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Potential Flow

- Class 3 AOE 5104 Advanced Aero- and Hydrodynamics Dr. William Devenport and Leifur Thor Leifsson

2D Steady Ideal Flow

Governing equations
Continuity .V = 0 2 = 0 Bernoulli p + 1 V 2 = const. 2 Irrotationality V = 0 V =

Other results that matter

Circulation must be specified around closed bodies Boundary condition V.n=0 is same as condition on any streamline Kutta-Joukowski theorem (force on a body in undisturbed fluid)
i x dx + j y dy + k z dz F = U b X body Y body Z body
dy bo

U y
U an sp t ni



x z

2D Flow?

Airfoil Encountering Vortex

Relations for flow in the x, y plane

Independent Variables Dependent Variables Governing Equations

x (x,y) 2=0

y (x,y) 2=0 u(x,y) 2u=0

v(x,y) 2v=0 u/x=-v/y



/x=/y /y=-/x v/x=u/y

( B) ( A) = C ds

( B) ( A) = C V.nds

Equipotentials are perpendicular to streamlines

Complex Numbers
A complex number z can ALWAYS be separated into its real x and imaginary iy parts and that separation is UNIQUE. Magnitude =|z|=(x2+y2) Argument (or angle) =arg(z)=arctan(y/x) A single complex variable can be used to represent two real independent variables with the same dimensions. E.g. Coordinates, velocities, streamfunction/potential Any complex variable may be expressed in polar form using the complex exponential. E.g. Coordinates z=x+iy=rcos+irsin=rei. Multiplying two complex numbers/variables together multiplies their magnitudes and adds their angles. Multipication of any complex number by ei is equivalent to rotation about the origin through angle Raising a complex number to a power Position multiplies its argument by that power.

z=x+iy r x -iv
u W= -i v

z = x+iy Complex Velocity W(z) = u-iv 6 Complex Potential F(z) = +i


Complex Functions I

dz? z=x+iy

x A complex function [e.g. F(z), W(z), sin(z), (z)] produces a complex number at every position z. That number can always be split into real and imaginary parts, say (z)=(x,y)+i(x,y) where and are real functions.

Now consider differentiating the function (w.r.t. z), e.g.

Complex Functions II
The derivatives contain no reference to the direction of z so
d = = = i dz x (iy ) y
= i x y

= , x y

= x y

+i = i i.i y x x y

This result is called the CAUCHY RIEMANN CONDITIONS Differentiating these conditions (w.r.t. x or y gives)

2 2 + 2 = 0, 2 x y

2 2 + 2 =0 2 x y

Laplaces Equation

The real and imaginary parts of any differentiable complex function of z are solutions to Laplaces equation ANALYTIC FUNCTION

2D Ideal Flow in the Complex Plane



z=x+iy x

Position: z=x+iy Complex velocity: W(z)=u-iv Complex potential: F(z)=+i As analytic functions W(z) and F(z) automatically satisfy the governing equations and the relations between dependent variables. Also note: W=dF/dz F=Wdz +iQ= Wdz vr-iv =(u-iv)ei = Wei

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