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Day 1 31 July 2012 (Tuesday) Venue: Leong Hall

0800 0900 - Registration 0900 0930 - Master of Ceremonies: Mr. Pim van Loon President, ASEFUAN Welcome Addresses Dr. John Paul C. Vergara Vice-President for Loyola Schools, Ateneo de Manila University Mr. Lubomir Frebort Charg d'Affaires Delegation of the European Union to the Philippines 0930 1100 - First Session Contemporary Challenges of Peace-Building in Asia-Pacific Moderator: Dr. Laurent Frideres, ASEFUAN Senior Consultant, Clustering and Economic Development, PwC Luxembourg Affiliated Lecturer, Department of Geography, University of Cambridge Rapporteur: Mr. Dinesh Sathisan, ASEFUAN International Defense Policy Officer, Ministry of Defense, Singapore The Peace and Security Situation in Asia-Pacific Dr. Clarita Carlos President, Center for Asia Pacific Studies, Inc. European Studies Program, Ateneo de Manila University The South China Sea Dispute: The Way Forward H.E. Ambassador Rosario G. Manalo Governor for the Philippines, Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF) Board of Governors European Studies Program, Ateneo de Manila University
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Dr. Paul Wang Department of World History Nankai University 1100 1115 - Break (Leong Hall Roof Deck) 1115 1230 - Second Session Contemporary Challenges of Peace-Building for Europe Moderator: Dr. Marissa Maricosa A. Paderon Director, European Studies Program, Ateneo de Manila University Rapporteur: Dr. Nikki Briones-Carsi Cruz, ASEFUAN Department of Interdisciplinary Studies, Ateneo de Manila University Contemporary Challenges to Peace in Europe Prof. Dr. David Javier Garcia Cantalapiedra Department of International Law and International Relations Faculty of Political Science and Sociology Universidad Complutense de Madrid ASEFUAN Peace Mediation as a Reflection of Finnish Foreign Policy: A Case Study Dr. Mika Aaltola Director, Global Security Research Program The Finnish Institute of International Affairs 1230 1330 - Lunch (Leong Hall Roof Deck) 1330 1500 - Third Session Gender-Based Violence and the Role of Women in Peace-Building Moderator: Dr. Marita Concepcion C. Guevara Professor, Department of Interdisciplinary Studies Ateneo de Manila University Rapporteur: Ms. Catherine Candano, ASEFUAN Research Scholar, Communications and New Media Department National University of Singapore Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Hate Crimes Ms. Hender Gercio ASEFUAN Former President, University of the Philippines Babaylan Gender-Based Crimes in International Law Prof. Amparita Sta. Maria Director, Urduja Womens Rights Desk Ateneo Human Rights Center, Ateneo de Manila School of Law
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The Role of Muslim Women in Promoting Peace Atty. Raissa Jajurie Vice-Chairperson Nisa Ul-Haqq fi Bangsamoro (Women for Justice in the Bangsamoro) 1500 1515 - Break (Leong Hall Roof Deck) 1515 1645 - Fourth Session Towards Solutions: International Engagement in Peace-Building Moderator: Dr. Alma O. Salvador Chairperson, Political Science Department, Ateneo de Manila University Rapporteur: Ms. Cathy Pabalan-Frideres Director, Rosetta Translation Limited Vice-President, ASEFUAN Responsibility to Protect: The Role of Communities in Preventing Atrocities Prof. Moner Bajunaid Co-Convenor, Philippine Center for Islam and Democracy Bi-regional Cooperation in Conflict Resolution: The Case of the Aceh Monitoring Mission H.E. Ambassador Karel Kovanda Governor for the European Union ASEF Board of Governors Third Party Mediation in the Mindanao Peace Process Prof. Miriam Coronel-Ferrer Member, Government of the Philippines Peace Panel with the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF), Office of the Presidential Adviser on the Peace Process Republic of the Philippines 1700 1900 - Launch of Bahagian Shared Heritage: As We See It A Traveling Exhibition Philippine Leg Venue: Manuel V. Pangilinan (MVP) Hall With the special performance of Dr. Jaime Reis and Ms. Joana Guerra (Portugal) ASEFUAN

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DAY 2 1 August 2012 (Wednesday) Venue: Leong Hall

