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Questions? Motivation
Needs Theories Process Theories Responses to the Reward System

Zorana Svedic


BUS 272 Behaviour in Organizations

BUS 272

3 5

Motivation is

By the end of todays lecture, you should be able to: Understand various theories of motivation Explain the role of equity, goal setting, and expectations in employee motivation Understand when to use extrinsic versus intrinsic rewards, and why Intensity Direction Persistence

of effort a person shows in reaching a goal

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Theory X and Theory Y

6 7

Extrinsic Motivation that comes from outside the person Intrinsic Motivation that comes from a persons internal desire to do something E.g., Due to interest, challenge, or personal satisfaction

Theory X Assumptions Employees dislike work Employees attempt to avoid work Employees must be coerced, controlled, or threatened with punishment if they are to perform

Theory Y Assumptions Employees like to work Employees are creative, and seek responsibility Employees can exercise self-direction and self-control

E.g., Pay, bonuses, rewards, punishment, operant conditioning, other tangible rewards

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Motivation Theories
8 9

Maslows Hierarchy of Needs

Needs Theories
Maslows Hierarchy of Needs Herzbergs Motivation-Hygiene Theory McClellands Theory of Needs

Process Theories
Expectancy Theory Goal-Setting Theory Self-Efficacy Theory

Responses to the Reward System

Equity Theory Cognitive Evaluation Theory Increasing Intrinsic Motivation
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Herzbergs Motivation-Hygiene Theory

10 11

McClellands Theory of Needs

Hygiene Factors
Extrinsic (context of work) Dissatisfaction No Dissatisfaction

Intrinsic (content of work) No Satisfaction Satisfaction Achievement Power Affiliation
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Expectancy Theory
12 13

Goal-Setting Theory
Rewards Personal Goals

Effort Performance
Skills Training Information Support Reasonable tasks Self-esteem

Performance Rewards


Individuals know exactly what to be achieved

Goals can be tracked and reviewed

Goals are reasonable & achievable

Goals should support the vision of organization

Recognize performance Deliver rewards

Give employees rewards they value

BUS 272

Goals are to be achieved within the stated time
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Self-Efficacy Theory
15 16

Equity Theory
Person 1 Person 2



Enactive Mastery Vicarious Modeling Verbal Persuasion Arousal Output Output

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Correcting Inequity
17 18

Cognitive Evaluation Theory

Change input Change outcome Adjust perceptions of self Adjust perceptions of others Choose a different referent Leave
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Equity Comparisons I am really good at my job I am required to work long hours Most people in my role are paid $100,000 My coworkers in different roles are paid $85,000 I am paid $70,000 What should I do?

Responses to Inequity

BUS 272

Increasing Intrinsic Motivation

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Motivating via Reinforcement

Positive Reinforcement
Following a response with something pleasant

Sense of choice Sense of competence Sense of meaningfulness Sense of progress

Delegate authority Trust in workers Positive feedback Challenge Non-cynical climate Relevant task purposes Collaborative climate Celebrations
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Negative Reinforcement
Following a response by the termination or withdrawal of something unpleasant

Causing an unpleasant condition in an attempt to eliminate an undesirable behaviour

Eliminating any reinforcement that is maintaining a behaviour
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Positive Reinforcement
24 25

Negative Reinforcement

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Next Week
Thank you! To Do List
Quiz 5 Chapter 5 Group Contract

Recognize individual differences

Employees have different needs Dont treat them all alike Spend the time necessary to understand whats important to each employee

Use goals and feedback Allow employees to participate in decisions that affect them Link rewards to performance Check the system for equity
BUS 272

Have a safe & pleasant week

Chapter 5

Is an Enriched Job for You? (p.203)

BUS 272

BUS 272

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