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Greek Food & Drink

Greek cooking offers an incredibly rich and diverse

array of foods and beverages that are the culmination of
literally thousands of years of living, cooking, and
eating. While each Greek meal is fresh and inviting, it is
also a trip back through Greece's history.
Greek food is a wonderful mix of oriental and European dishes, cooked using
different methods, from frying to broiling to boiling. Food in Greece is both easy
to make, as the following recipes show, and delightful.

In the recipes given below, some of the ingredients may not be available in your
area, thus alternates are given where possible, trying to keep the original taste
intact. However, this may not be possible, and no matter what a Greek
restaurant in your area says, Greek food is only Greek food when prepared in

The following are some of the easiest recipes that anyone can make and turn a
dinner into a Greek treat. Kalí óreksi (Bon Appétit)!

The names of foods, cooking methods, and basic ingredients have changed little over time.
Bread, olives (and olive oil), and wine constituted the triptych of the Greek diet for many
centuries, just as they do today.
Greece is a nation of small farmers, who produce an incredible array of mainly organically
produced cheeses, oils, fruits, nuts, grains, legumes, and vegetables.

These are the foods that form the base of the traditional Greek regimen, to which they add
both variety and nutrition. Greece's climate is perfect growing for olive and lemon trees,
producing two of the most important elements of Greek cooking. Spices, garlic and other
herbs such as oregano, basil, mint, and thyme are widely used, as are vegetables such as
eggplant and zucchini, and legumes of all types.

With 20 percent of Greece made up of islands - and no part of the Greek mainland more than
90 miles from the sea - fish and seafood are a popular and common part of the Greek diet.
Lamb and goat are the traditional meats of holidays and festivals, and poultry, beef, and pork
are also in plentiful supply.

Vineyards cover much of Greece's hilly terrain and the country has become known for its
array of fine wines and spirits, most notably ouzo, an anise-flavoured liqueur that is the
national spirit.

Over the centuries, Greek cooking has been influenced by many other cultures.

In c.350 B.C., when Alexander the Great extended the Greek Empire's reach from Europe to
India, certain northern and eastern influences were absorbed into the Greek cuisine.

In 146 B.C., Greece fell to the Romans which resulted in a blending of a Roman influence into
Greek cooking.

In 330 A.D., Emperor Constantine moved the capital of the Roman Empire to Constantinople,
founding the Byzantine Empire which, in turn, fell to the Turks in 1453 and remained part of
the Ottoman Empire for nearly 400 years.

With each successive invasion and settlement came culinary influences - from the Romans,
Venetians, Balkans, Turks, and Slavs - and many Greek foods have names with origins in
those cultures, most notably the Ottoman Empire. Dishes with names like hummus (the
Arabic word for chickpea) and dolmades (from the Turkish "dolma"), that can be found in
kitchens from Armenia to Egypt, have also found a home in Greek cooking, and been adapted
over hundreds of years to local tastes and traditions.
While Greek cooking has been influenced by other cultures, as have the cuisines of most
countries, of all of those countries, Greece must be foremost in the ranks of having a "fusion"
cuisine which is easily traced back to 350 B.C.

* The first cookbook was written by the Greek food gourmet, Archestratos, in 330 B.C., which
suggests that cooking has always been of importance and significance in Greek society.

* Modern chefs owe the tradition of their tall, white chef's hat to the Greeks. In the middle
ages, monastic brothers who prepared food in the Greek Orthodox monasteries wore tall
white hats to distinguish them in their work from the regular monks, who wore large black

Famous Greek dishes

Many ingredients used in Modern Greek cooking were unknown in the country until the
middle ages. These include the potato, tomato, spinach, bananas, and others which came to
Greece after the discovery of the Americas - their origin.

Moussaka. There are other variations besides aubergine/eggplant,

such as zucchini or rice, but the aubergine version ("melitzanes
moussaka") is most popular, so "moussaka" alone is assumed to
mean "with aubergine/eggplant".

Kleftiko: lamb slow-baked on the bone, first marinated in garlic and

lemon juice.

Stifado: beef-onion stew with red wine and cinnamon. Rabbit or

game (e.g. hare) is also cooked stifado-style.

Souvlaki, lamb and vegetables grilled on skewers, or in general,

anything grilled on a skewer (chicken, pork, swordfish, and

Gyros, meat roasted on a vertically turning spit and served with

sauce (often tzatziki) and garnishes (tomato, onions) on pita bread;
a popular fast food. Sometimes confused with souvlaki served in a
similar way. The same dish is called döner kebab in Turkish.

The time of day when the Greeks gather around a table to enjoy a meal, or some appetizers
(mezedes) with ouzo, is a time held in reverence by all the inhabitants of this country. For the
Greeks, sharing a meal with friends, either at home, at a restaurant or a taverna, is a deeply
rooted social affair. The Greek word symposium, a word as ancient as the country itself, if
translated literally, means drinking with company. The atmosphere in typically Greek
restaurants and taverna's is very relaxed, informal and unpretentious.
Food preparation, on the other hand, has its own sacred rules. Good amateur cooks are held
in great esteem in their social circles. A good housewife, in Greece, means a good cook. And a
good cook can spend days preparing a meal for his or her friends.

Greek wines
Apart from giving birth to Dionysus, patron god of wine, Greece is the birthplace of the first
VQPRD wines in history. They were the wines of the islands of Chios and Thasos, renowned
in the entire ancient world. Due to various historic and social reasons, as well as natural
disasters, the art of wine-making was neglected from the middle of the nineteenth century
until the early sixties. It was then that the ancient traditions of wine-making started being
rediscovered and today one can find many excellent Greek wines produced all over the
country. When tasting Greek wine, bear in mind that it is a product of a distinctive
environment and of grape varieties unknown to western wine lovers. The wines of Greece are
divided into 4 distinct categories: 1) the Controlled Appellations of Origin, 2) the Appellations
of Origin of Superior Quality, 3) local wines and 4) table wines.

This recipe eBook has been put together using freeware recipes that
are available on many sites on the internet. I have just put them
together for easiness. They are also in alphabetical order, so you may
find a recipe repeated here and there plus from island to island even
the simplest of dishes can change. Not to worry as they are different
as some islands in Greece change there ingredients to fit the locality.

I have only put on here the ones that you would normally get in a
restaurant in Greece and hope that you will be able to match the taste
and the smells that you will remember from your trip to Greece.
This work in this format has also been copyrighted.
The Recipes
Ancient Fruit Salad - (Froutosalata)

1 melon
2 peaches
2 pears
1 bunch of grapes
2 glasses Mosxato wine
1/2 cup peeled and chopped almonds
1/2 cup golden grapes
1/2 cup honey


Cut the melon in half and carefully remove the flesh and cut into small pieces. Mix the melon
with the rest of the cut fruit, the almonds and the grapes and fill the melon skins with this
mixture. On a low heat, warm the wine with the honey mixing well. Pour this mixture over
the fruit. Before serving, the fruit should be put in the refrigerator for an hour.


Vegetables, Peas, Potatoes, and Dill.

1 Package Medium Peas - 1 Cup Dill (Chopped)

3 Medium Potatoes
2 Tablespoon Olive Oil
1 Large Onion


Chop the Onion and lightly fry in olive oil

Add the peas, and stir in the dill
Chop the potatoes into 4 segments each and add to the pan
Add water until just covering the peas and potato
Simmer until potato is soft but not overdone
Serve warm with some feta cheese.

Atzem Pilaf - (Atzem Pilafi)


3 pounds lamb cut medium size cubes

1/2 pound butter
1 onion, chopped
1 1/2 pounds tomatoes peeled and strained (or 1 tablespoon tomato paste diluted with 1 cup
8 cups water
4 cups raw rice


Wash and dry the meat. Brown 2/3 of the butter in a large pot. Add meat and brown on all
sides. Add onions and continue to cook until they become a light golden colour. Add tomatoes
or diluted tomato paste, and the salt, pepper and water. Cover pot and simmer until meat is
tender, about 1 hour. Put meat into casserole and keep it warm. Strain the remaining sauce
and measure it. Add water if necessary to make 8 or 9 cups. Pour into the pot and bring to a
boil. Add rice. Stir at the start to prevent sticking. Cover and simmer until most of the liquid
is absorbed. 20 to 30 min. Remove from heat. Add meat and mix well. Brown remaining
butter and pour it over the rice. Serve hot.

Aubergine salad - Melinotzosalata


6 round aubergines
3 Cloves garlic
juice of lemon or vinegar


Prick the aubergines with a fork and bake them in hot temperature
When they are soft enough, cool them and peel them carefully
Chop the aubergines and put them in a blender until they become a pulp
Gradually add the onion, garlic, parsley and lemon juice or vinegar into the blender and
continue working with the mixture until the pulp becomes soft
Add any salt if necessary

Avgolemono Sauce a creamy lemon sauce.


2 Whole Egg
1 A Little Flour
1 Whole Lemons (Squeezed)
1 Whole Onion
1-2 Cup Soup or Food Broth

Mix a little flour with the lemon juice
Add the eggs and beat well
slowly add the broth while continuing to beat
Pour and mix the avgolemono sauce into your food
Remove from heat before the sauce thickens.

Afelia - Pork in Wine


1 ½ lb pork cubes
1 glass of dry red wine
1 ½ tbsp coriander seeds
salt & pepper


Heat some oil in a saucepan and add the meat. Cover and simmer for approximately 1 hour
until all the juices released are absorbed.
Crush the coriander seeds and add to meat with the wine, salt and pepper.
Raise the heat for a few minutes until the wine is absorbed.
Serve hot with rice or pourgouri. Alternatively, add cubed, cooked potatoes with the
coriander and wine.

Baked Cherry Tomatoes and Feta - (Mezes me

ntomatakia kai feta)

1 tbspn minced garlic

2/3 cup olive oil
2 lb cherry tomatoes
1 loaf focaccia bread (or French bread) heated
6 oz soft feta cheese
2/3 cup fresh basil cut chiffonade


Steep garlic in olive oil at least 1/2 hour. Preheat oven to 400 degrees F. Wash and stem
tomatoes and cut them in half (put unwrapped bread into the oven). Put tomatoes in a
shallow baking dish, pour olive oil and garlic over and toss lightly. Bake 10 minutes; sprinkle
over chunks of cheese (cut into 1/2-inch pieces) and slivered basil. Stir gently. Serve with
bread to mop up juices.
Baked Eggplants - Melitzanes Fournou


1/4 kg chopped onions

1/2 kg fresh tomatoes
1 kg round eggplants
2 garlic cloves
olive oil


Sautee the onions in a frying pan. Clean, chop and mash the fresh tomatoes (use 2 cans of
preserved chopped tomatoes instead). Mash the garlic cloves in a mortar. Mix the tomato
mash with the garlic. Wash the eggplants. Slice them horizontally in slices of 1 1/2 cm width.
Butter an orthogonal pan and place the aubergine slices. Boil the tomato mash with the
onions for a while. Then, pour the tomato mixture into the eggplant slices. Preheat the oven
in 200 degrees C and bake for 45 minutes. The eggplants may also be garnished with cheese.

Balsamic Marinated Olives


2 (8-ounce) jars ripe olives, drained

2 (7-ounce) jars kalamata olives, drained
2 (7-ounce) jars pimiento-stuffed olives,
1/2 cup olive oil
1/2 cup balsamic vinegar
1 tablespoon Italian seasoning


Combine all ingredients; cover and chill at least 8 hours. Let stand 30 minutes at room
temperature before serving. Serve with a slotted spoon.
Baked feta cheese with oregano - (Feta sto
fourno me rigani)

Feta cheese,
olive oil


Cut pieces of aluminium foil and place on each of them a piece of feta cheese (not too thick).
Dredge oregano over the feta cheese, add some drops of olive oil and fold the aluminium
pieces. Bake in preheated oven for 15-20 minutes.

Baked Lamb with oil and oregano - (Arni

ladorigani sto fourno)

1,5 kg lamb (front part preferred)

1/4 tea cup olive oil
Juice of two lemons
1 spoon oregano (if fresh then better!)


Wash the lamb, and dredge with salt, pepper and oregano. Place it into a baking pan and pour
the olive oil and the lemon juice. Add 1 cup of water and bake in 180 - 200 C until it is well
baked. At regular intervals pour the lamb's sauce on top of the lamb.

Baked potatoes with oregano


1,5 kg potatoes
1/2 cup olive oil
lemon juice


Wash and peel the potatoes. Chop them in small pieces and cover them with salt, pepper and
oregano. Spread them in a baking pan, pour olive oil and lemon juice and bake in medium
temperature (180 C) for an hour.
Baked rabbit with mushrooms

1 rabbit, around 1,5 kg cut in servings

1 cup mushrooms, washed and cut in medium size pieces
1 cup olive oil

1,5 glass fresh - lukewarm milk
1 cup parmesan cheese, finely grated
3 spoons olive oil
2 spoons flour


Marinate the rabbit pieces and the mushrooms in olive oil. Add salt and pepper and put in
fridge for an hour. Place them in a baking pan and bake in 180 C for 40 - 50 minutes. Prepare
the sauce as follows: Heat olive oil and add flour. Gradually pour the milk and stir constantly
until the sauce starts to thicken. Do not let the sauce get to thick. When it starts to thicken
remove from heat and add salt, pepper, parmesan cheese and nutmeg. When the rabbit gets
ready serve in plates together with mushrooms and pour over spoons of sauce.