0800 0900 - Registration 0900 1100 - Fifth Session Innovative Approaches To Non-Violent Change Moderator: Dr. Luis F. Dumlao Chairperson, Department of Economics, Ateneo de Manila University Rapporteur: Ms. Krystle Wong, Executive Committee, ASEFUAN Institut d'Etudes Politiques de Paris Arts for Conflict Transformation and Peace-building Ms. Sarah Queblatin Art Facilitator, Community Artist Civil Resistance in Promoting Social Change: The Example of the Sumilao Farmers Atty. Marlon Manuel National Coordinator, Alternative Law Groups, Inc. Dealing with Company-Community Conflicts Involving Indigenous Peoples Ms. Mia Theresa Quiaoit-Corpus Executive Director, Conflict Resolution Group Foundation, Inc. 1100 1115 - Break (Leong Hall Roof Deck) 1115 1215 - Sixth Session Another World is Possible: The Way to Peace Moderator: Dr. Cristina J. Montiel, Professor, Psychology Department Ateneo de Manila University Editor, Peace Psychology in Asia Rapporteur: Mr. Nick McIlroy, ASEFUAN Shanghai Office, Bord Bia-Irish Food Board Solidarity Economics: A World of Cooperation, a World Beyond Capitalism? Prof. Nathalie Verceles University of the Philippines College of Social Work and Community Development Sustainable Development: Peacework Prof. Virginia Bonoan-Dandan United Nations Independent Expert on Human Rights and International Solidarity
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1215 1315 - Lunch (Leong Hall Roof Deck) 1315 1445 - Paper presentations Moderator: Mr. Andreas Wiese Executive Committee, ASEFUAN University of Oxford Conflict transformation through Dialogue: A Model Proposed to Address the Conflict Between the Government of Indonesia and the Indigenous Papuans Ms. Neles Tebay Rector, Fajar Timur School of Philosophy and Theology, Papua, Indonesia Coordinator, Papua Peace Network Weaving Tongtongan and Lupon: Exploring the Integration of Customary and Modern Practices of Conflict Resolution among the Ibaloi of Benguet Angela L. Chamos, Faye W. Alipio, Kayser Clair V. Dodon, Cherry Ann C. Egsan, Clara Mae V. Manzano, John Palma Presenter: Angela L. Chamos Associate Professor for the Department of Legal Studies, Political and Social Sciences; Associate Professor for the Department of Business Economics Saint Louis University, Baguio City Tongtongan: An Exploratory Study on the Indigenous Alternative Dispute Resolution Mechanism in La Trinidad, Benguet Ryan Israel Torres Advincula Researcher, Eastern Regional Organization for Public Administration 1445 1500 - Break (Leong Hall Roof Deck) 1500 1730 - Workshop on Conflict Resolution for Leaders Facilitator: Conflict Resolution Group (CoRe Group) Foundation, Inc. 1730 1745 - Closing Ceremonies of the Academic Conference Fr. Jose M. Cruz, S.J. Vice President for University and Global Relations Ateneo de Manila University

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Day 3 2 August 2012 (Thursday) Venue: Faura AVR

0800 1200

- Annual General Meeting; Election of Executive Committee members (for ASEFUAN members only) Lunch (CTC 201) Continuation- Annual General Meeting; Election of Executive Committee members (for ASEFUAN members only) - Cultural Tour Walled City: Intramuros - Dinner and Cultural Show Intramuros

1200 1300 1300 1330

1330 1745

1800 2000

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WELCOME REMARKS Dr. John Paul C. Vergara Vice President for the Loyola Schools Ateneo de Manila University Dr. John Paul C. Vergara is the current Vice President for the Loyola Schools of the Ateneo de Manila University. The Loyola Schools is the universitys higher education unit. He is a computer scientist with an undergraduate degree from the Ateneo de Manila University, and graduate and doctoral degrees from the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. Apart from his administrative duties, he is a professor with the Department of Information Systems and Computer Science at the Ateneo de Manilas School of Science and Engineering. Mr. Lubomir Frebort Charg d'Affaires Delegation of the European Union to the Philippines


Dr. Clarita R. Carlos President, Center for Asia Pacific Studies, Inc. European Studies Program, Ateneo de Manila University Clarita Carlos is professor of political science at University of the Philippines and is also a member of the faculty of the Ateneo European Studies Program. She was the first female, civilian President of the National Defense College of the Philippines. She has written on political parties, elections, bureaucratic reform and democratic deficits, among others. Her recent books are on population ageing and disaster management. Dr. Carlos continues to teach and is doing consultancy work with the Congress and other government agencies. She heads the Center for Political and Democratic Reform, Inc, a think tank.
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H.E. Ambassador Rosario G. Manalo Governor for the Philippines, Asia-Europe Foundation Board of Governors European Studies Program, Ateneo de Manila University Ambassador Rosario Manalo is the Representative of the Republic of the Philippines to the ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission on Human Rights. She is the former Chairperson of the High Level Task Force for the ASEAN Human Rights Charter. She was also appointed as Special Envoy of the President of the Philippines to the ASEAN High Level Panel to negotiate the Terms of Reference (TOR) of the ASEAN Human Rights Body. She was previously a Presidential Advisor and Special Envoy to Latin America. She was also appointed Undersecretary for International Economic Relations for the Department of Foreign Affairs and was variously the Ambassador to France, Portugal, Belgium & Luxembourg, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, and the European Economic Community. A Permanent Delegate of the Philippines to UNESCO, she was later appointed Chairwoman for of the UNESCO National Commission of the Philippines. She has been serving as Philippine Representative to the Board of Governors of the Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF). Ambassador Manalo has held the post of Chairwoman for the UN Committee for the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women and the UN Commission on the Status of Women in New York. Amb. Manalo is the first and only Filipina so far to have chaired these two significant UN bodies dealing on womens issues and concerns. Prior to this, she served as Commissioner of the National Commission on the Role of Filipino Women (NCRFW) in the Philippines. She was the Chairperson of the European Studies Program in the Ateneo de Manila University where she continues to teach. She has been lecturing at various universities in the Philippines for over 40 years. She has two Master of Arts degrees, in International Relations & Diplomacy and Public Administration, and three Bachelor of Arts degrees in Foreign Service, Law, and Science in Jurisprudence. She is currently taking up her Doctoral Course in Social development at the Philippine Womens University. Dr. Paul Wang Department of World History Nankai University Trained in world history, international studies and political science with an emphasis on East Asian Studies and International relations, Dr. Paul Wang has teaching competence in modern and contemporary diplomacy - history and theory, international relations in East Asia and foreign policy analysis. He has had teaching experiences in Europe, United States and China. Since 2009, he has been an adjunct professor teaching Chinas foreign/security policy and international relations theory at the Institute of International Studies, Jilin University, China.
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Dr. Wang graduated from Nankai University with BA and MA in the field of World History and International Affairs. He obtained his dual MAs in the field of international studies and Asian studies at the University of Montana, USA and PhD in Political science with an emphasis on international security from the University of Aberdeen, UK. He did a post-graduate study in US Foreign Policy at the Kennedy School of Government in Harvard University through the Harvard-Yenching Fellowship.

