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This is a frame structure of a bridge. It is a very long expressway. It connects a place to another place through the sea.

These are sky scrapers. They are made up of shell and frame structures.

This is an image of a bicycle which is a frame structure. It is used by people as a transport to move to places even quicker.

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This is a television set made out of a sell structure on the outside and frame Eggs are fascinating. Even if you squeeze it with your hand like in the picture, it will still not break because of its shell structure and the shape of the egg. There is a type of egg in which u cant break even if you stand on it. It is the ostrich egg. The ostrich egg is larger than the size of an average chicken egg

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and its shell is thicker than any egg, therefore it can withstand a lot of weight.

Elephants have long trunks. Their trunks are shell structures and are used to drink water or other uses.

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Dogs have shell and frame structures. Their frame structures are their bones which are made up of members. The muscles can be considered as a shell and a frame structure. Do you know that the smallest muscle in our body can be as small as this punctuation mark . ? That muscle is called the stapedius inside the ear. It pulls our ear bones from shaking too much when hearing loud noises. The skin is a shell structure, and it is the largest organ of our body.

This is the picture of a pistol which is a shell structure on the inside.. It is hollow and contains bullets and gun powder.

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Nests are frame structures are built by birds as their home to live in.

Boxes are used by people to collect information or store objects and carry it to another place or protect objects

Fans are used for entertainment.

cooling ourselves down when we are feeling hot. Its blades spin to makes breezes towards us.

The flightless ostrich is the worlds largest bird. They roam African savannah and dessert lands and get most of the water from the plants they eat. Though they cannot fly, ostriches are fleet, strong runners. They can sprint up to 43 miles (70 kilometres) an hour and run over distance at 31 miles (50 kilometres) an hour.

Files are shell structures. They are normally used for storing paper

handphones are very commonly used nowadays in developed countries. It is used mainly for calling and text messaging. But with the internet connection in the phone, internet access is granted and applications can be downloaded.

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Chairs are frame structures. They are for people to sit on.

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