Baked vegetables - (Briam)


4 medium sized zucchini

4 medium eggplants
2 onions
4-6 potatoes
2 green peppers
4-6 tomatoes
olive oil


Clean and chop the eggplants, the zucchini, the peppers and the potatoes in pieces. Mash the
tomatoes and chop the onions. Add all the above in a deep pan, add salt, pepper, parsley and
olive oil and bake for about 1 1/2 hr in medium oven (120 C).
Baklava Rolls - Baklavadakia

1/2 lb Walnuts finely chopped

2 1/2 tb Sugar
1/8 ts Ground Cloves
1/2 ts cinnamon
1 lb fillo Dough
3/4 lb Unsalted Butter, melted

1 1/2 c Water
2 ts lemon Juice
1/2 c Honey
1 cinnamon Stick
1 1/2 c Sugar


Heat oven to 350 degrees. Mix first four ingredients together for filling. Combine syrup
ingredients and cook until sugar dissolves and mixture turns syrupy. Set aside to cool.
Remove cinnamon stick before using.

Unfold phyllo. With a sharp knife, carefully cut phyllo sheets crosswise, into thirds. Cover
phyllo not being used with a barely damp towel. Using two pieces of phyllo - phyllo sheets are
so thin they must be doubled - and keeping narrow ends towards you, brush with butter.
Place 1 to 1 1/2 teaspoons filling 1/4 inch from end nearest you, to within 1/4 inch of sides.
Fold long sides in 1/4 inch. Fold over bottom to cover filling. Place a clean pencil on top of
fold and roll into a cigar-like cylinder. Push both ends toward centre and remove pencil.
Place roll on cookie sheet and generously brush with butter. Repeat with remaining filling
and phyllo. Bake 25 minutes or until golden brown. Dip hot rolls into cooled syrup - kitchen
tongs work well for this. Place onto a platter to cool. Cover and refrigerate. Can be frozen.


4 tablespoons Butter
6 tablespoons Flour
1 teaspoon Salt
1/4 teaspoon pepper
Dash of Nutmeg - 2 cups Milk (Optional)
2 egg yolks


Melt butter over a low heat; add flour, salt, pepper and nutmeg; stir until well blended.
Remove from heat. Gradually stir in milk and return to heat. Cook, stirring constantly, until
thick and smooth. Makes 2 cups. When sauce is thick, remove from heat and gradually add 2
egg yolks, slightly beaten, stirring constantly.
Beef Casserole with Onions - (Stifado)


4 tablespoons olive oil

1 small sprig of rosemary
1 kg tender beef, cut into large cubes
900 ml water
2 tablespoons tomato puree
black pepper
3 tablespoons red wine vinegar
4-6 tablespoons vegetable oil
700 grams small onions (the pickling size), peeled and
left whole
1 small glass red wine
5 cm cinnamon stick
1 teaspoon Demerara sugar
5 grains allspice


Heat the olive oil in a large saucepan and brown the meat in it. It will produce a lot of
moisture but continue until it has all evaporated and the meat starts to turn golden. Slowly
pour the vinegar over it and, when the steam subsides, add the wine. Then add all the
remaining ingredients except the vegetable oil, onions and sugar, cover and cook slowly for 1
hour or until the meat is almost tender.
Heat the vegetable oil in a frying pan and add as many onions in one layer as it will take.
Sautee them gently for about 15 minutes, shaking and turning them over until they brown
lightly. Lift them out with a slotted spoon and spread them over the meat, distributing them
evenly. Repeat until all the onions are done. Sprinkle the sugar over the onions, cover and
cook very gently for 30 minutes, until the onions are soft but not disintegrating. Do not stir
once the onions have been added, but rotate the saucepan occasionally to coat them in the

Beef slices in a rich sauce from Cephallonia - (Kokkinisto apo ti


However many beef slices required. 1 - 2cms thick

1 large onion finely chopped
2 - 3 large garlic cloves finely chopped
5 very ripe toms grated + 1/3 carton of tomato puree ( or, if
making this dish in winter, 3/4 of a carton of tomato puree - a
lot is needed)
5-6 cloves
Olive oil
salt and black pepper
whole, peeled potatoes (opt.)


In enough olive oil, to just cover the base of a large, deep cooking pot or a large, heavy - based
frying pan, gradually brown the meat slices all over and then add the onion and the garlic. off
the heat, if the oil is already, after a few minutes place back on the ring and add enough
water to half cover the meat slices, the tomato , PLENTY of salt and pepper and the cloves. A
lot is needed as more water is usually required later. Leave to cook on quite a high heat and
for the meat to become tender. If it looks like the sauce is reducing and the meat isn't tender
enough, as sometimes, especially on the Greek islands the local meat is tougher, add a
tumbler of water. When the meat is almost tender, you can add a few whole potatoes to cook
in the sauce.
The ideal result is to have tender meat in a delicious thick sauce.

As a starter some sauce is served with pasta (and grated cheese) or rice and as a main meal
with the potatoes or just with pasta or rice.

Beef with red sauce - (Mohair kookiness)


1 ¼ kg beef (thigh)
500g ripe tomatoes
150g margarine
Salt and pepper


Chop the beef into six symmetrical pieces. In a medium sized saucepan add in the margarine
and melt until it becomes hot, being careful not to burn it. Add in the beef and cook coating
the beef in the margarine until the meat has become sealed, this is when the meat has gained
a nice brown colour, add salt and pepper.
Prepare the tomatoes by grating them into a bowl, and then add to the meat. Stir them well
and add 300g of warm water. Leave to cook on a low heat for about 2 hours until when the
sauce has reduce and become nice and thick.
Serve with wild rice or mashed potatoes and fried aubergines or fried potatoes. The meat can
be cooked for this recipe without chopping into portions but it must be tied with string and
left to cool after cooking then chopped into slices.

Boiled Octopus


1 octopus weighing about 3 pounds

3/4 cup Olive Oil
3 cloves garlic crushed garlic
1/4 cup Vinegar as desired
Chopped parsley
4 cups Water


Clean the octopus and put it into a pan. Add water and cook it over a moderate heat until it
becomes red and tender. Drain, peel off the skin, and cut into small pieces. Mix the garlic,
olive oil, vinegar, pepper and parsley. Pour dressing over the octopus. You can keep it
covered in the refrigerator up to 3-4 days.


3 tbsp olive oil

1 large eggplant, thinly sliced
1 large onion, peeled and thinly sliced
2 garlic cloves, peeled and diced
2 large potatoes, peeled and thinly sliced
5 tomatoes, thinly sliced
6 zucchini, trimmed and thinly sliced
Freshly ground black pepper
1 tsp dried oregano
1/2 cup water
3 tbsp breadcrumbs


Preheat the oven to 400F. Heat 1 tbsp of the oil in a skillet over medium heat. Add the
eggplant, onion, and garlic and sauté for 5 to 7 minutes or until softened. Place in a 12-by-12-
by-2 inch baking dish. Place the potatoes, tomatoes, and zucchini in alternate layers on top of
the eggplant and onion mixture, seasoning each layer with salt, pepper, and oregano. Pour
the water and drizzle 1 tbsp oil over the top layer of zucchini. Sprinkle over the breadcrumbs
and drizzle with the remaining tbsp of oil. Bake for 45 minutes or until the top has browned
and the vegetables are tender.

Cabbage Rice

1 medium cabbage
1 teacup rice
olive oil
3 fresh tomatoes
1 onion
lemon juice


Wash the cabbage and cut it in slices. Slice the onion and sauté it in the oil. Add the slices of
cabbage and stir. Add 2 cups of water. Add the fresh tomato sauce and stir again. Cook for 10
minutes and then add the rice. Cook until the rice is ready and the water is absorbed. Add salt
and pepper as appropriate. Can either be served hot or cold with some lemon juice on its top.
Chicken Souvlaki

1/2 cup (2 ounces) crumbled feta cheese

1/2 cup plain Greek-style yogurt
1 tablespoon chopped fresh dill
1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil, divided
1 1/4 teaspoons bottled minced garlic, divided
1/2 teaspoon dried oregano
2 cups sliced roasted skinless, boneless
chicken breast
4 (6-inch) pitas, cut in half
1 cup shredded iceberg lettuce
1/2 cup chopped peeled cucumber
1/2 cup chopped plum tomato
1/4 cup thinly sliced red onion

Combine feta cheese, yogurt, dill, 1 teaspoon oil, and 1/4 teaspoon garlic in a small bowl,
stirring well. Heat remaining 2 teaspoons olive oil in a large skillet over medium-high heat.
Add remaining 1 teaspoon garlic and oregano to pan, and sauté for 20 seconds. Add chicken,
and cook for 2 minutes or until thoroughly heated. Place 1/4 cup chicken mixture in each pita
half, and top with 2 tablespoons yogurt mixture, 2 tablespoons shredded lettuce, 1 tablespoon
cucumber, and 1 tablespoon tomato. Divide onion evenly among pitas.

Cauliflower in egg & lemon sauce - (Kounoupidi avgolemono)


1 cauliflower
2 eggs
Juice of 2 lemons


Separate the flowers, wash them and brown them in oil. Add enough water to cover, salt and
pepper and cook the cauliflower. Remove from the fire. Beat the eggs with the lemon juice
and add a little of the liquid. Return to the pot and mix.

Cauliflower Stifado - (Kounoupithi Stifado)


6 pounds cauliflower
6 small onions, white
1 1/4 cups oil
40 millilitres garlic, split lengthwise
1 tablespoon tomato paste diluted with:
2 cups water
1/2 cup vinegar
1/2 tablespoon rosemary
1 bay leaf
6 peppercorns


Wash the cauliflower and break into flowerets. Skin and wash onions; drain. Heat the oil in a
pot and lightly brown the whole onions. Add garlic and cook until golden. Add diluted tomato
paste, vinegar, rosemary, and bay leaf, and cook for 30 min. Bring lge. pot of salted water to a
boil; add cauliflower. Cook for 5 min., then drain and add cauliflower to sauce. (Add a little
water if necessary.) Add peppercorns. Cover pot. Simmer until all liquid has been absorbed
and only the oil remains (abt. 30 to 45 min.).

Caviar salad - Taramosalata


1 1/2 Whole Lemons (Squeezed)

1 Cup Olive Oil
2/3 lb Potatoes (Boiled)
1/4 lb Tarama (Fish roe)
1 Small Yellow Onions


Mash the tarama, potatoes and onion together. Beat the mix until very soft and creamy. Add
the olive oil and lemon juice together and mix very slowly with other ingredients. Serve with
olives and pitta bread.

Chicken in Tomato Sauce


1 medium sized chicken

4-5 fresh tomatoes, mashed or 1 tin preserved tomatoes
1 cinnamon stick
2-3 cloves
2 spoons butter
150 ml olive oil


Wash and dry the chicken pieces, and sauté gently in the butter and oil. They should not get
coloured. Add the vegetables and the dill, water and seasoning, cover and cook gently for
approximately 50 minutes. Let it stand for 5 minutes before proceeding with the egg and
lemon sauce. Pour the sauce over the chicken and rotate the saucepan, until it looks
completely amalgamated. Return to a very low heat for 5 minutes, rotating occasionally until
the sauce looks slightly thicker and the corn flour has cooked a little. Serve the chicken pieces
covered with the thick sauce and vegetables, on top of plain white rice, with fresh salad.
Chicken with Egg and Lemon Sauce
(Kotopoulo Frikasse)

1 chicken, approximately 1.5 kg, cut into 4 joints
2 tablespoons chopped dill
30 gr. butter, melted
300 ml water
2 tablespoons olive oil
salt and white pepper
2 medium onions, finely sliced
2 carrots, sliced
0.5 stick celery, rinsed, trimmed and chopped

Avgolemono Sauce:

1 tablespoon corn flour

4 tablespoons cold water
2 eggs
juice of 1.5 lemons


Rinse and dry the chicken pieces, and sauté gently in the butter and oil. They should not get
coloured. Add the vegetables and the dill, water and seasoning, cover and cook gently for
approximately 50 minutes. Let it stand for 5 minutes before proceeding with the egg and
lemon sauce. Pour the sauce over the chicken and rotate the saucepan, until it looks
completely amalgamated. Return to a very low heat for 5 minutes, rotating occasionally until
the sauce looks slightly thicker and the corn flour has cooked a little. Serve the chicken pieces
covered with the thick sauce and vegetables, on top of plain white rice, with fresh salad.

Chickpea dip - (Humus)


200 gr chickpeas
2 garlic cloves
3 spoons olive oil
3 tbspn tahine (sesame paste dip)
1 tbspn salt
1/2 tbspn pepper
parsley, finely chopped
3 spoons water
5 spoons fresh lemon juice
Paprika (optional)


Soak the chickpeas in water for at least 12 hours. Boil them until they become tender and
then drain them. Let them cool. Use a bowl to dissolve the tahine in the water. Place the
chickpeas in a blender and while mixing add the salt, pepper, the tahine, olive oil, garlic and
the lemon juice. Continue mixing until mixture become creamy in texture. Serve cold and
garnish with parsley. Add paprika optionally.
Cucumber with yoghurt and herbs - (Agouraki me saltsa yiaourtiou
kai mirodika)

3 - 4 cucumbers
10 - 12 fresh mint leaves
5 - 6 sage-apple leaves (or the equivalent in dry form)
225 ml yoghurt
Juice of half lemon
1 bunch parsley


Rinse and peel the cucumbers. Cut in pieces. Mix with a mixer the rest of the ingredients.
Pour the yoghurt sauce over the cucumbers. Serve cold.