Prof. Dr. David Javier Garcia Cantalapiedra Department of International Law and International Relations Faculty of Political Science and Sociology, Universidad Complutense de Madrid ASEFUAN Dr. David Javier Garcia Cantalapiedra is an Associate Professor at the Department of Internacional Law and International Relations at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. He is also a Professo of US Foreign Policy at the Spanish Foreign Service School, and a Visiting Professor at St. Louis University. Dr. Garcia Cantalapiedra is Co-director and Professor at the summer school, Asia in the XXI Century at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Aside from these teaching posts, he also serves as consultant for the Spanish Army of the Spanish Ministry of Defense. He is served as consultant for NATO in Afghanistan in 2009 and was a member of the NATO informal Working Group on NATO Deterrence Policy created by the US Defense Threat Reduction Agency and NATO Nuclear Policy Planning Directorate from 2007- 2011. He was a Senior Researcher on US Foreign Policy and Transatlantic Relations at the Real Instituto Elcano from 2007 to 2009 and was a UNISCI Senior Researcher on US Foreign Policy (Unidad de Investigacin sobre Seguridad y Cooperacin Internacional. Currently, he is also an Associate Researcher and Director of the US Foreign Policy program at Benjamin Franklin Institute on American Studies. Some of his 2012 publications include Europa y EEUU en el siglo XXI. Psicologia y Poltica en las Relaciones Transatlnticas (with Ruben Herrero), Spain (with Damon Coletta), en Janne Haaland Matlary and Magnus Petersson (eds) Willing and Able? NATOs European Allies, and La Doctrina Obama", la teora de la Guerra Limitada y la nueva poltica exterior de EEUU: hacia una poltica neo-nixonana?".

