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Brihadeeswarar Temple

The Brihadeeswarar temple, also known as Rajarajeswaram, is located in Thanjavur in state of Tamilnadu, which is in the southern part of India. This temple was a tribute and it reflects the power of its creator, Raja Raja Chola I. It is considered as one of the greatest glories of India because of its architecture. The temple is also listed as one of the world heritage site by UNESCO. The temple is also one of the most valued architectural sites of India and the tallest temples in the world. The structure of the temple is enclosed with wonderful design and was constructed between the year 1003 and 1010. The temple can be approached from the eastern side through two gateways which are termed as Gopuras. There are two guardian statues beside the gateways made by the Shaiva legends (a community who believes that Lord Shiva is the almighty of universe). The exterior of the temple is decorated with hundreds of painted sculptures. On the other hand, the interior of the temple has a massive idol of Lord Shiva, a god with three eyes in which the third eye is closed. The legends believe that if Lord Shiva opens his third eye, the universe will be destroyed. The inner gateway is the Brihadeeswarar temple with a single large dome weighing about 81 tons. It is interesting to think about how could a huge dome weighing 81 tons be placed at such a height. The compound of the temple also includes a statue of Nandi [six meters long and three meters height] (the biggest of its own kind); a shrine with octagonal dome known as Chandeshvara; a columned hall; and a towered sanctuary and other small shrines. There are well carved figures of Lord Shiva and other gods on the walls of the sanctuary. Together, there are 250 Lingams (statue of lord Shiva) in the entire compound of the temple which is very impressive. Majority of the tourists are attracted because of these multiple Lingams and massive Nandi idol weighing 25 tons. The festivals which should not be missed are Shiva ratri and Pradhosa poojas. Chola Temples - Informative & researched article on Chola TemplesIndian MonumentsinArt & Culture Entertainment Health Reference Sports Society TravelForum RSS Feeds Free E-magazineIndian Monuments : Indian Monuments l Palaces of India l Indian Buddhist Sites lArts in India l Historical Buildings in Rajasthan l Indian Historical Monumentsl World Heritage Monuments in India l Indian Religious Monuments l Indian Regional Monuments l Indian MonasteriesHome > Art & Culture > Indian Monuments > World Heritage Monuments in India > World Heritage Monuments in the South India > Chola TemplesChola TemplesThis site comprises of the three great 11th and 12th century Chola temples and is declared as a World Heritage Site. The Great Living Chola Temples are situated in the southern state of Tamil Naduthat were built during the Chola rule in the south of India. The Cholas were great patrons of art, during their reign; as a result, the most magnificent templesand exquisite bronze icons were created in South India. This site also comprises of the three great 11th and 12th century Chola Temples: the Brihadisvara temples of Thanjavur, the Temple of Gangaikondacholisvaram, and the Airavatesvara temple at Darasuram.The Brihadisvara Temple was declared by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site in 1987;the Temple of Gangaikondacholisvaram and the Airavatesvara Temple at Darasuramwere added as extensions to the site in 2004. These three Chola temples of Southern India represent an outstanding creative achievement in the architectural conception of

the pure form of the Dravida type of temple. Together these temples are now known as the "Great Living Chola Temples".Brihadisvara Temple: This temple is a creation of the Chola emperor Rajaraja (AD985-1012), designed by the famous architect Sama Varma between 1003 and 1010 AD. Made from blocks of granite and, in part, from bricks, this temple is crownedby a pyramidal 65-m vimana, a sanctum tower. The temple stands within a fort, whose walls are later additions built in the 16th century. The towering vimanam isabout 200 feet in height and is referred to as Dakshina Meru.Surrounded by two rectangular enclosures, the Brihadisvara Temple is crowned with a pyramidal 13-storey tower, the vimana, standing 61 m high and topped with abulb-shaped monolith. It is within a spacious inner prakara of 240.90m long (eastwest) and 122m broad (north-south), with a gopura at the east and three otherordinary torana entrances on at each lateral side and the third at rear. The gopurams are flanked by two huge guardian figures, and various Shiva legends are represented in the carvings. The inner gopuram is the Brihadeeswarar temple, encircled by sea monster heads and topped by a protective monster mask. The prakara is surrounded by a double-storeyed malika and parivaralayas.The sikhara, a cupola dome, is octagonal and rests on a single block of granite,a square of 7.8m weighing 80 tons. The majestic upapitha and adhishthana is common to all the axially placed entities like the ardhamaha and mukha-mandapas andlinked to the main sanctum but approached through a north-south transept acrossthe ardha-mandapa, which is marked by lofty sopanas. Its royal builder extensively engraves the molded plinth with inscriptions. The Nandi, which dates back to the Nayak period, is housed in its own mandapam and it matches up to the grandeur and size of the temple. It is a monolithic Nandi weighing about 25 tonnes, and is about 12 feet high and 20 feet long.The brihad-linga within the sanctum is 8.7m high, representing the main deity worshipped at the temple, Shiva, also known as Brihadeeswarar. The grace and grandeur of this temple has been matched by very few and within the temple are many amazing sculptures, bronzes, and frescos; all being excellent examples of the artand history of the Chola period. Worth noting are three large Shiva sculptures- one dancing, one holding a spear, and one holding a trident, as well as many murals of Shiva in his various manifestations. One good example being Tripurantakamurti, which shows Shiva as the destroyer of three cities. The other lifesizeiconographic representations, with rich sculptural decorations on the wall niches and inner passages include Durga, Lakshmi, Sarasvati and Bhikshatana, Virabhadra, Kalantaka, Natesa, Ardhanarisvara and Alingana forms of Siva.Another remarkable feature of the temple is the great Nandi (bull). Thus, the walls house long pillared corridors, which abound in murals, Shiva Lingams and Nandis. The Nandi found at the mandaman (hall) near the temple entrance is immensein size, and the ceiling of its enclosure is decorated with frescoes in the typical painting style of Thanjavur. The Nandi weighs 27 tonnes, and measuers roughly 4 m by 6 m by 2.5 m, making it one of the largest Nandi sculptures in the world. It is said to have been installed later in the 16th Century. A story is toldthat the Nandi continued to grow and grow, until finally a nail was driven intoits back and the growth was stopped.The temple also contains several smaller shrines, with the shrine of Sri Subramanya being of notable mention due to it being an excellent example of decorativearchitecture, with nearly every inch covered in sculptural detail. Several othersmall shrines dot the courtyard, and around the its entirety is a pillared cloister, containing several small shrines in which can be found many lingam, frescos and sculptures.The mural paintings on the walls of the lower ambulatory inside are finest examples of Chola and later periods. The walls of the vimana are also inscribed with100 paragraphs detailing the gifts given by the king and his family toward the creation of the temple. From these paragraphs we know that the temple was finished 25 years and 275 days after Rajaraja took power in 975 A D. Upon

