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Human Rights Alert (NGO)

Joseph Zernik, PhD PO Box 31440, Jerusalem ;

" " 04413,

Digitally signed by Joseph Zernik DN: cn=Joseph Zernik, o, ou, email=jz12345@, c=US Date: 2012.08.03 19:19:27 +03'00'

12-07-24 Moshe Silman v Bituach Leumi-Tel-Aviv Branch, Legal Department (6909-01-10) Post-It Decision by Hagai Brenner, discovered on July 29, 2012 (Eng + Heb)
The unsigned Post-It Decision included purported directive for the Requester, Dr Joseph Zernik, but was never served on him, regardless of his repeated requests for due notice and service of court decisions. Conduct of the Court relative to the July 24, 2012 Post-It Decision is consistent with the conduct of simulated proceedings and the publication of simulated court records in the case of Moshe Silman.

# 1 Record 12-07-24 Moshe Silman v Bituach Leumi-Tel-Aviv Branch, Legal Department (6909-01-10) Post-It Decision by Hagai Brenner, discovered on July 29, 2012 Page # 2

The unsigned, electronic Post-It Decision, posted on the respective Request to Inspect and to Copy by Dr Zernik, says: July 24, 2012 Decision Request No 4 in Court File 6909-01-10 . Registrar Hagai Brenner . For Response by the Parties, or their Heirs within 30 days. Personal delivery by the Requester.

[1] 12-07-14 Moshe Silman sets himself on fire in a Tel Aviv social protest, leaves a letter [2] 12-07-22 PRESS RELEASE - Moshe Silman and the Justice System of the State of Israel (Hebrew) [3] 12-07-22 PRESS RELEASE: Moshe Silman, Self-immolated Israeli Social Protest Activist, and the Justice System of the State of Israel (English) [4] 12-07-25 PRESS RELEASE: Time Line of Events: Moshe Silman - self-immolated, Israeli social protest activist - and the justice system of the State of Israel (English) [5] 12-07-25 PRESS RELEASE: Time Line of Events: Moshe Silman - self-immolated, Israeli social protest activist - and the justice system of the State of Israel (Hebrew) s [6] 12-07-29 PRESS RELEASE: Moshe Silman, Israeli, self-immolated, social activist and the justice system of the State of Israel request for certified orders filed in the Tel-Aviv District Court (Eng + Heb)

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