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All aboard! Bound for Magnificent Park! All aboard! called the station master.

Tara, Marek, Miko, and Jesse, along with, Suzanna, their guide for the day, clambered aboard the train bound for Magnificent Park, one of Heavens adventure parks, specifically created for children.

Todos a bordo! Partindo para o Parque Magnfico! Todos a bordo! gritou o chefe da estao. Tnia, Mateus, Mara e Jess, juntamente com Suzana, sua guia naquele dia, embarcaram no trem a caminho do Parque Magnfico, um dos fascinantes parques no Cu, cheio de aventura e criado para crianas.

That must be Magnificent Park! Miko exclaimed. Indeed, it is, replied Suzanna. Well be pulling into the station soon. Suzanna and the children stepped off the train. In front of them stood a sign listing several paths they could take: Worlds Beyond, Pathway of Change, Enthusiastic Trail, and Adventures from History. Oh, I love changes! Tara said. Lets take the Pathway of Change and see where it takes us. The children skipped along the flowing, shiny pathway, which wove its way through the park. I wonder why this is called the Pathway of Change, Tara said with a hint of curiosity in her voice. Amazing! Look at our clothes! Were all wearing new, fun outfits! But how did that happen? I dont know, Jesse added, but it seemed to happen when you said the word change. Aquilo deve ser o Parque Magnfico! exclamou Mateus. Isso mesmo, meninos, respondeu Suzana. Logo, logo estaremos chegando estao. Suzana e as crianas desembaracaram. Bem na frente deles encontrava-se um letreiro indicando os vrios caminhos que poderiam seguir: Mundos Vindouros, Caminho da Mudana, Trilha do Entusiasmo, e Aventuras da Histria. Ah, eu adoro mudanas! exclamou Tnia. Podemos seguir o Caminho da Mudana e ver onde ele nos leva? As crianas pularam ao longo de uma trilha fcil e bem iluminada que serpenteava pelo parque. Por que ser que esta trilha se chama Caminho da Mudana, disse Tnia com um tom de curiosidade. ... Que incrvel! Olhem s as nossas roupas! Estamos de roupas novas e divertidas! Como isto aconteceu? No sei, disse Jess, mas parece que aconteceu quando voc disse mudana.

Immediately the path they were on changed into a slide. Downhill and uphill they went, and around and around, zipping through beautiful scenes of stars and planets! The children caught on fast! Miko was the next to call out the word change, and the sky overhead changed from blue into a swirl of fabulous shades of green, blue, purple, pink, and yellow. The children enthusiastically called out the word change, while they enjoyed the variety of experiences that came with each call. At one point along the Pathway of Change they were dropped off right in front of a life-sized gingerbread house. Inside were large mushroom tables, with smaller mushrooms for seats. This looks like fun! Marek said. Lets go inside.

E logo o caminho onde estavam mudou para uma descida. Eles desceram e subiram montes, deram voltas e passaram rapidamente por lindas paisagens celestiais de estrelas e planetas! As crianas logo entenderam como funcionava! Mara foi a prxima a dizer mudana! e o cu acima deles mudou de azul para um redemoinho de tonalidades fabulosas de verde, azul, violeta, rosa e amarelo. As crianas se revezavam para dizer a palavra mudana, e desfrutavam da variedade de experincias cada vez. Numa certa altura do Caminho da Mudana, se viram bem em frente a uma casa de biscoito de tamanho normal. Dentro tinha grandes mesas de cogumelo, e cogumelos pequenos servindo de assentos. Parece divertido! disse Mateus. Vamos entrar.

The children entered the little house and sat on mushroom chairs around a table. Marek pressed a red button in the center of their table, and out popped a little gingerbread man who greeted the children with a bow. At your service, my friendly giants, the gingerbread man said. I have been given the honor of serving you a heavenly delicacy. With just a push of this button our special sherbet-maker instantly generates your favorite flavor of sherbet! Prepare to enjoy the delightful flavors! And with that, the little gingerbread man busied himself by serving the sherbet. Heaven is so full of excitement and yummy things, Marek said with delight.

