Economical Job Scheduling in Wireless Grid: M. N. Birje, Sunilkumar S. Manvi, Chetan Bulla

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Economical Job Scheduling in Wireless Grid

M. N. Birje1, Sunilkumar S. Manvi2, Chetan Bulla3

Basaveshwar Engineering College, Bagalkot, Karnataka Reva Insttitute of Technology & Management, Bangalore, Karnataka 3 KLESs College of Engineering & Technology, Chikkodi, Karnataka

Abstract - Wireless grid can be seen as a market place where consumers would like to execute their jobs and resource providers would like to provide the resources to consumers based on some cost. The status of resources (like CPU, memory) is affected by the factors such as the number of jobs submitted to it, the number of jobs executing, battery power etc. This paper proposes a cost effective job scheduling mechanism based on system state. It considers the dynamically changing resource status, predicts the resource state, estimates the job cost and schedules the job to optimal resources. We simulated different test cases using load traces sampled from Pentium machine during particular time. Our simulation results demonstrate that the proposed job scheduling method is cost effective and reduces the job rejection ratio. Keywords- wireless grid; job scheduling


load prediction technique that anticipates future availability of resources and help to make better job allocation decisions. The proposed work finds the system state based on resource load (CPU and Memory utilization) prediction, estimates the cost of job, and then the job is submitted if it is acceptable by both consumer and resource provider. If the system state is in good condition and cost is affordable to consumer, then the job is submitted for execution. If cost is unaffordable to consumer, then resource broker has to look for another resource provider. The rest of the paper is organized as follows: Section II discusses related work in this area. In section III proposed model of resource allocation in wireless grid environment is described. Section IV and V presents the simulation procedure and simulation results respectively. Finally section VI concludes the work.

Wireless grid is a new type of resource sharing network which connects different wireless devices such as mobile phones, sensors and also wired grids [1]. It is an augmentation of a wired grid that facilitates the exchange of information and the interaction between heterogeneous wireless devices [2]. The wireless devices are more constrained in their processing power, memory and bandwidth [3, 4]. Many consumers will be competing for these scares resources. Hence resource management is very complex task. As resources in wireless grid environment are volatile and may become frequently unavailable, matching consumer jobs to suitable resources is very important. In wireless grid the grid applications are in active competition with unknown background workloads introduced by consumers. Since grid can be viewed as a market based environment so that both consumer and resource providers get the benefit of it, we would like to allocate resources based on their price. Before allocating a job to any node based on its current state, we predict its future load first, and then if it is suitable for allocation and meets the requirements of consumer, then only scheduling is done. If we allocate a job just based on its current state, there are the chances that after some time the state may vary (increase), and it may not be possible for job execution. Hence job will be rejected or it may be in the suspended state for longer duration. To improve scheduling performance in such an unreliable computing environment, especially in terms of avoiding job completion failure due to resource unavailability, this paper proposes a cost effective job scheduling algorithm. This scheduling algorithm is based on


To improve the performance of scheduling the work in [5] proposed three prediction mechanisms using Polynomial Fitting, similar patterns and Multi-steps-ahead Prediction. The real-time scheduling advisor (RTSA) [6] is an entirely user-level system that an application running on a typical shared, unreserved distributed computing environment can turn to for advice on how to schedule its compute-bound soft real-time tasks. In [7], a NARX neural network based load prediction is presented to define data mappings appropriate for dynamic resources with the aim of improving the scheduling decision in grid environments. The work in [8] shown that the adaptive hybrid model (AHModel) outperforms the widely used autoregressive (AR) model in long term load prediction significantly, and it also achieves obvious reduction in prediction mean square error comparing with Hybrid Model which uses fixed parameter value. The work given in [9] uses empirical host CPU utilization and resource contention traces to develop multi-state model, prediction technique, and multi-state prediction based scheduler for resource availability. The work in [10] proposes a new job scheduling algorithm based on an existing resource availability prediction technique that anticipates future availability of resources to help make better job allocation decisions. The work in [13] presented and evaluated two families of novel one-step-ahead time series prediction strategies (Independent static homeostatic prediction and Independent Dynamic homeostatic prediction) that weight recent data in various ways and demonstrate that this strategy outperforms the widely used