Cheese Puffs
2 large eggs
1 (3-ounce) package cream cheese, softened
1/4 cup cottage cheese
4 ounces feta cheese
1 (16-ounce) package frozen phyllo pastry,
Unsalted butter, melted


Beat eggs at medium speed with an electric mixer 1 minute; beat in cheeses. Unfold phyllo,
and cover with a slightly damp towel to prevent pastry from drying out. Place 1 phyllo sheet
on a flat surface covered with wax paper; cut lengthwise into 3 (12- x 6-inch) strips. Brush 1
long side of each strip with melted butter; fold strips in half lengthwise, and brush with
butter. Place 1 teaspoon cheese mixture at base of each strip; fold right bottom corner over to
form a triangle. Continue folding back and forth into a triangle, gently pressing corners
together. Place triangles, seam side down, on ungreased baking sheets, and brush with
butter. Repeat procedure with remaining phyllo sheets, cheese mixture, and butter. Bake at
375° for 15 minutes or until golden. Note: You may freeze unbaked pastries on baking sheets;
remove to airtight containers, and freeze up to 2 weeks. Bake as directed without thawing.

Cucumber dip - Tzatziki


1 Item Cucumber
1 Pinch Dill Diced
4 Clove Garlic (pressed)
2 Tablespoon Olive Oil
1 Pinch Pepper
1 Pinch Salt
1 Teaspoon Vinegar
2 Cup Yogurt (Pressed with cheese cloth)

Grate the cucumber. Strain tightly using a cloth

until very dry. Mix in all other ingredients.

Custard filled fillo - Bougatsa


1/2 + Cup Unsalted Butter

1/2 Teaspoon Cinnamon
1 Whole Egg (Room temp.)
1 Item Egg Yolks (Room temp.)
1/2 Package Fillo Pastry (8 - 10 sheets)
1 A Little Icing Sugar
2 Teaspoon Lemon Juice
1 1/2 Cup Milk
1/4 Cup Semolina
1/2 Teaspoon Vanilla
1/2 Cup Sugar


Beat eggs until frothy. Beat in sugar until thick and foamy. Put aside. Heat milk in medium
pot until hot but not boiling. Remove from heat. Whisk a small amount of the hot milk slowly
into the egg mixture. Pour eggs into hot milk, whisking quickly and constantly so that eggs
don't curdle. Return to medium-low heat; cook, stirring constantly, about 3 minutes.
Gradually sprinkle in semolina, add a pinch of salt. Reduce heat to very low and cook, stirring
constantly, until thick and smooth, about 5 minutes. Remove and stir in 2 tbs. butter. Bring to
room temperature, stirring occasionally. Stir in juice, vanilla and cinnamon.

(Cool custard is cooled before continuing)

Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Unroll one sheet of fillo pastry, place on a towel for easy
folding. Brush lightly with melted butter. Place 3 tbs. of custard on lower 1/3 of pastry.
Spread evenly nearly covering lower third of pastry. Fold right and left sides of pastry
towards centre so that edges just meet; lightly brush folded sides with butter. Fold lower
third up; brush with butter. Fold upper third down, to form an envelope; brush with butter.
Lightly brush top and bottom of custard filled 'envelope' with butter and place on an
ungreased baking sheet. Repeat with remaining fillo pastry. Bake until golden-brown, about
15 minutes. Serve warm, lightly dusted with icing sugar and cinnamon.

Cheese Pies – (Tyropita)


1/2 kilo / 1 pound of Feta cheese, either whole

or in pieces
Four tablespoons butter or margarine
6 eggs (or 3 eggs)
1/2 cup chopped parsley
Pastry called Fillo composed of very thin
pastry sheets (can be found at specialist delis
in North America or Frozen in Europe
3 cups of white béchamel sauce (optional)
Salt, pepper, nutmeg

Crush the Feta to a paste, add the béchamel sauce, and the eggs, while stirring well. Add the
salt, pepper and nutmeg. Line the baking pan with oil, and then place about 6-10 sheets of
fillo, buttering them on each side. Pour the batter and flatten with a spatula. Then continue
with the rest of the fillo sheets (should be about 20-25 in a package). Trim the edges and with
a sharp knife, outline the serving squares on the top sheet (you don’t have to actually cut
them, just press the knife on the top surface to mark them - they should be about 2 inches
squares (5 cm). Bake in a moderate oven for about 30 minutes, or until the top sheet is dark
brown. Now cut the squares you marked earlier and serve, after letting it cool a little.

Drunker's appetizer - (Bekri meze)


1 kg beef, cut in cubes

3 allspice balls (bachari)
2 onions chopped
1 ½ cup of olive oil
1 bay leaf
1 tsp regular mustard
1 cinnamon stick
2 cloves of garlic chopped
1 1/2 cups of red wine
5 fresh tomatoes minced
1 tbs tomato paste
salt and pepper


In a bowl place meat, wine, mustard, half the oil and all the spices, cover with plastic wrap
and refrigerate overnight.
Next day, heat oil and sauté slightly onions and garlic.
Add meat and its juices.
Stir until golden.
Add tomato and 2 cups of water.
Cover and simmer for 3-4 hours until all water is absorbed.

Dilled Potato Salad with Feta


2 pounds small red potatoes, unpeeled

1/3 cup red wine vinegar
1/3 cup vegetable oil
3 tablespoons chopped fresh or 1 tablespoon
dried dill
1/2 to 1 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon pepper
1 large red bell pepper, chopped
1 cucumber, cut in half lengthwise and sliced
1/2 cup sliced green onions
1 (4-ounce) package crumbled feta cheese

Bring potatoes and water to cover to a boil. Cook 25 to 30 minutes or just until tender; drain
and cool. Cut potatoes into quarters. Whisk together vinegar, oil, dill, salt, and pepper. Pour
over warm potatoes. Stir in chopped bell pepper, cucumber, and green onions; add cheese,
and toss to combine. Cover and chill at least 2 hours.

Egg and Cheese Puffs - (Orektika Me Avga

Ke Tyri)

5 eggs
1/2 cup flour
1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
1 teaspoon salt
1 1/2 cups keflotiri cheese, cubed
1 teaspoon parsley, minced
butter for frying


Beat eggs well; add flour sifted with baking powder and salt. Add parsley and cubed cheese.
Mix together well. Brown in butter in frying pan, and drop in the batter, a spoonful at a time,
to fry. Keep the heat regulated so puffs do not burn. When they are lightly brown, turn
carefully, with slotted spoon, without piercing, and drain on absorbent paper. Serve hot.

Eggplant Salad - Melitzanosalata


Four medium size eggplants

Three garlic cloves
1/2 cup of olive oil


Put the eggplants in the oven and cook until it feels very soft (about 40 minutes). Using a
sharp knife, slice in half and using a spoon, remove the inside and place in a bowl. If the
eggplants are well done, the inside should come out very easily. Put the garlic cloves in a
garlic press and when well minced spread the garlic on top of the eggplant. Using a fork, start
mixing the garlic and the eggplants together, and spread the oil a little at a time. When the oil
is absorbed, the salad is done. Put in a fridge to cool down and serve with sprinkled parsley.

Eggplants in oil and tomato sauce -

Melitzanes sti katsarola me tomata.

1 kg round eggplants
2 - 3 tomatoes, peeled and cut in small pieces
2 - 3 medium onions, cut in thin slices
1 - 2 garlic cloves
150 ml olive oil
A pinch of sugar
Pieces of graviera cheese


Wash the eggplants and cut them in cubes or along side in thin slices. Salt them and let them
stand for 1/2 hour. Then, wash them and strain them well. Sauté the eggplants and the onions
in a deep saucepan with the oil. Add garlic, tomatoes, sugar, some parsley and some water
and let them boil. When eggplants are soft enough and water is absorbed lay thin pieces of
graviera cheese and let them melt.

Fish Soup

About 1,5 kilo of fish

olive oil
3 - 4 tomatoes
2 - 3 onions


Scrape the scales of the fish and gut them. Put the salt, pepper, olive oil, the sliced onions,
the celery and the sliced tomatoes and boil them. Strain the vegetables well and put them on a
plate. Put the fish on the same water and boil them. After boiling them for about 1 hour,
strain them through a strainer, making sure the meat of the fish is well pressed in order all
the fish juice to come out. Serve the soup hot with lemon. Serve the vegetables and the fish on
a plate separately.

Fresh mushrooms - (Freska manitaria)


500 gr fresh mushrooms

300 gr onions
250 grams dry white wine
1 tbspn tomato paste
4 tbspn olive oil


Add the olive oil, the tomato paste and the wine into a saucepan. Stir and heat in low
temperature. Rinse and slice the mushrooms. Chop the onions. Place the onions and the
mushrooms into the saucepan together with salt, pepper, oregano and dill. Cook for 30
minutes and serve warm.

Fried Kefalotiri cheese - Saganaki


1 Item Kefalotiri (Cut into 3/4" pieces)

1 Whole Egg
1/4 Cup Flour
1 Lemon (Squeezed)


Beat the egg in a bowl and put the flour on a plate. Dip the pieces of cheese in the egg, then
roll in the flour. Heat butter in a frying pan and fry the cheese until the flour coating is
golden. Squeeze a lemon on the cheese before removing from the pan and serve immediately.

Fricassee Of Lamb

Two large Kos lettuce or hard lettuces

Six lamb chops
Some olive oil
Fresh dill
Four eggs
Juice from two lemons
Two sliced onions


Put the oil in a pot and cook the onion slices until soft. Put the salted lamb chops in the hot
oil, and brown both sides. Clean the lettuce leafs with water and without removing all the
water from them, place them over the lamb chops. Add the fresh dill, cover, and let cook
turning the lamb chops over (medium/high setting). When the lettuce is cooked (should be
very soft and look wilted) and the lamb chops feel very soft (about 30-40 minutes), remove
from the fire and let cool for about 5 minutes. In the meantime, mix the eggs using a mixer
and slowly add the lemon juice. Using a ladle, pick up some of the juice from the pot and add
to the eggs/lemon mixture while the mixer is continually beating them. Keep on adding the
juice until most of it is in the egg mixture (which by this time should be the same temperature
as the pot). Empty the egg mixture into the pot and using a big wooden spoon, mix them
vigorously to avoid curdling.

Garlic mushrooms with yoghurt - (Skordata manitaria me yiaourti)


75 grams butter
750 grams fresh small mushrooms
1/2 tbspn lemon juice
4 garlic cloves, crushed
1 spoon finely chopped parsley

2 spoons yoghurt (for each plate.)


Sauté all ingredients until baked, except of the yoghurt. Serve beside each plate, as an
appetizer, together with two spoons of yoghurt.

Grecian Skillet Rib Eyes


1 1/2 teaspoons garlic powder

1 1/2 teaspoons dried basil, crushed
1 1/2 teaspoons dried oregano, crushed
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/8 teaspoon pepper
2 (1-inch-thick) rib-eye steaks (1 3/4 to 2
1 tablespoon olive oil
1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice
2 tablespoons crumbled feta cheese
1 tablespoon chopped kalamata or ripe olives


Combine first 5 ingredients; rub onto all sides of steaks. Pour oil into a large non-stick skillet;
place over medium heat until hot. Add steaks, and cook 10 to 14 minutes or to desired degree
of doneness, turning once. Sprinkle with lemon juice; top with cheese and olives.

Green peas with ham - (Arakas me zampon)


1 kg green peas
1/2 kg chopped onions
6-7 spoons olive oil
200 gr ham
1 1/2 cup water

Rinse the peas in cold water and drain. Cut the ham in small pieces. Roast the onions in the
olive oil. Add the peas, the ham, salt, pepper and the dill. Add the water and bring to a boil.
Stir, cover and cook slowly for about 50 minutes.

Garlic sauce

1/2 kg breadcrumb
olive oil


Wet the breadcrumbs in the water and then drain them well. Clean and crush garlic in a
mortar. Mix the drained breadcrumbs with the garlic. Stir well with a mixer until a smooth
paste is obtained. Add olive oil and vinegar gradually while stirring the mixture.

Giavourlakia Avgolemono - Meat and rice meat balls in a creamy

lemon sauce.

