Forex Trend Master System

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Forex Trading
FOREX trading is all about trading foreign currency. The currency of one country is weighed against the currency of another country to determine value. The value of that foreign currency is taken into consideration when trading stocks on the FOREX markets. Most countries have control over the value of that countries value, involving the currency, or money. Those who are often involved in the FOREX markets include banks, large businesses, governments, and financial institutions.

What makes the FOREX market different from the stock market? A forex market trade is one that involves at least two countries, and it can take place worldwide. The two countries are one, with the investor, and two, the country the money is being invested in. Most all transactions taking place in the FOREX market are going to take place through a broker, such as a bank.

What really makes up the FOREX markets? The foreign exchange market is made up of a variety of transactions and counties. Those involved in the FOREX market are trading in large volumes, large amounts of money. Those who are involved in the FOREX market are generally involved in cash businesses, or in the trade of very liquid assets that you can sell and buy fast. The market is large, very large. You could consider the FOREX market to be much larger than the stock market in any one country overall. Those involved in the FOREX market are trading daily twenty-four hours a day and sometimes trading is completed on the weekend, but not all weekends.

You might be surprised at the number of people that are involved in FOREX trading. In the years 2004, almost two trillion dollars was an average daily trading volume. This is a huge number for the number of daily transactions to take place. Think about how much a trillion dollars really is and then times that by two, and this is the money that is changing hands every day!

The FOREX market is not something new, but has been used for over thirty years. With the introduction of computers, and then the internet, the trading on the FOREX

market continues to grow as more and more people and businesses alike become aware of the availablily of this trading market. FOREX only accounts for about ten percent of the total trading from country to country, but as the popularity in this market continues to grow so could that number.

From the studies over the years, most trades in the forex market are done between banks and this is called interbank. Banks make up about 50 percent of the trading in the forex market. So, if banks are widely using this method to make money for stockholders and for their own bettering of business, you know the money must be there for the smaller investor, the fund mangers to use to increase the amount of interest paid to accounts. Banks trade money daily to increase the amount of money they hold. Overnight a bank will invest millions in forex markets, and then the next day make that money available to the public in their savings, checking accounts and etc.

Commercial companies are also trading more often in the forex markets. The commercial companies such as Deutsche bank, UBS, Citigroup, and others such as HSBC, Braclays, Merrill Lynch, JP Morgan Chase, and still others such as Goldman Sachs, ABN Amro, Morgan Stanley, and so on are actively trading in the forex markets to increase wealth of stock holders. Many smaller companies may not be involved in the forex markets as extensively as some large companies are but the options are stil there.

Central banks are the banks that hold international roles in the foreign markets. The supply of money, the availability of money, and the interest rates are controlled by central banks. Central banks play a large role in the forex trading, and are located in Tokyo, New York and in London. These are not the only central locations for forex trading but these are among the very largest involved in this market strategy. Sometimes banks, commercial investors and the central banks will have large losses, and this in turn is passed on to investors. Other times, the investors and banks will have huge gains.

Forex can help you earn a lot of money. But there are certain conditions to follow before trading in Forex. Firstly, one must have a thorough knowledge about the trends in the stock market, the basics of trading and risk-taking ability. You will get all the help you need for attaining these conditions very easily.

There are many sites on the internet which can help you clarify your basics and help you brave rough weather. A good reason why Forex trading can be considered is the fact that there are frequent fluctuations in currencies, though in percentage terms it may be small.

You gain if the fluctuation favors you and the reverse holds true as well. No one can accurately predict the trend of the currencies. Liquidity is another reason why Forex trading is so popular.

Now the most important part in Forex, you can make huge sums of money even if your initial investment is on a lower side. You can invest as little as $50,000. Rich people have no upper cap to the amount of investment. So remember that even with a nominal investment, the earning ability is undoubtedly very huge.

Most of the great businesses are connected to the world of internet today, and Forex trading is no exception. You can deal in foreign currencies right from your home. In fact, it is fully conducted online. You have the liberty to choose when you want to trade, and you dont need to meet any deadlines.