NWS predictor by 36% on average. The work in [14] attempts to improve the accuracy of host load predictions by applying a neural network predictor to reach the goal of best performance and load balance. The resource discovery and allocation based on cost is presented in [11]. The [12] presents a service for estimating, monitoring and analyzing costs associated with scientific applications in the cloud systems. The [15] proposed two price-based job allocation schemes using game theory (Global Optimal Scheme with Pricing and Nash Scheme with Pricing) for computational grids. There is less work on economical job scheduling based on the system state prediction. Hence we propose an economical job scheduling method in wireless grids that predicts the system state first, then estimates the cost of job before the job is scheduled.

resources. Once the consumers submit their jobs to resource broker, the resource broker will identify the optimal resources by executing system state prediction algorithm (i.e., to see whether the resource will be in safe state or not) and computing cost of each resource (to identify resource with minimum cost). So both consumer and service provider can get the benefit from grid environment. Once the optimal resource is selected, then the resource broker will dispatch the job to selected resource. B. Economical Job Scheduling Method The overall job scheduling method is divided into mainly three stages: 1) Determining system state based on CPU and memory loads prediction, 2) Estimation of job cost based on system state, and 3) Schedule jobs to optimal resources (i.e. the resource with least cost is allocated). 1) Determining system state: The system (node) state is affected by the different factors like number of jobs in its buffer, the number of jobs being executed, mobility, battery power etc. We consider three system states depending on the current load: Overload, Underload and Normal load. The system state is determined based on the CPU and memory load predictions. The multi-step-ahead prediction mechanism is used to predict the CPU and Memory loads using artificial neural network (ANN). In multi-step-ahead prediction multiple values of CPU (memory) load are predicted at different times, and mean of these values is taken as the final prediction value. The working principle of multi-step-ahead load prediction is shown in figure 2. It considers a sliding window that consists of CPU (memory) load traces (history) using which the next value of CPU (memory) load is predicted. The window contents are fed as input to the ANN, which then processes this input to predict the next load value. The multi-layer feedforward network, accompanied by backpropagation, which is the most widely used training algorithm for multi-layer network is chosen. Three-step-ahead algorithm is considered in figure 2. First window consists of CPU (memory) load traces at time t1, t2, t3 and t4. This trace is fed as input to ANN, which predicts the first load at t5. To predict the second value, the window is slided now by one position to the right so that it now includes the CPU (memory) load traces at time t 2, t3, t4, and t5. This trace is fed as input to ANN, which predicts the second load at t6. To predict the third value, the window is slided now by one position to the right so that it now includes the CPU (memory) load traces at time t 2, t3, t4, and t5. This trace is fed as input to ANN, which predicts the second load at t6. The mean of these three values (t5, t6 and t7) is taken as the final prediction value which is used for determining the system state. The sys state is determined as follows: If (pred_cpu_load < 35 AND pred_mem_load < 35)


The cost effective strategy is proposed based on load prediction technique that anticipates future availability of resource. It predicts the CPU and memory utilization, determines the system state based on these predicted values, estimates the cost of job based on system state, and then the job is scheduled to the resource if it is acceptable by both consumer and resource provider. In this section we describe the system architecture and the proposed economical job scheduling method. A. System Architecture The interaction between consumer and resource providers is shown in figure 1. Logically it represents three levels: consumer level, intermediate level and provider level.

