Admin MGMT 2012

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J. Sims, Business Technology Teacher, Room D111 Administrative Management

UNITS OF CREDIT: 1 PREREQUISITES: LEVEL: Keyboarding, Keyboarding Document Formatting or Layout & Design 9-12 grades

COURSE DESCRIPTION This capstone course provides advanced training, including hands-on experiences, for students pursuing a career in business technology. Skills developed in previous courses will be incorporated and enhanced through a multi-tasking environment using a variety of input technologies. Procedures and concepts are related to information processing systems, administrative information management, problem solving, reasoning, team-building, time management, business standards, feasibility studies, cost/budgeting, professional leadership, ethical and legal issues, mathematics, and communications. Production and administrative skills are developed to meet industrys standards. PERFORMANCE STANDARDS Standard 1.0 The student will develop and apply concepts related to human relations, safety, career development, communications, and leadership skills for a global workplace. Standard 2.0 The student will examine the role of an administrative professional in the organization. Standard 3.0 The student will effectively use resources that support work activities, time management, workstation components, and safety in the work environment. Standard 4.0 The student will apply various input technologies to productively and effectively create and transmit professionally composed and formatted documents. Standard 5.0 The student will apply various communication strategies and techniques to effectively interact with clients and customers. Standard 6.0 The students will maintain various records management systems. Standard 7.0 The student will examine concepts and procedures used in managing financial activities. Standard 8.0 The student will apply procedures for planning meetings and travel. Standard 9.0 The student will perform activities and demonstrate knowledge essential to planning career strategies and continuous self-improvement. Standard 10 Student will participate in a work-based learning program. Standard 11.0 The student will complete a specialized program of study.

J. Sims, Business Technology Teacher, Room D111 Standard 12 The student will develop a comprehensive electronic employment portfolio. Standard 13 The student will advance toward expert level in the technological area of choice. Standard 14 The student will develop the administrative management skills needed to assist the business executive in the efficient and successful operation of the business. GRADING GUIDELINES A B C D F 93-100 85-92 75-84 70-74 0-69 GRADE SCALE: Assessments Classwork Class Participation Homework 50% 20% 20% 10%

TOPICS AND ACTIVITIES Learning about Work Worker Rights and Protections Workplace Safety Career Exploration Expectation of Employers Leadership Skills Managing Money Capstone STUDENT EXPECTATIONS Students are expected to:

Come to class prepared and ready to work each day--a folder, loose leaf paper, pencil and blue or black pen. Make up all missed work within one week of the absence (including tests). This must be arranged for after school. Students will not take a makeup test during class time. Sign a network agreement to use the networked computers and internet for classroom activities. Students will also use e-mail regularly in this course. Parents/Guardians must also sign this agreement. This is essential for this class. If an agreement is not signed, the student will be assigned library assignments instead of computer assignments for all internet-related activities. Turn in work when it is due. Many students tend to fall behind in this class, so be sure to come in before or after school to finish assignments if it cannot be completed during regular class time. Be responsible. Discuss with me if they feel they are falling behind or are having difficulty learning. I will arrange after-school tutoring for those who need additional help or instruction.

Please feel free to contact me at school if you have any questions regarding this class or e-mail me at

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