Basically, you can be your own boss. The process of online trading is fairly simple for anyone to understand. You just need to open an account for Forex trading with a recognized broker and they will complete the rest of the formalities. The only bit you need to do is get ready with your investment amount.

So, it is thus clear that Forex trading can be one of the best businesses to earn money. Though there is a level of risk attached to it, but it can be avoided with due care and an alert mind!

Being a forex or foreign exchange trader no longer means you have to work for a bank in one of the world's financial centers. These days you can trade on your own behalf, from anywhere.

Since the rise of the internet many people are doing this from their own homes, making money in their spare time or even making a full time income. But what is forex trading and how does it work?

A foreign exchange trader deals in currencies. He or she will sell one currency that seems to be falling in value, to buy another that seems to be rising. There are always two currencies involved in a trade (a currency pair) because when you want to buy dollars you have to have another currency to exchange for them.

In the beginning it is best to be involved with just one currency pair. Most people start out trading in the EUR/USD market, that is the euro against the US dollar. This is the biggest forex market. There is plenty of information available for this market and it tends to have lower costs and be relatively stable.

Nevertheless forex is a very volatile market. This means that the prices can rise and fall steeply and quickly. The risk is high. It is easy to lose money. In fact, some losses are inevitable, so you should manage your account so that you never risk too much on one trade. You can use stop losses so that your broker will automatically sell if the price goes a certain way against you. The aim is not to have no losses, but to make sure that your profits are higher than your losses so that you end up with a net gain.

You will need access to a computer with a high speed internet connection any time that you want to trade. Unless you use a robot to control your currency trading, you will also need time where you can concentrate on learning a profitable system and then on trading itself. You pretty much need to be able to lock yourself away in a room to do this, at least for a couple hours a day. It is no good trying to trade from your desk at your day job with your boss interrupting you, or using a computer in the family den with kids climbing on your knees wanting to play games. You must be fully concentrated on the movements in the market or you could miss the right moment to either open or close a trade.

If you are a cautious person who likes a solid investment with predictable low returns, you should not become a currency trader. Forex traders are people who enjoy risk and love the challenge of trying to turn a profit in a fast moving market.

It helps if you are strongly focused on your goals and not easily swayed by emotion. It is important not to let fears of losses or dreams of huge wealth divert you from your strategy. You also need to stay aware of financial news, not only in your own country but in all of the major world powers, because this will affect the forex markets. With these characteristics and a good trading system in place, a foreign exchange trader can reap substantial gains from his or her investment.

About The System

This system is an Intraday trading system, works best on the 1 hour chart for all currency pairs. However, it would give best results with trending pairs ( currency pairs with strong trend, like JPY pairs ) . In this system we are going to use moving averages to identify the trend visual guidance only and we are going to use price/candle patterns to enter the market. Our exit strategy will be based on support and resistance levels. Its very important to pay attention to news releases and economic announcements and STOP trading until the market reacts to the news. Usually after 15 to 30 minutes. As an intraday trader, its also very important to know what time of the day is best for trading and NOT to trade anytime of the day, any day of the week. If youre not an experienced trader, please do not make any changes to this system. Test it on demo account for at least one month and more than one currency pair. Always to remember that Forex trading like any investment is not a sure thing. Just like any type of investment or investment vehicle there are risks involved. No matter how much you research your data or how much thought you put into your trading, you can always lose money. There are many people that sign up to trade Forex that dont understand or take the time to learn how and why to trade Forex. There are many risks involved in trading any kind of asset, whether it is stocks, bonds or currencies. If you are interested in trading, make sure you understand Forex risks. One of the biggest Forex risks is a leveraged buy. Some Forex brokerages allow you to hold a certain amount of money in your account but leverage that amount to up to 200 times its worth. While this can be good if you are on the winning side of a trade, this can be devastating if you lose your entire accounts worth plus many times more. Many Forex brokers have special features that can limit your risks such as stop loss and limit orders and no negative balances. If you are interested in trading Forex, before you start to trade, learn and understand the Forex risks involved.