Figure 1: System Architecture In consumer level, the consumers submit their jobs to the resource broker. In provider level, wireless grid community has devices in large scale providing the enormous resources. In intermediate level, the main job of resource broker is to determine the system state, estimate the resource cost, and schedule consumer jobs to optimal

System_state is Underload Elseif (pred_cpu_load >= 70 OR pred_mem_load >= 70) System_state is Overload Elseif (pred_cpu_load >= 35 AND pred_cpu_load < 70 OR pred_mem_load >= 35 && pred_mem_load < 70) System_state is Normal

If the node is in under loaded condition (CPU and Memory loads are assumed to be in range of 0-34%) Cost = basic-price (0.1 * Hv) + (Number of jobs / Queue-size) * 100 If the node is in normal load state (CPU and Memory loads are assumed to be in range of 35-69%). Cost = basic-price + (Number of jobs / Queue-size) * 100

Figure 2: Multi-step-ahead load prediction mechanism.

2) Estimation of job cost: The cost is computed depending upon the parameters like predicted system state, the old history of visiting consumer (frequency of consumer interaction with that resource provider/resource), and number of jobs in the system, etc. as detailed below. Let us consider some variables as follows: Basic_Price: It is original price for job completion in any system state. Basic price is assumed to be x units. Hv: Indicates old history count of visiting consumer (number of times the consumer has visited within last one month period). Its values are assumed prior one month period from current date. Hc: History Count is based on value of Hv, and is used to decide whether discount can be given or not, or whether price is to be increased because of system overload. Hc = 1, for 0 <= Hv < r1 0, for r1 <= Hv <=r2 Where r1 and r2 are some range values. The values of r1 and r2 are decided such that (0.1 * hv) is always lesser than basic price. Number_of_jobs: Jobs keep on arriving at different rates from the grid consumers. At any point of time some nodes may be assigned more number of jobs and other nodes may have lesser jobs. Queue_size: Indicates the buffer size of a node which holds the jobs temporarily.
Considering these variables and the determined system state, the job cost can be computed as follows for different three cases:

If the node is in overloaded condition (CPU and memory loads are assumed to be in the range of (70% 100%). Cost = basic-price + (0.1 * basic-price * Hc) + (Number of jobs / Queue-size) * 100 3) Job scheduling: After estimating the service cost of each node, the resource broker will take decision about whom to allocate the jobs. Since we are interested in estimation of cost of a resource, and identify the cheaper resources, the resource broker should select the node with minimum cost as an optimal resource. Then it dispatches the job to this optimal node/resource for execution. From our proposed model, both consumer and service provider will get benefit of cheaper resource and maximum utilization of resource respectively.

IV. SIMULATION The scheme considers ten systems in the wireless grid. To determine the system state, we consider two parameters: CPU load and Memory load. Using neural network we predict the future (one-step-ahead) CPU load and Memory load based on CPU and memory utilization history. Then we determine the system state and estimate the cost of resource based on predicted system state, number of jobs and consumer visit history. Once the cost is estimated, select the least cost resource and allocate the job to it. Using neural network tool, we create a feed forward network with backpropagation training function with following properties: Network Training Function: trainrp (Resilient backpropagation), Number of layer: 04, Number of neuron: 08, Transform function: transig (sigmoid function), Number of hidden layers: 02. Then the network is trained with following parameters: Input: CPU and Memory load History, Learning rate: 0.1, Momentum: 0.9, Epochs (Iteration):100, Learning Function: learngdm (gradient descent with momentum weight and bias learning function), Performance function: Mean Square Error. Then the network is simulated with current load traces to predict the future load value. System state is determined considering three states depending upon the current load: The system is underloaded if predicted CPU and Memory loads are in the range <l1l2>%

The system is normal loaded if predicted CPU and Memory loads are in the range <l3 l4>% The system is overloaded if predicted CPU and Memory loads are in the range <l5 l6>%

The last step is to estimate the cost based on predicted system state. Performance Parameters: Some of the performance parameters evaluated are defined and formalized as follows: Average job cost: It is the ratio of sum of the cost of each job to the total number of jobs. Average job cost = ( ith job cost) / Number of jobs Resource Utilization: It is defined as the percentage of the ratio of the sum of the fraction of each resource that is utilized to the sum of the capacities of the resources.

