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Gerhard Richter - Panorama Centre George Pompidou From June 6th 2012 to September 24th 2012 The Centre

Pompidou pays tribute to Gerhard Richter, one of the great figures of contemporary painting. The Panorama retrospective brings together a selection of 150 major works by Gerhard Richter. The artist has been involved in the conception of the exhibition, which offers a double insight, both chronological and thematic. I pursue no objectives, no system, no tendency; I have no program, no style, no direction. I like the indefinite, the boundless. I like continual uncertainty. Gerhard Richter has the ability to reinvent himself, and yet every time to push his work into a new direction and to promote a new vision of painting and of art history. Gerhard Richter has been experimenting with radically different pictorial styles: photo-paintings in the 1960s, abstractions in which he blended color grids, gestural abstraction and monochromes in the 1970s, reinvented portraits, landscapes and historical paintings in the 1980s. At the same time, he was also exploring a new kind of abstract paintings suffused with acid colors in which geometric and gestural shapes dissolve. In the 1990s, the artist fine-tuned what would become his signature technique of spreading wet paint with a large wooden or metal board. This is the first exhibition in a French museum since the Centre Pompidou exhibition in 1977. In addition to celebrating the artists 80th birthday, Panorama is a tribute to one of the greatest painters of the past fifty years. Gerhard Richter Panorama Until September 24th 2012 Centre George Pompidou +33 (0)1 44 78 12 33 Due to the success of the exhibition, it is highly recommended to buy tickets online before your visit to avoid queuing. Learn more on the website of our boutique hotels in Paris

Gerhard Richter - Panorama Centre George Pompidou Du 6 juin au 24 septembre 2012 Le Centre Pompidou rend hommage Gerhard Richter, lune des figures majeures de la peinture contemporaine. La rtrospective runit une slection de prs de 150 uvres. Elle propose une lecture chronologique et thmatique de luvre de Gerhard Richter, du dbut des annes 1960 aujourdhui, travers une scnographie originale, conue en complicit avec lartiste. Je nobis aucune intention, aucun systme, aucune tendance ; je nai ni programme, ni style, ni prtention. Jaime lincertitude, linfini et linscurit permanente. Gerhard Richter possde la facult de se rinventer, de se transformer et, chacun des tournants que prend son travail, il dfend une nouvelle vision de la peinture et de lhistoire de lart. Il exprimente depuis le dbut de sa carrire des styles picturaux trs diffrents : photos-peintures dans les annes 1960, type dabstraction o coexistent des grilles colores dans les annes 1970, portraits, peintures dhistoire et paysages rinterprts dans les annes 1980. Il explore au mme moment un nouveau type de tableaux abstraits aux couleurs acides, o les formes gestuelles et gomtriques sentremlent. Dans les annes 1990, il met au point une technique, qui devient sa signature, consistant taler de la peinture encore frache laide dune grande planche en bois ou en mtal. Sa premire exposition dans un muse franais avait t organise au Centre Pompidou, en 1977 et Panorama clbre aujourdhui le 80me anniversaire de lartiste. Gerhard Richter Panorama Jusquau 24 septembre 2012 Centre George Pompidou 01 44 78 12 33 Compte tenu de la forte affluence pour cette exposition, nous vous conseillons dacheter des billets coupe-file en ligne avant votre visite. En savoir plus sur le site de nos htels de charme Paris

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