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Dr. Mika Aaltola Director, Global Security Research Program The Finnish Institute of International Affairs Dr. Mika Aaltola is currently working as the Programme Director of the Global Security Research Programme at the Finnish Institute of International Affairs. He is also a professor at the University of Tallinn, Estonia. He has previously worked as an Academy of Finland Fellow and as a Visiting professor at the University of Minnesota (Twin Cities). He has worked as a visiting fellow at the Sciences Po (CERI) and Cambridge University. His previous publications include Understanding the Politics of Pandemic Scares. An Introduction to Global Politosomatic, Routledge 2011, Spectacles of Governance and the Emergence of Humanitarian World Politics, Palgrave 2009, Sowing the Seeds of Sacred: Political Religion of the American Era, Brill 2008. He has published widely in the areas of crisis management, global networks, U.S. and Finnish foreign policies, humanitarian emergencies, disaster management, and peace mediation. He established a program on Peace Mediation Studies at the Finnish Institute of International Affairs. Ms. Hender Gercio Former President, University of the Philippines Babaylan ASEFUAN Hender Gercio is a member of ASEFUAN and participated in the 15th ASEF University session on "Migration and Multicultural Societies." She is a member and former president of UP Babaylan, the first and largest LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender) student organization in the Philippines. She is also a member of the Society of Transsexual Women of the Philippines, the first transgender/transsexual rights advocacy group in the country. She obtained her bachelors degree in European languages from the University of the Philippines Diliman, and is currently pursuing a masters degree in philosophy at the same university. Prof. Amparita Sta. Maria Director, Urduja Womens Rights Desk Ateneo Human Rights Center, Ateneo de Manila School of Law Professor Sta. Maria is the Director of the Women and Migrants Rights Desk and of Research, Education and Publication at the Ateneo Human Rights Center. She has also been teaching Family law, Gender and the Law, Human Rights Law and Thesis Writing at the Ateneo de Manila School of Law, where she has also been serving as Thesis Director. In 2004, she joined the Philippine Judicial Academy as Professorial Lecturer in International and Human Rights Law. She also served at the Sub-Committee on Training and Capacity Building, Committee on Gender Responsiveness in the Judiciary of the Supreme Court of the Philippines. She has been a Special
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Project Consultant for the International Labour Organization in Internal Trafficking in Children for the Worst Forms of Child Labor (ILO-Manila, 2001); and in the Study on the Legal Protection of Child Domestic Workers in Asia Pacific (2002, ILO Bangkok). She is listed in the database of the Bureau for Gender Equality of the International Labour Office in Geneva as a specialist in gender-related issues. She was also a consultant for United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (2001, UNESCAP, Bangkok) in the use of Legal and other Instruments to Combat Trafficking in Women and Children within the Asia-Pacific Region, and was an Evaluation Consultant for United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Philippines on Strengthened Capacity of Institutions to Promote and Protect the Right to Development to include a Gender Perspective on Development. Amparita de los Santos-Sta. Maria graduated with honors from the Ateneo de Manila University School of Law with a degree of Bachelor of Laws (L.L.B.) in 1982. In 2005, she obtained her Master of Laws degree at the University of Toronto where she was awarded a Reproductive Health Fellowship as part of the Womens Rights and Reproductive Health Graduate Scholarships of the Faculty of Law, University of Toronto. Atty. Raissa Jajurie Vice-Chairperson Nisa Ul-Haqq fi Bangsamoro (Women for Justice in the Bangsamoro) Raissa has been in development work for most of her life, first as a labor organizer and then as a human rights lawyer. She holds the position of Mindanao Coordinator of the Alternative Legal Assistance Center (locally known as SALIGAN), an alternative law group working for the empowerment of marginalized groups and identities, including the workers, peasants, the urban poor, women and local communities. Raissa hails from Mindanao, which is the ancestral domain of the Islamized native inhabitants called the Moros. She is acting chair of a group of women who are working on gender issues in Muslim communities. Last year, she became a member of the Board of Consultants of the peace panel of the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF), which has been engaged in a decolonization struggle for more about 4 decades. She took up Bachelor of Arts in Political Science at the Ateneo de Manila University, and Bachelor of Laws at the University of the Philippines.

