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We send you an email that contains different instructions.

If the instructions does not follow the instructions that you will see below, follow the one which is sent in the email but make sure to follow all the other instructions in here that is not in conflict with the instructions in the email.

SIMPLE ARTICLE WRITING TITLE: You can create any title as long as the keyword is there. The title can be in a form of question or statement. The characters in the title must not be less than 30 characters. It is always prefer to include the keyword as part of the title of the article. BODY:

This is where your article must focus on Start with a short introduction Be creative in doing your article body. Use bullet points if you think it is needed. Bullet points are required if you are writing procedures, tips, how tos, steps, guides, etc. Use subheadings for each paragraph. 80% of your article must be focused on the body. Also, do not indent the first sentence of each paragraph.


Allot one paragraph for the closing. The keyword must always be used there.


Unless specified in the instructions, the use of keywords must always be in 1% density. Just compute the 1% from the required word count. For example, 500 word count means use of keywords 5x (5 is 1% of 500) in the body. To know where to use the keywords, follow this: 1x in the first sentence 1x in the last sentence remaining evenly distributed in the body Also, always highlight in BOLD the keywords when you use them so I can easily see.


Do not use Wikipedia as your reference. Always gather references from,, and other article directories you know. Avoid referring to generic articles from Google. The articles from the different article directories were approved so you wont end up having erroneous contents.

Do not use one reference only. If you do, youll end up rewriting it. 2-3 references are enough.

COPYWRITING (Product Review) Here is a good copywriting formula that one of the clients shared. Please use this formula for product reviews moving forward: Below is how you should write the review: 1. Why the user reads that? Here we make empathy. It can have one of the following or all of them o Give motivation to read the rest o State the current situation that the reader can appeal to... and feel like you're writing to him o State the problem o State the implications of the problem o The Benefits the user will get o What will they avoid o What's the outcome/result o Agitate 2. Really quick mention of the solution. In marketing it's called Soft Sell. You don't agressively tell them that they should use it. You just mention it btw... 3. The Article itself - It's the body of the article. You can use here: o Theories and Concepts o History and Science o Diagrams o Stories o Analogies o Metaphors o Other Content o Quick Formula That Can sit here: 1. Introduce a generic solution 2. Write Qualifications for the best solution (What makes the best XXXX) 3. Write about our solution. 4. Hard Sell our Solution. State why they must use it. 5. Recap everything and state again the benefits and the outcome after applying the solution

GLUE WORDS Another client also shared this important guide. Please take a look at it: What are Glue Sentences/words? Glue words are the 200 or so most common words in the English language (excluding personal pronouns). They are necessary to link nouns, verbs, adverbs and adjectives in any sentence. Most writers use too many glue words and almost every document could benefit from running an editorial pen through unnecessary glue words. Removing wordy sentences help you write more concisely and so improve the style and clarity of your document. Original: I was able to use the contacts that I have in the regional office and spoke to a number of people about the issue that had been raised of staff morale. Glue Words: 58% - Sentence Length 31 words Redraft: I spoke to several contacts at the regional office about staff morale.

Glue Words: 33% - Sentence Length 12 words The redraft saves 19 words in a 31-word sentence. More examples" Once you have cut glue words from a few sentences, you will find it easy to edit High Glue sentences. Here are some tips to help you edit High Glue sentences. Here are some tips to help you edit High Glue sentences and to avoid overusing glue words when you write. 1. Look for the nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs in your sentence as these words are the content of your sentence. 2. Use active verbs. 3. Start most sentences with the main subject followed by an active verb. 4. Start instructions with an active, command verb. 5. Place each adjective next to the noun it qualifies. 6. Place each adverb next to the verb it qualifies. 7. Cut any unnecessary glue words.

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