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The world around us Weather

1. Weather forecast The weather will brighten up, the region will soon cloud over, Rain in the east will clear up, It will warm up, it will actually cool down and in the south coast wind will pick up 2. Talking about the weather and its effects To be flooded out, to be poured down every day, one heavy downpour after another, to be rained off most days, finally storm had blown over, to be snowed in for two days

1. Going on a journey glad to get away from London, set off/out last Sunday, his journey started off at Waterloo Station, he got on the Eurostar Train and is planning to stop off in Paris for a couple of days. 2. Travel in general My train got in at, the train pulled in exactly at /on time and unfortunately the train was pulling out just as I arrived on the platform. 3. Air travel To be lucky enough to get a standby, she checked in quickly, the flight took off on time and touched down half an hour early, she had planned to stop over in Hong Kong.

1. Stopping to do things Could you just draw up near the, could you drop me off here, to ask her to pull up, can you just pull over, to pick you up and Ill just pull in at this petrol station. 2. Driving problems The van had pulled out to take a lorry over, two children were knocked down by a drunken driver, an elderly man was run over at the corner of the Pierce Street, a pile-up involving 20 vehicles caused a 10-mile tailback.

3. Electricity to switch/turn on my computer, please switch off the lights, to plug it in, to turn up the volume of the TV, I need to charge it up, the car alarm went off and the pilots radio cut out 4. Doing technical things Joes pumping up his tyres, the photocopier running off twenty copies of the agenda, Emma is loading up the washing machine, Paula is measuring out 100 grams of sugar, to play it back.

1. Violence flared up again today, several bombs went off in the centre of the capital, rebels will succeed in bringing down the government. A full-scale civil war may break out. 2. Slimming breakthrough News leaked out yesterday, the British company pulled out after a disagreement about the safety, a French company also broke off talks with the lab 3. The number of has shot up, they are determined to crack down on any , to enable them to step up all measures to make motorists reduce their speed. 4. Jail Breakout alarms villagers Escaped convict may have found a hideaway, to look out for anything suspicious,

1. Crime reports in newspapers A security guard was beaten up at that electronic shop last night, somebody broke into that Jewellery shop, three prisoners have broken out of Holton Jail and two guys walked off with six computers from a school yesterday. 2. Other verbs connected with crime Has got mixed up in something illegal, they may be putting him up to doing some dishonest things, they could lead on him by threatening him if he refuses to help them, he was always very easily taken in by people, and I suppose they might let him off lightly.

Power and authority

1. They start of a political career To decide to stand for Parliament, I wanted to help bring in laws that, I wanted to do away with taxes for the poorest members of society, to clamp down on rich people who were attempting to avoid, to stand up for the principles that I believe in. 2. Life in Parliament To go ahead with the plans for social changes, members from my party backed me up, our party had entered into an agreement with , to stand up to those influential MPs, to carry out the wishes of 3. Forming a new party To stand by you at this point, good people did stick by me, decided to break away and form our own new party, to be able to carry out our plans to make society,

Personal life
1. Feelings go up and down Brighten up will you! You re depressing everyone, the film cheered us up considerably, there is no point being hung up about it, she broke down when she , to calm down (when angry), to cool down (when angry). 2. More verbs connected with feelings When you are angry dont bottle up your emotions, there is a danger that you will tear yourself apart, dont get carried away; proceed carefully, you should jump at the chance of, you may warm to it a bit more, the idea could soon grow on you, I never expected you to do and taking to it enthusiastically, you feel for a female colleague at work, she seems to have so many problems and hung ups, she will have to pull herself together sooner or later,

1. Talking about relationship She has fallen for the new guy, he fitted in at once, she and I get along very well, he hasnt asked me out yet, Ive been going out with my girlfriend, last week we fell out over something really stupid, he thought it was a chat-up line, 2. Relationship problems Her boyfriend and she have just split up, then we just seemed to drift apart, I didnt really wanted to break off our relationship, they grow apart, he broke off with you, my parents broke up last year, I feel they let me down, is there anything that I can do to persuade them to make up and live together, You feel you are missing out on a normal young persons life, my uncle ran off with another woman, it seems hell never live it down, hes doing his best to settle down, may have to settle for a lot more embarrassment before they forget what had happened