1 Batch Avgolemono Sauce
4 Tablespoon Butter (Room temperature)
2 Teaspoon Dill (Chopped)
1 kg minced beef or pork
2 Teaspoon Olive Oil
1 Small Onion (Chopped)
3 Teaspoon Parsley (Chopped)
1-2 Pinch Pepper (To taste)
1/2 Cup Rice
2-3 Pinch Salt (To taste)
5 Cup Water (Or stock)


In a large bowl mix the meat, rice, onion, parsley, dill, oil and salt and pepper to taste. Mix
very well and shape into 1" balls. In a large pot add the stock or water along with the butter
and bring to a boil. Add the meat/rice balls and cook at a simmer for about 30 minutes. If the
soup is too thin, thicken with a little flour and butter (mashed together). For the avgolemono
sauce, omit the onion and use 2 ladles of the soup stock from the pot. Add the avgolemono
sauce to the soup.
Grape leaves - Dolmades

1/2 lb Grape Leaves

1 Bunch Dill (Finely chopped)
1 Whole Lemons (Squeezed)
1 Bunch Mint (Finely chopped)
1 Cup Rice
1 Cup Olive Oil
1 lb Yellow Onions (Finely chopped)


Briefly dip grape leaves in boiling water then rinse them with cold water and wipe dry. Mix
the onions with half the olive oil. After a while, mix in the rice, 250mL hot water and the
remaining ingredients, except for the oil and the lemon juice. Boil the mixture for 4 to 5
minutes. Wrap one tablespoon of the mixture with a grape leaf and repeat until completed.
Carefully place the dolmades in a pot with some space between them. Cover the dolmades
with a plate add the rest of the oil and the lemon juice with 500mL of water. Boil at low heat
for 30 minutes, until some water is absorbed and the rice is done. Serve cold with slices of

Greek doughnuts - Loukoumades


1 Pinch Cinnamon
2 Cup Flour
1 A Little Oil
1 Teaspoon Salt
4 Teaspoon Yeast
1 Handful Sesame Seeds
1 A Little Thyme Honey


Thin the yeast in 1/2 cup of warm water. Mix the flour with the salt and put it in a deep ball.
Add the yeast and an extra cup of warm water and mix well until you make a uniform thin
paste. Cover and leave in the shade for 1 1/2 hour until it rises and forms bubbles under the
surface. Heat the oil in a deep frying pan and pour your mix in, one large spoonful at a time.
The mix will form round dumplings. Remove them with a strainer/ladle when they darken a
little. Pour honey over them, cinnamon and the sesame seeds.

Greek salad - Horiatiki

3 – 4 tomatoes
feta cheese
1 cucumber
1 onion
olive oil

Cut the vegetables in slices and mix in a salad bowl. Top with the olives, oregano and cover
with "crumbled" feta cheese. Pour the olive oil.

Grilled Pork Chops - Hirines Brizoles


4 chops Pork
4 tablespoons olive oil
1 lemon


Mix all ingredients and pour mixture over the chops. Grill until golden brown, turning once
or twice.

Ground meat with pita bread - (Kebabs)


1/2 cup minced onion

1 clove garlic, minced
1/2 pound ground meat (pork or lamb)
2 spoons lemon juice
1/2 tbspn dried oregano
1/2 tbspn ground cumin
1/2 cup cucumber, diced
1/4 cup non-fat yoghurt
1 tablespoon fresh mint, chopped
2 pitas
1/2 cup shredded lettuce
1/2 cup diced tomato
Oil for cooking

Add the onion and the garlic on a skillet, add some oil and cook until soft over low heat
stirring constantly. Place in mixing bowl with lamb, lemon juice, oregano and cumin and mix
thoroughly. Shape into 2 patties. Place on rack of broiler and broil 3 to 5 minutes on each
side, turning once, or until desired doneness. Combine cucumber, yogurt and mint in small
bowl and mix. Cut around edge of each pita bread and pull open to form pocket. Fill each pita
with half the lettuce and tomato, 1 lamb patty and half the yogurt mixture.



1 kg of lamb(chops/neck, whatever)
Three sliced onions
1 litre/1 quart of tomato purée or tomato paste for
Some olive oil
1kg/2lb of 'rice' pasta available in Italian or Greek
delicatessens (called Kritharáki)
Salt, pepper and oregano seasoning


In a clay pot (or heavy cast iron pot), put the oil and let heat in an oven at high setting. Add
the sliced onions and brown. Sprinkle the lamb with salt and pepper and place in the pot to
brown the sides. When the lamb starts cooking, place the tomato over it and add the same
amount of water. Let it heat for about 1 hour until the lamb feels soft and much of the water
has evaporated (add water if needed). Remove from the oven, and put the 1 kg of 'rice' pasta.
When the pasta is cooked (another 10 minutes), remove and serve hot.

Greens and Sweet Onion Pie


2 quarts water
12 cups torn Swiss chard (about 3/4 pound)
8 cups torn spinach (about 1/2 pound)
Cooking spray
2 cups chopped Vidalia or other sweet onion
2 garlic cloves, minced
1/4 cup chopped fresh dill
1/4 cup chopped fresh flat-leaf parsley
3/4 cup (3 ounces) crumbled feta cheese
2 large eggs, lightly beaten
2 large egg whites, lightly beaten
1/2 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
1/4 teaspoon salt
10 sheets frozen phyllo dough, thawed


Bring 2 quarts water to a boil in a large Dutch oven. Add the chard and spinach; cook 2
minutes or until tender. Drain well. Place chard mixture on several layers of paper towels;
squeeze until barely moist. Preheat oven to 375°. Heat a large non-stick skillet coated with
cooking spray over medium-high heat. Add onion; sauté 5 minutes or until tender. Add
garlic; sauté 1 minute. Add chard mixture, dill, and parsley, stirring well to combine. Cook 1
minute or until thoroughly heated. Remove from heat. Combine chard mixture, cheese, eggs,
and egg whites, tossing well to combine. Stir in pepper and salt. Place 1 phyllo sheet on a
large cutting board or work surface (cover remaining dough to prevent drying); lightly coat
phyllo sheet with cooking spray. Place phyllo sheet in a 9-inch pie plate coated with cooking
spray, allowing edges to overlap plate rim. Repeat the procedure with 6 additional phyllo
sheets, placing sheets in a crisscross design. Spoon the spinach mixture over phyllo. Lightly
coat each of remaining 3 phyllo sheets with cooking spray, and place sheets over spinach
mixture in a crisscross design. Roll excess phyllo into the dish to create a decorative edge;
press lightly to hold. Cut 4 (2-inch) slits in top of pie; cover with foil. Bake at 375° for 10
minutes. Uncover and bake an additional 30 minutes or until crust is crisp and golden. Cut
pie into 8 wedges.

Hamburgers with Herbs - (Biftekia)


2 slices of bread, soaked in water for 10 minutes

1 kg minced beef or pork
1 large grated onion
1 egg
1 tablespoon oregano
2 tablespoons thyme
some chopped parsley
salt and black pepper
1 lemon, to garnish


Squeeze excess moisture from the bread and discard the crusts. Mix together all the
ingredients, in a bowl, by hand. Let this mixture stand for half an hour if you have the time.
Make large, round, flattened hamburgers and grill under a hot grill, approximately 3 minutes
on each side; or even better place them on an oiled grid and barbecue them approximately 5-
6 minutes on each side, according to the strength of the fire. They should be slightly
undercooked inside and moist; turn them over once, but do not let them get scorched. Serve
them with quartered lemons on the side of the platter, with some fresh salad.

Hirino Gemisto Stuffed pork loin


1 boneless loin of pork (about 5 lbs)

1 small red onion, peeled and sliced
1 red bell pepper, roughly chopped
1 carrot, peeled and sliced
2 hard-boiled eggs, peeled and quartered
1 tbsp chopped fresh flat-leaf parsley
1 garlic clove, peeled and diced
1 tsp dried oregano
Freshly ground black pepper

Preheat the oven to 450F. With a sharp knife, prepare the pork loin by making a long open
cut in the middle of the meat without separating it completely. Lay it open flat. Combine the
bell pepper, onion, carrot, eggs, garlic, parsley, and oregano in a bowl. Season the meat with
salt and pepper, then spread the stuffing in the center. Roll the meat into a long shape and tie
the loin firmly at regular intervals with kitchen string.

Place in a roasting pan, sprinkle the skin with a little salt and roast for 15 minutes and then at
350F for 1- 1 1/2 hours, taking the meat out when the juices run clear when pierced with a

After the pork has rested, carve into slices and serve with a salad dressed with a little olive
oil, vinegar and seasonings.

Kokkinisto - Pot Roast Beef with Spaghetti


Joint of beef (silverside)

4 large onions, finely chopped
4 cloves of garlic
tin peeled tomatoes
2tbsp tomato puree
salt & pepper
1bay leaf


Make a slit in the joint of beef with a knife, deep enough to place a clove of garlic. Repeat in
another area.
Season the joint on all sides.
Put enough oil in a saucepan to cover the base and add the joint.
Cover the saucepan and cook on the lowest possible heat until cooked. Initially, the juices of
the meat will reduce and the meat will cook in its own juices. When all the juice are absorbed
back into the meat, this will indicate that the meat is cooked. For a 2lb joint, this could take at
least 2 hours.
Take enough oil from the meat and place in another saucepan; sauté the onions and the two
remaining cloves of garlic.
Add the chopped peeled tomatoes, tomato puree, salt and pepper. Add a little water if
Simmer for 30-45 minutes until the sauce is cooked and thick,
15 minute before the end, cook the spaghetti.
Slice the beef and place on a serving dish.
Place the spaghetti in a large serving bowl and pour the sauce on top.
Alternately, leave some sauce to pour over the meat before serving.
Kotopoulo me Bizeli - Chicken with

1 large chicken
1 large onion, thinly sliced
3 cloves of garlic, thinly sliced
peeled tomatoes
1 tbsp tomato puree
1lb peas
salt and pepper


Cut the chicken into 6 section; 2 legs with thighs, 2 wings and 2 breasts and grill until golden
on each side.
Meanwhile, sauté the onions and garlic.
Add peeled tomatoes, tomato puree and season well. Cook for 2-3 minutes.
Add the chicken and ensure that all the ingredients are covered in liquid. If not, add some
more water.
Cover and simmer for 1-1 ½ hours or until liquid is reduced and thickened.
Add the peas 20 minutes before the end.
Serve hot.

Karidopita – Walnut Cake


2 tbsp butter
2 cups sugar
2 eggs
1/2 cup milk
1 cup ground walnuts
sprinkling of cinnamon
1/2 tsp ground cloves
2 tbsp brandy
4 cups flour
1 tbsp rusk crumbs
3 tbsp baking powder
Juice of 1/2 lemon


Cream the butter. Beat in the eggs, alternating with 1/2 cup of the sugar. Add the milk,
walnuts, cloves, cinnamon, brandy and finally the flour, which has been sifted together with
the baking powder. Butter a baking pan and sprinkle the rusk crumbs in the bottom. Pour in
the batter and bake for an hour in a moderate oven. Boil the rest of the sugar in 2 cups water,
to which the lemon juice has been added, for five minutes, and pour the syrup over the
walnut cake.
Kotopoulo me Bamies - Chicken with

1 chicken
1lb okra
1 large onion, chopped
2 cloves of garlic, thinly sliced
(400g peeled tomatoes)
1 tsp tomato puree
salt & pepper


Wash and remove the stalks. NB Do not cut the okra otherwise the vegetable will melt during
Cut the chicken into portions and fry in both sides. Alternatively, grill the chicken. Remove
and place in a saucepan.
In the same saucepan, sauté the onions and garlic. Add the okra and fry for a few minutes.
Add the chopped peeled tomatoes, tomato puree and season. Cook for 2-3 minutes, then add
the chicken.
Add enough water to just cover. Bring to the boil then reduce heat to minimum, cover and
simmer for 1 – 1 ½ hours until the sauce has thickened. Serve hot with Greek salad.

Kokoretsi - (Kokoretsi)

Guts of lamb. You might need guts from more

than one lamb. Ask for 2 hearts, 2 spleen,
liver and 1 lungs, 2 testicles
Bowels (intestines) of lamb. At least 4 are
required for a medium size kokoretsi
Some olive oil


Wash the guts very thoroughly and cut them in small pieces. Be careful not to cut them in too
small pieces because you will no be able to skewer them. Wash the bowels very carefully and
try to clean them from inside. Leave them in a washbowl and keep the ends of each bowel in
one side in order to be able to separate them. Prepare the souvla (iron stick). Start skewering
the guts in the iron stick until all are passed to the iron stick. Pin one end of the first bowel in
the one side of the souvla and wind the intestine around the skewer. If the bowel reaches its
end tie it with the end of the next bowel and continue to wind until all bowels are wrapped
and no guts are visible (you should only see the bowels along the souvla). Season with salt,
pepper and oregano. Prepare the fire and roast on all sides until guts are brown and crispy.
Check that "kokoretsi" is ready and remove from fire. Cut the kokoretsi in cylinders of 5 cm
wide in order to remove it from the souvla in pieces. Put in platter, oil the kokoretsi pieces,
season with extra salt, pepper and oregano and serve.
Kotopoulo Psito – Oven Roasted Chicken

1 chicken, about 4 pounds

2 lbs small round potatoes
Juice of 2 lemons
1 cup olive oil
1 tbsp mustard
Salt, pepper


Wash the chicken thoroughly and rub it inside and out with salt, pepper and lemon juice. Rub
the whole chicken with mustard. Peel and wash the potatoes. Place them in a roasting pan,
season with salt, pepper and thyme and pour in the lemon juice, oil and a little water. Roast
the chicken and potatoes in a moderate oven (350F degrees) for 1 1/2 hours, turning the
chicken over so that it browns on both sides. Remove from the oven and allow to cool for 10
minutes before serving.

Keftedes – (Meatballs)

1lb / 1/2kg of ground beef

One chopped onion
1 egg
Some olive oil
Some chopped mint leaves
Some flour
Salt, pepper and oregano seasoning


Mix the meat with the mint, the egg and the onion. Season with oregano, salt and pepper.
Form into egg size balls. Heat the oil. Roll the meatballs in flour and place in the hot oil.
When turning brown, turn, cook other side and serve hot.

