Fleger, Stephen

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Fleger, Stephen
From: Sent: To: Subject: Val, Please include: effects of national and local culture. Mike From: Fleger, Stephen Sent: Tuesday, April 05, 2011 6:09 PM To: Barnes, Valerie; Peters, Sean; Desaulniers, David; Boggi, Michael; Martin, Kamishan; Marble, Julie; Xing, Jing; D'Agostino, Amy; Morrow, Stephanie; Lapinsky, George Subject: RE: CONSIDERATIONS OF WGHOF WITH RESPECT TO FUKUSHIMA EVENT Hey Val I just returned from briefing the ACRS on our updated Advanced Rx R&D Plan (NGNP/HTRG plan) and I need to get across town for a 6:30 pm function so I can't spend much time on this but the one thing that strikes me about the Fukushima event from a HOF perspective is the consistency with which the PRA/HRA "worst case" scenario builders underestimate the probability of common cause failures. Every major nuclear accident has been worse than the hypothesized worst-case. TMI, Chernobyl and now Fukushima. For TMI the "implausibility's" surrounded the hydrogen buildup in the RPV and core melt. For Chernobyl it was the positive reactivity void coefficient leading to multiple explosions. For Fukushima it was damage to the T/G, failure of backup power systems following a station blackout, and containment explosions resulting from hydrogen buildup as a result of an earthquake followed by a tsunami that happened in a country that arguably has one of the best earthquake prediction & mitigation systems in the world. Maybe this might be worth looking into? Steve Boggi, Michael Wednesday, April 06, 2011 7:31 AM Fleger, Stephen; Barnes, Valerie; Peters, Sean; Desaulniers, David; Martin, Kamishan; Marble, Julie; Xing, Jing; D'Agostino, Amy; Morrow, Stephanie; Lapinsky, George RE: CONSIDERATIONS OF WGHOF WITH RESPECT TO FUKUSHIMA EVENT

From: Barnes, Valerie Sent: Tuesday, April 05, 2011 2:12 PM To: Peters, Sean; Desaulniers, David; Fleger, Stephen; Boggi, Michael; Martin, Kamishan; Marble, Julie; Xing, Jing; D'Agostino, Amy; Morrow, Stephanie; Lapinsky, George Subject: FW: CONSIDERATIONS OF WGHOF WITH RESPECT TO FUKUSHIMA EVENT Importance: High I'm at the WGHOF meeting. CSNI asked us to pull together a list of the human/org factors (HOF) issues for future consideration based on what we know about Fukushima so far. The bullets in the attached list are a partial representation of what the group came up with today and I recognize they're without context and some are probably uninterpretable as written. But, if you have time quickly (this afternoon), would you pls look them over and add your thoughts? It has to be today (your time) so I have a chance to get them included in the list tomorrow. The list isn't about future regulatory action - the questions are what are the areas where we want more info and what do we see, so far, as being important human/org factors questions from Fukushima.

Only if you have time. Thanks, Val From: Greg .LAMARRE(oecd.org [mailto:Greg. LAMARREUoecd.org1 Sent: Tuesday, April 05, 2011 9:29 AM ro: yves.vandenberghe(belv.be; choisenWkins.re.kr; mbmro(csn.es; haladaOvuje.sk; vcgaerb.aov.in; rvonne.dubbersbminvrom.nl; radomir.rehacekcoecd.org; andre. bouchardacnsc-ccsn.gc.ca; azunori.nishimurabcao.qo.jp; greg.lamarreaoecd.org; hojiujv.cz; cornelia.ryseraensi.ch; julius.persensky@inl.gov; -1ieracki, Diane; albert.frischknechtOensi.ch; giacomo.coiazziijrc.it; bernard.pap inscea.fr; claudia.humbelhaagbensi.ch; ;alten taek.gov.tr; k217bkh0kins.re.kr; leena.norros(vtt.fi; jean-marie.rousseaubirsn.fr; ito-iuichirodjnes.go.Jp; .(erstin.dahlqren(vattenfall.com; anna.mengoliniajrc.nl; stoJkagvuje.sk; jeffrey.joecinl.qov; giustino.mannawjrc.nl; kubota-ryuii(aines."o.* ; bgmbcsn.es; magnhild(hrp.no; perolof.sandenassm.se; sabhardwaj@npcil.co.in; daniel .tassetaasn.fr; lars.axelsson~3ssm.se; iean-yves.fiset(cnsc-ccsn.cic.ca; gwattsbnbpower.com; benjamin.stanfordaoecd.org; ghislain.pascalbec.europa.eu; wolfgang.preischlIgrs.de; ccKlcnat.es; rob.jansen(minvrom.nl; Barnes, Valerie; a.kerhoas@iaea.org; ishii-voichi0ines.co.ID; m.haaqe0iaea.org; makinomaomibjnes.go.Jp; kirsi.leva0stuk.fi; Fleger, Stephen; takao.akiyamaacao.go.jp; wdjung0kaeri.re.kr; craig. reiersenihse.gsi.gov.uk; picciniasogin.it; suzanne.dolecki(cnsc-ccsn.cic.ca; kozlov-w@atomenergoprom.ru; karel.mateikabsuib.cz; cireqory.rolina@imines-paristech.fr; dhleebkins.re.kr Subject: CONSIDERATIONS OF WGHOF WITH RESPECT TO FUKUSHIMA EVENT Dear WGHOF Members, For your information and review, the draft of today's discussion.

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