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. Al Rahim, Alif laam meem. Allahu la ilaha illa huwlhayyul qayyoom Nazzala Aalayka alkitaba bilhaq musaddiqan lima bayna yadayh wa anzala alat tawrata waalinjeel Alif laam meem. Again letters that we do not know the meaning. Allah none has the right to be worshipped but He. The ever living. The one who sustains. It is He who has sent down the book to you with truth, confirming what came before it and he sent down the Torah and the injil Aforetime as a guidance to mankind and He sent down the criterion. Indeed those who disbelieve in the signs of Allah, for them there is a severe torment and Allah is almighty, all able of retribution. Indeed nothing is hidden from Allah, in the earth or in the heaven. He it is who shapes you in the wombs, as he wills. None has the right to be worshipped but He, the almighty, the all wise. It is Allah who has sent down to you this book. In it are verses that are entirely clear; they are the foundations of the book and they are the commandments. Verses for instance in which Allah swt is aqeemussalaata wa aatuzakat; establish salah and give zakat. There is no doubt about this. And there are those verses which are ambiguous such as where Allah says yad Allahi fawqa aydihim Allahs hand is above their hand. Now Allah says when you read those verses, what should our response be? So as for those in whose hearts there is a deviation from the truth, they follow that which is not entirely clear thereof seeking trials and seeking for its hidden meaning; they start becoming obsessed with those verses that are not that clear such as saying what does Allahs hand look like? What colour is it (an aoodhobillah) what size is it? But none knows its hidden meanings except for Allah. And those who are firmly grounded in knowledge say we believe in it. This should be our response to the Quran. All of it is from our Lord, whether we like it or not. And none receive admonition, except men of understanding. They say rabbana la tuzigh zuloobana bada idh hadaytanaa O our Lord, let not our hearts deviate from the truth after you have guided us wa hab lanaa mil ladunka rahmah and grant us mercy from you 'innaka 'Antal Wahhab indeed you alone are the bestower. This dua was one of the most repeated duas of the prophet pbuh as was the dua ya mukallibal quloob thabbit qalbee 'alaa Deenik O reverser of hearts, make firm my heart upon your deen. See this is the dua that we are taught as mumineen, not that we sit back and complacently think Oh im so good, i dont need to pray for guidance anymore. Thats why we pray ihdinas siraatal mustaqeem in every rakah of every salah and then the very beautiful musnoon dua that goes Oh Allah make the best part of my life, the last part of my life and make my best deeds my

last deeds and make my best day yawm-al-qaqafi; the day on which i meet you. Ameen. May our last deed be the most supreme out of all our lifes deeds. And Allah says and these people go on to say O our Lord indeed it is you who will gather mankind together on the day about which there is no doubt. Indeed Allah does not break his promise. Innalladheena kafaru on the other end of the spectrum, indeed those who disbelieve neither their children nor their properties will help them at all against Allah. Our wealth and our children. Our two greatest supports. Allah says they will not help them against Allah. And it is they who will be fuel of the fire.

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