Keftedhes me Saltsa - Meatballs in (red)

Tomato Sauce

1lb minced meat

2 slices of stale bread (turn into breadcrumbs)
1 egg
salt and pepper
I onion finely chopped
2 cloves garlic
I tin peeled tomatoes
1 tbsp tomato puree
1 bay leaf

Place the minced meat, breadcrumbs, egg, parsley, salt & pepper in a bowl and knead well.
Make small balls with the mixture. Approximately 1tbsp per ball.
Fry the balls in frying pan with oil.
In a saucepan, sauté the onions and garlic.
Add the peeled tomato, tomato puree, bay leaf, salt and pepper and simmer for 20 minutes.
Add the meatballs to the sauce and continue to simmer for 10 more minutes.
To serve, place in a serving dish and garnish with parsley leaves.

Kleftiko - Lamb in the Oven


Shoulder of lamb
Salt and pepper
Bay leaves or dried oregano


Ask the butcher to cut the joint for kleftiko ( into four pieces). Place a piece of lamb on foil
and season on both sides. Either place a bay leaf on the joint or sprinkle with oregano. Wrap
the joint loosely in the foil. Repeat for each joint and place on a baking tray. Cook in a slow to
medium oven for 3 hours or until the meat is very tender. Serve on a hot plate.

Lamb and garden greens – Fricassee Lamb and garden greens in a

creamy lemon sauce.

2 lb Lamb (Lamb leg)
1 Batch Avgolemono Sauce
1/2 Cup Butter
2 Whole Egg
3 Cup Green Onions (Chopped)
1 Whole Lemons (Squeezed)
2-3 Head Lettuce
1-2 Pinch Pepper
2-3 Pinch Salt


Cut the lamb in portions. Brown in a pot using the butter. Strain excess fat. Add salt &
pepper, the lettuce, the onions, very little water.
Cover and simmer for about 1 hr. prepare the avgolemono sauce. Pour the avgolemono in the
pot, simmer lightly and serve hot.
Lamb Meat Loaf with Feta Cheese

1/3 cup pine nuts

2 1/2 pounds lean ground lamb
1 green bell pepper, diced
1 onion, diced
2 to 3 garlic cloves, minced
2 large eggs
2 teaspoons pepper
2 teaspoons dried basil
1 teaspoon dried rosemary
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 (4-ounce) package crumbled feta cheese
1 (8-ounce) can tomato sauce
Garnishes: dried parsley flakes, fresh parsley sprigs


Bake pine nuts in a shallow pan at 350°, stirring occasionally, 5 minutes or until toasted.
Combine pine nuts and next 9 ingredients; press half of mixture into a lightly greased 9- x 5-
inch loaf pan. Sprinkle with cheese, and press remaining lamb mixture over cheese.
Bake at 375° for 1 1/2 hours; remove from pan, and place on a rack in a broiler pan. Pour
tomato sauce over top; bake 10 more minutes or until done. Garnish, if desired. Serve with
toasted pita bread.

Lamb in tomato sauce with fried potatoes - (Arnaki kokkinisto me

patates tiganites)


1 1/2 kg lamb (shoulder part, cut in

1 large onion, finely chopped
20 small (baby) onions, suitable for making
Stifado. These are sweeter in taste
1 wine glass red wine
1 glass ripe fresh tomatoes, finely chopped
1 glass tomato paste
1 tea cup olive oil
1 bay leaf
1 pinch cinnamon


Heat olive oil in a large saucepan and sauté the chopped onion, the small onions (do not chop
them - leave them as a whole) and the lamb. Let the meat take a brown. Pour salt and pepper;
add the bay leaf and the cinnamon. Finish roasting by pouring the wine and let it evaporate
by letting it boil for a while. Add the chopped tomatoes and the tomato paste. Pour some
water and let it cook for 1 hour in 150 C until the sauce thickens. Serve with fried potatoes.
Lamb stew in clay pots - (yiouvetsi)


1 kg of lamb (chops/neck, whatever)

3 sliced onions
1 litre/1 quart of tomato puree' or tomato paste for cooking
Some olive oil
1kg/2lb of 'rice' pasta available in Italian or Greek delicatessens
(called Krithara'ki)
Salt, pepper and oregano seasoning


In a clay pot (or heavy cast iron pot), put the oil and let heat in an oven at high setting. Add
the sliced onions and brown. Sprinkle the lamb with salt and pepper and place in the pot to
brown the sides. When the lamb starts cooking, place the tomato over it and add the same
amount of water. Let it heat for about 1 hour until the lamb feels soft and much of the water
has evaporated (add water if needed). Remove from the oven, and put the 1 kg of 'rice' pasta.
When the pasta is cooked (another 10 minutes), remove and serve hot.

Lentil soup - Fakes


2 Bay leaves
1-2 Gloves of garlic
500 gr. Lentils
2 cups of Olive Oil
1 Large Onion
Tomato Sauce (optional)


Put the lentils in a pot with enough water to immerse them. Boil for 5 minutes and then
drain the water. - Place the lentils back in the pot with water as before and add the rest of the
ingredients. Slowly simmer for about an hour. In your plate you can add vinegar or lemon if
you wish.

Lettuce salad

Lettuce (as much as desired)

1 fresh onion vinegar or lemon juice
finely cut salt
Bunch of fresh dill
olive oil


Clean lettuce and keep only the fresh leaves. Cup the leaves finely. Cut the fresh onion in
pieces and mix with the lettuce. Add dill. Add as much dill and fresh onion as you like. The
more fresh onion you add the more strong the taste of the salad becomes. Add salt. Lettuce
salad is served with vinegar or lemon juice and olive oil.

Lima Beans

500 gr lima beans

4 tomatoes
2 cloves garlic
olive oil
optionally: carrots


Soak the beans in water for at least 12 hours. Boil them as long as they need to soften. If you
do not soak the beans will not soften easily. Place the beans in a pan. Mash the tomatoes and
spread the mash in the pan. Mash the garlic with a mortar. Add salt, pepper, olive oil, mashed
garlic and the parsley. Bake the lima beans for 45 minutes in medium temperature.

Marinated baked Meat - (Yourbasi)


2 kg beef
2 kg pork
2 glasses vinegar
1 wine glass olive oil
2 wine glasses red wine
150 gr carrots
250 gr celery
1 bunch parsley
1 tbspn salt
1 garlic
1/2 spoon pepper
500 gr onions


Cut the carrots in round slices. Finely chop the celery, the parsley, the garlic and the onions.
Wash the meat and cut it in small slices. Add the meat in a large saucepan together with the
vegetables, the wine, the vinegar, the olive oil, the salt and the pepper. Stir and marinate the
mixture for 12 hours or a whole night. Next day, cut 4 large pieces of aluminium foil. Equally
share the mixture into the aluminium foil pieces. Add some of the stock on each piece and
fold them. Place them into a baking pan, add some water and bake for 2 hours into 200 C.
serve with rice.
Mediterranean Lamb- and Couscous-Stuffed

4 red, green, and/or yellow bell peppers (2 lb. total), rinsed

1 1/2 cups chopped onions
1 tablespoon minced garlic
1 1/2 teaspoons fresh thyme leaves
1 1/2 teaspoons minced fresh mint leaves
1 1/2 teaspoons minced fresh rosemary leaves
1 teaspoon olive oil
8 ounces ground lamb
5 tablespoons lemon juice
1 2/3 cups fat-skimmed chicken broth
1 1/4 cups couscous
1 cup chopped parsley
2 tablespoons crumbled feta cheese


Slice bell peppers in half lengthwise through stems (retain stems) and remove seeds. Place
halves, cut side down, in a 12- by 17-inch baking pan. Bake in a 450º regular or convection
oven until lightly browned and tender when pierced, 13 to 18 minutes.
Meanwhile, in a 10- to 12-inch frying pan over high heat, stir onions, garlic, thyme, mint, and
rosemary in olive oil until onions are limp and beginning to brown, about 5 minutes.
Add ground lamb and 3 tablespoons lemon juice. Stir until lamb is browned and crumbly, 2
to 3 minutes.
Stir in broth, couscous, and remaining 2 tablespoons lemon juice. Bring to a boil, then cover
and remove from heat; let stand until liquid is absorbed and couscous is tender to bite, 3 to 4
minutes. Stir in parsley; add salt to taste.
Turn pepper halves over; fill each with about 2/3 cup lamb mixture. Sprinkle feta cheese
evenly over filling. Bake until cheese is slightly melted, 3 to 5 minutes. Transfer peppers to a

Meatballs with ouzo - (Keftedakia me ouzo)


1 kg minced chicken
750 grams soaked stale bread, finely drained or hard tack
1 bunch finely chopped parsley
1 bunch finely chopped dill
4 onions, diced
2 eggs
Flour for coating
Oil for frying

For the sauce

1 wine glass ouzo

1 glass of water milk cream


In a large bowl place the minced chicken, the parsley, the dill, the oregano, the onions, the
stale bread and the eggs. Add salt and pepper and mix well. Mould mixture and shape it into
small balls. Heat oil in a frying pan. Coat each ball with flour and fry until brown.
In a saucepan place the cream, salt and pepper and bring into boil. Add the ouzo, mix and
boil again. Add the meatballs and let boil for 5 minutes. Remove from heat and serve hot.

Meat and Potato Casserole - (Kreas me patates)


1 shoulder of lamb about 2 kg, or 2 kg beef cut in serving pieces,

or 1 kg chuck or stewing steak
400 gr. can tomatoes chopped, or 500 gr. fresh tomatoes, peeled
and sliced
3 tablespoons olive oil
2 tablespoons vegetable oil
salt and black pepper
2 medium onions, finely sliced
2 tablespoons finely chopped parsley
2 carrots, peeled and thinly sliced
1 kg potatoes, peeled and thickly sliced


Rinse the meat and remove any loose splinters. Drain. Heat both the oils in a large saucepan,
and fry the pieces of meat in it, browning them on both sides and taking them out as they are
ready. When all the pieces are fried, add the onions and the carrots and sauté them. Add the
tomatoes, bring to the boil and return the meat pieces to the pan. They should be covered
with the liquid. If not, add a little hot water.
Cover and cook until the meat is almost tender, approximately 50 minutes (beef will need
slightly more cooking). Season with salt and pepper; add the parsley and the raw potatoes.
Add enough water to cover them, then cover and cook for a further 20-30 minutes, until the
potatoes are soft. If you want to make a more special version of this dish, cut the potatoes
thickly and fry them first, then add them to the meat and cook for a slightly shorter period,
about 10 minutes.

Meatballs - Keftedakia

1/2kg of minced beef

1 finely chopped onion
1 egg
olive oil
some chopped mint leaves
some flour
1/4 glass ouzo

Mix the minced meat with the mint, the egg and the onion in large bowl. Pour the ouzo.
Season with oregano, salt and pepper. Form into egg size balls. Heat the oil in a frying pan.
Roll the meatballs in flour and place in the hot oil. When turning brown, turn, cook other
side and serve hot.

Meat rissoles from Constantinopolis - (Keftedes apo tin Poli)


1/2 kg minced meat (beef preferred)

1 onion, diced
2 spoons of finely cut parsley
1 garlic clove, mashed
100 grams hard tack
1 egg
3 spoons olive oil
lemon rind

1 onion, diced
1 garlic clove, mashed
1/2 kg fresh tomatoes, chopped
100 ml white wine
2 spoons tomato paste
1 spoon of finely cut fresh basil


Place in a bowl the garlic, onion, lemon rind, parsley, eggs, hard tack and minced meat. Add
salt and pepper and shape the mixture into rissoles of medium size. Heat oil in a frying pan
and fry on all sides until golden. Remove from heat and prepare the sauce as follows: Mix all
ingredients and simmer for 15 minutes until the sauce thickens. Add salt and pepper and
pour the sauce over the rissoles. Serve hot with rice or fried potatoes.

Milk Pie - Galaktobouriko


7 eggs
230 gr. caster sugar
100 gr. semolina
850 ml creamy milk
1 vanilla pod, or 3-4 drops vanilla essence
30 gr. unsalted butter

1500 gr. fillo pastry
120 gr. unsalted butter, melted

150 ml water
1 cinnamon stick, or some lemon peel
1 tablespoon lemon juice
170 gr. caster sugar

Serves 8 persons!


Boil the milk with the vanilla pod gently, (If you are using vanilla essence do not add it yet).
Withdraw from the heat, take the vanilla pod out and gradually add the semolina to the milk
while stirring continuously with a wooden spatula. Return to a gentle heat and cook for about
5 minutes, stirring continuously, until the mixture has thickened. Take off the heat, mix in
the butter and let it cool for 10 minutes. Beat the eggs with the sugar until they get pale and
fluffy and gradually add to the cooled mixture while stirring. If using vanilla essence add it at
this stage. Return to a gentle heat for a further 2-3 minutes, stirring continuously, and then
withdraw from the heat. While working with the pastry, stir the mixture occasionally to
prevent a crust forming on top. Butter a roasting dish approximately 39 x 28 x 20 cm.
Prepare the fillo pastry and fill in exactly the same way as described in Cheese Pie.

Bake in a preheated oven, gas no. 4/ 350 grades F/ 180 grades C, for 45 minutes until pale
golden. Take out and cool for 10 minutes while you make the syrup. Dissolve the sugar in the
water, add the aromatics and lemon juice and boil gently for 5-7 minutes until slightly
thickened. Let the syrup stand for 5 minutes, then remove the aromatics and slowly pour all
over the galaktoboureko. Once the syrup has been absorbed, cut and serve. You may, if you
like, replace the vanilla with cinnamon and nutmeg powder.