As crianas entraram e subiram nos cogumelos que serviam de cadeira ao redor de uma mesa. Mateus pressionou um boto vermelho no centro da mesa, e de l saiu um pequeno homenzinho de biscoito que se inclinou e saudou as crianas. s suas ordens, meus amigos gigantes, disse o homenzinho de biscoito. Tenho a honra de servi-los com as delcias do cu. Com um simples apertar deste boto, a nossa mquina de fazer sorvete instantaneamente produz o seu sorvete favorito. Preparem-se para desfrutar desses deliciosos sabores! E apressou-se a servir o sorvete para as crianas. O Cu cheio de coisas emocionantes e gostosas! exclamou Mateus todo feliz.

Thats because everything is especially made to show Jesus love for us, Suzanna explained. I have an idea. How about all of you say that special word at the same time to see what happens? 1 2 3 change, the children chorused. This time the change the children experienced was uniquethe little group was split up and taken to different places. Tara and Jesse found themselves in the Butterfly Flutter booth. Giant butterflies, with a wing span of nearly two meters, fluttered around the children. Jesse and Tara found that they were both outfitted with butterfly wings. Their wings moved up and down by just thinking about how they wanted them to move, much like your legs and arms move by the power of thought. Off they flew with the butterflies to a field of giant sunflowers, where they played a game of hide-and-seek with the butterflies.

porque tudo feito para mostrar o amor de Jesus por ns, disse Suzana. Tenho uma ideia. E se dois de vocs dissessem aquela palavra especial ao mesmo tempo para ver o que acontece? 1 2 3 mudana, disseram juntos. Desta vez as crianas experimentaram uma mudana sem igual o pequeno grupo foi dividido e as crianas transportadas para lugares diferentes. Tnia e Jess foram parar no estande da Borboleta Voadora onde borboletas gigantes com asas de quase dois metros de envergadura voavam ao redor das crianas. Logo ambos se viram com asas de borboletas. Conseguiam mexer as asas para baixo e para cima s com o pensamento, como mexemos os braos e as pernas. Foram voando junto com as borboletas a um lindo jardim onde brincaram de esconde-esconde com elas num campo de girassis gigantes.

But where were Miko, Marek, and Suzanna? The three of them had found themselves in the fascinating Garden Grove full of enormous plants and flowers. Were so small in comparison to the plants here, Miko said. I feel much like an ant must feel compared to the plants on Earth. Oh, look! Its a fairy! If you sing a song about colors, the fairy told them, the roses will turn whatever shade you sing about! Red, yellow, green and blue! Jesus, Jesus, I love You, Miko sang. To her wonder, the roses began to turn the very colors mentioned in the songred, yellow, green, and blue! As Miko sang, guess who appeared?None other than their Best Friend and Big Brother, Jesus Himself! Jesus picked up Miko and Marek and spun them around and around! Are you enjoying yourselves? Jesus asked. Oh, yes, very much! the children replied. As Jesus spoke, Miko, Marek, and Suzanna found themselves at the Bouncing Clouds pavilion, which appeared to be a sky full of fluffy clouds of many shapes, sizes, and colors.

Mas onde estavam Mara, Mateus e Suzana? No fascinante Bosque, repleto de altas e lindas plantas e flores. Somos to pequenos em comparao s plantas daqui, disse Mara, que eu me sinto como uma formiga deve se sentir em relao s plantas na Terra. Olhem s, uma fadinha! Se cantarem uma cano sobre cores, disse a fadinha, as rosas vo ficar com a cor sobre a qual cantarem! Vermelho, amarelo, verde e azul! Eu Te amo, Jesus! cantou Mara. Para seu espanto, a rosa ia ficando das cores mencionadas na cano: vermelho, amarelo, verde e azul! E enquanto Mara cantava, advinhem quem apareceu? Nada mais nada menos do que seu Melhor Amigo e irmo mais velho, Jesus em pessoa! Jesus levantou Mara e Mateus e os fez rodopiar no ar! Esto se divertindo? perguntou. Oh, sim, muito mesmo! responderam. Enquanto Jesus falava, Mara, Mateus e Suzana foram parar na tenda das Nuvens Saltitantes, que mais parecia um cu cheio de nuvens de todas as formas, tamanhos e cores.