completion ofthe temple, Rajaraja gave the gift of a golden kalasam, or finial, to top the vimana.Gangaikondacholisvaram Temple: The second Brihadisvara temple complex built by Rajendra I, the son and successor of Rajaraja I, was completed in 1035. The temple of Gangaikondacholisvaram is approached through the northern entrance from theroad. The passage passes through the enclosure wall and leads on to the inner court. Its 53-m vimana has recessed corners and a graceful upward curving movement, contrasting with the straight and severe tower at Thanjavur. As it rises to aheight of 160 feet and is shorter than the Tanjavur tower, it is often described as the feminine counterpart of the Tanjavur temple.The small shire of Chandikesvara is near the steps in the north. In the northeast are a shire housing Durga, a well called lion-well (simhakeni) with a lion figure guarding its steps and a late mandapa housing the office. Nandi is in the east facing the main shrine. In the same direction is the ruined gopura, the entrance tower. The main tower surrounded by little shrines truly presents the appearance of a great Chakravarti (emperor) surrounded by chieftains and vassals.Airavatesvara Temple: This is a Hindu temple located in the town of Darasuram, near Kumbakonam in the South Indian state of Tamil Nadu. The Airavatesvara templecomplex is dedicated to Lord Shiva and the latter is known as Airavateshwara, b ecause he was worshipped by Airavata and is built by Rajaraja II, at Darasuram.It has six pairs of massive, monolithic dvarapalas statues guarding the entrances and bronzes of remarkable beauty inside. The Airavatesvara temple complex at Darasuram, built by Rajaraja II, features a 24-m vimana and a stone image of Shiva. The temples testify to the Cholas brilliant achievements in architecture, sculpture, painting, and bronze casting. The main deity`s consort Periya Nayaki Amman temple is situated adjacent to Airavateshwarar temple. The temples testify tothe Cholas brilliant achievements in architecture, sculpture, painting, and bronze casting.It is said that the King of Death, Yama also worshipped Shiva here. Myth has itthat Yama, who was suffering under a Rishi`s curse from a burning sensation allover the body, was cured by the presiding deity Airavateswarar. Yama took bath in the sacred tank and got rid of the burning sensation. Since then the tank hasbeen known as Yamateertham.This temple is a storehouse of art and architecture and has some exquisite stonecarvings. The front mandapam is in the form of a huge chariot drawn by horses.Although this temple is much smaller than the other temples, it is more exquisite in detail, since it been built with nitya-vinoda, "perpetual entertainment", in mind.More Articles in World Heritage Monuments in the South India Charminar Chola Temples(Last Updated on : 8/01/2009) Recently Updated Articles in Indian MonumentsHatheesing Jain TempleHatheesing Jain Temple is one of the biggest Jain temples in Ahmedabad. Built outside the Delhi gate this is one of the splendid structures of Ahmedabad which was constructed by a Jain Merchant. Rani Sipri MosqueRani Sipri Mosque is one of the oldest mosques in Ahmedabad. Known for its architecture it is often visited by the tourists of Ahmedabad. Sidi Saiyyed MosqueSidi Saiyyed Mosque is one of the famous monuments of Ahmedabad. Built in 1573 this is known for splendid architecture and fine filigree work which attract thetourists from all corners. Jhulta MinarJhulta Minar in Gujarat is mainly known for its swinging architecture and beautiful curvatures. It is one of the biggest innovations which attract millions of tourist every time.


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