Galaktoboureko is at its best eaten fresh, preferably when it is still warm, but is still good the
next day. No need to keep it in a refrigerator unless the weather is particularly hot.

Minced meat stuffed in a fillo pastry - Bourekakakia


1 lb Topside Mince
1 A Little Butter (Unsalted)
2 Whole Egg (Beaten)
1 Cup Grated Feta Cheese
1 Package Fillo Pastry
2 Tablespoon Marsala Liquor
1/2 Teaspoon Nutmeg
1/4 Cup Olive Oil
1 Medium Onion (Grated)
1-2 Pinch Pepper
2-3 Pinch Salt
2 Tablespoon Tomato Paste
2 Cup Water


Add oil & sauté onion in a saucepan. Add mince and brown. Mix the tomato paste with about
2 cups water and add marsala and spices and cook on med. heat until mince is cooked and
not much sauce remains in pan. Remove from stove, add grated feta cheese, beaten eggs, stir,
put aside.

Remove fillo pastry from package and cut down lengthwise. Keep covered with a moist tea
towel. Take one cut sheet and brush with melted butter, then fold lengthwise again so you
have a long strip, doubled. At bottom, place a spoonful of mixture. Pick fillo from bottom and
fold upwards about 3cm enclosing the meat mixture press sides, then start folding to make a
triangle making sure the corners are not sticking outside the fold. You go right, right, bring
that point to the left side and left again and so on until you reach the top. Brush top of
triangle with melted butter and place on baking greased baking tray. Bake in 200 degree oven
until golden brown.

These triangles can be frozen uncooked. When cooking from frozen stage don't defrost first.

Sometimes you may have to flip them over in the oven.

Minced Meat Rissoles with Cummin - (Soutzoukakia Smirneika)


3 thick slices of bread, soaked in water

500 grams finely minced beef
1 egg
2-3 cloves garlic, peeled and crushed
2 teaspoons cumin
salt and pepper
1 glass white wine
30 gr. flour, for frying
3 tablespoons vegetable oil
2 tablespoons olive oil
3 tablespoons tomato puree or 1200 grams can
tomatoes, liquidized roughly
chopped parsley, to garnish


Soak the bread in water for 10 minutes and discard the crust. Squeeze the water from the
bread and mix with the mince, egg, garlic, cumin, salt and pepper and 3 tablespoons of the
wine. (The best results for mixing are always achieved by using your hands.) When properly
mixed make long thin shapes, like fat cigars, about the length of your finger (around 15 of
them), roll them in the flour and fry in the vegetable oil on medium heat, making sure that
they are crisp all over.
In the meantime, put the olive oil in a saucepan and, when it is warm, add the tomatoes and
the rest of the wine and cook slowly for 5 minutes, stirring and making sure it does not stick.
Add the soutzoukakia as they come out of the frying pan, roll them in the tomato sauce, add a
little more water if needed, cover and cook slowly for 10 minutes. Garnish with chopped
With its rich sauce it can be served with plain white rice, or mashed potatoes as a main dish.
It can also be a very good starter for a dinner party.

Serves 4 persons as a main course!

Serves 7 persons as a starter, allowing 2 per person!
Makaronia tou Fournou - Macaroni
in the Oven

1lb macaroni
1 large onion, finely chopped
2-3 cloves of garlic
1lb minced beef
tin of peeled tomatoes, chopped
1-2 tspn tomato puree
2 bay leaves
salt & pepper
Béchamel Sauce
2oz butter
2 tbsp plain flour
1 pint of milk
8-12oz kasseri or strong cheddar cheese-grated


Sauté the onions and garlic. Add minced meat and brown. Add peeled tomatoes, tomato
puree, bay leaves and salt & pepper. Simmer for 45 minutes until the meat is tender and the
sauce has thickened. During the last 30 minutes of the sauce cooking: Boil the macaroni in
salted water and drain.

Béchamel Sauce
Melt the butter in a milk pan. Stir in the flour until it forms a paste. Add the milk a little at a
time stirring continuously. (Do not stop stirring otherwise the sauce becomes lumpy). Lastly
pour in ¾ of the cheese and stir until melted.

In an ovenproof dish, place one third of the pasta followed by half the tomato sauce and then
half the béchamel sauce. Place second third of pasta and second half of the tomato sauce.
Place last third of pasta plus final layer of béchamel sauce. Add a final layer of grated cheese.
Place in a medium oven for 45 minutes or until golden brown. Allow to stand for 15 minutes
before serving.

Moschari Yiouvetsi me Kritharaki - Baked

Beef with Orzo

4 tbsp olive oil

2 lbs stew beef, cut into 3-inch chunks
1 medium-sized yellow onion, peeled and finely chopped
4 large tomatoes, peeled and chopped
4 cloves garlic, peeled and diced
1 sprig fresh thyme
1 tsp dried oregano
1 tbsp tomato paste
1/2 cup red wine
1 lb orzo
1/2 cup grated kefalotiri cheese

Preheat the oven to 350F. Heat the olive oil in a large frying pan and sauté the beef until
browned. Add the onion, tomatoes, garlic, thyme and oregano and cook for 10 minutes,
stirring occasionally. Add the tomato paste, red wine and enough water to cover the mixture.
Season to taste with salt and pepper. Transfer the mixture to a large earthenware or
ovenproof casserole dish and bake for 1 to 1 1/2 hours.

Meanwhile, parboil the orzo for 10 minutes in a large saucepan until almost soft but not quite
fully cooked. Drain in a colander and place around the beef mixture during the last 20
minutes of cooking. The orzo will absorb all the liquid in the pot. To serve, sprinkle the
cheese on top and serve with a green salad.



1 Kgr of Ground Lamb

3 large Eggplants
1 large Onion, chopped coarsely
1 large Garlic clove, mashed
2 tablespoons of Tomato Paste
½ teaspoon of Ground Cinnamon
2 tablespoons of Olive Oil
1 teaspoon of Oregano
1 Bay Leaf
1 large Egg, whisked
600 ml of Milk (whole fat)
85 grams of Flour
2 tablespoons of Butter
25 grams (or more to your taste) of
Grated Cheese: Kefalotiri, Pecorino or


Slice the eggplant into thin slices in a thick baking dish, cover in salt. Place a heavy lid on top
and leave for half an hour (this eliminates the bitterness of the eggplant).

In the meantime, heat the olive oil in a frying pan, adding in the chopped onion and mashed
garlic when hot. Sauté the onions and garlic until tender and browned, and add in the minced
lamb to fry. Stir the lamb on high heat in the frying pan, and cook for 5 or so minutes until
golden brown. Slowly stir in the tomato paste sugar, oregano, salt and pepper and the bay
leaf and lower the heat to sauté for about 20 minutes, stirring every few minutes.

Wash the eggplant slices in cold water, in the meantime, until clean of the salt. In a frying
pan, place the eggplant, cover in olive oil and fry until lightly golden, put aside. In a separate
pan, for the sauce, you will need to place the butter, flour, and milk and heat on low heat.
Heat until bubbling, without burning the mix, and place the pan aside to cool. Season the
sauce and then mix in the egg.

In a baking pan, place one layer of eggplant slices, with a layer of the lamb mix on top,
another layer of eggplant, and so on. Cover the tin when full, with the sauce and then sprinkle
on the grated cheese to melt. In a preheated oven (to 350 F, 180 C), place the Moussaka and
cook for approximately 50 minutes to one hour, checking every few minutes towards the end
to see when golden brown. Serve the Moussaka hot, straight from the oven.

Navy bean soup - Fasolatha


1 lb Navy Beans
3 Medium Carrots (Sliced)
3 Item Celery Leaves (Chopped)
1 Cup Olive Oil
1 Medium Onion (Chopped)
1 Pinch Pepper
1 Pinch Salt
1 Cup Tomato Sauce


Soak the beans in water from the previous night. Strain the water and place the beans in a
pot with new water. Boil for a while and once again strain. Again put the beans in the pot, add
the rest of the ingredients, add enough water to make it soupy and slowly boil for an hour.

Olive bread - (Eliopsomo)


4 fl oz (125ml) olive oil

8 fl oz (250ml) Luke warm/tepid water
1 teaspoon honey
1 and half teaspoons of dry yeast
1 lb (450g) wholemeal flour
1 teaspoon of sea salt
2 onions finely chopped
10 pitted olives
1 tablespoon rosemary


Place water in a bowl and add honey, stir until dissolved. Add the yeast, set aside for 10/15
minutes until foamy. Add in 3 tablespoons of olive oil, mix and add salt. Sift half of the
flour into a bowl. Make a well in the centre and add the yeast mixture, sift in remaining
flour or enough to make a firm dough. Turn out onto lightly floured board, knead for 10
min. Knead into a firm dough. Set aside to rise for 2-3 hours, until double in size.

Add 3 tablespoons of olive oil to a pan, heat. Add the onions and fry over low heat until
golden, set aside. Add the olives to boiling water and blanch for a few seconds. Drain
olives and pat dry with paper towel, finely chop. Add olives and rosemary to onions, and
toss together. Add to dough and knead for 1/2 min. make into a rounded mound. Grease a
baking tray with olive oil, flatten dough on the tray. Cover lightly with a towel and set aside
for 1 hour.

Preheat oven to (190°C), (375°F),(Gas Mark 5). Bake for 10 minutes, reduce oven to
(180°C), (375°F), (Gas Mark 4). Coat with olive oil and bake for 30 minutes until golden.
Okra - (Bamies)

1 kilo (2 pounds) okra –

also called ladies fingers –
in a can form is OK
1/2 cup vinegar
1 cup of olive oil
2 teaspoons chopped parsley
2 chopped onions
1 can of pulped tomatoes
1 teaspoon sugar
Salt and pepper


Remove the stems from Okra (if fresh). Wash, drain them and place on a dish. Sprinkle salt,
vinegar and pepper. Put this to the side (for 1 hour approx.) while you prepare the rest. Fry
the onions in the olive oil till brown, add the tomatoes, sugar, parsley, salt and pepper.
Simmer until the tomatoes are dissolved fully. Add the okra to the mixture, add some more
water, and boil for about 30 minutes or until okra are tender, adding water.

Pasticio - (Pastitsio)

1kg Premium Mince Beef

2 onions cubed finely
1T Olive Oil
2t Salt
2t Pepper
2t Ground Cloves
1 tin Tomatoes
1T tomato Paste
2t Powdered Vegetable Stock
1 pack Pasticio Pasta (thick tubular spaghetti)
6T Butter
9T Flour
2t Salt
2t Pepper
3 cups Milk
2 eggs


Cook pasta.

Place onions, mince, salt, pepper & cloves in fry pan and cook until all liquid has evaporated
(about 10-15 minutes). Add oil & stock. Mix well. Add tomatoes and tomato paste. Crush
tomatoes with wooden spoon and mix well. Simmer for about 30 minutes. Add extra
seasoning if needed.

Melt butter in saucepan. Add flour, salt & pepper. Take off heat and gradually stir in milk.
Whisk well to ensure no lumps. Add eggs and mix well.
Put pasta in a baking tray. Cover with meat. Pour béchamel sauce on top. Bake in 180 degree
oven until brown on top. (about 30-45 minutes.)

Paidakia - Grilled Lamb Chops


3-4 lbs lamb chops

Sea Salt
Freshly ground black pepper
1/2 cup olive oil
Lemon wedges


Wash the lamb chops. Sprinkle oregano, salt and pepper over them. Brush them with olive oil
and broil them over a hot grill. Serve garnished with lemon wedges.

Pastitsada - Pot-Roasted Veal with Pasta


3 lb veal top round, left whole

2 garlic cloves, peeled and thinly sliced
4 cloves
2 tbsp olive oil
1 large yellow onion, peeled and finely chopped
4 Roma tomatoes, coarsely chopped
1 tbsp tomato paste
2 bay leaves
1 cinnamon stick
1/2 cup red wine
1 tbsp wine vinegar
Freshly ground black pepper

To serve:
1 lb macaroni, rigatoni, or alternative pasta, boiled
Grated Kefalotiri, or parmesan cheese


Preheat the oven to 350F. Make small cuts in the veal with a sharp knife. Stud the garlic slices
and cloves into these cuts. Heat the olive oil in a large casserole dish and sauté the veal on all
sides for about 5 minutes or until browned. Remove and set aside. Add the onion and sauté
for 5 minutes over medium heat until softened. Stir in the tomatoes, tomato paste, bay leaves
and cinnamon and sauté for another 5 minutes. Add the wine and vinegar, season with salt
and pepper, stir well and bring to a boil.

Return the veal to the casserole dish. Cover and bake for 1 1/2 to 2 hours or until the veal is
tender and the sauce has thickened.
To serve, place the cooked macaroni on a platter. Place the veal on top. Spoon the sauce over
the pasta and sprinkle with grated cheese. Carve the veal into slices at the table.

Pasta Salad

3 cups uncooked farfel (bow tie pasta)
Cooking spray
1 (8-ounce) tuna steak (about 3/4 inch thick)
1/8 teaspoon salt
1 1/2 cups sliced peeled cucumber
3/4 cup (3 ounces) crumbled feta cheese with
1/4 cup coarsely chopped red onion
1/4 cup sliced kalamata olives
1/4 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
12 cherry tomatoes, halved

1/4 cup fresh lemon juice
2 teaspoons extra virgin olive oil
1 teaspoon dried oregano
1/4 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
1/8 teaspoon salt


To prepare salad, cook pasta according to package directions, omitting salt and fat. Drain and
rinse under cold water. Drain; place in a large bowl. Heat a large grill pan coated with
cooking spray over high heat. Sprinkle tuna with 1/8 teaspoon salt. Add tuna; cook 5 minutes
on each side or until desired degree of doneness. Remove from pan; cool slightly. Cut tuna
into 1-inch pieces. Add tuna, cucumber, and next 5 ingredients (cucumber through tomatoes)
to pasta.

