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A Project Report On Study of purchase influencing factors

(As a partial of fulfillment of the Master of Business Administration for Summer Internship Program)

Submitted to
MBA Department LDRP-Institute of Technology and Research, Gandhinagar.
(Affiliated to Gujarat Technological University, Ahmedabad)

Under the Guidance of Internal Guide Hemali Broker Submitted by Pankaj thakkar MBA-SEM II Sign of External Examiner _______________________ Sign of Internal Examiner _______________________ External GuideProf. Apurv Patel

LDRP-Institute of Technology and Research, Gandhinagar. MBA Department Batch (2011-13)

Questionnaire Respected madam/sir,As a part of my project I would like to gather some informationf r o m y o u w h i c h w i l l h e l p m e i n a n i n d e p t h s t u d y o f p r o j e c t . T h e i n f o r m a t i o n pro vided by you will be kept confidential and will be used for academic purposeonly. I would be obliged if you co-operate with me in filling the questionnaire

PREFACE This project provides a student with an opportunity to understand in full the real life working environment, which is a bit different from normal theory classes. Our class knowledge attains maturity and perfection through application in the practical field application of management principle in all branches whether personnel, finance, information technology etc results in more sufficient and effective utilization of Available resources. One learns through practice, management in best learn if the students, handles it systematically, practical training is supposed to serve as a starting point will held the student gain off confidence and a familiarity with the subject. The project is an integral part of MBA course in In LDRP ITR, GANDHINAGAR. My topic of study was PURCHASE INFLUENCING FACTORS. I have no hesitation in saying that this study has given me the confidence to face the real Market world. I have tried my best to do honesty and justice to the topic and any weakness and shortcomings are unintentional and are regretted.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The success behind the completion of any good job is the support and the joint team effort of a number of people. There are many persons without help and cooperation; this project would not have been successful. Guidance, cooperation and inspiration are the important factors in the accomplishment of an assigned task. Our deepest sense of gratitude, profound respect and sincere thanks to Prof. & Dr. R.K. BALYAN (Dean of IBMR, Ahmadabad) and Academic Director Prof. B.N. Mehta, for providing an opportunity of preparing and allowing us to use the resources of the institution during this project. Without help, it would not have been possible for me to reach this stage of the project. Our special thanks to Prof. Poonam Arora project guide who has been there for us throughout this entire project. She always had the answers to our queries, be it regarding the departmental matters or be it regarding any concept or terminology on the field. Their warmth support, practical guidance and easy explanations not only regarding the project matters but others too add to success of this project. Their continuous interaction and support made it possible for the successful completion of the project. At last we are obliged with the Institute of Business Management and Research, Ahmadabad. We would also like to thank our parents and friends for all their time-to-time assistance. Last but not the least we would like to thank God because without his divine grace nothing would have been possible.

Student Declaration

I hereby declare that the project report entitled Purcahse Influencing Factors submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Masters of Business Administration to GUJARAT TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY, India is my original work and not submitted for the award of any other degree, diploma, fellowship, or any other similar title or prizes. Place: GANDHINHAGAR PANKAJ THAKKAR Reg. No. Date:


INTRODUCTION OF THE TOPIC Factors that affect the consumer choice1. Culture 2. Friends 3. Attitude 4. Religion 5. Price 6. Advertisement Factors that totally influencing the behavior of the buyers. Consumer behavior is affected by many uncontrollable factors. Just think, what influences you before you buy a product or service? Your friends, your upbringing, your culture, the media, a role model or influence from certain groups? Culture is one factor that influences behavior. Simply culture is defined as our attitudes and beliefs. But how are these attitude and beliefs developed? As an individual growing up, a child is influenced by their parents or brothers, sister and other family member who may teach them what is wrong or right. They learn about their religion and culture, which helps them develop these opinions, attitudes and beliefs. These factors will influence their purchase behavior however other factors like groups of friends, or people they look up to may influence their choices of purchasing a particular product or service. Reference groups are particular groups of people some people may look up towards to that have an impact on consumer behavior. So they can be simply a band like the Spice Girls or your immediate family members. Opinion leaders are those people that you look up to because your respect their views and judgments and these views may influence consumer decisions. So it maybe a friend who works with the IT trade who may influence your decision on what computer to buy. The economical environment also has an impact on consumer behavior; do consumers have a secure job and a regular income to spend on goods? Marketing and advertising obviously influence consumers in trying to evoke them to purchase a particular product or services. People from social status will also impact their behavior.