Secret and conversation

3. Secrets Youre keeping something from me, Jill really opened up to me last night, she poured out a lot of things, I cant go back on my word, I wont let on to Jill or anyone else, in the course of outpouring she owned up to something quiet serious, 4. Conversation I wish you wont keep on at me about my handwriting, The best teacher never talk down to students, there is no point in trying to play down the incident, you can never pin him down to an exact date. Sally had had it out with Kim about the housework, its not fair to wind her up like that, Robert is always mouthing off about his boss behind his back, would you please shut up while Im trying to concentrate on these.

Stages through life

We have decided to name him after his grand father, he takes after his father, I find it hard to imagine myself bringing up a child, to grow up, to carry on working or will you stay home now, or else you will have to end up doing tow fulltime jobs, I dont know what will become of my career, he wont drop out of school or college, he wont turn to crime or drugs and wind up (end up) in prison, I am sure he will live up to all your hopes and expectations, a lot of 13 year olds could pass for 17 or 18 these days, the kind of values that are handed down to us by our parents,

1. Symptoms To keep throwing up, I am fighting off a sore throat, my ankle has swollen up, coming down with flue, going down with flue, to put my shoulder out, cant shake off my cold, nose is blocked up, to have passed out(to faint), 2. One medical story Broke down after her divorce, to care for her (look after), fortunately he pulled through, although he does seem to have slowed down a lot, grandfather passed away, grandmother passed on too.

Homes and daily routine

1. Homes Jack moved out of his college room, a new family has moved in to the flat, we decided to move in together, I earn just enough to live on, she had to live off her savings, would you be able to put me up when Im in London next week, to sleep over or have a sleepover, 2. Daily routines To get up early, I dont wake up my flat mates, at the weekends I love sleeping in, I sometime lie in till 11, I cant have a lie-in if Im not playing football, on weekday evening I turn in quite early, I stay up at weekends, I wait up until they arrive

1. Arranging social gatherings To ask someone over this weekend, would you like to come over to our place for, no problem just bring her along, what time shall we come round, just pop into my office and collect it, its nice to have Jill and Jack around 2. Other socializing verbs He was asking after you, Ill call round and see Uncle Jim after work, please drop round/in any time, the boss has invited me out, Ill bring that CD round for you, also bring round that book I lent you,

Food and drink

1. Preparing food and drink Put this in the freezer to make sure It did not go off, she put the chicken on, it did not boil over, she heated up the casserole 2. Serving food and drink Martha handed round olives and other snacks, her boyfriend poured out drinks, he went round to room topping up glasses, everyone said how well it went with the salad, nothing was left over at the end of the meal, there were no leftovers the next day, she lives on/off curry, to eat out,

Work, Study and Finance The Classroom and learning

1. Things the teacher says Give/hand in your homework tomorrow, give/hand out these worksheet, please, rub out whats written on the board, work out the answers without using a calculator, cross out any rough work when you have found the answer, take care not to miss out any of the exam questions. 2. Other classroom phrasal verbs She fell behind with her schoolwork, she is going to find it difficult to catch up, she messed up her exam, to spread out the map

Student life: courses and exams

1. Enrolling on course We break up on 18 December and go back on 8th January, weve got to sing up for courses for the next term, if you drop out before the end, you have to write up your course essay, they will throw you out of the college. 2. Before an exam (Six tips for exam success) Keep your reading up during the term, brush up on some of the things you learnt a long time ago, dont just mug up on the key points, hope that you will scrape through with little effort, swotting up on everything, polishing up, you have picked up during the lecture.