To prepare dressing, combine lemon juice and remaining ingredients, stirring with a whisk.
Drizzle over salad, and toss gently to coat.

Pita Crisps

6 white pita rounds

1/2 cup HELLMANN'S or BEST Real Light
1 teaspoon Greek seasoning
1 teaspoon paprika


Cut pita rounds in half, and separate each half into 2 pieces. Arrange in a single layer on 2
ungreased baking sheets.
Stir together mayonnaise, seasoning, and paprika. Brush mayonnaise mixture evenly on 1
side of each pita piece.
Bake at 375° for 20 minutes or until toasted. Let stand 15 minutes or until cool. Break into

Pocket Bread Sandwiches with Lamb


1 1/2 pounds ground lean lamb

2 cloves garlic, minced
1 tablespoon minced fresh or 3/4 teaspoon dried
oregano leaves
About 1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon pepper
2 cucumbers (each 3/4 lb.)
1/2 cup plain low-fat yogurt
3 tablespoons minced fresh mint leaves
2 tablespoons lemon juice
4 pocket breads (about 6 in.), cut in half crosswise


In a bowl, mix lamb with garlic, oregano, 1/2 teaspoon salt, and pepper. Shape mixture into 8
equal oblong patties, each about 1/4 inch thick.
Place patties on a rack in a broiler pan. Broil 4 to 6 inches from heat until meat is browned on
each side and just barely pink in center (cut to test), 7 to 10 minutes total.
While lamb patties cook, peel cucumbers and thinly slice. Mix slices with yogurt, mint, and
lemon juice to make a cucumber salad.
On each of 4 plates, place 2 lamb patties, 1/4 of the cucumber salad, and 2 pocket bread
halves. Tuck meat into bread, adding cucumber salad and salt to taste.

Potato Salad

2 pounds new potatoes

1/4 cup olive oil
1/4 cup red wine vinegar
3 tablespoons mayonnaise
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon pepper
1/2 teaspoon dried oregano


Cook potatoes in boiling salted water to cover 30 minutes. Cool slightly. Cut into 1-inch
Whisk together oil and next 5 ingredients; toss with potato.
Rabbit stew in tomato sauce - (Kouneli

1 rabbit (aprox 2 kg), cut in servings

3 cloves
1 tspn pimento
1 cup olive oil and some more for the marinade
2 garlic cloves
2 bay leaves
1/2 kg vinegar
1 glass of tomato juice
Spoon of sugar
Grated kefalotyri cheese
1 wineglass of red wine
1 glass of water


Place the rabbit portions into a pan and marinate them with olive oil for the whole night.
Olive oil will soften the meat. The next day pour 500 grams of vinegar into the pan and let the
rabbit stand in the marinade for 2 hours. Then, remove from pan, dry and season the rabbit
portions with oregano, salt and pepper. Heat 1 cup of olive oil in a saucepan and then sauté
the rabbit on all sides. Add the cloves, pimento, bay leaves, cloves and stir. Finish roasting by
pouring the wine. Stir again and add the glass of vinegar. Let the food come to a boil and pour
into the saucepan the tomato juice and the glass of water. Fix the taste by adding appropriate
portions of sugar, salt and pepper and let the rabbit simmer until soft and only the olive oil of
the sauce remains. Serve with rice or pasta and pour grated cheese on top.

Rice milk - Rizogalo


3/4cup of rice
1 litre / 1 quart milk
1 rind of a lemon
10 tablespoons of sugar
Cinnamon powder


Put the rice in a large pot, add water and boil till the rice becomes very soft (should be fluffy
and thick). The water should have almost evaporated. Add the milk, the lemon rind and the
sugar. Let them boil in a cup which would not let the milk overflow. When the mixture
thickens, remove from heat. Pour in individual bowls and let cool. Sprinkle cinnamon and
Rice pilaf

1/2 cup butter

2 cups American rice
4 cups heated water (use chicken or meat broth
for more taste)
2 tspn salt
Grated chicken for dredging over the rice


Heat butter in a saucepan. Add rice and stir well. Simmer until rice becomes golden. Add
water or broth and cover. Simmer for 20 minutes. When rice is ready slightly stir with a fork
and place in a form. Empty the form in a platter and dredge rice with grated cheese.

Sausages and vegetables in aluminium foil - (Horiatiko loukaniko kai


1 kg country – style sausages

1 kg potatoes
1/2 kg green round peppers
1/2 green long peppers
½ aubergines
2 – 3 spoons parsley
1 cube veal stock
Fresh tomato
1 tbspn sugar
Corn oil for frying


Clean and chop the aubergines in thin slices. Soak them in salted water for half an hour and
then remove from water and drain them. Cut the sausages and the long peppers in thin round
slices. Cut the round peppers in rectangles. Peel the potatoes and cut them in thin round

Fry the peppers and the sausages in corn oil. Fry the aubergines separately. Drain them using
and absorbing sheet. Grate the tomato and mix it with the sugar, some salt and pepper.

Boil the potatoes in the veal stock and drain them. Mix the tomato, the aubergines, the
peppers and the sausages with the potatoes the rosemary and the parsley. Add salt and
pepper as much as desired.

Cut the aluminium foil in even square pieces. Add in the middle of each aluminium sheet a
portion of the mixture and fold the aluminium foil as a parcel. Bake in medium temperature
for 50 minutes and serve hot.
Semolina dessert - Halva

1 Handful Chopped Almonds

2 Cup Semolina
1 Stick Cinnamon
2 Slice Lemons
1 Cup Olive Oil
3 Cup Sugar
4 Cup Water


Heat the oil and cook the semolina in the oil until golden. Place the almonds to brown with
the semolina. In the meantime, warm the water, but do not boil, and dissolve the sugar in it
and throw in the lemon and the cinnamon stick. Pour the water into the semolina mix and
stir well while pouring. Keep heating until the mixture becomes thick. Pour the mix into a
pan and garnish with almonds and cinnamon. Let stand and serve at room temperature.

Sesame Cookies

10 cups flour
2 teaspoons baking powder
3/4 cup butter
1 1/3 cups warm milk
4 eggs
2/3 cup sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla
12 ounces sesame seeds


Sift 10 cups of flour into a bowl with the baking powder; make a well in it. Brown butter until
it smokes, and add it to the flour. Cool slightly. Rub the flour and butter between the palms of
your hands until well blended. Again make a well in the flour mixture and add the warm
milk; mix in. Beat the eggs and sugar in another bowl until thick; add to the flour mixture.
Add the vanilla. Knead well to make a soft dough. Roll (or pat) out, shape cookies as desired,
and roll in sesame seeds. Bake on buttered baking sheet in a preheated 350 F. oven for 20

Shepherd's pie - Moussaka

700 gr. (1 ½ lb.) shoulder of lamb(boneless weight)
700 gr. (1 ½ lb.) aubergines
225 gr. (½ lb.) tomatoes
175 gr. (6 oz.) onions
150 ml. (¼ pt.) olive oil
5 ml. (1 teaspoon) ground allspice
15 ml. (1 tablespoon) chopped parsley
425 ml. (¾ pt.) béchamel sauce
Freshly ground black pepper

1 large egg large pinch grated
Cheddar cheese
nutmeg 75 gr. (3 oz.)


Wipe, top and tail, but do not peel the aubergines. Cut them into slices about 6 mm. (¼ in.)
thick. Put into a colander with a light sprinkling of salt between the layers and leave to drain
for half an hour.
Slice and peel the onions; peel, de-seed and chop the tomatoes. When ready to cook, pat the
aubergine slices dry with paper. Heat 45 ml. (3 tbsp.) oil in a frying pan over a low heat and,
when hot, fry the aubergine slices gently until tender, in batches, turning once.
Lift out and drain on absorbent paper. Add extra oil between batches as necessary. When all
are fried, make the oil in the pan up to 30 ml. again. When this is hot, fry the onions gently
for about 5 minutes, until soft and pale gold. Add the meat and fry. Add the tomatoes,
allspice, parsley and salt and pepper to taste. Stir well, cover and cook very gently for 25 to 20
Heat oven to 180-C. (350 F.), gas mark 4. In a deep, ovenproof dish, arrange alternate layers
of aubergines and meat, finishing with aubergines. Warm the sauce over a low heat. Separate
the egg and, off the heat, stir the yolk, nutmeg and salt and pepper to taste, into the sauce.
Reserve the egg white for use in another dish. Pour the sauce evenly over the surface of the
dish. Grate the cheese over the sauce. Bake in the oven for 45 minutes until the topping is
golden and bubbling.

Shrimp (Prawn) Brochette


1/3 cup olive oil, divided

3/4 pound small fresh shrimp, peeled and
1 1/2 tablespoons minced garlic
2 large plum tomatoes, seeded and finely
1/2 cup sliced green onion
1/2 cup crumbled feta cheese
1/4 cup finely chopped parsley
1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice
2 teaspoons minced fresh thyme
1 teaspoon Greek seasoning
1 French baguette, cut diagonally into 1/4
inch-thick slices

Heat 1 tablespoon oil in a large skillet over medium-high heat. Sauté shrimp and garlic 3 to 4
minutes until shrimp are cooked.
Transfer to a small bowl and chill.
Combine tomatoes, 1 tablespoon olive oil and next 6 ingredients in a large bowl; stir in
shrimp. Refrigerate until ready to serve.
Place bread slices on a baking sheet; brush bread with remaining olive oil. Bake at 375º for 8
minutes. Spoon 1 heaping tablespoon shrimp mixture onto each bread slice.

Soutzoukakia - Greek-Style Meatballs


2 slices white bread, crusts removed

1 lb ground beef
1 medium-sized yellow onion, peeled and grated
3 cloves garlic, peeled and finely diced
1 tbsp finely chopped fresh flat-leaf parsley
1 egg, beaten
2 tsp ground cumin
Freshly ground black pepper
All-purpose flour for dredging
Olive oil for frying
1 cup tomato sauce


Soak the bread in water for 10 to 15 minutes, then squeeze out all the excess moisture.
Combine the bread, ground beef, onion, garlic, parsley, egg, cumin and seasonings in a large
bowl. Shape into oval meatballs about 2 inches long and roll in flour. Preheat the oven to
350F degrees. Heat the olive oil in a large frying pan and sauté the meatballs on all sides for
about 10 minutes over medium heat. Remove with a slotted spoon and place in a baking dish.
Cover with the tomato sauce and bake fro 20 to 25 minutes. Serve with boiled rice.

Stewed potatoes with tomato sauce - (Patates yahni)


1 kg potatoes
2 onions
2 garlic cloves
4 fresh tomatoes (or 1 tin)
1/2 tea cup olive oil


Peel the tomatoes and cut them in small pieces. Peel and cut the potatoes in thin slices. Chop
the onions and crush the garlic cloves. In a saucepan pour the olive oil and place the chopped
onions, the garlic, the tomatoes (or empty the tin if one is used) and finally the potatoes. Stir
well and add salt and pepper. Cook for 30 minutes or until the potatoes are tender enough. If
any extra water is required add appropriate portion. The tomato sauce should be thick and
oily when potatoes are ready and no water should remain in the saucepan.
Sofrito from Corfu - (Kerkyraiko Sofrito)

1kg boneless beef fillets (leg part preferred)

1 onion, finely cut
2 garlic cloves, mashed
1 glass of white wine
2 bunches of parsley
Flour for coating the fillets
Olive oil for frying


Coat the fillets with flour and fry slightly on both sides. Add olive oil in a saucepan and sauté
onion. Add rosemary, marjoram, garlic and white wine. Cut the stems of both the parsley
bunches, tie them and add them in the saucepan. Add meat fillets and simmer until the sauce
thickens and meat is tender. Remove parsley stems from the saucepan, serve meat in a
platter and pour the sauce over them. Cut the parsley leaves finely and dredge them over the
fillets. Serve fillets with mashed potato or rice.

Souvlaki with pita bread - (Souvlaki me pita)


1 kg/2 lb of pork meat, cut in cubes with 1 inch (2.5cm) sides

6 Pita breads
Juice of 4 lemons
Salt, pepper and oregano seasoning
Some onion rings
Slices of fresh tomato
6 wooden skewers


Put the pork meat in the wooden skewers, salt and pepper them. Cook over a barbecue fire,
on a skillet or under an oven grill. In the meantime, spread some oil on the pitas and place
under the oven grill, browning slightly each side, but not drying them. When the meat is
done, dip them in a long glass containing the lemon juice and then holding a pita bread in one
hand empty the skewer contents in it removing the skewer. Sprinkle with oregano and salt,
add Tzaziki, some onion slices and tomato, fold the rolled pita with a piece of baking sheet
and the souvlaki is ready.