What is their role within society? Are they Actors? Doctors? Office worker? And mothers and fathers also? Clearly being parents affects your buying habits depending on the age of the children, the type of job may mean you need to purchase formal clothes; the income which is earned has an impact. The lifestyle of someone who earns 250000 would clearly be different from someone who earns 25000. Also characters have an influence on buying decision. Whether the person is extrovert (out going and spends on entertainment) or introvert (keeps to themselves and purchases via online or mail order) again has an impact on the types of purchases made.

Research Methodology
A research process consists of stages or steps that guide the project from its conception through the final analysis, recommendation and ultimate actions. The research process provides a systematic, planned approach to the research project and ensures that all aspects of the research project are consisting with each other. Research studies evolve through series of steps, each representing the answer to a key question.

Research objectives:
Primary objective: To determine the major influencing factors that affects the purchase decision of the customers. Secondary objectives: To find out what marketing strategy Pet Pooja should implement to increase its market share. To find out the limitations and drawbacks in the present scenario of pet pooja.

To suggest improvement in the Pet Pooja Service process and in answering customers queries. to find out the different and possible methods to attract the customers towards the organization. To know the satisfaction level of the customers in various services provided by the Pet Pooja. To know the customer preference about the Pet Pooja.

Impoportance of the study:

Research method:

The goal of the research process is to produce new knowledge or deepen understanding of a topic or issue. This process takes three main forms (although, as previously discussed, the boundaries between them may be obscure):

Exploratory research, which helps to identify and define a problem or question. Constructive research, which tests theories and proposes solutions to a problem or question. Empirical research, which tests the feasibility of a solution using empirical evidence.

There are two ways to conduct research:

1. primary research 2. secondary research: 1. Primary Data SourcesInformation collected firsthand from such sources as historical documents, literary texts, Artistic works, experiments, surveys and interviews .These all are the most important Sources to collect the data. These data are relevant collected from the primary sources. 2. Secondary Data SourcesA secondary source is a report on the findings of the primary source while not as authoritative As the primary sources, the secondary source often provides a broad back ground and readily Improves ones learning curve. Most text books are secondary sources. They report and summarize 1. Internet 2. Newspaper 3. Magazine These all are the major secondary sources for collecting the data, data collection by these Methods sometimes are not relevant.

Research design:

I propose to first conduct a intensive secondary research to understand the full impact and implication of the industry, to review and critique the industry norms and reports, on which certain issued shall be selected, which I feel remain unanswered or liable to change, this shall be further taken up in the next stage of exploratory research. This stage shall help me to restrict and select only the important question and issue, which inhabit growth and segmentation in the industry.

The various tasks that I have undertaken in the research design process are: Defining the information need Design the exploratory, descriptive and casual research.

Research design- Descriptive research Descriptive research: Statement of the problem Identification of target population and determination of sampling plan Identification of information needed to solve the problem Development and selection of instruments for gathering the information Design of procedure for information collection Collection of information Analysis of information Generalization and predictions

Data collection:
Data Collection is an important aspect of any type of research study. Inaccurate data collection can impact the results of a study and ultimately lead to invalid results. Data collection methods for impact evaluation vary along a continuum. At the one end of this continuum are quantitative methods and at the other end of the continuum are Qualitative methods for data collection.


I have visited about 150 corporate to fill up my questionnaires for the purpose of the research. The target population influences the sample size. The target population represents the AHMEDABAD regions.

The details of sample are explained in demographics section. Area of the research study: Ahmadabad Target population: Corporate office of It, Infra and Financial sectors Sampling unit: 150 corporate Sampling technique: personal interview Sampling size: 150 samples

Research instruments
There are so many instruments for collection of data. Here I used questioners which consist of 15 questions for my research and findings. Instrument used to collect information for use in performance assessment, selfevaluation and external evaluation. Examples are mail, telephone, in-person and webbased surveys, direct or participatory observation, interviews, focus groups, expert opinion, case studies, literature search, and content analysis of internal and external records. The data collection tools must be strong enough to support the findings of the evaluation. The data collection process can be relatively simple depending on the type of data collection tools required and used during the research. Data collection tools are instruments used to collect information for performance assessments, self-evaluations, and external evaluations. The data collection tools need to be strong enough to support what the evaluations find during research.

Chapter 4


This document is intent to give you brief idea about the innovative service in food industry of Ahmadabad called as PetPooja. It depicts the introduction of the service, how it works, service offerings and benefits.

