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The current meaning (definition) of the subject we are discussing straightly bring us to the topic about the knowledge level of our political leadership and that of the common man. How much experts are our leaders, making them credible to lead common man, when the community is more educated in the new world of knowledge explosion? The current educational eligibility of common man is not comparable to that of the people of 1980s. Just like British rulers made colonial inhabitants capable to live in an advanced world by providing railways, educational institutions etc., globalization also made third world nations and their people a little more developed. Though major parts of the benefits went to the middle class ours, this reality is not reflected in the quality of our political leadership. And it is to be stated that, the technological advancement in the neo- globalized economy and society gave some benefits to the middle class, thereby opening new horizons for the growing generation. A handful of them could fly to the developed working atmosphere of UK and US and the other heaven lands. Due to this change in the living conditions of the middle class who are dependants of such new and highly paid employees kept a soft corner in their minds for imperial rulers? It is perfectly at this state of affairs, such a forum like ours could assemble. And the participants while believing in left oriented political thinking, still they believe in highlighting the benefits of globalization. Even though the theme note does not explain the international political background in which this assembly is convened, the people behind it are much worried about it. Globalization on the one side opened up new areas of knowledge in which individuals can contribute according to their intellectual capacity and knowledge. The major area of such contribution is not ideology, according to me, but science and technology. The facilities provided through of scientific theories in application i.e. technology are much wider. The peculiarity of various material sciences is that individuals even without academic background are finding scope in developing it and commercial markets are becoming accessible to them. But the ideologically spirited theoreticians make new definitions in philosophy wishing to find peace in social living and making freedom a reality. They want to include all the new possibilities in the nut-shell of a philosophical definition. And the practice of philosophy according to Karl Marx, whom this author considers to be the most scientific, is not making statements but making changes in human living.

The economic criteria of human development are a contribution of capitalism and imperialism, whereby a socialist look for advanced quality of living through development. This difference of suggestion is the heart of politics and material growth (not taking into account the commercial aspect) is the need of the hour. I am not hiding the criticism over the academicians in philosophy, history and social sciences as a whole, that their wandering is looking for building ideological identity as individuals. While thinkers making studies in academics, the present political set up with ideological vacuum find it difficult to contain the totality of human living. The social phenomena before them are being side-lined due to shortage of necessary intellectuality. Theories are departed political evaluation in the absence of guiding genius. The difference between the approaches to polity of revolutionaries and establishment is getting narrow. The only aim being coming to power, sidelining the preparation for making governmental decisions which should help poor and the undermined classes of people, the availability of intellectuals is not being invited. Thus I am concluding by stating that, the in depth analysis over freedom of thinking is in line with the global intellectual exercise with no specific aim for the benefit of the suffering mass. And this assembly should provide some benefits for the society by arriving to some form of political responsibility. In the meantime I would like to state that this is not for showing any allegiance to political organizations, left or right. Instead of it, the highly intellectual members of this forum has to initiate a public discussion about the ideological vacuum in the present democratic polity. Freedom for thinking is exclusively the need and precondition for such initiation. Thank you.

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