Job Rejection ratio: It is defined as the percentages of the ratio of the number of jobs dont acquire the resources to the number of jobs that are requested. Rejection ratio = Number of jobs rejected / Total Number of jobs Error rates in multi-step Ahead Prediction: It is defined difference between actual load value and expected load values for each prediction step. The number of steps increases the error rate is also increases. One Step-Ahead Load Prediction: It defined as prediction of load of next time unit (Pt+1). Multi-step-Ahead Load Prediction: It defined as prediction of load of next time units (Pt+1, Pt+2 .Pt+n).

V. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The following graphs show the results of different performance factors like resource utilization, error rates in multi-step-ahead prediction, job rejection ratio, one-stepahead prediction and multi-step-ahead prediction, etc. considering ten nodes in the grid. The Figure 3 shows the percentage of CPU/Memory resource utilization rate of ten nodes in the grid. The X-axis represents nodes and Y-axis represents mean resource utilization rate of each node. Eight previous values of CPU/ Memory are considered and the mean is calculated. The figure 4 shows the CPU load prediction of node 5 (optimal node) using one-step-ahead prediction. It shows eight historical CPU load values (t1 to t8) and predicted CPU load (t9). CPU loads are always self-similarity, so we consider historical CPU load values to predict its next value.

The figure 5 shows the CPU load prediction using multi-steps ahead prediction. The first 8 values (t1 - t8) are historical CPU load traces and next 5 values (t 9 - t13) are predicted load values. The window mechanism is used to predict the next multiple values. Here eight input values of CPU (which we call as a window) at t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7 and t8 are fed to ANN. The one-step-ahead mechanism predicts the next value (t9). To predict the next value at t10 , slide the window to right so that it includes the inputs t 2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8 and t9 (which is most recently predicted value) and excludes the t1 and predict similarly the value at t10. Similarly we predict values at t11, t12 and t13. Figure 6 shows the average cost of each job at different system load. The system load depends on the number of jobs it is executing currently. Considering the system load in the range of minimum 2% to maximum 100 %, the cost of an each job is computed. The figure shows that with the multi-step-ahead load prediction the cost increases with the system load, but is lesser than without prediction. The Figure 7 shows average job cost with respect to the number of jobs arrived in the grid. From this figure we observe that, the cost of the job is increased as the number of jobs are increased. It is because of the load added due to jobs. The Figure 8 presents the job rejection ratio considering the job scheduling with and without prediction mechanisms. We consider the maximum processing capacity of each system as 5 jobs per second. From the figure we observe that, the number of jobs rejected will be lesser initially. But as the number of jobs submitted to the grid increases, the rejection ratio also will increase because of the overload on systems and increase in cost. However the proposed system reduces the job rejection ratio. The figure 9 shows error rates in multi-step ahead prediction. It linearly increases, because, the first predicted value has less error, second predicted value will have little more error compared to first (because of inclusion of first predicted value in CPU history while computing the second value), and so on. This cumulative addition of error in each stage makes multi-step prediction more erroneous. Hence it is better to limit the number of stages. VI. CONCLUSION This paper proposes a economical job scheduling strategy in wireless grid. It is based on a load prediction technique that anticipates future availability of resources to help make better job allocation decisions. The overall job scheduling process is divided into mainly three stages: (1) Prediction of system state based on CPU and memory loads prediction, (2) Estimation of job cost based on system state, and (3) Scheduling of jobs to least cost resources. The work is simulated to evaluate different performance parameters like: resource utilization, job rejection ratio, job cost, etc. against varying system loads and number of jobs. It is observed that the proposed work is cost effective, and the job rejection ratio is reduced.

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Fig. 3: Historical Resource Utilization rate of nodes

Figure 5: CPU Load Prediction using multi-step ahead prediction

Figure 8: Job rejection ratio

Fig4: CPU Load Prediction using onestep-ahead prediction

Figure 6: Job Cost Function

Figure 9: Error Rate in 5-step ahead prediction.

Figure 7: Average Job cost Vs. Number of jobs

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