About PetPooja
PetPooja is a part of Prayosha food service s Pvt. Ltd. It is a multi restaurant delivery service operating through call center and web site that links individuals and companies with the best local restaurants. It is launched by the professionals who have more than 7 years of experience in service industry and

Single point of contact

having wide range of experience from supply chain, operations, financial modeling, venture capital, customer relations, vendor management, business process

engineering, retail management, people management and so on. PetPooja is associated with almost all major restaurant in Ahmadabad and also tie up with large corporate. We are one

All in 1

stop solution for any food from any restaurant for corporate and retail customer and delivery solution for the restaurants.

What is PetPooja?
PetPooja is a multi restaurant food delivery service to serve lunch-dinner-snacks to corporate Let us say, you have a corporate lunch or dinner, where food for more than 10 people is being ordered. The problem is evident: Not everybody wants to go for Punjabi or Pav bhaji or Dosa. Not everybody wants to go for same restaurant Havmor or Sankalp or Barbaque Nation etc. So what is the

Call PetPooja

solution? Minority is always being suppressed and all people agree to same choice? Punjabi and restaurant X. But solution is not supposed to be that way always.

Why cant we have a service where we order the food from multiple restaurants? Why every person in the group has to eat same dish from same restaurant? Here is a unique solution. Its Pet Pooja. We are the onestop-delivery guys for you. Give us order involving deliveries from multiple restaurants; we make sure your food reaches at your door step. Our Business objective is to fulfill the clients need for food, of their choice from multiple places, and make

Group Orders

food available to them conveniently For companies, its a cost savings, time saving, stress reducing as well as convenient service that simplifies and streamlines the food ordering process. Its PetPooja- we automates the entire order process, allowing employees to focus on work, instead of dealing with the hassle of passing around paper menus, coordinating meal sign-up sheets, and calling restaurants with multiple orders.

Happy Customers

How it Works?
Call PetPooja on 079 4008 1234 call center to place your food order Or

300 + restaurants One stop solutions for all your food Single point of contact for food Eat food of your choice Lots of food options Choose any food Choose any restaurant Delivery at any place Fastest Delivery Easy to order Easy way to find your restaurants Customized food solutions Customized food solutions Get best guidance of what to eat what to no Any food, Any place, Any time Are you hungry, Dont worry

Login for online order

Your order forwarded to particular restaurants.

We collect your food from restaurants

Your food is on the way.

Your delicious food arrives at your place where you are.

Enjoy PetPooja

Where to call?
You just have to call on our call center number. Below is our escalation matrix structure to serve you better. We have our two call center number. 1. 079 4008 1234 2. 079 3245 9020 If all lines are engaged you can give orders to our coordinator. 1. 90999 12487 2. 90999 12484 If you have any query, feedback then just calls to RM. 1. 90999 12481 2. 90999 12484

Pet Pooja Services

Pet pooja is the best way to order you food for delivery and pick up from restaurants over 300 + restaurants in Ahmedabad. Pet Pooja have below services started first time in India starting from Ahmedabad.

Multi restaurants delivery service

Multi Restaurants Delivery

More than 300 + restaurants tie ups You can demand multi restaurants food on single call Customized food solutions Free Delivery from PetPooja for corporate orders only Single point contact for all restaurants

Company / Group Orders

Pet Poojjas' Group Orders make it easy for a group to order from one or a few restaurants.

Group Orders

The Pet Pooja system automates the entire order process, allowing employees to focus on work, instead of dealing with the hassle of passing around paper menus, coordinating meal sign-up sheets, and calling restaurants with multiple orders.

Catering service
Pet Pooja catering service simplifies the entire process of ordering food from local caterers. Petpoojas catering experts are available to help you place orders, set up saved favorites, reconfirm delivery times, and more. Your company can focus on the reason for the gathering instead of worrying about the food. Create relationships with a broad network of caterers and gain peace of mind - all in one place.

Catering Service

Corporate Canteen
Pet poojas aim to provide you the best options of canteen service provider who provide hygienic, healthy and delicious food as per your customized requirement.

Corporate Canteen

Restaurants Benefits
Service Features Restaurant Marketing through PetPooja Advantage Increasing Brand valuation, Market awareness about restaurants More value addition of brand In summary sales increase Petpooja Delivery Boys Your food will move in Ahmedabad Delivery is free Staff Training Saving of money on fixed coast of delivery boys Trained delivery boys Petpooja Call Center Centralize Call center for your restaurants Marketing of your restaurant through Call Center Easy and smooth order system Conferences Corporate Sales Increasing sales through our corporate network More corporate awareness Single Marketing platform Reducing the cost of marketing Easy for everyone to reach you Party Celebration Cash Collection by Petpooja No investment in collection channel Assurance to take money from customers Restaurant listing on WWW.PETPOOJA.COM Increasing visibility of your products More customers aware about your restaurants Birthday Celebration 24*7 & 365 days continue marketing