SMA ( smooth moving average ) : Period 200 Shift -5 Apply to : weighted close Yellow

SMA : Period 50 Shift -20 Apply to : weighted close Red

Targets and Stoploss

Support and resistance. If you dont know how to work with support and resistance levels, please take some time to read about it and understand it before you start using this system. Support and resistance levels are identified based on the price patterns and price turning points that took place in the past. Support levels try to stop falling price as it attempts to drop even further. Resistance levels resist to the rising price that attempts to go even higher. Support or resistance levels that were tested by the price and sustained the pressure by not allowing market to surpass them, are considered as strong levels. If Support level is broken it becomes future resistance level. If resistance level is broken it plays a role of support for future market moves.

Entry Points We are going to use pin bars to enter the market.

The pin bar means that the price is going to move in the opposite direction to where the nose is pointing. In screen above, the nose is pointing up so the trader should expect prices to move down.

A pin bar must: have open/close within the first eye, protrude from surrounding prices (stick out from surrounding prices); it cannot be an inside bar.

A good pin bar has: a long nose (and a long nose relative to the open/close/low), a nose protruding a long way from the prices around it (it sticks out), the open / close both near one end of the bar.

System Rules
The first thing to do is to know the direction of the trend according to the trend indicator. If its a down trend, then we only enter sell trades. If its up trend then we only enter buy trades. The next thing to do is to draw the support/resistance levels. We are going to use those levels for targets.


1 Up Trend 2 Pin Bar Pattern ( pointing downwards )

Stop Loss : Target :

30 pips below the low of the pin bar. Next resistance level.


1 Down Trend 2 Pin bar Pattern ( pointing downwards )

Stop Loss: Target:

30 pips above the high of the pin bar. Next support level.

USD/JPY 2009/07/08

Down Trend Sell signal Notice that the pin bar pattern takes 3 bars to complete. So we enter the market when the 4th bar opens. In the example above there was 2 patterns, we dont have to open 2 trades here if we dont need to. So we opened a trade according to the first pattern and ignored the second.

EUR/USD 2009/17/07

In the example above we notice a pin bar pattern while the main trend is up trend. We enter the market according to the buy signal. Placing the stop loss 30 pips below the pin bar. and placing our target at the next resistance level.

Our entry point was the next candle open, right after the 3 candles of the pin bar pattern were closed and the pattern was confirmed.

Entry Filter
To get the best out of this system, you could add a filter to separate false pin bar setups and true pin setups. This filter is Stochastic indicator, settings are :

%K : 5 %D : 3 Slow : 3 MA method: Simple Levels : 30 70 Colors: Main=None Signal=Red

Ho to use the Entry Filter ?

The Pin bar setup must happen when Stochastic signal line is at the level 30 or the level 70. Or at least just turning from one ( 30 line means overbought level 70 line means oversold level) With Buy signals, the setup must happen when Stochastic is at/or just turning from the level 70. With Sell signals, the setup must happen when stochastic is at/ or just turning from the level 30.

Sometimes, price would move in the opposite direction of the current trend for a while before it reverses back. Usually, its not recommended to trade in this case and just wait until price reverse. But .. for experienced traders there is another option: trading reversals! Example:

EUR/USD - 1 Hour Chart

This kind of trades are risky, and only recommended for experienced traders only. Its also recommended to follow other strong reversals signs besides the pin bar pattern, like double tops/bottoms or heads and shoulders.