Student life: reading and writing

1. Reading Read up on air pollution for next week, just dip into it, please turn over the worksheet on your desk, you please read out the paragraph 2. Writings Do your essay in rough first and then write it out, the doctor wrote out a prescription, note down your password, jot down her address, scribble down a few notes, we could make out your airline ticket now, to fill in the form, to fill out the cheque, 3. Improving a piece of writing Cut out this paragraph, sum up your main points at the end, tone it down a bit, your points about crime crops up in several places, you only touch on the issue of , you should try to set the whole thing out better

Work: jobs and career

1. Talking informally about your work or career To go ahead in a job, have to be prepared to take on a lot of responsibility, when the boss took me on, he filled me in on what the job involved, I stood down as Chairman, Mary Wilmott took over, she has carried out some important reforms, I think its time for me to step down and hand over to a younger person. 2. More work-related phrasal verbs fix up a staff meeting lets pencil it in for Friday, did you knock off early today?, I just have been laid off, did you ever followed up phone calls you had with, if we all pull together, sometime its also good if people just leave you to it

Work: being busy

1. Being busy I have been a bit tied up, the work just piled up, Ive been snowed under ever since, I slave away till seven at night, I still cant seem to catch up with, 2. Working hard Were branching out a new product line, Im working on some new designs, We are working towards having a complete range for children of all ages, to keep at it, good at sticking at things, chase up other people, just to keep things moving along, you could squeeze in lunch with me sometime, dont try to wriggle out of it,

Money: Salaries, bills, payments

1. Formal and informal I took Rs.100 out at the ATM(withdraw), The government is cutting back on the education budget (reduce), Ill pay you back tomorrow(repay), the bill for the meal came to $86 all together(totaled) 2. Paying Bills and debts I wont pay off the mortgage on my house, I have to pay up by 30 December, my kids ran up a huge phone bill, I will settle up with you when I get paid next week, 3. Other verbs connected with money

Ive started saving up already, I am trying to set aside a fixed amount each month, I think well have to just write that off, we wont get it back, they were giving away free tickets at the , I picked up a book on Italian cookery at a knockdown price,

Money: buying and selling

1. Shopping and buying goods You try and beat it down to $100, the dealer knocked 10% off the price, I picked it up for $60, we should club together and get her some flowers and a nice gift, they really ripped me off last time, a real rip-off, lets shop around a bit, Id snap it up, we have to fork out for tow new ones. 2. Other buying verbs We should stock up on fruits and vegetables, we should never skimp on healthy foods, we splashed out on lots of , we ran up a huge bill, theyre selling off printers at half price, in case they sell out.

1. Starting and doing business Tim Benson Started up his own business, he set up a new company hiring out bicycles to students, his profits ran into thousands of euros a month, as a spin-off he used to sell cycling clothes and equipment, I was really happy with that set-up 2. Ups and downs in business He sold up ,a small chain of clothing outlets, his turnover was so bit he manage to take over a, winding down, he poured a lot of money into it he puts it at around million, to save it from going under, profits from wedding rings alone runs to several millions, he decided to risk the takeover,

1. Conversations on the telephone Ill call back later, could you put me through to Kathryn Parker, please, And I got cut off, someone is listening in on our conversation, kids must have picked up the extension upstairs, put the phone down, 2. Conversations about telephoning I phoned around a couple of companies, none of them have got back to me yet, to ring back, youd better try phoning up a few more places, I want to dial out, I find it hard to get through to , then puts my dad on, then put me on to all my brothers and sisters, I can never get them to hang up, I dont want to ring off either, you ring in sick then.

Concept Time: spending time

1. At work When she starts work she has to clock on and when she leaves she clocks off., She is able to take time off at a later date, She has to bring her holiday forward, She hates to always be pressed for time, She finds it impossible to fit in time to talk to the patients, Besides her primary job she has to press on with her other duties, her work permit will run out after two years. 2. At leisure She usually hangs out with her friends, They have knock around together for years, They love whiling away their off days, At the weekend they muck about at one of their homes, A colleague of her latched on to them, They always had to hang on while she got ready.

Time: passing time

1. The past Let us take you back to your childhood, now think back what everyday life was like, many of our furniture date back to the early 19th century, the old vacuum cleaner is just a leftover from a bygone era. 2. Time moving I am sorry to hold you up but you must sign these forms before you go in, if there are no hold-ups, we should arrive by about 7 oclock, can you hurry the kids up, its quite hard to keep up with her, the meeting dragged on and everyone got irritated, My French class ran on till 4 pm, three weeks passed by before I got a reply to my letter of complaint, nobody knows what lies ahead.

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