Restaurants Proposal
Service Features Tie up with PetPooja for one year Restaurant listing on PetPooja Menu listing on PetPooja Delivery boy on your order delivery (any location) Staff Training Commission on our order 15 % Commission 15 % Commission Free Delivery Advantage Rs. 1500 /- Year

Petpooja Delivery boy on our order delivery (any location)

Dedicated co-coordinator for cash management and menu update Conferences Commission on our order


15 % Commission Free

Vehicle on any either of the delivery

Party Celebration

Any types of marketing till 6 months


Birthday Celebration

Terms and Conditions

This Agreement entered into at Ahmedabad dated on the ____________ BETWEEN Prayosha Food Services Private Limited, a company incorporated under the Companies Act, 1956 having its registered office at 5/Sushilnagar Society-2, Opp. Apang manav Mandal, Drive-in Road, Memnagar, Ahmedabad - 380052 hereinafter called "Petpooja" (which

expression shall unless it be repugnant to the context or meaning thereof be deemed to mean and include its successors and assigns ) being the party of the FIRST DRAFT; AND HAVMOR, a proprietorship firm having its registered office at through its proprietor Mr._____________________________ and resident of ________________________________ (which expression shall unless it be repugnant to the context or meaning thereof be deemed to mean and include the survivors of the proprietor/his respective heirs and legal representatives and the proprietor for the time being) being the party of the SECOND PART. FOR THE PURPOSE OF Providing services offered by Petpooja to HAVMOR and its customers as agreed between the parties hereto for the consideration and upon the terms and conditions hereinafter mentioned.

WHEREAS 1. Petpooja provides service of delivering food ordered online through its portal to the customers. 2. HAVMOR provides restaurant /food services. NOW THIS AGREEMENT WITNESSETH AS FOLLOWS : 1. HAVMOR agrees to provide its restaurant Menu, which shall contain list of the items sold alongwith its prices to Petpooja and thereby permits Petpooja to place the Menu so provided on the website(s) run by the Petpooja for the use of public. HAVMOR would take onus of supplying Menu information on a periodic basis or as and when there is a change in the Menu items and/or its price. The information so supplied by HAVMOR would be used for calculating amount to end customers and commission to be paid to Petpooja.

2. Petpooja in return of its services (delivery of food), would collect the amount charged from end customers and would settle with HAVMOR (including the commission charged by the Petpooja) at first day of the every week ( Monday). Till that day of every week, the Petpooja would keep the amount collected from the customers. 3. Petpooja shall charge HAVMOR for the services it provides as a percentage of the amount of order it handled. If the order has come from the Petpoojas own channel (website/phone call to the Petpooja or its employees ), then Petpooja would charge @ 15 % of the amount of order it handled, to the HAVMOR. 4. If the order has come from the HAVMOR channels (website/phone call to the Petpooja or its employees), then the Petpooja would charge the 15% of the amount of order it , to the HAVMOR. The settlement mechanism of the commission would as mentioned in previous clause (clause no. 2) of the agreement. 5. If the order has come from the Petpoojas own channel (website/phone call to the Petpooja or its employees), then Petpooja would free charge extra delivery or marketing fee to end-customers (amount declared to end-customers as a separate charge).In that case, The HAVMOR would not have any right whatsoever in deciding the delivery or marketing fee charged to customers. Above fees (delivery or marketing) would be charged on in the case when order has come from the Petpoojas own channels. 6. Photos related to HAVMOR and name of HAVMOR, content, menu, dish name and other credential including owner name, phone no, address and other details shall be place on the website run by petpooja for the marketing purpose and HAVMOR permits Petpooja for the same. Petpooja is charging listing fee to place the details of HAVMOR on Petpoojas website. However, in future Petpooja may decide to charge any consideration for placing the details of HAVMOR on Petpoojas website. If it is so decided, it shall be communicated to HAVMOR and shall be agreed upon by both the parties on mutual understanding. Till the time agreement is in place, HAVMOR will not have any problem with the content and their credentials. If the details are provided wrongly by HAVMOR, which can damage our brand name, Petpooja shall have full right for damage penalty (decided on case to case basis). 7. For listing restaurant party halls/buffets, Photos and other details like menu, prices, past customers etc. related to party halls or buffets would be put up on Petpooja site as part of Party hall listing service and Petpooja would be marketing them through its website. 8. charging listing fee to place the details of HAVMOR on Petpoojas website. However, in future Petpooja may decide to charge any consideration for placing the details of HAVMOR on Petpoojas website. If it is so decided, it shall be communicated to HAVMOR and shall be agreed upon by both the parties on mutual understanding. Till the time agreement is in place, HAVMOR will not have any problem with the content and their credentials. If the details are provided wrongly by HAVMOR, which can damage