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Prof. Moner Bajunaid Co-Convenor, Philippine Center for Islam and Democracy Prof. Bajunaid is the current corporate secretary and a co-convenor of the Philippine Center for Islam and Democracy (PCID), a non-partisan, non-profit organization established in 2002 dedicated to the study of Islamic and democratic political thought and the search for peace, democracy and development in Muslim communities. His previous posts include, among others: Secretary General of the National Ulama Conference of the Philippines (NUCP), a network of Muslim religious scholars; Former Commissioner of the National Commission for Muslim Filipinos (NCMF); Executive Director of the Mindanao Integrated Network Development (MIND) Center in Cotabato; and Project Coordinator for the Empowering the Ulama Project of PCID with the UK embassy and The Netherlands embassy. Professor Moner holds a Master of Arts in Islamic Studies from the International Islamic University in Islamabad, Pakistan. H.E. Ambassador Karel Kovanda Governor for the European Union ASEF Board of Governors Ambassador Kovanda served as Deputy Director General of External Relations in the European Commission from 2005-2010, when he retired from the European Union. His areas of responsibility included the European Common Foreign and Security Policy; multilateral relations and human rights; and relations with Japan and Korea, Australia and New Zealand, North America, and other developed countries. Ambassador Kovanda simultaneously served as the Commission's Political Director, both bilaterally and in the G8 context. In this role he was frequently involved in discussions with Asian countries, including China, Indonesia, India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, and Nepal. Prior to joining the European Commission, Ambassador Kovanda was a senior diplomat in the Czech Foreign Service. He served as his country's ambassador to NATO and the UN, including heading the Czech Delegation during its non- permanent membership of the UN Security Council. In the late 1970s, he spent two years in China working for Radio Beijing. Ambassador Kovanda holds an undergraduate degree from the Prague School of Agriculture, a PhD in political science from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and an MBA from Pepperdine University in California. He is fluent in Czech, English, Spanish, and French, and speaks Russian and German at a conversational level.
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He is married to Noemi, a native of Slovakia, and they have three children. His interests include the theatre, reading, collecting stamps, and languages. Prof. Miriam Coronel-Ferrer Member, Government of the Philippines Peace Panel with the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF), Office of the Presidential Adviser on the Peace Process Republic of the Philippines Miriam Coronel Ferrer a professor at the Department of Political Science, University of the Philippines. At UP, she has held various executive positions such as Director of the Third World Studies Center and Convener of the UP Program on Peace, Democratization and Human Rights. Prof. Coronel Ferrer is a member of the government panel appointed by President Aquino III in July 2010 to negotiate with the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF). She has been involved in national and international peace, human rights and disarmament campaigns such as the International Campaign to Ban Landmines, which won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1997. She was also a member of the civil society-led drafting committee for the Philippine Governments National Action Plan on UN Security Council Resolution 1325 on Women, Peace and Security, and was one of 27 Filipinas among the 1,000 Women for the Nobel Peace Prize nominated in 2005. Prof. Coronel Ferrer has published journal and book articles on Philippine politics, civil society, armed conflicts, autonomy and peace processes, and served as visiting professor at Hiroshima University in Japan and the Hankuk University in South Korea. Before joining the government negotiating panel, she wrote a weekly opinion column for, the news website of ABS-CBN. Ms. Sarah Queblatin Art Facilitator, Community Artist Sarah Queblatin is a multidisciplinary artist working in the fields of art and advocacy for the last 11 years. She has co-created with organizations working in the fields of cultural heritage, environment, post-disaster relief, and interfaith dialogue in integrating creative approaches in campaigns, workshops, programs, and events. She sits in the International Advisory Council of BuildaBridge International, a global organization providing transformative arts services in disaster, conflict, and poverty stricken places around the world. Currently, she is taking up her Masters in Expressive Arts for Conflict Transformation at the European Graduate School in Switzerland specializing in sacred, traditional, and earth based art forms for psycho social support, peacebuilding, and ecological restoration. She is currently transitioning from city life to being part of Maia Earth Village, an intentional community based in Palawan, Philippines to learn and practice
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ecovillage living and transition town initiatives. While communing with nature, she will be developing modules based on creation myths, earth based elements, and the sacred art of circles (mandalas) for interfaith and intercultural dialogue, arts relief, and ecological healing. These modules will be used for an upcoming peace art program for a children's museum and for future arts relief and community rebuilding projects. Atty. Marlon J. Manuel National Coordinator, Alternative Law Groups, Inc. Marlon Manuel is the Coordinator of the Alternative Law Groups (ALG), a coalition of twenty (20) non-government organizations in the Philippines that adhere to the principles and values of alternative or social development- oriented law practice. These organizations have distinct programs for legal assistance that is focused on the pursuit of public interest, respect for human rights, and promotion of social justice. He is currently the Vice-Chairperson for the Basic Sectors of the National Anti-Poverty Commission (NAPC). Atty. Manuel has one and a half decades of experience in social justice and human rights lawyering. He has deep involvement in justice and human rights education, not only as a law school professor, but also, and more extensively, as a grassroots community educator, continuously practicing and advocating the principles of education for people empowerment as he work with farmers, workers, and other vulnerable groups. He has combined his education activities with his involvement in strategic litigation on public interest issues. He is also actively involved in policy reform work on social justice and human rights legislation, and in justice system reform work, especially on improving access to justice by the poor. Ms. Mia Theresa Quiaoit-Corpus Executive Director, Conflict Resolution Group Foundation, Inc. Mia received her first training in mediation under the CoRe Group in 2004 after having retired at a very early age from the corporate world where she was President of an information technology company. She carries with her over 8 years of experience in project management of various Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) programs from training, research, framework design consultancy and policy creation. Being one of the most experienced ADR practitioner in the country, she spearheaded mediation programs at the Department of Justice, Office of the Ombudsman, Commission on Human Rights, Department of Trade & Industry, Department of Education and many more. She served as a consultant for the Compliance Advisor/Ombudsman (CAO) of the World Bank and the Asian Development Bank. Previous to this, she worked with the Subic Bay Metropolitan Authority as member of the Promotions and Marketing team.

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She received her degree from the Global Masters of Arts Program in International Affairs of the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy of Tufts University. She also completed her MBA from the University of the Philippines. She served as Executive Director of the CoRe Group since 2006.

Prof. Nathalie Verceles University of the Philippines College of Social Work and Community Development Nathalie A. Verceles, or Natsy, is an Assistant Professor of the Department of Women and Development Studies, College of Social Work and Community Development, University of the Philippines Diliman, where she teaches Gender and Economic Development, The History and Perspectives of Gender and Development, Feminist Theories, Women and Work, and supervises field work students. She has a BA in Philosophy and an MA in Women and Development from the University of the Philippines, Diliman, and a BSc (Honours) in Economics from the University of London. She is a candidate for the degree Doctor in Social Development at the University of the Philippines, Diliman. Prof. Virginia Bonoan-Dandan United Nations Independent Expert on Human Rights and International Solidarity Professor Virginia Bonoan-Dandan is an internationally recognized expert on economic, social and cultural rights. She served as Member of the United Nations Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, the treaty body that monitors the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR), for 20 years from 1990 to 2010, and as the Chairperson of the Committee for eight years from 1999 to 2007. To date, she has been the only woman to be Chairperson of the Committee. She is now the United Nations Independent Expert on Human Rights and International Solidarity. Her continuing human rights work as an educator, trainer, researcher and ethnographer spanning all levels of engagement from the international to the national levels, in particular at the grassroots, is marked by her consistent advocacy for human rights in development. Prof. Dandan is currently developing conceptual frameworks and planning the groundwork on human rights and international solidarity, the gender implications of the right to international solidarity, human rights and sexual and reproductive health, human rights and climate change, economic, social and cultural rights in disaster situations (including in disaster preparedness and risk reduction, management , and post-disaster reconstruction), economic, social and cultural rights in development practice, and integrating human rights learning in schools curriculum.

