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being persuaded of this very thing, that the One having begun a good work in you will finish it until the day of Jesus Christ Phil 1:6

Riddle of the Day

Who is it that rows quickly with four oars but never comes out from under his own roof?
Yesterdays answer: Quit imagining

Thurs. July 26; predicts H84/L64 Thunderstorms

Women in Ministry Day

After a wonderful Lunch the women went inside and listened to Dr. Susan Carole speak a great message about how our identity, our standard to measure success, and the practical ways we live our life are all found in Christ. It is not about gender at all but about the call of God on all our lives. A panel discussion followed with many very good questions asked and answered. Of course we cant forget the preaching of our two women evangelists Dr. Susan Carole in the morning and Susan Shellenberger in the evening. More about that in the next box.

Challenge of The Day

Introduce yourself to someone you dont know on the campgrounds and share your testimony with them, then ask them theirs.

District Ladies Luncheon 1 pm on Saturday July 28th Susie Shellenberger: Life, what a trip

The Bible study with Dr. Susan Carole will be meeting today at 2 pm in the Gibson Center. You wont want to miss this dynamic and engaging study entitled Love Always Wins
Please turn off the wi-fi function on your electronic devices, laptops, and phones when you are not actually using them. This will make it easier for others to get online. Thank you

SERMON NOTES I normally try to summarize the daily sermons in a few lines. Today however I find that words are insufficient. Heaven came down, in both services, and there are no words that could ever portray that adequately. I will give you a one line summary of each, but I highly recommend you buy the DVDs, they might pale in comparison to actually being there, but its better than missing it all together. Wed am: Let us turn aside and make ourselves an empty temple; become a burning bush. Wed pm: Ear Today, Gone tomorrow: Will you give Him your wound?

Fishing Tournament Results

Unfortunately there was a technical difficulty and I was unable to upload the pictures of the winners onto my computer. I will attempt to print the pictures tomorrow. The Winners are as follows. Girls 3-7 Best Hat-Kennedy Childress -5 yrs Longest Fish-Desiree Omfields and Sydney Adas -6 Most Fish: Desiree Omfield and Sydney Adas; -7 fish Girls 8-12 Best Hat-Carsyn Burdine -8 yrs Longest fish DeAnna Lane -7 1/4 Most Fish: Carla Redinger-8 fish Boys 3-7 Best Hat-Talon Mather -7 yrs Longest Fish-Ben Grantner -10 inches Most Fish-Andrew Baldwin and Drew Grantner -8 fish Boys 8-12 Best Hat-Garrison Greer-9 yrs Longest Fish-Grayson Eaton-17 Most Fish-Caleb Baldwin-13 fish

CHILDREN K-6 KMorning Service: Fitness Camp 10:30 am Evening Service: 7 pm Seekers Great Adventures

There may be kids coming by your campsite to ask for empty pop cans. Theyre having a contest and all proceeds go toward the Back to School Bash. So save your empties and share them with some kids!

YOUTH MORNING SERVICE: 10:30 EVENING ACTIVITY: GAME NIGHT TEEN LED DEVOTIONS IN BEARINGER CENTER BEFORE LIGHTS OUT WEDNESDAYS SERVICE SUMMARY: God knows exactly where you are There is urgency in the call of God on your life. From our message on Zaccheus with Susie

Coming up later this week. Home run Derby- Friday at 1PM 5k fun run and walk-Saturday at am

The Gibson-Haines Golf Tournament has Family Fun Fair- Saturday 10 am to noon been cancelled due to only a small number Bike and Golf Cart Parade- Saturday at 1PM or participants signing up.
Ladies Tea- Saturday at 1PM The Adventure Programs; Dont leave campmeeting without trying at least one!!
Climbing Tower Paintball Wii Canoeing Water slide High Ropes

EMDs Got Talent- Saturday at 7 pm

Todays Lunch: Tempura Chicken Nuggets Dinner: Mexican Buffet Fri. Breakfast: Scrambled Eggs, ham and cheese Dining Hall Menu and prices available at Snack shack Open afternoons and evenings after the service. Iced Coffee for sale in the Tabernacle before the services. Money will be used for the purchase of a new golf cart for WatersEdge.

If you have any Ideas, Testimonies, or info that you would like included in the Communicator contact Tina Cattane: text 810-7014205 or go to lot 206.

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