our brand name, Petpooja shall have full right for damage penalty (decided on case to case basis). 9. If restaurant or individual provides Catering services, detail profile (with photos of caterer) of caterers would be put on Petpooja site and Petpooja would be marketing them through its website. Petpooja is currently not charging any amount to place the details of caterer on website. However, in future Petpooja may decide to charge any consideration for placing the details of caterer on website. If it is so decided, it shall be communicated to caterer and shall be agreed upon by both the parties on mutual understanding. Till the time agreement is in place, caterer will not have any problem with the content and their credentials. If the details are provided wrongly by caterer, which can damage our brand name, Petpooja shall have full right for damage penalty (decided on case to case basis). 10. If restaurant or individual in this case HAVMOR wants to participate in the weekly deals services provided by petpooja through its website, restaurants or individuals would not share the same deals (shared with Petpooja) with any other third party including end customers if end customer has not come from petpooja channel. In the event, deal is shared without prior permission from Petpooja, shall have full right for damage penalty (decided on case to case basis). 11. In the event of strike, fire, flood, lock-out, accidents, interruption of power, inability to procure raw materials, war, riots viz. major and other causes beyond the control of the Petpooja which interfere with the normal production and transportation of its products in and out of the premises of the Petpooja, the deliveries under the agreement may be suspended or delayed for such period till any of the aforesaid contingency or cause is removed or repaired any in no way the principal shall be liable for breach of contract. 12. TERMINATION If either party desires to terminate its agreement, it can do so by giving 90 (Ninety) days notice period in writing. On termination of this agreement, the Petpooja would not provide its services to the HAVMOR. It shall be the Petpoojas right to decide on continuing the HAVMOR Menu items on its website(s). NOTWITHSTANDING anything contained in this clause, the agreement shall be terminated ipsofacto upon the HAVMOR committing any act of insolvency or going into voluntary liquidation or making any change in the management which in the opinion of the Petpooja is detrimental to any interest of the company or permitting any distress attachment distraint or other proceedings to be taken against them or transferring the entire undertaking except by way of amalgamation or reconstruction. 13. If any dispute or difference arise on any of the provisions contained in this agreement such dispute or differences shall be referred to an arbitration in accordance with the provisions the Indian Arbitration Act, 1940.

14. All legal proceedings in respect of any matter governed by this agreement shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the courts of Ahmedabad or Gujarat.

TO THOSE INTENTS AND PURPOSES the parties hereto set their hands Dt. ________ on above written. SIGNED AND DELIVERED BY FOR PRAYOSHA FOODS SERVICES PVT. LTD. Director Date: _________________ SIGNED AND DELIVERED BY : FOR HAVMOR, Date: _______________

Corporates Petpooja Requirements

General corporate have below general requirements for food.

Corporate Food Requirements

Basic fix lunch Meetings food Conferences food Seminars food Annual Meets / Quarterly Meets/ Sales Meets food Trainings / Farewells / Ger together food Staff Training Birthday celebration food Festivals celebrations food Event celebrations food and many more..

Corporate Food Problems

Very few options for food Same food in whole trainings Timely delivery is major headache Conferences Not every restaurants doing delivery Different food requirements from staff and management Do not have restaurants knowledge Have to call each restaurants for every requirements but dont know restaurants number Morning and late night delivery ..uffffffno options Few options for Food packets Party Celebration

Corporate Food Questions

1. Is it possible to order different food at single place? 2. Is it possible to call only single point contact for all food requirements? 3. Can every restaurants food delivery possible? 4. Can we have someone to guide for different food ? 5. Can it possible to get different food , lunch pack on daily bases?

Birthday Celebration

6. Can we get best quality food as per our price and budget? 7. Can someone guide us for customized food solutions?

PetPooja Corporate Solutions for

Basic fix lunch Meetings food Conferences food Seminars food Annual Meets / Quarterly Meets/ Sales Meets food Trainings / Farewells / Ger together food Birthday celebration food Festivals celebrations food Event celebrations food and many more..