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Prof. Dandan obtained her Bachelor of Fine Arts, cum laude, and Master of Arts in Anthropology at the University of the Philippines. She is currently taking her Doctoral Studies Social Development. From 2001 to 2007, she served as Dean of the College of Fine Arts of the University of the Philippines. She continues her professional activities as an exhibiting artist. Ms. Neles Tebay Rector, Fajar Timur School of Philosophy and Theology, Papua, Indonesia Coordinator, Papua Peace Network

Ms. Angela L. Chamos Associate Professor for the Department of Legal Studies, Political and Social Sciences; Associate Professor for the Department of Business Economics Saint Louis University, Baguio City

Mr. Ryan Israel Torres Advincula Researcher, Eastern Regional Organization for Public Administration Ryan Israel T. Advincula is currently enrolled at the College of Social Work and Community Development in the Diliman campus of the University of the Philippines under the Graduate program Master of Community Development. He earned his Bachelor of Arts in Broadcast Communication from the same university. He previously worked as a Project Officer for The Forum for Family Planning and Development, a not-for-profit organization focused on advancing the reproductive health rights of Filipino women. He also worked as Researcher for a current affairs program which aired on television network TV 5. Currently, he is connected with Eastern Regional Organization for Public Administration (EROPA) as a Researcher. Based in the Philippines, the Organization is an online regional center of the United Nations. Believing in the spirit of volunteerism, Ryan has volunteered time and again to work with inmates, farmers, fisher folk, as well as the urban poor. He enjoys
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mountain climbing and kickboxing.


Fr. Jose M. Cruz, S.J., PhD. Vice President for University and Global Relations Ateneo de Manila University Fr. Cruz is the Vice-President for University and Global Relations of the Ateneo de Manila University. Prior to his appointment as Vice-President early this year, he was the Dean of the School of Social Sciences for twelve years. He is also the current Director of the Asian Public Intellectuals Fellowship Program. He is a historian with an undergraduate degree from the Ateneo de Manila University, masteral and doctoral degrees from Cornell University.


