seek to gather all - Catholic and non-Catholic alike - who wish once more to entreat the aid and blessing of Our Lady of the Angels upon our Archdiocese, City and County, reuniting our diverse community to face our common challenges. We look forward to doing this in three ways:

HE Thomas Condon, KMOb, KSG Director & Vice President of Archdiocesan Relations

Michael M. Maddigan, Esq. Director & Treasurer

Charles A. Coulombe, KofC Director & Vice President of Website Content

Michael S. McCauley, Esq., KofC Director

Arthur J. Fritz III, KM, KofC Director Dr. Arturo Ibarra, C.A.L.L. Director

William Shaw, Esq., KM, KHS, KofC Director & General Counsel

Harry L. Tarnoff, KCLJ Director & Vice President of Ecumenical Relations

Nancy L. Iredale, Esq., DM, LGCHS Director & Vice President of Archdiocesan Relations

Gregory Warner, KPC Ex Officio

Ronald L. Katsky, Esq., KM, KGCHS Director and Corporate Secretary

Mrs. Ana Maria Albert Executive Director

Sponsoring an annual Mass at the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels preceded by a Grand Marian Procession starting at historic La Placita Church (the oldest parish in the Archdiocese), and followed by a Feast to celebrate the birthday of our Archdiocese and City in her name;

Maintenance of a website ( dedicated to educating Catholics and non-Catholics alike about Church teachings on devotion to Our Lady and the Angels, the Kingship of Christ, the Queenship of Mary, the Archangels, Guardian Angels and the Angelic Host, and related matters; and

Our Lady of the Angels Processional Statue

Personal devotion of the members of the Foundation and the participants in the Votive Mass, Grand Marian Procession and Feast of Our Lady of the Angels, who through their prayers and good works will seek to engender reverence for the Blessed Virgin, bring the community together, and invoke the blessings of God upon the religious and civic leaders, and all the inhabitants of our City, County and Archdiocese that were founded in the name of Nuestra Seora de Los ngeles.

Devoted to Our Lady of the Angels, Queen of Heaven and Empress of the Americas, Patroness and Protrectress of the Archdiocese, City and County of Los Angeles.

The Los Angeles Queen of Angels Foundation, Inc. is a Catholic Marian Devotional Society and tax-exempt California Nonprofit Religious Corporation 601 S. Figueroa St., Ste. 2370 Los Angeles, California 90017 Tel: 213.687.1515 Fax: 213.622.2144

oday many people, even a number of Catholics, know little about the Churchs history or her teaching on the Kingship of Christ, Queenship of Mary, devotions and liturgy, processions, the Archangels, Guardian Angels, and other angelic beings, and much else. Added to this are practical divisions caused by ethnic and cultural differences: Italians may know little of Vietnamese devotions to Mary, and vice versa. Such diversity, however, is one of the greatest strengths of a worldwide Church. The Foundations website aims to present a wealth of informative essays, pictures, artwork, web links, and other features designed to break down barriers, share knowledge, reunite the friends of Mary around their common devotion, and increase love and devotion to Our Lord and Our Lady, the Angels and Saints. Only blessings to our community can result from these pious efforts and good works.



he members of the Foundation come from many different backgrounds and belong to a wide variety of chivalric orders, religious third orders, sodalities, societies, and civic and cultural groups. Each of these have their own unique spirituality; members are encouraged to pray and work for their common aims from within and according to their own devotional framework, ultimately coming together in the Sacred Liturgy. In this way, each member shares his or her own unique spiritual gifts with other members and with the community at large. All share a profound love of Jesus Christ, King of Heaven, and His Mother, Our Lady of the Angels, Heavens Queen. The ultimate aim of the Foundation is love and reconciliation among the People of God and all those who honor Mary. This we hope to contribute to by applying the innumerable treasures of the Catholic Faith, in a local context, to the needs of the City and County in which we livespecifically by invoking the protection and aid of Our Lady of the Angels. We invite all Catholics and non-Catholics who love the Virgin, be they Orthodox, Anglican, Lutheran or whatever denomination, to join with us in this great work. Our Lady of the Angels is ecumenical and generous with her maternal blessings. What was true on September 4, 1781, is true now, and will always be true: the Queen of Angels is Queen of this City and County, just as she is Queen of Heaven and Empress of the Americas. She will repay our love for her and her Son with blessings and aid to our City, County and Archdiocesevital in the times in which we live, and even more vital given the mounting challenges we face.

he Foundation will sponsor on the Second Saturday of September every year a Grand Marian Procession through the Civic Center of Los Angeles in honor of Our Lady of the Angels, culminating in a special Votive Mass at the Cathedral in her honor, followed by a reception to celebrate Her Feast Day and the Birthday of Los Angeles. The Procession will begin at La Placita Church, and wend its way through the streets of Los Angeles Civic Center to the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels. The Liturgy being the summit and center of Christian life, it is fitting that the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass conclude a cavalcade of various groups interested in venerating the Patroness and Protectress of Los Angeles City and County. In this way, each of the participants will bring before the altar of God their own hopes and fears, joys and pains, for the good of the City and County we love. Together we will ask Our Lady of the Angels, the Queen of Heaven and Empress of the Americas, her Almighty Son, and the Angelic Host whom they command, for the graces we, our fellow citizens, and civic and religious leaders all need in these difficult times. Afterwards, we will celebrate Los Angeles Birthday in the name of Nuestra Seora de Los ngeles.

BELLINI, Gentile, Procession in Piazza S. Marco, 1496, Tempera and oil on canvas,

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