Terms and Conditions

We are very transparent to the customers.
Delivery Charge Free delivery till 10 kms for corporate orders Minimum order value is Rs. 300/More than two restaurant food order, delivery charge of Rs.30/Time General office timings for order is 9:00 am to 9:00 pm Sunday is closed for food orders Advance order will be delivered at any place any time including sunday Price Food price is as same as the restaurant price There is no charge on food price from Petpooja Billing Petpooja will provide you the food bill inclusive of VAT Payment Cash on delivery Cheque Credit for 15 days to corporate customers only General Conditions Once the order placed it cannot be cancelled. Petpooja is acting solely as a facilitator of communications between the restaurant/ different food vendors and the customers. PetPooja shall not be responsible for the quality of goods or services offered by the restaurants and different food vendors to you or for any delayed/defective delivery.

Company Informations
S r Company 1 Name 2 3 Brand Name Address Prayosha Food Services Pvt.Ltd. Particulars Descriptions

PetPooja 2- Mangal Shopping Complex, Above Yogeshwar Medical Store, Vastrapur, Ahmedabad-15 1. 079 4008 1234 2. 079 3245 9020 3. 90999 12487 4. 90999 12486

Contact No

5 6

Email Director of Mr. APURV PATEL Service Industry

Nature 7 Business Current 8 bank Bank 9 Account Number 1 Company PAN Card 1 1




TIN Number


1 Date of 19 May, 2011 registrations

List of Restaurants associated with PetPooja

Associated Restaurant /Food jointsMore than 300
Panjabi Cuisine Restaurant options Gwalia Groups ( Cine Masala) Tomatos Panache Tulsi Picca Lili Zodiac Epicurean Alley WOW Navarang Tastey Awadhpuri Eat Smart Meritorious Kabir Epsalon And many more. Mirch Masala Amazo 902 Dhaba Topaz Tweet Point Abhilasha Junglebhookh Dinne Bell Vaibhav Anand Snacks Saffron Dugli Dums Curries Bavarchi Upper Crust

Gujarati Cuisine Restaurant options Sasuji Agashiyan Dadi Rasoi Corn Fantasy Gopi Ame Gujarati Gokul Gordhan Thal Jalaram Parotha House

And many more continuous to be added. Snacks Restaurant options TGB Jay ambe Neelkanth Tummy Fillers Purohit Krunal Shambhu Treat Jay Bhavani Charbhuja

And many more continuous to be added. Pizza Restaurant options US Pizza Garcia Fresh Cook Waah Uncle Sames G2 Pizza Real Paprika Pizza Hub

And many more continuous to be added.

Services provided by pet pooja

1) Multi restaurant delivery service. 2) Catering Service 3) Corporate Canteen 4) Plan party advance 5) Restaurant Listing Expansion of business - City like Gandhingar and Baroda Failures of Petpooja - Recipe listings Difficulties - delivery of food, delivery boys management, coordination

Organization Chart of Petpooja-Multi-Restaurant Delivery Service.


SWOT analysis (alternately SLOT analysis) is a strategic planning method used to evaluate the Strengths, Weaknesses/Limitations, Opportunities, and Threats involved in a project or in a business venture. It involves specifying the objective of the business venture or project and identifying the internal and external factors that are favorable and unfavorable to achieve that objective.

An overview of the faur fectors (strenghth, weakness, opportunities and threats) is given below: Strength: Strengths are the qualities that enable us to accomplish the organizations
mission. These are the basic on which continued success can be mad and sustained. Strength can be either tangible or in tangible.

Followings are the strength of the pet Pooja:

There is no any competitor of pet pooja in the whole market. Pet Pooja always believes in providing fresh and good quality of food to its customers. Pet Pooja is the only one company which provides multi restaurants delivery service. Pet Pooja has cover good market share in ahmedabasd. Company provide credit period to its customers. Pet Pooja offer various kind of schemes to maintain its customers.

Weaknesses: weaknesses are the qualities that prevent us from accomplishing our
mission and achieving our full potential. These weaknesses deteriorate influences on the organizational success and growth. Weaknesses are the factors which do not meet the standard we feel they should meet. Weaknesses in an organization may be depreciating machinery, insufficient research and development facilities, narrow product rang, poor decision making, etc. weakness are controllable.

Followings are the weakness of a pet pooja:


1) Pet pooja comes up with totally new concept in india, so it may possible that people may no like the concept. 2) Petpooja does not use the centralized software to execute the coordination. 3) Does not have a proper and well maintenance of their vehicles which are used in the Delivery of Foods. 4) Not a proper distribution of work to each and every delivery boys. 5) No provision for regular replacement of 6) Company focuses on Zero cost marketing strategies which is not possible without proper investment on distribution pattern. 7) Not able to get the Tie ups with the lead restaurants like Havmore,US Pizzas, etc which are well established brand in Ahmedabad.