Mr. Pim van Loon President, ASEFUAN Pim holds a Bachelor's degree in Political Science and a Master's degree in International Relations, both from the University of Amsterdam. He conducted part of his studies at the Hong Kong University and he was an associate at Global Policy Forum, a research oriented NGO based in New York City. After his studies Pim entered the Dutch National Government where he has been working for the Ministry of Interior and Kingdom Relations and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. In 2009, Pim participated in the 15th ASEF University at the Woosuk University in Korea. He has been an active member of ASEFUAN ever since. Dr. Laurent Frideres Senior Consultant, Clustering and Economic Development, PwC Luxembourg Affiliated Lecturer, Department of Geography, University of Cambridge ASEFUAN Laurent Frideres is a consultant for clustering and economic development at PwC Luxembourg. He is currently working on the European Cluster Observatory project for the European Commission Directorate-General for Enterprise and Industry. Before joining PwC, Laurent was a university lecturer in economic geography at the University of Cambridge, where he remains an affiliated lecturer at the Department of Geography and a Bye-Fellow of Girton
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College. His research interests include regional economic development, industrial clusters and transnational knowledge networks. From 2001 to 2003 Laurent was based at the Asia-Europe Foundation in Singapore, where he was in charge of educational exchanges including the ASEM Education Hub and the ASEF University programme. He organised the first meetings of the ASEF University Alumni Network in 2002, served as the networks president after leaving ASEF and remains actively involved in the network and its projects. In the aftermath of the Indian Ocean tsunami in 2005, Laurent worked as a GIS Officer for the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs in Banda Aceh, Indonesia. He was a Director of London-based Rosetta Translation from 2007-2010. Laurent obtained his PhD in economic geography from the University of Cambridge. He also has an MA in Pacific Asian Studies from the School of Oriental and African Studies in London and an MPhil in Geographical Information Systems and Remote Sensing from the University of Cambridge. Dr. Marissa Maricosa A. Paderon Director European Studies Program, Ateneo de Manila University Marissa Maricosa A. Paderon is currently the Director of the European Studies Program. She obtained her undergraduate degree from the University of the Philippines at Los Banos; and completed her Master's and Doctoral degree in Economics at the Ateneo de Manila University. She is a trade economist and has been teaching with the Department of Economics and the European Studies Program at the Ateneo de Manila University for 15 years. Prior to her teaching, she was a Supervising Tariff Specialist at the Philippine Tariff Commission, where she worked for almost eleven years. Dr. Marita Concepcion C. Guevara Professor Department of Interdisciplinary Studies, Ateneo de Manila University Marita Concepcion Guevara or Marichi, for short teaches gender studies and research methods with the Ateneo de Manila University's Department of Interdisciplinary Studies, where she is an assistant professor. With an undergraduate degree in Literature (in English) from the Ateneo, and masteral and doctoral degrees in Sociology from the Ateneo and the University of the Philippines-Diliman, she straddles the Humanities and Social Sciences, and has taught with the English, Filipino, Interdisciplinary Studies, and Sociology Departments, as well as with the Development Studies and Health Sciences Programs of the Ateneo. As a social researcher, she has been affiliated with the Ateneo's Institute of Philippine Culture where she has conducted research for the World Bank, Asian Development Bank, Ford Foundation, and UNICEF. Her research interests include popular culture, urban poverty and informal settlements, children and youth, and women and gender. Her main advocacy for many years now has been getting the Reproductive Health Bill passed in
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Congress and signed into law; hopefully, that will happen this 2012. Dr. Alma O. Salvador Chairperson Political Science Department, Ateneo de Manila University Alma Maria O. Salvador is an Assistant Professor of political science and international relations at Ateneo de Manila. Her research specialization is in environmental security, security sector reform and participatory governance. She has a masters degree in international studies which she obtained from the Political Science Department of the University of the Philippines and a doctorate in development studies awarded by the Political Science Department of De La Salle University in Manila. As a co-convenor of the Working Group in Security Sector Reform of ADMU Department of Political Science, she has worked with her colleagues in addressing issues of defense modernization and reforms of the Armed Forces of the Philippines. Dr. Luis F. Dumlao Chairperson Department of Economics, Ateneo de Manila University Luis Dumlao is Associate Professor and Chair of the Department of Economics, School of Social Sciences, Ateneo de Manila University. He received his PhD in Economics from Fordham University. He is an alumnus of CAPORDE (Cambridge Advanced Program on Rethinking Development Economics) and was recipient of Erasmus Mundus Mobility with host University of Warsaw. His research interest is Macroeconomics and International Financial Economics. Dr. Cristina J. Montiel Professor Psychology Department, Ateneo de Manila University Editor, Peace Psychology in Asia Cristina Montiel is a professor of peace/political psychology and has been teaching at the Ateneo de Manila University for more than 30 years. She is the recipient of the 2010 Ralph White Lifetime Achievement Award from the American Psychological Associations Division of Peace Psychology. During the Marcos dictatorship, she founded and chaired Lingap Bilanggo (Care for Prisoners), a social movement for the general amnesty of all Filipino political prisoners. She likewise coordinated grassroot seminars on structural change, for various prodemocracy movements. Montiel is an internationally-renowned scholar in peace psychology. She is managing editor of the Encyclopedia of Peace Psychology (Wiley-Blackwell), and editor of the volume on Peace Psychology in Asia (Springer). Her recent journal publications include Intergroup Positioning in the Political Sphere: Contesting the Social Meaning of a Peace Agreement (2011), and Social Representations of Democratic
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Transition (2010). Mr. Andreas Wiese Executive Committee, ASEFUAN University of Oxford Andreas Wiese just graduated from the University of Oxford with a Master of Studies in Global and Imperial History. His main research interest lies in East Asia. Before, he spent one year on exchange at Peking University in Beijing studying Mandarin, as part of his undergraduate studies in comparative Asian and European law, economics, history and politics at the Europe-Asia Campus of Sciences Po Paris. Andreas has been an active member of ASEFUAN and is part of the Executive Committee 2011/12.