Look, cried Miko, there are Jesse and Tara bouncing on the clouds! And there they were jumping up and down on the clouds like they would on a trampoline, only much higher! Right away Miko, Marek, and Suzanna joined in the bouncing. As they each sprang from cloud to cloud, the colorful clouds moved around the sky, so they never knew what cloud they would land on next. Watch this! Jesse announced, as he bounced high into the air, did a flip, and then dove back into the cloud, only to go through the cloud and land on the cloud beneath. All of the children started bouncing and flipping and diving into the clouds.

Vejam Jess e Tnia pulando nas nuvens. Eles estavam pulando para cima e para baixo nas nuvens, como se fosse um cama elstica, s que muito mais alto! Mara, Mateus e Suzana logo se juntaram a eles. Enquanto pulavam de nuvem em nuvem, as nuvens coloridas se moviam pelo cu, de forma que nunca sabiam em que nuvem iam aterrissar. Olhem s! gritou Jess, que pulou alto, fez uma pirueta e depois atravessou a nuvem e aterrissou na de baixo. Todas as crianas comearam a pular, fazer piruetas e mergulhar nas nuvens.

The children ended the day by sailing in a small yacht on the parks wide river. The skipper taught the boys how to handle the rigging, which consisted of ropes used to position the sails to catch the wind. The girls learned to steer the boat using the tiller. At one point they stopped to fish, using tasty treats on the end of their lines instead of hooks. The fish would grab a hold of the treat and give the line a yank. Jesse was very surprised when he pulled a fish up into the boat, and the fish winked at him, and then jumped back into the river. I think the fish was thanking me for the yummy treat, Jesse said. Look, everyone! Tara called. A fish jumped out of the water and dropped this beautiful jewel into my hand. Oh, Id like to have jewels like that too, Miko said. The two girls continued fishing, and soon each girl had enough jewels to string together for a necklace.

Elas terminaram o dia velejando num pequeno iate no grande rio do parque. O comandante ensinou os meninos a operar o cordame, formado de cordas usadas para posicionar as velas para pegarem o vento. As meninas aprenderam a manejar o leme do barco. Pararam para pescar, usando uma guloseima na ponta da linha em vez de anzol. O peixe agarrava a guloseima e dava um puxo na linha. Jess ficou muito surpreso quando puxou um peixe para dentro do barco e o peixe piscou o olho, e depois pulou de volta para dentro do rio. Acho que ele estava me agradecendo pela guloseima! disse Jess. Olhem s, pessoal, chamou Tnia. Um peixe pulou para fora dgua e colocou uma linda pedra preciosa na minha mo. Ah, eu tambm queria ter uma assim, disse Mara. As meninas continuaram pescando e logo cada uma tinha pedras suficientes para fazerem um colar.

The outing to Magnificent Park was coming to an end, but the children knew they would be able to go to Magnificent Park again and again, and that there were more heavenly delights just waiting to be discovered and enjoyed. * One day you will be able to explore Heavens mysteries firsthand! Until then, you can imagine the wonderful adventures that await you, and even ask Jesus to show you some of the wonders of Heaven in your dreams. Theres so much to look forward to!

A excurso ao Parque Magnfico estava chegando ao fim, mas as crianas no estavam tristes, pois sabiam que poderiam voltar l muitas vezes, e que teriam mais alegrias celestiais para descobrirem e desfrutarem. * Um dia, voc tambm vai poder explorar os mistrios do Cu em primeira mo! At l, pode imaginar as aventuras maravilhosas que o esperam, e at pedir a Jesus para lhe mostrar as maravilhas do Cu em seus sonhos. Temos tantas coisas boas nossa espera!

Created by My Wonder Studio and featured on

Art and story The Family International

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