Opportunities: opportunities are presented by the environment within which our

organization operates. These arise when an organization can take benefit of condition in its environment to plan and execute strategies that enable it to become more profitable. Organizations can gain competitive advantage by making use of opportunities. Organization should be careful and recognize the opportunities and grasp them whenever they arise.

Threats: Treats arises when condition in external environment jeopardize the

reliability and profitability of the organizations business. They compound the vulnerability when they relate to the weakness. Threats are uncontrollable. When a threat comes, the stability and survival can be at stack.

DATA INTERPRETATION & ANALYSIS OF SURVEY QUESTIONS. 1. If you are aware of pet pooja, how do you come to know about this service?

Response Advertisements Friends Retail shop

No. of responded 6 28 14

Percentage 4% 20% 10%

Sales executives Any other sources

92 No one

66% Nil

No. of responded
Advertisement Sales excecutive Friends Any other sources 0% 4% Retail shop


10% 66%

From the above data it concludes that 38% of the retailers are SATISFIED and 28% of the retailers are HIGHLY SATISFIED with the after sales service given by Pfizer. But here we can also found that 10% of the retailers are DISSATISFIED with the after sales service given by company.

2. Have you ever ordered from pet pooja?

Response Yes No No. of responded 112 28 Percentage 80% 20%

No. of responded
Yes No




3. If you are a customer of pet pooja how long have you been order to pet pooja?( out of 112)
Response Below 1 month No. of responded Percentage



1 to 4 month 4 to 8 month Above 8 month

56 30 No one

50% 27% Nil

No. of responded
Below 1 month 4 to 8 month 0% 23% 1 to 4 month Above 8 month




4. Do you think the good service of pet pooja has a major influence in your order decision? Response
Highly agree Agree Average

No. of responded
28 48 36

20% 34% 26%

Disagree Highly disagree

21 7

15% 5%

No. of responded
Highly agree Disagree Agree Highly disagree 5% 20% Average


26% 34%


5. Please rank the following factors which influence your order decision. (1-strongly agree, 2-agree, 3-average, 4-disagree, 5-strongly disagree)

B) Free delivery scheme within 10km areas of concern restaurants Rating scale No of responded Percentage

Strongly agree Agree Average Disagree Strongly disagree

41 65 18 13 3

29% 47% 13% 9% 2%

Free delivery scheme

Strongly agree Disagree Agree Strongly disagree 2% 9% 13% 29% Average


C) No extra charges on delivery anywhere in abad. Rating scale Strongly agree Agree Average No of responded 67 51 18 Percentage 48% 36% 13%

Disagree Strongly disagree

4 0

3% 0%

No extra charges
Strongly agree Average Strongly disagree 13% 3% 0% Agree Disagree

48% 36%

D) Brand name of company Rating scale Strongly agree No of responded 38 Percentage 27%

Agree Average Disagree Strongly disagree

57 23 18 4

41% 16% 13% 3%

Brand name
Strongly agree Average Strongly disagree 13% 3% 27% 16% 41% Agree Disagree

D) Previous experience Rating scale Strongly agree Agree No of responded 31 73 Percentage 22% 52%

Average Disagree Strongly disagree

26 10 0

19% 7% 0%

Previece experience
Strongly agree Agree Average 0% 7% 22% 19% Disagree Strongly disagree


E) Advertisement:

Rating scale

No of responded


Strongly agree Agree Average Disagree Strongly disagree

38 57 25 13 7

27% 41% 18% 9% 5%

Strongly agree Disagree Agree Strongly disagree 5% 9% 18% Average



F) Timely delivery Rating scale Strongly agree No of responded 67 Percentage 48%

Agree Average Disagree Strongly disagree

48 21 2 2

34% 15% 2%% 1%

Timely delivery
Strongly agree Disagree Agree Strongly disagree 2% 1% 15% 48% 34% Average


6. Have your friends/relatives opinions influence you to order pet pooja or any other restaurant?

Response Highly influence Influence Average Low influence Not at all influence

No. of responded 23 47 28 24 18

Percentage 16% 34% 20% 17% 13%

No. of responded
Highly influence Average Not at all influence Influence Low influence

13% 17% 20%




7. Rank the following factors based on your experience with pet pooja. (Out of 112) (1-highly satisfied, 2-satisfied, 3-average, 4-dissatisfied, 5-highly Dissatisfied)

A) Good quality:

Rating scale Highly satisfied Satisfied Average Dissatisfied Highly dissatisfied

No of responded 14 31 44 17 6

Percentage 13% 28% 39% 15% 5%

Good quality
Highly satisfied Average Highly dissatisfied 5% 13% 15% 28% 39% Satisfied Dissatisfied