Stewed meat - (Taskebab)


1 kg / 2 lb meat in squares
One sliced onion
1 litre/1 quart of liquid tomato paste for cooking
Two spoons of sugar
1/2 cup olive oil
Salt, pepper and oregano seasoning


Chop the onion and brown in a pot with the oil. Add the meat and brown the sides. Sprinkle
salt and pepper. Add the sugar, cover with the tomato juice and add the same amount of
water. Let cook for an hour or more until the meat is soft (in a pressure cooker it takes 20
minutes). Serve with rice or fries/chips.

Soutzoukakia Meat balls in tomato sauce


1 Cup Moisten Bread

1 Pinch Cumin
2 Clove Garlic (Pressed)
1 kg Ground Beef or Pork
1 teaspoon olive oil
1-2 Pinch Pepper (To taste)
2-3 Pinch Salt (To taste)
1 Pinch Sugar (To taste)
4 Medium Tomatoes (Ripe)


Mix the ground beef with the bread crumbs (slightly moist), garlic, cumin, and salt & pepper.
Knead into elongated meat balls (see photo) and fry in olive oil. Drain most of the oil, saving
1/2 a cup. Use it in a clean pan to fry the tomatoes, peeled and grated. Add the sugar a bit of
salt & pepper and simmer for 10 minutes. Place the meat balls in the pan and simmer for a
while longer before serving.

Spaghetti with minced meat sauce


500 gr spaghetti
500 gr minced meat (beef preferred)
1 onion, chopped
1/4 kg fresh tomatoes (or 1 small tin preserved
1/4 cup olive oil
1 bay leaf


For the minced meat sauce:

heat the oil in a pan and roast the onion. Add minced meat and sauté. Add the rest of the
ingredients and simmer for 45 minutes to 1 hour. Add water if required.

After you prepare the sauce.

Boil spaghetti in plenty of salted water for 10 - 15 minutes. Drain and butter if you want the
macaroni buttered. Serve the spaghetti on a platter, pour over the sauce and sprinkle with
grated cheese.

Spicy cheese spread - Tyrokafteri


1 Cup Cream (Half and half)

8 oz Cream Cheese
1 lb Feta Cheese (Crumbled)
4 Whole Red Peppers (Diced and roasted)
1 Cup Lemon Juice
1/2 Cup Olive Oil
1/4 Teaspoon Pepper (Ground white pepper)
2 Teaspoon Tabasco Sauce


Soften cream cheese in large bowl with mixer. Add feta, lemon juice, and white pepper.
Slowly add olive oil until all of the oil is absorbed. Mix in half & half until the mixture is
smooth and soft. If the mixture is hard, add a little more half & half to soften. Add roasted

Spinach Pie - Spanakopita


One pack of very thin 'fillo' pastry

1 Kg / 2 lb of spinach, either frozen or fresh
1 kg / 2 lb of feta cheese
250g / 1/2lb of butter or margarine
2 cloves of garlic or garlic power (optional)


If the spinach is raw, cook and slice thinly. If frozen, defrost. In either case, mix the feta
cheese with the spinach to make a mixture, adding the chopped garlic. Spread some butter on
an oven tray. Open the fílo package and place each thin pastry (it is as thin as paper) on the
tray, buttering each one using a brush. After you have done 8 fílo slices, place the
spinach/féta mixture and spread over the entire oven tray, covering the 8 pastry slices. On
top of this, place the remaining pastry slices, buttering each one of them as well. Notch the
last one creating 2 inch (5 cm) on a side, squares. Place in a medium heat oven and cook till

Square noodles in tomato sauce (hilopites me kokkini saltsa)


1 tea cup square noodles

1 tomato (or 2 spoons of chopped can tomatoes)
4 spoons of olive oil
2 spoons butter salt pepper one tea spoon sugar
1 cube of vegetable stock
5 tea cups water


Heat the olive oil in a saucepan and add the tomato and the sugar. Stir the mixture using a
wooden spoon and let it simmer. Add the water and the cube and let boil. When the water
boils add the square noodles. Let them boil in low heat and observe regularly because more
water might be needed. Serve in a place and pour over melted butter.

Stuffed cabbage leaves with rice and meat - (Lahanodolmades me


1 medium cabbage
3 onions, diced
200 grams rice for the stuffing
500 grams minced meat (preferably beef)
2 tomatoes, grated
100 grams pine seeds
dill, finely chopped
parsley, finely chopped
150 grams lemon juice
2 eggs
250 grams olive oil


Wash the cabbage and remove the root. In a large saucepan boil water and heat the cabbage.
Carefully separate each leaf and drain. Remove, if possible, the hard stem from each leaf. Be
careful not to damage them.
Place all ingredients in a saucepan, except from the eggs, the lemon and the olive oil, and boil
for a while.
Use a tea spoon to count the appropriate portion of rice for each leaf. Place on each leaf the
mixture and then fold to make a little parcel. At the bottom of a large saucepan place a few of
the outer cabbage leaves and on top of them place the stuffed ones. Pour water and the olive
oil and cover with a plate. Boil in low heat for 45 minutes.

Stuffed peppers with cheese - (Piperies

yemistes me tyri)

Green long peppers

cheese feta, kaseri, kefalotyri)
Chopped parsley
1 egg

Cut the top of the peppers. Grate all the kinds of cheese and mix them together. Beat the egg
and pour it over the cheese mixture. Dredge salt, pepper, parsley and paprika and mix. Stuff
each pepper with the mixture and fry them softly. Drain them or use an absorbing paper to
absorb the oil.

As an alternative you can bake them in a heat proof pan adding first some oil, like the
peppers in the picture, which are baked and not fried. Serve hot or cold

Stuffed Tomatoes and Peppers - (Yemista)


8 medium tomatoes
8 medium peppers
4 medium potatoes
2 cups rice
3 onions
Spoon of sugar
1 1/2 cup olive oil
Optionally: Raisins, minced meat.


Slice-off the top of the tomatoes and the peppers. Use a spoon to remove the inside part of the
tomatoes and the peppers. Try to leave the empty tomatoes as thin as possible but be careful
not to score their skin. Save the inner part of the tomatoes you have removed. It will be used
for the stuffing. Mash the inner tomato parts with a blender and mix half of the tomato mash
with the rice the onions (chopped), the mint, the sugar and the parsley. Pour olive oil and boil
the rice mixture. Add salt and pepper as desired. Do not overcook the stuffing. The rice
should not be soft. It will soften later during baking time. Stuff the tomatoes and the peppers
and lid them with their tops. Place them in a pan, surround them with the potatoes (sliced)
and pour the rest of the tomato mash. Add olive oil and bake for about 1 1/2 hour in a medium
oven. Add water if required during baking. Optionally: You can add raisins in the stuffing if
you desire. Also, alternatively you can stuff tomatoes and peppers with some minced meat.
Try to experiment and create to stuffing’s, one with rice and one with minced meat and fill
half of the tomatoes and peppers with each stuffing.
For the alternative stuffing just replace rice with minced meat or use both in equal portions.

Stifadho - Beef with Onions


2lb cubed beef

1 ½ lb small onions (shallots)
4 cloves of garlic, thinly sliced
2 bay leaves
1 cinnamon stick
1 tbsp black peppercorns
½ cup vinegar

Fry the onions whole until golden brown then remove from heat.
Sauté the garlic then add the meat. Fry until brown on all sides.
Add the vinegar, bay leaves, cinnamon stick, peppercorns and salt. Add enough water to
cover and bring to the boil. Cover and put on minimum heat.
Simmer for 1 ½ hours or until the liquid has thickened. Towards the end, add the onions to
absorb some of the flavours.
Serve hot.

Soutzoukakia Smyrneika - Smyrna


1lb minced beef

1-2 tsp cumin
salt & pepper


Knead the ingredients in a bowl and then shape them into small sausage balls (approximately
1 tbsp per ball).
Grill under a medium heat. Serve hot with rice or potatoes.

Tartori - (Tartori)

400 grams stale bread crumb

8 spoons olive oil
4 spoons vinegar
2 - 4 garlic cloves
50 grams grounded walnuts (optional)
Some mint
Pinch of salt


Soak the stale bread in a bowl of water until it becomes soft. When it gets soft strain it and
put it in a blender. Mash in a mortal the garlic and the mint. Then empty the content of the
mortal into the blender together with salt, vinegar and olive oil. Whiz well until mixture
becomes like a paste. Optionally add walnuts.
Tas kebab rice - (Pilafi Tas Kebab)

2 pounds leg of lamb or veal

1 1/4 cups butter
3 medium onions, chopped
1/2 cup white wine
1 1/2 pounds tomatoes, peeled/strained or
1 tablespoon tomato paste diluted with:
1 cup water
salt & pepper to taste
1 cup water
3 cups raw rice


Cut meat into 2-inch cubes. Wash and wipe dry Brown meat in two-thirds of the butter. Add
onions and brown these too. Add wine, tomatoes, salt, and pepper. Cook for about 5 minutes.
Add water. Cook until meat is tender and about 1 c. sauce remains. Cook rice as directed on
package. Melt remaining butter and add it to rice. Place meat and sauce in bottom of a tube
pan or ring mould. Add rice and pack lightly. Turn out onto a platter so meat is on top; the
sauce will run down the sides of the rice.

Tuna fish salad - (Tonosalata)


1 tin tuna fish or fresh cooked tuna

4 lettuce leaves, finely chopped
1 green pepper, chopped
1 diced cucumber, cut in slices
1 tomato, chopped
Some Corn (from a tin or fresh), optional
Juice of one lemon


Break up tuna fish and mix with lettuce, pepper, cucumber, tomato, corn, some oil and salt.
Pour over lemon juice and serve.

Tzatziki with no garlic - (Tzatziki horis skordo)


500 gr strained yoghurt

3 spoons olive oil
1 spoon parsley, finely cut
2 spoons fresh mint, finely cut
1 spoon dill, finely cut
2 spoons lemon juice

Place all ingredients in a bowl and mix well. Place the bowl in fridge and let it stand for an

Veal with quince - (Moshari me kidonia)


1 1/2 veal, cut in pieces

2 1/2 kg quince, cleaned and cut in thick pieces
650 gr fresh tomatoes, mashed
2 spoons butter

Burn butter in a saucepan and roast the meat on all sides. Add tomato mash plus water,
enough to cover the meat. Simmer until half of the water is absorbed. In the meantime, roast
the quince, which have already been cleaned and cut. Add them into the saucepan and
simmer until the remaining water is absorbed. Add more water if meat is not ready and
simmer for more time, if necessary.

Veal with vegetables - (Moshari me lahanika)


1 kg veal, cut into cubes

3 spoons sunflower oil
6 spoons of butter
1/2 kg of small round onions, cleaned
1/2 kg carrots
1 cube of vegetable broth
Fresh spices


Season the meat with salt and pepper. Warm the sunflower oil in a large stockpot and sauté
the meat on all sides, until it browns. Add the vegetable cube, some salt and pepper and then
cover with hot water and simmer until meat is tender and the water evaporates. Next, clean
the carrots. In a large pan heat the butter and add the carrots and onions. Sprinkle them with
sugar and cook until they are glazed, turning them continuously until they are even in colour.
Place the glazed onions and carrots into the stockpot with the meat and mix well. Garnish
with seasonings and serve.
Vinaigrette Dressing

3/4 Cup Olive Oil

1 Tablespoon Oregano
1 Teaspoon Pepper
1/4 Cup Red Wine Vinegar
1 Teaspoon Salt
1 A Little Sugar (To taste, or honey)


Add red wine vinegar, salt, pepper and oregano and whisk together in a measuring cup. Add
olive oil and whisk with vinegar until blended well. Whisk in sugar or honey to sweeten and
cut the acidity to your liking.

Vasilopita - New Year's Cake


1½ lb strong plain flour

1 sachet of instant dried yeast
2oz slightly salted butter
½ tspn salt
5oz sugar
2 eggs
8oz warm milk
1 tspn mexlepi


Use the dough hook on the food processor.

Grind the mexlepi to a powder. Place all the dry ingredients into a food processor and mix
for one minute. Add the beaten eggs and warm milk and knead for a few minutes. The
dough should not be sticking to the bowl. Place on a floured surface and shape into a
round ball. Roll the dough with a rolling pin to about 1-inch thickness, maintaining a
round shape. Place on a greased tray and cover with a clean tea towel and leave in a warm
place for 1 hour until doubled in size. Brush the surface with beaten egg and sugar.
Sprinkle with sesame seeds. Bake in a hot oven for 20 minutes until golden brown. When
cool, insert a coin wrapped in tin foil in the base of the vasilopitta. The cake is divided into
the number of people in the family plus one more for the house. Each person chooses one
piece. Good luck will come to the person who finds it.

Yogurt with Honey and Walnuts


2 to 3 cups plain yogurt (preferably Greek style)

3/4 to 1 teaspoon vanilla
1 1/2 to 2 cups toasted walnuts
1/2 to 3/4 cup honey

Stir together yogurt and vanilla. Layer alternately with remaining ingredients into 4 to 6
glasses, beginning with yogurt and ending with walnuts and honey.

Yoghurt dip - (Tzatziki)


1/2 kilo strained yoghurt

1 cucumber
4 garlic cloves (more makes it with stronger taste)


Grate the garlic and mix it with salt and vinegar. Peel the cucumber, grate it and squeeze it
until all its water is removed. Put the yoghurt into a bowl and add the cucumber into it. Then
mix the yoghurt with the mixture of grated garlic. Whiz the content until all the ingredients
are well mixed. Add some oil. Yoghurt dip can be served in a normal temperature but it is
rather preferred cold.

The End

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