Microenterprise Beekeeping

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J a n e t W a n g

415 . 937 . 4288 Janet.DoubleU@gmail.com JanetDoubleU.com

Janet Wang

Strategy & Operations Consultant

a b o u t t h e o r g a n i z a t i o n
Community Action for Rural Development (CARD), an organization run by and for the Kenyan community, promotes sustainable (self sustaining versus dependence on philanthropy) development through 3 main concentrations: incomegeneration projects , HIV/AIDS awareness, and environmental/ecology work.

m y r o l e
As a volunteer intern supporting the income generating micro- enterprise bee-keeping initiative, I led communication between, and agreement amongst, a three-party (honey farmers, community organization, and honey purchasing company) system, helping to clarify process, for the benet of 40+ Kenyan farmers.

t h e c h a l l e n g e
CARD loans bee hives to local farmers and works with a honey distributor to train them in bee-keeping. The farmers are then able to increase their income, pay this loan back to CARD, and generate income. CARDs bee-keeping initiative was very successful in its early days when members of the Peace Corp supported the initial phases of this project with their funding, strategic insights, and material and human resources. Over time, the volunteers left, the vehicle vital to the operation was detained, the honey purchaser relationship became strained, and communication between clients (farmers) and the project operators (CARD) dissipated.

t h e s t r a t e g y
The rst four weeks was pure observation. I toured facilities and sites, read through records and reports, had multiple long conversations with CARD employees and farmers about the mission of the project and its operations, and performed studies of honey prices in local markets. After soaking in the nuances of this initiative and the people involved, it became clear that step one was to re-connect with the various 40+ farmers, agree upon and clarify each partys role, and build morale. I hosted multiple strategy meetings with members of CARD to review current operations, rene harvesting schedules and routes to match what they were actually capable of executing based on current resources, and drafted an agreement which clearly dened expectations (CARDs role and responsibilities, as well as the farmers role and responsibilities).

t h e o p e r a t i o n
Then the fun partidentifying and mapping out the location of each of the 40+ farmers engaged in the program and visiting each one to discuss these terms, get their feedback, and come to consensus. This involved riding on the back of a dirt bike for long trips to the various villages from mud hut to mansion, English speakers to non-English speakers (where I depended on a CARD member to translate), single old men to young mothers with toddlers in sunshine and rain.

t h e r e s u l t
After multiple one-on-one meetings/discussions and a few group meetings/discussion around bee-keeping trainings and meals to build morale, we rened the agreement and had each farmer sign and CARD sign. In the CARD ofce, we put up the newly dened schedules and routes so that all parties could be held accountable by each other.

a b o u t m e
I am attracted to big problems. This is why I: Studied mathematics and economics Worked as an economic consultant Went to Kenya Engaged in the technology startup space Learn theories people have created to explain systems Examine how big businesses and capitalism work See how micro-enterprise is trying to solve poverty Follow a mission to solve a problem via product or business idea

These activities involve creative problem solving. However inspired I was by these experiences, however effective the solutions, they have lacked an artistic component of creativity that I nd equally stimulating. The intersection of commerce and art, effectiveness and beauty, is my best t.


c o n t a c t m e in search of Opportunities to use my love for absorbing and synthesizing seemingly discrepant information in order to create experiences that inspire social behavior. 415 . 937. 4288 janet.doubleU@gmail.com s e e m e o n l i n e janetdoubleU.com janetdoubleU.tumblr.com Founding Team Member rippleQ. Social Venture Technology Start-up 11. 2010 to 4. 2011 Strategy. Performed market competitive analysis and compiled educational kit for internal, investor, and client use. Brainstorm Moderation. Led discussions and drafting of product feature value propositions for use in business strategy, sales, and customer development. Consumer Journey. Created use cases for software product testing and drafted detailed product FAQs. Worked with Creatives. Collaborated with engineers and customer development manager to develop and test product to customer specications. Behavior. Helped develop the company product - behavior management software using game mechanics. Operations. Established enterprise as a Benet Corporation. Managed nancial, legal, and human resource activities.

Strategy & Operations Consultant Community Action for Rural Development. Kenyan organization engaged in microenterprise bee-keeping initiative. 6. 2007 to 9. 2007 Interviews. Visited 40+ farmers on the back of a dirt bike. Mediation. Drafted and implemented agreements between community organization, farmers, and honey suppliers. Moderation. Led strategy discussions with non-prot managers. Immersion. Lived with a host family and participated in community activities. Learned basic Swahili.

Account Planning Boot Camp Miami Ad School 1. 2012 to 3. 2012 Top Dog, First in Class

Senior Economic Consultant Deloitte Tax LLP. Global Transfer Pricing 12. 2007 to 5. 2010 Brand & Intellectual Property Valuation. Managed an intellectual property migration for one of the largest U.S. multinational companies in the hospitality industry as the sole staff person on a multi-partner engagement, assessing brand lifecycle and value, conducting research, client interviews, economic and nancial analyses, and drafting qualitative support for analyses. Project resulted in followup engagement. Macro Trend Analysis. Executed economic downturn analysis for $2 billion revenue client in the computer and information technology industry, analyzing protability, and managing two-person India-based team in performing comparable company analyses to identify economic trends. Client Relations. Directed client relationship as sole staff member of a senior level tax team and managed team of two to complete international tax restructuring for major client in semiconductor industry. Project resulted in avoidance of $1 million penalty.

Introduction to Communication Design Extended Education California College of the Arts Summer 2011

Associate Producer of Content Social Capital Markets. 6. 2010 to 10. 2010 & 5. 2011 to 9. 2011 Large-scale Impact. Helped produce an international social enterprise conference that drew 1,300+ social entrepreneurs, venture capital investors, university professors, and foundations from 40+ countries. Attendees included representatives from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Acumen Fund, JP Morgan, McKinsey & Company, and Stanford University. Right & Left Brain. Created internal processes for content development, balancing brainstorming and ideation with operation and execution.

B.A. Mathematics/Economics Minor in International Studies University of California at San Diego 9. 2003 to 6. 2007 UCSD Provosts Honors Ernest C. Mort Leadership Award

m o r e a b o u t m e Origami & Collage Arts Practitioner Dancer. Performance & Competitive since Age 5 Yoga & Meditation Enthusiast Vegetarian


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