B) Timely delivery :

Rating scale

No of responded


Highly satisfied Satisfied Average Dissatisfied Highly dissatisfied

25 33 35 12 7

22% 30% 31% 11% 6%

Timely delivery
Highly satisfied Average Highly dissatisfied Satisfied Dissatisfied

6% 11% 22%

31% 30%

C) Reliability:

Rating scale

No of responded


Highly satisfied Satisfied Average Dissatisfied Highly dissatisfied

16 22 52 14 8

14% 20% 46% 13% 7%

Highly satisfied Average Highly dissatisfied Satisfied Dissatisfied

7% 13%




D) Schemes:

Rating scale Highly satisfied Satisfied Average Dissatisfied Highly dissatisfied

No of responded 13 28 45 17 9

Percentage 12% 25% 40% 15% 8%

Highly satisfied Dissatisfied Satisfied Highly dissatisfied Average

8% 15%




E) Affordability: Rating scale Highly satisfied Satisfied No of responded 53 34 Percentage 47% 30%

Average Dissatisfied Highly dissatisfied

14 9 2

13% 8% 2%

Highly satisfied Dissatisfied Satisfied Highly dissatisfied 2% 8% 13% 47% Average



8. How satisfied are you with pet pooja compared with the other substitutes available in market?

Rating scale

No of responded


Highly satisfied Satisfied Average Dissatisfied Highly dissatisfied

23 44 33 9 3

21% 39% 29% 8% 3%

No of responded
Highly satisfied Average Highly dissatisfied 3% 8% 21% Satisfied Dissatisfied

29% 39%


9. Do you order pet pooja, because it provides you a good credit period after delivery of food?

Rating scale Strongly agree Agree Average Disagree Strongly disagree

No of responded 25 37 33 14 3

Percentage 22.32% 33.03% 29.46% 12.5% 2.67%

No of responded
Strongly agree Average Strongly disagree 3% 13% 22% Agree Disagree

29% 33%


10. Our company has tie-up with all well-known restaurants in Ahmadabad, so do you think that it influences you to give order pet pooja?

Response Yes No

No. of responded 102 38

Percentage 73% 27%

No. of responded
Yes No




11. Any suggestion

ANNEXURE Dear respondent, I am the student of LDRP - ITR, Gandhinagar. As a part of my academic studies requirement in MBA, I have to submit project based on Marketing Research Project. In this context, I am doing study of purchase influencing factors. Towards this end, A Questionnaire has been designed to capture your response to various aspect of the topic. I request you to fill up this questionnaire and help us in our studies. I solicit your cooperation in filling up the questionnaire. I assure you that this database used for academic purpose only. The Following are the questions based on study of purchase influencing factors:

Company Name: Concern persons name: Contact no: E mail ID: Designation: Employee strength:


If you are aware of pet pooja, how do you come to know about this service? Advertisement { } Friends { } Retail shop { } Sales executives { } Any other sources (please mention) .

12. Have you ever ordered from pet pooja? Yes { } No { }

13. If you are a customer of pet pooja how long have you been order to pet pooja? Below 1 month { } 1 to 4 month { } Above 8 month { } 4 to 8 month { }

14. Do you think the good service of pet pooja has a major influence in your order decision? Strongly agree { } Disagree { } Agree { } Average { } Strongly disagree { }

15. Please rate the following factors which influence your order decision. (1-strongly disagree, 2-disagree, 3-average, 4-agree, 5-strongly agree) No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Factors free delivery scheme within 10km area of concern restaurant no extra charges on delivery anywhere in abad brand name of company previous experience advertisement timely delivery Rate { } { } { } { } { } { }

16. Have your friends/relatives opinions influence you to order pet pooja? Strongly agree { } Disagree { } Agree { } Average { } Strongly disagree { }

17. Rank the following factors based on your experience with pet pooja. (1-highly satisfied, 2-satisfied, 3-average, 4-dissatisfied, 5-highly dissatisfied) No. 1 2 3 4 5 Factors Good quality Timely delivery Reliability Schemes Affordability Rank { } { { { { } } } }

18. How satisfied are you with pet pooja compared with the other substitutes available in market? Highly satisfied { } Satisfied { } Average { } Dissatisfied { } Highly dissatisfied { }

19. Do you order pet pooja, because it provides you a good credit period after delivery of food? Strongly agree { } Disagree { } Agree { } Average { } Strongly disagree { }

20. Our company has tie-up with all well-known restaurants in Ahmadabad, so it influence you to give order pet pooja? Yes { } No { }

21. Any suggestion

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