Easy Targets
I know that sometimes it not easy to spot support and resistance levels or set them correctly, especially for new traders. So here is a way to get this done automatically for you, even if you dont know the difference between a support a resistance! Here is how to do it: When you set the trend indicator, SMA - Period 50, open levels input window and enter those levels: 100 and -100 200 and -200 400 and -400 600 and -600. Do this for only the SMA 50 indicator, not the SMA 200. Here is how your chart should look like:

How to use those levels ? The SMA 50 and the levels of support/resistance are slow, they will only point to the last strong - support/resistance, where price touched one of those levels and reversed. Example ( USD/JPY - 1Hour ) :

Please note that forex is not an exact science, sometime price would get really close to one of those levels and turn around before touching it. Thats a valid support/resistance level! .. here is an example:

Trading Examples
Lets now use what we know to make some money from forex market with a simple trade, and using support/resistance levels. EUR/USD 4H chart:

The major trend was up, we got a buy signal setup ( Pin bar + Stochastic ). We opened an order @ 1.3931 right when the 3rd candle was created. Then we placed our stopl loss @ 1.3860 From the last resistance level we set our target @ 1.4028

Profit = 97 pips

Another Example, a trade on the EUR/USD 1 hour chart. Using the Support/resistance easy targets method:

Trend was Up, we spot a buy signal ( pin bar pattern + Stochastic oversold ). And if you noticed, you will find a divergence! .. that means this is a good trade to take. We opened a market order @ 1.4106 and set our stop loss level @ 1.4055 This time we used the easy targets method to set our targets, Price hit target @ 1.4166

Profit = 60 pips

Another Example, EUR/USD 1 hour chart:

The good part is, you are free to choose the support/resistance targets. You can choose a small target ( latest support/resistance ) or aim at big targets ( major support/resistance ). Here is an example of a major target. Entry @ 1.4015 - Stop loss @ 1.3972 Target @ 1.4144 Profit ? 129 pips!

Before taking major support/resistance as your main target in all trades, you should understand that the more you are risking to take, the more you are risking to lose. Play it safe.

Dangers of Getting Emotional

Getting emotional in the stock market is the worst thing that can happen to investors. The same goes for Forex traders as well. Seeing paper losses in everyday trade is pretty common.

Once to take a decision to buy something and make losses, you still hold on even if situations turn from bad to worse, only because you feel that things might turn back in your favor once again. The main problem here is that, the decision to stick to a losing trade for a long time is an emotional one, since you are in no mood to accept a loss and get out of the trade.

Forex market is largely influenced by the general market and you must always trade on what the indications based on the market are, and not just initiate one since your heart tells you to. At times, you might be so emotionally attached to a given currency in the Forex market, that most of your exposure to the Forex market would be in that particular currency.

Nothing wrong with it, as if you have reasonable grounds to believe that the currency will do well, then you will actually profit from the exchange. The wrong thing is opening up a trade in a currency just because your heart tells you to.

In the case, if you strongly feel about any given currency, then its better to check the reality by having the look at what the market is indicating. That will give you a clear picture of whether or not you should trade in that currency.

The basic thing that is needed to be remembered is that once you have initiated a trade, and are incurring paper losses, and by all indications, things are likely to get even worse for you, then it is much better to book losses and come out of it rather than sticking to it till a time you ultimately are able to see some gains from it. Remember, the markets have little room for emotions.

Forex trading is not a win-win situation. Be prepared to lose on some trades as well. Thats the precise manner in which the market works. It is not really a question of

whether you are right or not, the fact remains that markets move in an unexpected way and they have a knick of surprising people when they least expect it. All the fundamentals and even experience may be thrown into the air when the markets decide to do something.

So just follow the indications that the market gives you. If you feel that after initiating a trade, things are not going the way you had foreseen, book your losses and get out of it. You can invest the amount in some other trade and make good gains rather than sticking to your losing trade. It is difficult for Forex traders to realize that the currency market is extremely unpredictable. As new traders spend a long time trying to learn the mechanics of the foreign exchange trade and focus their time and energy on trying to find a method for predicting movements, they naturally expect there to be rules governing the movement of the market. This not being the case, many traders find themselves at a disadvantage.

While Forex traders have a number of tools at their disposal, which allow them to judge the right time to open or close a position, many prefer to rely mostly on one tool. So, having opened a position, they watch their favorite indicator and, to a large extent, base their trading decisions solely on it, ignoring the others.

This works well enough until that indicator starts telling them something different from what the others are. Traders caught in a open position which their favorite tool is telling them to hold, will often do so, despite the fact that other tools are telling them to close and get off the market, and end up losing money.