Mr. Dinesh Sathisan International Defense Policy Officer, Ministry of Defense, Singapore ASEFUAN Dinesh Sathisan attended the 11th ASEF University (AU11) in Paris in 2005 and has since been an active ASEFUAN member. He has interned at the Asia- Europe Foundation (ASEF) in 2005 and went on to serve in the ASEFUAN ExCo from 2006 to 2007. Dinesh works in the area of defence diplomacy for the Singapore government. He holds a Masters in History from the National University of Singapore. Dr. Nikki Briones-Carsi Cruz Department of Interdisciplinary Studies, Ateneo de Manila University ASEFUAN Dr. Nikki Briones - Carsi Cruz currently teaches Theories of Nonviolence with the Interdisciplinary Studies Department at Ateneo de Manila University. Prior to this, she was Vice-Chair of the Political Science Department at De La Salle University Manila. She completed her MA in Peace and Development Studies at Universitat Jaume I in Spain, and her PhD in Southeast Asian Studies at the National University of Singapore. Her dissertation, a peace research project on the Moro-Moro, a form of theater premised on warring Christians and Muslims, was awarded Best Thesis in the Social Sciences and Humanities at NUS in 2011. Nikki attended the 1st ASEF Summer School in Germany in 1998. She was elected ASEFUAN's first president in 2002. She headed the organization for three years, until the 3rd AGM in Singapore in 2004. She took a long hiatus
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from ASEFUAN to pursue her doctorate, and to start a family. She married Oliver Carsi Cruz in 2008 and gave birth to her daughter Narra in 2009, and son Guijo in 2011. Ms. Catherine Candano Research Scholar, Communications and New Media Department National University of Singapore ASEFUAN Catherine Candano is responsible for Southeast Asia Strategic Partnership Development at Google Asia Pacific. In the past three years she has taught National University of Singapore students at the Department of Communications and New Media, where she was an ASEAN Foundation Research Scholar for her postgraduate studies. She has also professionally contributed to regional civil-society network-building for over 40 countries with the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) in Thailand. Cathy was trained in Economics-Honors and Communications from Ateneo de Manila University, during which time she participated in the 12th Asia-Europe Foundation University. She continues to educate civil society and youth, and publish her research on new media platforms and sustainability. Most recently that includes a chapter in the book, "The Economic, Social, Political Elements of Climate Change," by Springer Verlag, Berlin, key elements of which has become teaching material in English and Chinese Mandarin for World Climate Teach-In Day. Ms. Cathy Pabalan-Frideres Director, Rosetta Translation Limited Vice-President, ASEFUAN Cathy Pabalan Frideres is Director of the London-based Rosetta Translation Limited and currently serves as Vice President of the Executive Committee of the ASEF University Alumni Network. Cathy began her career in the public sector at the Philippine Department of Education, where she oversaw the Adopt-a-School Programme and acted as education liaison during negotiations between the Philippine government and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front. She joined the People-to-People Exchange team at the Asia-Europe Foundation in Singapore in 2000, where she was responsible for education and youth exchanges and leadership development programmes until 2005. Prior to her move to the private sector, she was Project Consultant for the Asia Department at the British Museum, and worked on the first Asia-Europe Travelling Exhibition on portraiture. Cathy has an undergraduate degree in European Studies from De La Salle University and an M.A. in International Studies and Diplomacy from the London-based School of Oriental and African Studies. She served as ASEFUAN President in 2005/2006.
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Ms. Krystle Wong Institut d'Etudes Politiques de Paris Executive Committee, ASEFUAN Krystle Wong is currently pursuing a Dual Masters Degree in Journalism and International Economic Policy at Sciences Po Paris. Before, she completed her undergraduate studies at Sciences Po Paris's Europe-Asia Campus in Le Havre, where she studied comparative European and Asian history, politics and economics as well as French and Hindi. She is greatly interested in media and writing, with a tender spot for social issues. Mr. Nick McIlroy Shanghai Office, Bord Bia-Irish Food Board ASEFUAN


Dr. Jaime Reis Composer ASEFUAN He started studying music at five in Seia with ethnomusicologist Antnio Tilly and composing at 12. He concluded his degree in the University of Aveiro, where he studied Composition and Electronic Music with Isabel Soveral and Joo Pedro Oliveira. Finished a doctoral course in Social Sciences in FCSH, Universidade Nova de Lisboa where he's pursuing doctoral studies in Ethnomusicology with Professors Salwa Castelo-Branco and Emmanuel Nunes. Since 2003, he attended regularly the seminars of Gulbenkian Foundation with Emmanuel Nunes and the Stockhausen summer courses (Krten). He was given compositions prizes and received three prize scholarships at University of Aveiro for being one of the 25 top students and the best finishing his degree in that year. Since 2003, he's the artistic director of the Festival Dni Muzyki Portugalskiej w Krakowie and Dias de Msica Electroacstica; he regularly give conferences in places such as Gulbenkian Foundation, Krakow Music Academy, Woosuk University Korea, Keio University - Tokyo, SciencesPo -
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Le Havre, Stockhausen Courses 2009, Darmstadt 2004; researcher at INET - md; is co-director and teaches in Conservatrio de Msica in Seia, Instituto Piaget (Almada) and FCSH - Universidade Nova de Lisboa. His music has been presented in Portugal, Poland, Turkey, France, Singapore, Germany, Belgium, etc. He was an invited composer in places such as Brasil (UNICAMP, UFBA, UFJF, UFMG); Austria (Hrfest), etc. He also was resident composer at Visby International Centre for Composers (2007) and received commissions from UFT/INATEL (premiered in Hong Kong and Taiwan), Grupo de Msica Contempornea de Lisboa, Logos Foundation (Belgium) and F.L.S.I. (Paris). Ms. Joana Guerra Violin player ASEFUAN Joana Guerra studied in ESART with Augusto Trindade and Alexandra Trindade and at EPABI with Joo Mendes. She also worked with professors such as Daniel Rowland, Ilona Sie Dhian Ho, David Frhwirth, Crmelo De Los Santos, Zofia Kuberska-Woycicka and conductors like Roberto Perez, Mark Tardue, Jan Dobrzelewski, Pedro Carneiro, Maur- izio Dini Ciacci and Jean Sbastien Breau. She played in several orchestras such as Lisbon Film Orquestra, Esart Orchestra, Baroque Orchestra and Early Music Ensemble. Among other activities, she is the Head Producer of Festival Days of Electroacoustic Music, Photographer and Violin Professor in Conservatrio de Msica de Seia.

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