DG4Kids Activities: Fool's Gold

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designedtoh helpyouillu ustratehow wimportant titistochec ckanddoub ble Todaysactivityisd checkwh hatweseea andhearab boutGodtodeterminei ifitisabsolu utelytrueo ornottrue.

FamilyNightActivit ties ndar: August24,2012Calen


Prepara ation:
Weaveth heGoldth hemeintodinnerwitht thesuggestedmenube elow.Durin ngorafter dinner,r readthestorybelowan ndthenfinis shtheeveni ingbywatc chingoneof ftheoldmovies listedbe elow. Golde enDinnerM Menu: Ch hickenNugg gets MacnCheese e Go oldFish Co orn Bu utterscotchpuddingan ndChocolate eGoldCoins (Alter rnativedess sert:Gather r24roundStyrofoamdiscs.Fros standcreati ively decor ratethemso otheyarehardtoresis st.Ifyourereallyenerg getic,makea fewsm mallcakesw withsmallerStyrofoam m(oneforea achofyourchildren).A Ask yourc childrenwh howouldlik keapieceof fcake.Ifyo ouhaveano olderchildt that cancu utthecake,havethemtrytocutth hecake.Sur rprise!(Ify youmadeon ne smallcakeforea achofyourk kids,theyw willbesurprisedwhent theytrytop place ) theirforkintoit.) aintoyourc childrentha atalthoughitlookslike earealcake e,itreallyis snt Expla thetr ruething.Theonlyway ytotellwas stotestitby ycuttingit.

OldM MovieOption ns: Su upportyourlocalSherrif iff,staringJa amesGarne er, Ro oadtoUtopi ia,starringBobHopea andBingCro osby.(Ihav ventactuall ly watchedRoad dtoUtopia, butheardi itsfun.Itsaboutwhat thappensto oa to ownwhenth heydiscovergold.

Letsge etstarted!
Overdinn nerhaveev veryoneshar rewhathe/ /shewoulddoiftheyfo oundahuge e goldnugg get.

Wouldtheykeepitasasouvenir?Wouldtheycashitin?Whatwouldthey dowiththemoney? Howdoyouknowwhatsrealgoldandwhatsfoolsgold? ReadMarshallsstory James Marshall went out one January morning in 1848 to look at a ditch the Indians were digging for him. Clear, cool water was running through the ditch, washing away the sand and leaving the pebbles bare. Marshall saw something yellow sparkle from beneath the water. The tiny pea shaped rock he pulled from the ditch made his heart skip, could it be gold? He looked around and found a few more golden nuggets. He could be rich! He could also be a fool. Everyone had heard the stories about fools gold and Marshal didnt want to be a laughing stock among his friends! He decided it would be better to be safe than sorryor in this case, a fool! Marshall knew a few things about real gold. For one thing, real gold is soft and doesnt break or crack very easily. So Marshal decided to test the bead. He smashed it between two stones. There was a loud crack as the rocks collided, but when Marshall looked between them, the little golden rock was flatter, but not broken. Marshall still wasnt sure if he had the real thing so he decided it was time to ask someone who knew more than he did. He hopped on his horse and rode as fast as he could to Sutters Fort. Captain Sutter knew a lot about gold, but when Marshall showed him the shiny objects, even the Captain wasnt sure if it was real gold or fools gold. The men found a book about gold and decided to do an experiment. They got a pair of scales and weighed the rocks, putting silver dollars in the

other end of the scales for weights. Then they held one end of the scale under water and weighed the gold. By finding how much lighter it was in the water than out of the water, they found that it was pure gold!

1. WhatdidJamesMarshaldowhenhethoughthefoundgold? (Hetestedit.) 2. Evenafterhedidhisownexperimenthewasntsureifitwasrealgold. Whatdidhedo? (Heaskedsomeonewhoknewmorethanhedidaboutgold.) (Hereadabookthathadthefactsaboutgold.) (Hetestedit.) Wecanbefooledbyalotofthings.Therearefakediamonds,fakedollarbillsandfake food!Didyouknowthatscienceusedtoteachthattheearthisflat?Thescientistsdid thebesttheycould,buttheydidnthavealltheinformationtheyneeded.The informationtheyhadfooledthemintothinkingthattheearthisflat. Whatshapeistheearthreally? Wecanallbefooled.HowdoweknowwhatstrueaboutGod?JamesMarshalgivesus somegoodideas.Hetestedthenuggetshefound.Weshouldtestwhatwehear. TestitbycheckingGodsWord,theBible.IfyouhearsomethingaboutGodand youarentsureifitstrueorfalse,testit.Godswordistotallytrue.Ifwhatyou heargoesagainstwhatissaidintheBiblethenyouknowitsfalse(orafools god!). TestitbytalkingwithpeoplewhoknowGodandhaveastrongrelationshipwith Him. TestitbyaskingGodtoshowyouwhatstrue.

Letstryit!WhatifsomeonetellsyouthattherearemanywaystogettoHeaven besidesbelievinginJesus?Isittrue?Letstestit. JesussaidintheBible, Iamtheway,thetruth,thelife.NoonecomestotheFatherexceptthroughMe. John14:6 Acts4:12saysthisaboutJesus, Thereissalvationinnooneelse!Godhasgivennoothernameunderheavenby whichwemustbesaved. AccordingtotheBible,howmanywaysaretheretoGod?


ThankGodthatHehasgivenuswhatweneedtodiscoverwhatstrueandwhatsfalse.He nevertriestofoolus.HisWordalwaysprovestrue! WatchSupportYourLocalSherrifforRoadtoUtopiajustforfun!

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