The basic problem, of course, is that the trader is not looking at the market as is, but through the lenses of his own expectations about it and further using his favorite indicator to reinforce those ideas instead of looking at the bigger picture. And, encouraged by the fact that his chosen indicator is forecasting the profit he wants, the trader is focusing more on money than on the market.

If the Forex market was not unpredictable, it would collapse because all traders would profit all the time. There are many tools that can help traders predict the direction of the market and they usually do an efficient job. But even in the hands of the most experienced traders, the best tools occasionally fail to predict the markets movements correctly.

Losing in trade because of predicting the market wrongly is an innate part of Forex trading and traders need to accept it. Besides, they need to learn to avoid getting in a position where they do not have many choices.

For this, the trader needs to accept the fact that the foreign exchange market pretty much has a mind of its own and the traders have to follow its movements instead of trying to make it go in the direction they want it to.

Forex Market Hours

The forex market hours stretch from Monday morning in Sydney, Australia to Friday afternoon in New York. During that time the market is open somewhere around the globe at all hours of the day or night.

However it is not a 24/7 market because it does shut down on weekends. 24/5 would be more accurate.

If you need to know the exact times that the markets open and close, you have to take time zones into consideration. It is very simple when expressed in UTC. This is Universal Coordinated Time, formerly known as Greenwich Mean Time. This is the standard (winter) time in Greenwich, London which is the point of zero longitude on the globe.

So, the normal forex market hours are 22.00 Sunday UTC to 22.00 Friday UTC. This is 10 pm in the UK in winter time.

New York is 5 hours behind the UK so the global forex market opens and closes at 5 pm Sunday/Friday in New York, 2 pm on the US west coast, 11 pm in Germany, 8 am Monday/Saturday in Sydney.

Things get a little complicated when you start to try to take summer time daylight saving into account. This makes one hour difference in countries that observe it. But daylight saving operates in a different way in the southern hemisphere countries such as Australia which have summer time from September to March instead of March to September.

The hours of the different major national markets are as follows:

Sydney: 10 pm to 7 am UTC

Tokyo: 12 midnight to 9 am UTC London: 8 am to 5 pm UTC New York: 1 pm to 10 pm UTC

Or we can express that in EST (Eastern US time):

Sydney: 5 pm to 2 am EST Tokyo: 7 pm to 4 am EST London: 3 am to 12 noon EST New York: 8 am to 5 pm EST

You can see that these correspond to 24 hour cover.

However, this does not necessarily mean that trading will be good at all of these times. Just after a major market opens, the prices can be very volatile and unpredictable. Many traders will stay out of the forex market for up to an hour four times a day when the financial markets are waking up in these major cities.

The US dollar is the most traded currency by a long way, involved in 2.5 times as many trades as its nearest rival the euro. This means that events in the USA have a greater impact on the financial markets than events in other countries. The New York market tends to slow down around 3 pm local time (8 pm UTC) and if you are involved in a US dollar pair, this can be a good time to stop trading for the day.

So theoretically you can trade 24 hours a day from Sunday night to Friday night. Automated software in the form of a forex robot can even make this physically possible. However, a cautious trader will choose his times and will not be active during all of the forex market hours. Thanks & Happy Trading... Michael Selim & Superior FX Signals Team



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No representation is being made that any account will or is likely to achieve profits or losses similar to those shown. In fact, there are frequently sharp differences between hypothetical performance results and the actual results subsequently achieved by any particular trading program. Hypothetical trading does not involve financial risk, and no hypothetical trading record can completely account for the impact of financial risk in actual trading.

All information on this website or any e-book purchased from this website is for educational purposes only and is not intended to provide financial advise. Any statements about profits or income, expressed or implied, does not represent a guarantee. Your actual trading may result in losses as no trading system is guaranteed. You accept full responsibilities for your actions, trades, profit or loss, and agree to hold the authors/publishers and any authorized distributors of this information harmless in any and all ways. The use of this system constitutes acceptance of our user agreement.

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