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Wad., Sept. 5, 1973

7-75, U.S. 41 Completion Promised

Nuckolls Optimistic On Area Roads

People In Thejtow?
BONITA SPRINGS - An optimistic State Rep. Hugh Paul Nuckolls (R) said last night motorists should be driving on a 1-75 extension through Collier and Lee counties in two years. Speaking before the Bonita Springs Improvement Group, Nuckolls touched on road problems, taxes and the current Big Cypress Swamp controversy. Nuckolls added that U.S. 41 four-laning is no longer a problem in Lee and northern Collier counties and that project should be completed within a few years at both ends of the county. A contract has already been let for the northern segment in Lee County, he pointed out. Touching on the recent legislation which allowed for donation of $40,000 by the state toward federal purchase of Big Cypress Swamp, but which also incorporated stringent controls on development in most of the area, Nuckolls said: "Basically, I think it is a good bill and does what is needed . . . with the exception of about four lines in the control clause and I intend to introduce an amendment during I he next legislative session lo change that clause." Nuckolls added that he hopes lo bring two specific bills before the next legislature. One, he said, would be a tax relief bill for Florida citizens and the other would increase the present $5,000 homestead exemption to $10,000 for everyone. Lee County Commissioner James Sweeney also spoke to the improvement group, touching on tax assessments and bicycle paths. He said teenagers have asked for a bicycle path to be consiructed from U.S. 41 west on Beach Rd. lo the public beach on the Gulf of Mexico. He said he will present the measure to the commission for approval today. Sweeney said he felt there was no problem for having the path built. He said funds are available for bike paths in other parts of the county and he saw no reason why one could not be constructed in Bonita Springs.


JOHN MITCHELL But the prince, an accomplished coachman and horse fancier, was politely, but firmly, escorted to the rear seat of the "chetvyorka" as a passenger. The coach circled the track twice with a visibly irritated and unsmiling prince at the Tuesday celebration. When Philip was later offered a ride in a "troika," he walked off briskly. He commented, "No, thanks. We've been around twice. That's quite enough."

Mitchell Turns 60
NEW YORK (AP) - Former Ally. Gen. John N. Mitchell marks his 6flth birthday today, but a spokesman would not say how Mitchell intends to celebrate. Next week he goes on trial in U. S. District Court here on charges of conspiracy, obstruction of justice and perjury. The charges against Mitchell stem from a secret 5200,000 cash contribution from Robert L. Vesco to President Nixon's reelection campaign. Vesco is a New Jersey financier.

Eco-Buffs Sidetrack Power Plant Project

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. (AP) Long-sought federal approval to begin building a factory that will make floating nuclear power plants has been given, only to be stayed almost immediately by a federal judge. Part of the proposed factory site is a Florida tidal estuary and ecologists have been trying to keep the factory rom being built there. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers issued a dredge-and-fill permit Tuesday, a move that U.S. District Judge June L. Green of Washington D.C. then suspended at least until Sept. 14. The judge set that dale for a hearing on an injunction request from the Florida Audubon Society. The permit would let the Jacksonville Port Authority fill in the 525-acre tidal estuary known as Back River. It makes up about one-fourth of Blount Island in the St. Johns River at Jacksonville. The authority has agreed to sell 1,000 acres on the island to O f f s h o r e Power Systems (OPS), a company formed by Westinghouse and Tenneco corporations to build floating nuclear power plants. Its first two plants have been ordered for delivery in 1979 and 1980. They are to be anchored inside a breakwater to be built about three miles off Atlantic City, N.J. and furnish electrical power to a wide coastal area. OPS has also agreed to compensate for any damage to Blount Island, which they say will be minor anyway, by buying 1,050 acres of tidal land elsewhere and giving it to the U.S. Interior Department. Audubon officials claim in their request that Army Engineers didn't file a complete environmental impact statement and did not hold a required public hearing. Col. Emmelt C. Lee Jr., district engineer for Florida, denied the society's claims. "We are issuing the permit with full confidence that the Corps and the Jacksonville Port Authority have complied with all requirements," Lee said before the blocking order was issued. He said three hearings were held one by the Jacksonville City Council, one by the Florida Pollution Control Board and one by the Florida Cabinet more than a year ago as steps toward successful approval by city and stale officials. He said the Audubon Society took part in the hearings and that a fourth hearing was not in the public interest because "all substantive comment has been made available to the public."

Wig Ban Stays

TAMPA, Fla. (AP) - A federal judge has refused to order a U. S. Marine Corps Reserve unit to lift its ban on wigs. Two long-haired reservists filed suit last month against the Marines' antiwig regulation, claiming it violated their constitutional rights. In handing down his decision Tuesday, U. S. Dlst. Judge W. Terrell Hodges cited past decisions by the U. S. 5th Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans, which has upheld haircut regulations in the U. S. Air Force and individual military schools. The suit was filed by Alan Fout, 23, of St. Petersburg, and Steve Whitls, 24, of Tampa. Terrell's refusal of the injunction did not affect their request for a trial on the issue. They claimed they were subject to call to active duty because superiors gave them unexcused absences when they wore shorthair wigs to drills. In his Tuesday order Hodges maintained that "getting a haircut was a simple expedient" in resolving the friction of haircut rules in Tampa's 4th U. S. M a r i n e Amphibious Tractor Battalion.

Chess Rematch?
PARIS (AP) Chess champion Bobby Fischer may play Boris Spassky in a rematch in Paris next year. Stanley Rader. Fischer's attorney, is here sounding out the chances. He spoke of a million dollar purse for the winner, and from $150,000 to $200.000 for the loser. Fischer defeated Spassky in Iceland last year and plans a European tour early next year.

A Princely Scowl
KUSPENSKOYE, U.S.S.R. (AP) - Prince Philip of England look such a fancy to a four-horse coach at a show held in his honor that he wanted to drive the team.

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Playboy Sued
LOS ANGELES (AP) - Actress Cyblll Shepherd has sued Playboy magazine for $9 million. She claims it wrongfully published two semi nude photographs from "The Last Picture Show," in which she starred. The actress, 23, said she only reluctantly had agreed to the scenes in the popular movie in which she stripped before jumping into a swimming pool. The Memphis actress, popular in television commercials and a frequent cover girl, said use of the photos without her consent in Playboy invaded her privacy and was a misappropriation of her property rights.

The Queen's Week

THE HAGUE, Netherlands (AP) - The socialist premier of the Netherlands today launched a week-long silver jubilee for Queen Juliana, Europe's longest reigning monarch. Premier Joop Den Yul in a nationwide broadcast said the 64-year-old q'ueen's direct contact with the Dutch people and concern for their problems showed that "it is still possible for royalty to f u n c t i o n in our country." Today was a national holiday, and the queen, her husband Prince Bernhard and their four married daughters were to visit a Dutch town picked by lottery. On Thursday, the royal family will tour The Hague and meet the country's mayors, members of Parliament and the diplomatic corps.

AP Wlrcphoto

AILING MISS Terry Mecuwscn, current Miss America, grimaces at a news conference In Atlantic City telling newsmen (hat she Is feeling "a HUle better" following a bout with pneumonia. Doctors refused to allow her participation In the Miss America Pageant parade on the boardwalk but she expects to keep her scheduled appearances at the pageant, pednlng medical advice.

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